# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
requires = ["hatchling", "versioningit"]
build-backend = ""
requires-python = ">=3.10"
description = "Benchmarks for Computer-Aided Disease Detection from Medical Data."
license = { text = "GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)" }
authors = [{ name = "Geoffrey Raposo", email = "" }]
{ name = "Andre Anjos", email = "" },
{ name = "Daniel Carron", email = "" },
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)",
"Natural Language :: English",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",

André Anjos
source = "versioningit"
include = [
packages = ["src/mednet"]
documentation = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
changelog = ""
qa = ["pre-commit"]
doc = [
test = ["pytest", "pytest-cov", "coverage"]
mednet = "mednet.scripts.cli:cli"
pasa = "mednet.config.models.pasa"
mlp = "mednet.config.models.mlp"
logistic-regression = "mednet.config.models.logistic_regression"
alexnet = "mednet.config.models.alexnet"
alexnet-pretrained = "mednet.config.models.alexnet_pretrained"
densenet = "mednet.config.models.densenet"
densenet-pretrained = "mednet.config.models.densenet_pretrained"
montgomery = ""
montgomery-f0 = ""
montgomery-f1 = ""
montgomery-f2 = ""
montgomery-f3 = ""
montgomery-f4 = ""
montgomery-f5 = ""
montgomery-f6 = ""
montgomery-f7 = ""
montgomery-f8 = ""
montgomery-f9 = ""
shenzhen = ""

André Anjos
shenzhen-alltest = ""
shenzhen-f0 = ""
shenzhen-f1 = ""
shenzhen-f2 = ""
shenzhen-f3 = ""
shenzhen-f4 = ""
shenzhen-f5 = ""
shenzhen-f6 = ""
shenzhen-f7 = ""
shenzhen-f8 = ""
shenzhen-f9 = ""
indian = ""
indian-f0 = ""
indian-f1 = ""
indian-f2 = ""
indian-f3 = ""
indian-f4 = ""
indian-f5 = ""
indian-f6 = ""
indian-f7 = ""
indian-f8 = ""
indian-f9 = ""
# TBX11K dataset split 1: healthy vs active tb, and cross-validation folds
tbx11k-v1-healthy-vs-atb = ""
tbx11k-v1-f0 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f1 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f2 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f3 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f4 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f5 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f6 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f7 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f8 = ""
tbx11k-v1-f9 = ""
# TBX11K dataset split 2: others vs active tb, and cross-validation folds
tbx11k-v2-others-vs-atb = ""
tbx11k-v2-f0 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f1 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f2 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f3 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f4 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f5 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f6 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f7 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f8 = ""
tbx11k-v2-f9 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f0 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f1 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f2 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f3 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f4 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f5 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f6 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f7 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f8 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-f9 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f0 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f1 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f2 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f3 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f4 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f5 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f6 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f7 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f8 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-f9 = ""
# montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k aggregated dataset
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f0 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f1 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f2 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f3 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f4 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f5 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f6 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f7 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f8 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v1-f9 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f0 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f1 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f2 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f3 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f4 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f5 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f6 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f7 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f8 = ""
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-tbx11k-v2-f9 = ""
# tbpoc dataset (only cross-validation folds)
tbpoc-f0 = ""
tbpoc-f1 = ""
tbpoc-f2 = ""
tbpoc-f3 = ""
tbpoc-f4 = ""
tbpoc-f5 = ""
tbpoc-f6 = ""
tbpoc-f7 = ""
tbpoc-f8 = ""
tbpoc-f9 = ""
# hivtb dataset (only cross-validation folds)
hivtb-f0 = ""
hivtb-f1 = ""
hivtb-f2 = ""
hivtb-f3 = ""
hivtb-f4 = ""
hivtb-f5 = ""
hivtb-f6 = ""
hivtb-f7 = ""
hivtb-f8 = ""
hivtb-f9 = ""
# NIH CXR14 (relabeled), multi-class (14 labels)
nih-cxr14 = ""
nih-cxr14-cardiomegaly = ""
# PadChest, multi-class (varied number of labels)
padchest-idiap = ""
padchest-tb-idiap = ""
padchest-no-tb-idiap = ""
padchest-cardiomegaly-idiap = ""
nih-cxr14-padchest = ""
# montgomery-shenzhen-indian-padchest aggregated dataset
montgomery-shenzhen-indian-padchest = ""
profile = "black"
line_length = 80
order_by_type = true
lines_between_types = 1
line-length = 80
addopts = ["--cov=mednet", "--cov-report=term-missing", "--import-mode=append"]
"all", # report on all checks, except the below
"ES01", # Not all functions require extended summaries
"EX01", # Not all functions require examples
"GL01", # Expects text to be on the line after the opening quotes but that is in direct opposition of the sphinx recommendations and conflicts with other pre-commit hooks.
"GL08", # Causes issues if we don't have a docstring at the top of the file. Disabling this might fail to catch actual missing docstrings.
"PR04", # numpydoc does not currently support PEP484 typehints, which we are using
"RT03", # Since sphinx is unable to understand type annotations we need to remove some types from 'Returns', which breaks this check.
"SA01", # We do not use Also sections
"SS06", # Summary will span multiple lines if too long because of reformatting by other hooks.
exclude = [ # don't report on objects that match any of these regex
override_SS05 = [ # override SS05 to allow docstrings starting with these words
'^Process ',
'^Assess ',
'^Access ',