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Commit a9256a06 authored by Olegs NIKISINS's avatar Olegs NIKISINS
Browse files

Merge branch 'dev_branch' into 'master'

Added unit tests for all preprocessors, extractors, algorithms, excluding qualitymeasure related stuff

See merge request !8
parents 26095950 c7b1c70e
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1 merge request!8Added unit tests for all preprocessors, extractors, algorithms, excluding qualitymeasure related stuff
Pipeline #
include README.rst buildout.cfg COPYING version.txt requirements.txt
recursive-include doc *.py *.rst *.ico *.png
recursive-include bob/pad/face/test/data *.hdf5
recursive-include bob/pad/face/test/data *.hdf5 *.png
from . import algorithm, extractor, preprocessor, database
from . import algorithm, extractor, preprocessor, database, test
def get_config():
......@@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ class VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(Algorithm):
uniform_step = features.shape[0]/n_samples
uniform_step =[0]/n_samples)
features_subset = features[0 : uniform_step*n_samples : uniform_step, :]
features_subset = features[0 :*n_samples) : uniform_step, :]
return features_subset
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(Algorithm):
Selected subset of cross-validation features.
half_samples_num = features.shape[0]/2
half_samples_num =[0]/2)
features_train = features[ 0 : half_samples_num, : ]
features_cv = features[ half_samples_num : 2 * half_samples_num + 1, : ]
......@@ -446,7 +446,8 @@ class VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(Algorithm):
machine_type = 'C_SVC', kernel_type = 'RBF',
trainer_grid_search_params = { 'cost': [2**p for p in range(-5, 16, 2)], 'gamma': [2**p for p in range(-15, 4, 2)]},
mean_std_norm_flag = False,
projector_file = ""):
projector_file = "",
save_debug_data_flag = True):
First, this function tunes the hyper-parameters of the SVM classifier using
grid search on the sub-sets of training data. Train and cross-validation
......@@ -487,6 +488,10 @@ class VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(Algorithm):
be save in this path. This file contains information, which might be
usefull for debugging.
``save_debug_data_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
Save the data, which might be usefull for debugging if ``True``.
Default: ``True``.
``machine`` : object
......@@ -544,16 +549,18 @@ class VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(Algorithm):
setattr(trainer, key, selected_params[key]) # set the params of trainer
# Save the data, which is usefull for debugging.
debug_file = os.path.join( os.path.split(projector_file)[0], "debug_data.hdf5" )
debug_dict = {}
debug_dict['precisions_train'] = precisions_train
debug_dict['precisions_cv'] = precisions_cv
debug_dict['cost'] = selected_params['cost']
debug_dict['gamma'] = selected_params['gamma']
f =, 'w') # open hdf5 file to save the debug data
for key in debug_dict.keys():
f.set(key, debug_dict[key])
del f
if save_debug_data_flag:
debug_file = os.path.join( os.path.split(projector_file)[0], "debug_data.hdf5" )
debug_dict = {}
debug_dict['precisions_train'] = precisions_train
debug_dict['precisions_cv'] = precisions_cv
debug_dict['cost'] = selected_params['cost']
debug_dict['gamma'] = selected_params['gamma']
f =, 'w') # open hdf5 file to save the debug data
for key in debug_dict.keys():
f.set(key, debug_dict[key])
del f
# training_features[0] - training features for the REAL class.
real = self.convert_list_of_frame_cont_to_array(training_features[0]) # output is array
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Olegs Nikisins
This file contains configurations to run Frame Differences and SVM based face PAD baseline.
The settings are tuned for the Replay-attack database.
The idea of the algorithms is inherited from the following paper: [AM11]_.
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Olegs Nikisins
This file contains configurations to run LBP and SVM based face PAD baseline.
The settings are tuned for the Replay-attack database.
The idea of the algorithm is introduced in the following paper: [CAM12]_.
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Olegs Nikisins
This file contains configurations to run Image Quality Measures (IQM) and SVM based face PAD baseline.
The settings are tuned for the Replay-attack database.
The IQM features used in this algorithm/resource are introduced in the following papers: [WHJ15]_ and [CBVM16]_.

190 KiB

......@@ -3,14 +3,37 @@
"""Test Units
# Import what is needed here:
import numpy as np
from import datafile
from import load
import # for image loading functionality
from bob.ip.color import rgb_to_gray
from ..extractor import LBPHistogram
from ..preprocessor import ImageFaceCrop
from ..preprocessor import VideoFaceCrop
from ..preprocessor import FrameDifference
from ..extractor import FrameDiffFeatures
from ..extractor import VideoLBPHistogram
from ..algorithm import VideoSvmPadAlgorithm
import random
def test_lbp_histogram():
lbp = LBPHistogram()
img = load(datafile('testimage.jpg', ''))
......@@ -18,3 +41,316 @@ def test_lbp_histogram():
features = lbp(img)
reference = load(datafile('lbp.hdf5', 'bob.pad.face.test'))
assert np.allclose(features, reference)
def test_image_face_crop():
Test ImageFaceCrop preprocessor, which is designed to crop faces in the images.
image = load(datafile('test_image.png', 'bob.pad.face.test'))
annotations = {'topleft': (95, 155), 'bottomright': (215, 265)}
preprocessor = ImageFaceCrop(face_size = 64, rgb_output_flag = False)
face = preprocessor(image, annotations)
assert face.shape == (64, 64)
assert np.sum(face) == 429158
preprocessor = ImageFaceCrop(face_size = 64, rgb_output_flag = True)
face = preprocessor(image, annotations)
assert face.shape == (3, 64, 64)
assert np.sum(face) == 1215525
def convert_image_to_video_data(image, annotations, n_frames):
Convert input image to video and image annotations to frame annotations.
``image`` : 2D or 3D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
Input image (RGB or gray-scale).
``annotations`` : :py:class:`dict`
A dictionary containing annotations of the face bounding box.
Dictionary must be as follows ``{'topleft': (row, col), 'bottomright': (row, col)}``
``n_frames`` : :py:class:`int`
Number of frames in the output video
``frame_container`` : FrameContainer
Video data stored in the FrameContainer, see ````
for further details.
``video_annotations`` : :py:class:`dict`
A dictionary containing the annotations for each frame in the video.
Dictionary structure: ``annotations = {'1': frame1_dict, '2': frame1_dict, ...}``.
Where ``frameN_dict = {'topleft': (row, col), 'bottomright': (row, col)}``
is the dictionary defining the coordinates of the face bounding box in frame N.
frame_container = # initialize the FrameContainer
video_annotations = {}
for idx, fn in enumerate( range(0, n_frames) ):
frame_container.add(idx, image) # add current frame to FrameContainer
video_annotations[str(idx)] = annotations
return frame_container, video_annotations
def test_video_face_crop():
Test VideoFaceCrop preprocessor, which is designed to crop faces in the video.
image = load(datafile('test_image.png', 'bob.pad.face.test'))
annotations = {'topleft': (95, 155), 'bottomright': (215, 265)}
CROPPED_IMAGE_SIZE = (64, 64) # The size of the resulting face
CROPPED_POSITIONS = {'topleft' : (0,0) , 'bottomright' : CROPPED_IMAGE_SIZE}
MASK_SIGMA = None # The sigma for random values areas outside image
MASK_NEIGHBORS = 5 # The number of neighbors to consider while extrapolating
MASK_SEED = None # The seed for generating random values during extrapolation
CHECK_FACE_SIZE_FLAG = True # Check the size of the face
MIN_FACE_SIZE = 50 # Minimal possible size of the face
USE_LOCAL_CROPPER_FLAG = True # Use the local face cropping class (identical to Ivana's paper)
COLOR_CHANNEL = 'gray' # Convert image to gray-scale format
preprocessor = VideoFaceCrop(cropped_image_size = CROPPED_IMAGE_SIZE,
cropped_positions = CROPPED_POSITIONS,
fixed_positions = FIXED_POSITIONS,
mask_sigma = MASK_SIGMA,
mask_neighbors = MASK_NEIGHBORS,
mask_seed = MASK_SEED,
check_face_size_flag = CHECK_FACE_SIZE_FLAG,
min_face_size = MIN_FACE_SIZE,
use_local_cropper_flag = USE_LOCAL_CROPPER_FLAG,
color_channel = COLOR_CHANNEL)
video, annotations = convert_image_to_video_data(image, annotations, 20)
faces = preprocessor(frames = video, annotations = annotations)
assert len(faces) == 20
assert faces[0][1].shape == (64, 64)
assert faces[-1][1].shape == (64, 64)
assert np.sum(faces[0][1]) == 429158
assert np.sum(faces[-1][1]) == 429158
def test_frame_difference():
Test FrameDifference preprocessor computing frame differences for both
facial and non-facial/background regions.
image = load(datafile('test_image.png', 'bob.pad.face.test'))
annotations = {'topleft': (95, 155), 'bottomright': (215, 265)}
n_frames = 20
video, annotations = convert_image_to_video_data(image, annotations, n_frames)
NUMBER_OF_FRAMES = None # process all frames
CHECK_FACE_SIZE_FLAG = True # Check size of the face
MIN_FACE_SIZE = 50 # Minimal size of the face to consider
preprocessor = FrameDifference(number_of_frames = NUMBER_OF_FRAMES,
check_face_size_flag = CHECK_FACE_SIZE_FLAG,
min_face_size = MIN_FACE_SIZE)
diff = preprocessor(frames = video, annotations = annotations)
assert diff.shape == (n_frames-1, 2)
assert (diff==0).all()
def test_frame_diff_features():
Test FrameDiffFeatures extractor computing 10 features given frame differences.
extractor = FrameDiffFeatures(window_size=WINDOW_SIZE,
data = np.transpose( np.vstack( [range(0,100), range(0,100)] ) )
features = extractor(data)
assert len(features) == 5
assert len(features[0][1]) == 10
assert len(features[-1][1]) == 10
assert (features[0][1][0:5]==features[0][1][5:]).all()
assert (np.sum(features[0][1]) - 73.015116873109207) < 0.000001
def test_video_lbp_histogram():
Test VideoLBPHistogram extractor.
image = load(datafile('test_image.png', 'bob.pad.face.test'))
annotations = {'topleft': (95, 155), 'bottomright': (215, 265)}
CROPPED_IMAGE_SIZE = (64, 64) # The size of the resulting face
CROPPED_POSITIONS = {'topleft' : (0,0) , 'bottomright' : CROPPED_IMAGE_SIZE}
MASK_SIGMA = None # The sigma for random values areas outside image
MASK_NEIGHBORS = 5 # The number of neighbors to consider while extrapolating
MASK_SEED = None # The seed for generating random values during extrapolation
CHECK_FACE_SIZE_FLAG = True # Check the size of the face
MIN_FACE_SIZE = 50 # Minimal possible size of the face
USE_LOCAL_CROPPER_FLAG = True # Use the local face cropping class (identical to Ivana's paper)
RGB_OUTPUT_FLAG = False # The output is gray-scale
COLOR_CHANNEL = 'gray' # Convert image to gray-scale format
preprocessor = VideoFaceCrop(cropped_image_size = CROPPED_IMAGE_SIZE,
cropped_positions = CROPPED_POSITIONS,
fixed_positions = FIXED_POSITIONS,
mask_sigma = MASK_SIGMA,
mask_neighbors = MASK_NEIGHBORS,
mask_seed = MASK_SEED,
check_face_size_flag = CHECK_FACE_SIZE_FLAG,
min_face_size = MIN_FACE_SIZE,
use_local_cropper_flag = USE_LOCAL_CROPPER_FLAG,
rgb_output_flag = RGB_OUTPUT_FLAG,
color_channel = COLOR_CHANNEL)
video, annotations = convert_image_to_video_data(image, annotations, 20)
faces = preprocessor(frames = video, annotations = annotations)
extractor = VideoLBPHistogram(lbptype=LBPTYPE,
lbp_histograms = extractor(faces)
assert len(lbp_histograms) == 20
assert len(lbp_histograms[0][1]) == 59
assert (lbp_histograms[0][1]==lbp_histograms[-1][1]).all()
assert (lbp_histograms[0][1][0] - 0.12695109261186263) < 0.000001
assert (lbp_histograms[0][1][-1] - 0.031737773152965658) < 0.000001
def convert_array_to_list_of_frame_cont(data):
Convert an input 2D array to a list of FrameContainers.
``data`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
Input data array of the dimensionality (N_samples X N_features ).
``frame_container_list`` : [FrameContainer]
A list of FrameContainers, see ````
for further details. Each frame container contains one feature vector.
frame_container_list = []
for idx, vec in enumerate(data):
frame_container = # initialize the FrameContainer
frame_container.add(0, vec)
frame_container_list.append( frame_container ) # add current frame to FrameContainer
return frame_container_list
def test_video_svm_pad_algorithm():
Test the VideoSvmPadAlgorithm algorithm.
N = 20000
mu = 1
sigma = 1
real_array = np.transpose( np.vstack([[random.gauss(mu, sigma) for _ in range(N)], [random.gauss(mu, sigma) for _ in range(N)]]) )
mu = 5
sigma = 1
attack_array = np.transpose( np.vstack([[random.gauss(mu, sigma) for _ in range(N)], [random.gauss(mu, sigma) for _ in range(N)]]) )
real = convert_array_to_list_of_frame_cont(real_array)
attack = convert_array_to_list_of_frame_cont(attack_array)
training_features = [real, attack]
N_SAMPLES = 1000
TRAINER_GRID_SEARCH_PARAMS = {'cost': [1], 'gamma': [0.5, 1]}
MEAN_STD_NORM_FLAG = True # enable mean-std normalization
FRAME_LEVEL_SCORES_FLAG = True # one score per frame(!) in this case
algorithm = VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(machine_type = MACHINE_TYPE,
kernel_type = KERNEL_TYPE,
n_samples = N_SAMPLES,
trainer_grid_search_params = TRAINER_GRID_SEARCH_PARAMS,
mean_std_norm_flag = MEAN_STD_NORM_FLAG,
frame_level_scores_flag = FRAME_LEVEL_SCORES_FLAG)
machine = algorithm.train_svm(training_features = training_features,
n_samples = algorithm.n_samples,
machine_type = algorithm.machine_type,
kernel_type = algorithm.kernel_type,
trainer_grid_search_params = algorithm.trainer_grid_search_params,
mean_std_norm_flag = algorithm.mean_std_norm_flag,
projector_file = "",
save_debug_data_flag = False)
assert machine.n_support_vectors == [148, 150]
assert machine.gamma == 0.5
real_sample = algorithm.convert_frame_cont_to_array(real[0])
prob = machine.predict_class_and_probabilities( real_sample )[1]
assert prob[0,0] > prob[0,1]
precision = algorithm.comp_prediction_precision(machine, real_array, attack_array)
assert precision > 0.99
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Andre Anjos <>
# Mon 16 Apr 08:18:08 2012 CEST
# Copyright (C) Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# This file contains the python (distutils/setuptools) instructions so your
# package can be installed on **any** host system. It defines some basic
# information like the package name for instance, or its homepage.
# It also defines which other packages this python package depends on and that
# are required for this package's operation. The python subsystem will make
# sure all dependent packages are installed or will install them for you upon
# the installation of this package.
# The 'buildout' system we use here will go further and wrap this package in
# such a way to create an isolated python working environment. Buildout will
# make sure that dependencies which are not yet installed do get installed, but
# **without** requiring administrative privileges on the host system. This
# allows you to test your package with new python dependencies w/o requiring
# administrative interventions.
from setuptools import setup, dist
dist.Distribution(dict(setup_requires = ['bob.extension']))
......@@ -52,8 +20,8 @@ setup(
url = '',
license = 'GPLv3',
author = 'Amir Mohammadi',
author_email = '',
author = 'Olegs Nikisins',
author_email = '',
keywords = 'bob',
# If you have a better, long description of your package, place it on the
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