.add_property("activation", &bob::machine::LinearMachine::getActivation, &bob::machine::LinearMachine::setActivation, "The activation function - by default, the identity function. The output provided by the activation function is passed, unchanged, to the user.")
"Weight matrix to which the input is projected to. The output\n\
of the project is fed subject to bias and activation before\n\
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,"LinearMachine shape can only be set using tuples (or sequences), not `%s'",o->ob_type->tp_name);
PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError,"LinearMachine shape can only be set using 2-position tuples (or sequences), not an %"PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T"d-position sequence",PyTuple_GET_SIZE(shape));
PYTHON_ERROR(TypeError, "Cannot extract an array from this Python object");
bob::python::const_ndarray ar = array_check();
void bind_machine_linear() {
.def(self == self)
.def(self != self)
.def("is_similar_to", &bob::machine::LinearMachine::is_similar_to, (arg("self"), arg("other"), arg("r_epsilon")=1e-5, arg("a_epsilon")=1e-8), "Compares this LinearMachine with the 'other' one to be approximately the same.")
.def("load", &bob::machine::LinearMachine::load, (arg("self"), arg("config")), "Loads the weights and biases from a configuration file. Both weights and biases have their dimensionalities checked between each other for consistency.")
.def("save", &bob::machine::LinearMachine::save, (arg("self"), arg("config")), "Saves the weights and biases to a configuration file.")
.add_property("input_subtract", make_function(&bob::machine::LinearMachine::getInputSubtraction, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>()), &set_input_sub, "Input subtraction factor, before feeding data through the weight matrix W. The subtraction is the first applied operation in the processing chain - by default, it is set to 0.0.")
.add_property("input_divide", make_function(&bob::machine::LinearMachine::getInputDivision, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>()), &set_input_div, "Input division factor, before feeding data through the weight matrix W. The division is applied just after subtraction - by default, it is set to 1.0")
.add_property("weights", make_function(&bob::machine::LinearMachine::getWeights, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>()), &set_weight, "Weight matrix W to which the input is projected to. The output of the project is fed subject to bias and activation before being output.")
.add_property("biases", make_function(&bob::machine::LinearMachine::getBiases, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>()), &set_bias, "Bias to the output units of this linear machine, to be added to the output before activation.")
.add_property("activation", &bob::machine::LinearMachine::getActivation, &bob::machine::LinearMachine::setActivation, "The activation function - by default, the identity function. The output provided by the activation function is passed, unchanged, to the user.")
.add_property("shape", &get_shape, &set_shape, "A tuple that represents the size of the input vector followed by the size of the output vector in the format ``(input, output)``.")
.def("resize", &bob::machine::LinearMachine::resize, (arg("self"), arg("input"), arg("output")), "Resizes the machine. If either the input or output increases in size, the weights and other factors should be considered uninitialized. If the size is preserved or reduced, already initialized values will not be changed.\n\nTip: Use this method to force data compression. All will work out given most relevant factors to be preserved are organized on the top of the weight matrix. In this way, reducing the system size will supress less relevant projections.")
.def("__call__", &forward2, (arg("self"), arg("input"), arg("output")), "Projects the input to the weights and biases and saves results on the output")
.def("forward", &forward2, (arg("self"), arg("input"), arg("output")), "Projects the input to the weights and biases and saves results on the output")