Lot's of information is printed when running face detection script
When I run the following simple script a lot of data is printed in the terminal:
import bob.io.base
import bob.io.base.test_utils
import bob.io.image
import bob.ip.mtcnn
color_image = bob.io.base.load(bob.io.base.test_utils.datafile('testimage.jpg', 'bob.ip.facedetect'))
bounding_box = bob.ip.mtcnn.FaceDetector().detect_single_face(color_image)
An example of terminal output (just the last 5 lines):
I1102 14:08:44.124979 25862 net.cpp:744] Ignoring source layer conv6-1_conv6-1_0_split
I1102 14:08:44.124989 25862 net.cpp:744] Ignoring source layer loss1
I1102 14:08:44.125000 25862 net.cpp:744] Ignoring source layer accuracy1
I1102 14:08:44.125005 25862 net.cpp:744] Ignoring source layer loss2
I1102 14:08:44.125010 25862 net.cpp:744] Ignoring source layer loss3
@tiago.pereira, do you have an idea why is this happening? Thank you!