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Commit b6761b1e authored by Yannick DAYER's avatar Yannick DAYER
Browse files

Add utils to augment audio with noise and reverb.

parent 51e49e39
Branches augmentation
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Yannick Dayer <>
# Thu 14 Apr 2022 11:31:46 UTC+02
"""Transformer definition for audio data augmentation.
Notably for the NIST-SRE database.
import librosa
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
def reverberate(audio, audio_rate, rir_file):
"""Reverberates the input audio signal according to a Room Impulse Response (rir).
audio : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
The audio signal to reverberate.
rir_file : str
The file containing the impulse response.
audio_rate : int
The sampling rate of the input audio signal. Output will be resampled at this
reverberated : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
The reverberated signal.
# Load the impulse response and resample it to the input audio rate
rir, _ = librosa.load(rir_file, sr=audio_rate)
# Compute the reverberation
reverberated = convolve(audio, rir, mode="full")
# Copy Kaldi's behavior: output is shifted by the peak offset of the impulse
# response and truncated to the length of the input signal.
peak_offset = np.argmax(rir)
reverberated = reverberated[peak_offset : peak_offset + len(audio)]
# Scale the output to have the same energy as the input
power_before = np.sum(audio**2) / len(audio)
power_after = np.sum(reverberated**2) / len(reverberated)
reverberated *= np.sqrt(power_before / power_after)
# Return the reverberated signal
return reverberated
def add_noise(
audio: np.ndarray,
audio_rate: int,
noise_files: list,
noise_offsets: list,
noise_durations: list,
noise_levels_db: list,
normalize: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Adds noise to the input audio signal.
audio: shape (n_samples,)
The audio signal to reverberate.
The list of noise files to use.
The list of offsets (in seconds) to use for each noise file.
The list of durations (in seconds) to use for each noise file. If the file is
too short, the audio noise will be repeated.
The list of noise levels in dB to use for each noise file.
Whether to normalize the output signal to have the same energy as the input.
noise_added: shape (n_samples,)
The noise added signal.
power_before = np.sum(audio**2) / len(audio)
# Add noises to the signal
for noise_file, noise_offset, noise_duration, noise_level_db in zip(
noise_files, noise_offsets, noise_durations, noise_levels_db
# Convert times to sample counts
offset_samples = int(noise_offset * audio_rate)
duration_samples = int(noise_duration * audio_rate)
# Ignore this noise if offset is greater than the length of the input
if offset_samples >= len(audio):
# Change the noise duration to fit in the input
if offset_samples + duration_samples > len(audio):
duration_samples = len(audio) - offset_samples
# Load the noise file and resample to match the input audio rate
noise, _ = librosa.load(
noise_file, sr=audio_rate, mono=True, res_type="soxr_hq"
# Repeat or crop the noise to match the duration of the signal
if len(noise) < duration_samples:
noise = np.pad(
noise, (0, duration_samples - len(noise)), mode="wrap"
noise = noise[:duration_samples]
# Scale the noise using the provided SNR
audio_power = np.sum(audio**2) / len(audio)
noise_power = np.sum(noise**2) / len(noise)
scale = np.sqrt(
10 ** (-noise_level_db / 10) * audio_power / noise_power
audio[offset_samples : offset_samples + duration_samples] += (
scale * noise
# Normalize the audio
if normalize:
power_after = np.sum(audio**2) / len(audio)
audio *= np.sqrt(power_before / power_after)
# Original Kaldi commands saves with int16 format (effectively truncating).
audio = np.trunc(audio * 32768) / 32768
# Return the signal with added noises
return audio
class Augmentation(BaseEstimator):
"""Transformer for audio data augmentation.
Requires wrapping with a :py:class:`bob.pipelines.SampleWrapper`.
Samples must contain an ``augmentation`` metadata.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the transformer.
Keyword arguments.
super(Augmentation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def fit(self, X, y=None):
return self
def transform(
sample_rate: "list[int]",
rir_file: "list[str]",
noise_files: "list[list[str]]",
noise_offsets: "list[list[float]]",
noise_durations: "list[list[float]]",
noise_levels_db: "list[list[float]]",
"""Transform the data.
X : numpy.ndarray
The data to transform.
The transformed data.
output = []
for x, sr, rir, n_files, n_offsets, n_durations, n_levels_db in zip(
# Samples can either have a reverberation or a noise added
if rir is not None:
res = reverberate(x, sr, rir)
elif len(n_files) > 0:
res = add_noise(
x, sr, n_files, n_offsets, n_durations, n_levels_db
res = x
return output
def _more_tags(self):
return {
"requires_fit": False,
"stateless": True,
"bob_transform_extra_input": [
("sample_rate", "rate"),
("rir_file", "rir_file"),
("noise_files", "noise_files"),
("noise_offsets", "noise_offsets"),
("noise_durations", "noise_durations"),
("noise_levels_db", "noise_levels_db"),
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