I'm moving the config files from bob.bio.(face, spear, vein) to bob.bio.db.
What is the best course of action with the entry points definition? Shall I move them too to bob.bio.db??
I'm asking this because, bob.bio.base has the script resources.py that "prints a detailed list of all resources that are registered" for a particular bob.bio.* package.
This script returns a nice print of the supported databases.
I have two possible solutions for this one:
Keep the entry point definition (not the configs) in the target packages (bob.bio.*). This will keep this nice feature as it is today.
Move them to bob.bio.db. For this we have to think in another hierarchy to define the database entry points if we want to keep this feature.
We should open a new issue to keep track of this.
If I merge the code right now, we will lose the feature.
Are you sure this is the best way to approach this task?
In my opinion it is better to list only the database resources supported by a particular package.
The effort of maintenance will be minimum (only the setup.py of each bob.bio.* package).
Putting the entry points in one place had this advantage of having unique names for databases. Before we had a couple of entry points with the same name in different packages.