The MEDS-II (Multiple Encounter Data Set II) database interface
The MEDS II database was developed by NIST to support and assists their biometrics evaluation program.
It is composed by 518 identities from both men/women (labeled as M and F) and five different race annotations (Asian, Black, American Indian, Unknown and White)
(labeled as A, B, I, U and W.
Unfortunately, the distribution of gender and race is extremely unbalanced as it can be
observed in their statistics. Furthermore, only 256 subjects has
more than one image sample (obviously it is not possible to do a biometric evaluation with one sample per subject).
For this reason, this interface contains a subset of the data, which is composed only by 383 subjects (White and Black men only).
This dataset contains three verification protocols and they are:
`verification_fold1`, `verification_fold2` and `verification_fold1`.
Follow below the identities distribution in each set for the for each protocol: