In all of them, given raw data as input it does the following steps:
Such pipeline consists into two major components.
The first component consists of a scikit-learn `Pipeline`,
where a sequence of transformations of the input data
is defined.
The second component is a `BioAlgorithm` that defines the primitives
`enroll` and `score`
With those two components any Biometric Experiment can be done.
A Biometric experiment consists of three sub-pipelines and
they are defined below:
Sub-pipeline 1:\n
Training background model. Some biometric algorithms demands the training of background model, for instance, PCA/LDA matrix or a Neural networks. This sub-pipeline handles that and it consists of 3 steps:
Training background model.
Some biometric algorithms demands the training of background model, for instance, PCA/LDA matrix or a Neural networks.
Creation of biometric references: This is a standard step in a biometric pipelines.
Given a set of samples of one identity, create a biometric reference (a.k.a template) for sub identity. This sub-pipeline handles that in 3 steps and they are the following:
Given a set of samples of one identity, create a biometric reference (a.k.a template) for sub identity.
Note that this sub-pipeline depends on the previous one
This pipeline runs: `BioAlgorithm.enroll(Pipeline.transform(DATA_ENROLL))` >> biometric_references
Sub-pipeline 3:\n
Probing: This is another standard step in biometric pipelines.
Given one sample and one biometric reference, computes a score.
Such score has different meanings depending on the scoring method your biometric algorithm uses.
It's out of scope to explain in a help message to explain what scoring is for different biometric algorithms.
Probing: This is another standard step in biometric pipelines. Given one sample and one biometric reference, computes a score. Such score has different meanings depending on the scoring method your biometric algorithm uses. It's out of scope to explain in a help message to explain what scoring is for different biometric algorithms.