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Updating the changelog for Bob's release

Pavel KORSHUNOV requested to merge updatelog into master

Please update log changes for the packages that you have committed to. The procedure is as following:

1. For a given package, for each tag (version), summarize the commits (lines start 
with '-' character) into several descriptive lines. Make sure that the new summary 
lines start with `*` character (so, they become tag descriptions).

2. The last tag name is called `patch` by default. This indicates that a patch 
version of this package will be automatically updated during the next tag/release. 
You can change `patch` to `minor` or `major`, and the package will be then 
tagged/released with either minor or major version bump. 

3. Once all commits were changed to corresponding tag descriptions (no more lines 
start with `-` characters), this package is ready for release and you can continue 
to another package in the changelog.
Edited by Pavel KORSHUNOV

Merge request reports
