Updating the changelog for Bob's release
Please update log changes for the packages that you have committed to. The procedure is as following:
1. For a given package, for each tag (version), summarize the commits (lines start
with '-' character) into several descriptive lines. Make sure that the new summary
lines start with `*` character (so, they become tag descriptions).
2. The last tag name is called `patch` by default. This indicates that a patch
version of this package will be automatically updated during the next tag/release.
You can change `patch` to `minor` or `major`, and the package will be then
tagged/released with either minor or major version bump.
3. Once all commits were changed to corresponding tag descriptions (no more lines
start with `-` characters), this package is ready for release and you can continue
to another package in the changelog.
Edited by Pavel KORSHUNOV