The dataformat select by default shows the first available plotter dataformat as selected, but it should really show a "blank" selection, prompting the user to choose a dataformat
The default value for (only bool-type?) parameters arent saved to the metadata
There's no way to add libraries to the plotter!
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@jdiefenbaugh :
I fixed the libraries issues in my newly created branch. But the the default value for bool type seems to be a bigger problems as it not only affects plotters but it doesn't work for algorithms either for example.
To what I understand it's all defined in the helpers/schema/ to validate these inputs thus giving a green or red validation signal.
So I guess there is a bug in the common.json file, what do you think ?
in src/components/ParameterCreate.jsx no update callback was implemented for bool types.
I added that.
However when saving the parameter with either: value={true} or value={false} in the documentation it's said that JSX values should be either an expression or a quoted text, which means that the values in the json file is not as expected true or false but always a string with "true" or "false". And this doesn't match with what we have in the database on the beat platform currently.