As written, our caching datamodule will not allow inputing multiple datasplits each with different raw-data loaders. This would be required for mixin datasets such as "mc_ch".
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I'm looking into this one, as some of our Datamodules are actually combinations of other existing data modules.
Here are particular examples I'm trying to figure out how to make work:
Example 1: Each split requires a different raw-data-loader. This is the scenario with cross-database testing, for example.
Split = train, validation, and test from (raw) Database A, test from (raw) Database B, renamed as "testB"
train -> raw-data-loader from Database A
validation -> raw-data-loader from Database A
test -> raw-data-loader from Database A
testB -> raw-data-loader from Database B
Example 2: Each sample requires a different raw-data-loader. This is the scenario with a multi-database training, where the user is merging multiple training and validation sets to build a new "super-set". Test sets remain "separate" for a more detailed analysis.
Split = train, validation, and test from (raw) Database A, the same for Database B, but you want to have these merged
train -> mix of both raw-data-loaders, depends on the sample
validation -> the same as with training, depends on the sample
test -> raw-data-loader from Database A
testB -> raw-data-loader from Database B
In the current implementation, you can't do that. Your are tied to 1 raw-data-loader for the whole input split.
More info: Ultimately, the raw-data-loader is passed down the line to our own torch "Dataset" implementations (cached or delayed).
Torch has the concept of "concatenated" datasets. Is this useful here? May be something like a "concatenated" datamodule would a useful concept? What would be an intuitive interface to this?
Example 1:
dm1=CachingDataModule(...)dm2=CachingDataModule(...)dm3=ConcatDataModule({"train":dm1["train"],"validation":dm1["validation"],"test":dm1["test"],"testB":dm2["test"])# for all other aspects, dm3 behaves like a CachingDataModule...
Example 2:
dm1=CachingDataModule(...)dm2=CachingDataModule(...)dm3=ConcatDataModule({"train":(dm1["train"],dm2["train"]),"validation":(dm1["validation"],dm2["validation"]),"test":dm1["test"],"testB":dm2["test"])# for all other aspects, dm3 behaves like a CachingDataModule...
Right, new day, new ideas - I thinking that, as a matter of fact, our current (simple) use-case with the CachingDataModule is just a subset of this. So we can just transform our current implementation into this, rename it to ConcatDataModule, then inherit from that one to create the "simple" case with a simplified constructor. This will minimise code dispersion and maximise DRY, IMO.