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.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <>
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

.. _ptbench.install:


We support two installation modes, through pip_, or mamba_ (conda).
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.. tab:: pip

   Stable, from PyPI:

   .. code:: sh

      pip install ptbench

   Latest beta, from GitLab package registry:

   .. code:: sh

      pip install --pre --index-url --extra-index-url ptbench

   .. tip::

      To avoid long command-lines you may configure pip to define the indexes and
      package search priorities as you like.

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.. tab:: mamba/conda
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   .. code:: sh
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      mamba install -c -c conda-forge ptbench

   Latest beta:

   .. code:: sh

      mamba install -c -c conda-forge ptbench

.. _ptbench.setup:


A configuration file may be useful to setup global options that should be often
reused.  The location of the configuration file depends on the value of the
environment variable ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME``, but defaults to
``~/.config/ptbench.toml``.  You may edit this file using your preferred

Here is an example configuration file that may be useful as a starting point:

.. code:: toml

   indian = "/Users/myself/dbs/tbxpredict"
   montgomery = "/Users/myself/dbs/montgomery-xrayset"
   shenzhen = "/Users/myself/dbs/shenzhen"
   nih_cxr14_re = "/Users/myself/dbs/nih-cxr14-re"
   tbx11k_simplified = "/Users/myself/dbs/tbx11k-simplified"

   idiap_folder_structure = false  # set to `true` if at Idiap
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.. tip::

   To get a list of valid data directories that can be configured, execute:

   .. code:: sh

      ptbench dataset list

   You must procure and download datasets by yourself.  The raw data is not
   included in this package as we are not authorised to redistribute it.

   To check whether the downloaded version is consistent with the structure
   that is expected by this package, run:

   .. code:: sh

      ptbench dataset check montgomery

Here is a list of currently supported datasets in this package, alongside
notable properties.  Each dataset name is linked to the location where
raw data can be downloaded.  The list of images in each split is available
in the source code.

The following datasets contain only the tuberculosis final diagnosis (0 or 1).
In addition to the splits presented in the following table, 10 folds
(for cross-validation) randomly generated are available for these datasets.

.. list-table::

   * - Dataset
     - Reference
     - H x W
     - Samples
     - Training
     - Validation
     - Test
   * - Montgomery_
     - 4020 x 4892
     - 138
     - 88
     - 22
     - 28
   * - Shenzhen_
     - Varying
     - 662
     - 422
     - 107
     - 133
   * - Indian_
     - [INDIAN-2013]_
     - Varying
     - 155
     - 83
     - 20
     - 52

.. _ptbench.setup.datasets.tb+signs:

Tuberculosis multilabel databases

The following dataset contains the labels healthy, sick & non-TB, active TB,
and latent TB. The implemented tbx11k dataset in this package is based on
the simplified version, which is just a more compact version of the original.
In addition to the splits presented in the following table, 10 folds
(for cross-validation) randomly generated are available for these datasets.

.. list-table::

   * - Dataset
     - Reference
     - H x W
     - Samples
     - Training
     - Validation
     - Test
   * - TBX11K_
     - [TBX11K-2020]_
     - 512 x 512
     - 11'200
     - 6600
     - 1800
     - 2800
     - [TBX11K-SIMPLIFIED-2020]_
     - 512 x 512
     - 11'200
     - 6600
     - 1800
     - 2800

.. _ptbench.setup.datasets.tbmultilabel+signs:

Tuberculosis + radiological findings dataset

The following dataset contains both the tuberculosis final diagnosis (0 or 1)
and radiological findings.

.. list-table::

   * - Dataset
     - Reference
     - H x W
     - Samples
     - Train
     - Test
   * - PadChest_
     - [PADCHEST-2019]_
     - Varying
     - 160'861
     - 160'861
     - 0

.. _ptbench.setup.datasets.signs:

Radiological findings datasets
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The following dataset contains only the radiological findings without any
information about tuberculosis.
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.. note::
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   NIH CXR14 labels for training and validation sets are the relabeled
   versions done by the author of the CheXNeXt study [CHEXNEXT-2018]_.
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.. list-table::
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   * - Dataset
     - Reference
     - H x W
     - Samples
     - Training
     - Validation
     - Test
   * - NIH_CXR14_re_
     - [NIH-CXR14-2017]_
     - 1024 x 1024
     - 109'041
     - 98'637
     - 6'350
     - 4'054


HIV-Tuberculosis datasets

The following datasets contain only the tuberculosis final diagnosis (0 or 1)
and come from HIV infected patients. 10 folds (for cross-validation) randomly
generated are available for these datasets.

Please contact the authors of these datasets to have access to the data.

.. list-table::

   * - Dataset
     - Reference
     - H x W
     - Samples
   * - TB POC
     - [TB-POC-2018]_
     - 2048 x 2500
     - 407
   * - HIV TB
     - [HIV-TB-2019]_
     - 2048 x 2500
     - 243
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.. include:: links.rst