André Anjos authoredAndré Anjos authored
test.py 3.27 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
"""Tests for STARE"""
import os
import numpy
import nose.tools
from . import dataset
from ...test.utils import rc_variable_set
def test_protocol_consistency():
subset = dataset.subsets("default")
nose.tools.eq_(len(subset), 2)
assert "train" in subset
nose.tools.eq_(len(subset["train"]), 10)
for s in subset["train"]:
assert s.key.startswith(os.path.join("stare-images", "im0"))
assert "test" in subset
nose.tools.eq_(len(subset["test"]), 10)
for s in subset["test"]:
assert s.key.startswith(os.path.join("stare-images", "im0"))
subset = dataset.subsets("second-annotation")
nose.tools.eq_(len(subset), 2)
assert "train" in subset
nose.tools.eq_(len(subset["train"]), 10)
for s in subset["train"]:
assert s.key.startswith(os.path.join("stare-images", "im0"))
assert "test" in subset
nose.tools.eq_(len(subset["test"]), 10)
for s in subset["test"]:
assert s.key.startswith(os.path.join("stare-images", "im0"))
def test_loading():
from ..utils import count_bw
image_size = (700, 605)
def _check_sample(s, bw_threshold_label):
data = s.data
assert isinstance(data, dict)
nose.tools.eq_(len(data), 2)
assert "data" in data
nose.tools.eq_(data["data"].size, image_size)
nose.tools.eq_(data["data"].mode, "RGB")
assert "label" in data
nose.tools.eq_(data["label"].size, image_size)
nose.tools.eq_(data["label"].mode, "1")
b, w = count_bw(data["label"])
assert (b+w) == numpy.prod(image_size), \
f"Counts of black + white ({b}+{w}) do not add up to total " \
f"image size ({numpy.prod(image_size)}) at '{s.key}':label"
assert (w/b) < bw_threshold_label, \
f"The proportion between black and white pixels " \
f"({w}/{b}={w/b:.2f}) is larger than the allowed threshold " \
f"of {bw_threshold_label} at '{s.key}':label - this could " \
f"indicate a loading problem!"
# to visualize images, uncomment the folowing code
# it should display an image with a faded background representing the
# original data, blended with green labels.
#from ..utils import overlayed_image
#display = overlayed_image(data["data"], data["label"])
#import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
return w/b
limit = None #use this to limit testing to first images only
subset = dataset.subsets("default")
proportions = [_check_sample(s, 0.10) for s in subset["train"][:limit]]
#print(f"max label proportions = {max(proportions)}")
proportions = [_check_sample(s, 0.12) for s in subset["test"][:limit]]
#print(f"max label proportions = {max(proportions)}")
subset = dataset.subsets("second-annotation")
proportions = [_check_sample(s, 0.19) for s in subset["train"][:limit]]
#print(f"max label proportions = {max(proportions)}")
proportions = [_check_sample(s, 0.18) for s in subset["test"][:limit]]
#print(f"max label proportions = {max(proportions)}")
def test_check():
nose.tools.eq_(dataset.check(), 0)