Amir MOHAMMADI authoredAmir MOHAMMADI authored
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Binary Segmentation Benchmark Package for Bob
Package to benchmark and evaluate a range of neural network architectures for binary segmentation tasks on 2D Eye Fundus Images (2DFI). It is build using PyTorch.
Please use the BibTeX reference below to cite this work:
title = {On the Evaluation and Real-World Usage Scenarios of Deep Vessel Segmentation for Retinography},
author = {Tim Laibacher and Andr\'e Anjos},
year = {2019},
eprint = {1909.03856},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.CV},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.03856},
Additional Material
The additional material referred to in the paper can be found under :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.results` and :download:`here <additionalresults.pdf>`
User Guide
Indices and tables
- :ref:`genindex`
- :ref:`modindex`
- :ref:`search`