Write a conda package for caffe_rtpose and bob.ip.rtpose
Hi @andre.anjos , @amohammadi , @pkorshunov
I would like to create a "conda stuff" package for
Here are the commands to make it run locally on a machine (works on GPU at Idiap)
conda create -n env-for-rtpose
source activate env-for-rtpose
conda install -c conda-forge bob
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit=7.5 cudnn=5.1
conda install -c conda-forge numpy opencv=2.4
conda install -c conda-forge protobuf gflags glog leveldb lmdb nose
conda install -c defaults hdf5
conda install scikit-image
cd /tmp
git clone -b conda https://gitlab.idiap.ch/olivier.canevet/caffe_rtpose
cd caffe_rtpose
make -j 12
make pycaffe
cd /tmp
git clone https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.ip.rtpose
export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/caffe_rtpose/python:/tmp/bob.ip.rtpose
cd /tmp/bob.ip.rtpose/bob/ip/rtpose/test
python test_cpm.py
The results are
Could you help me?