Computes the back-propagated error for a given MLP ``output`` layer.\n\
Computes the back-propagated error for a given MLP ``output``\n\
Computes the back-propagated error for a given MLP ``output`` layer, given its activation function and outputs - i.e., the error back-propagated through the last layer neuron up to the synapse connecting the last hidden layer to the output layer.\n\
Computes the back-propagated error for a given MLP ``output``\n\
layer, given its activation function and outputs - i.e., the\n\
error back-propagated through the last layer neuron up to the\n\
synapse connecting the last hidden layer to the output layer.\n\
This implementation allows for optimization in the calculation of the back-propagated errors in cases where there is a possibility of mathematical simplification when using a certain combination of cost-function and activation. For example, using a ML-cost and a logistic activation function.\n\
This implementation allows for optimization in the\n\
calculation of the back-propagated errors in cases where there\n\
is a possibility of mathematical simplification when using a\n\
certain combination of cost-function and activation. For\n\
example, using a ML-cost and a logistic activation function.\n\
Keyword arguments:\n\
output, ND array, float64 | scalar\n\
Real output from the machine. May be a N-dimensional array or a plain scalar.\n\
Real output from the machine. May be a N-dimensional array\n\
or a plain scalar.\n\
target, ND array, float64 | scalar\n\
Target output you are training to achieve. The data type and extents for this object must match that of ``target``.\n\
Target output you are training to achieve. The data type and\n\
extents for this object must match that of ``target``.\n\
result (optional), ND array, float64\n\
Where to place the result from the calculation. You can pass this argument if the input are N-dimensional arrays. Otherwise, it is an error to pass such a container. If the inputs are arrays and an object for ``result`` is passed, then its dimensions and data-type must match that of both ``output`` and ``result``.\n\
Returns the cost as a scalar, if the input were scalars or as an array with matching size of ``output`` and ``target`` otherwise.\n\
Where to place the result from the calculation. You can pass\n\
this argument if the input are N-dimensional arrays.\n\
Otherwise, it is an error to pass such a container. If the\n\
inputs are arrays and an object for ``result`` is passed,\n\
then its dimensions and data-type must match that of both\n\
``output`` and ``result``.\n\
Returns the cost as a scalar, if the input were scalars or as\n\