In painting has different output based on computer OS
Job #204940 failed for aa03ba73:
When the StereoParameter
has inpaint = True
like here, the disparity is modified here and the output of cv.inpaint
is a little bit different depending on the OS the code is running on. The differences must be amplified later on because the final output image has pixels with rather different values, even though the images look very similar. This makes the test fail on mac runners in the CI.
@dgeissbuhler Did you observe this kind of behaviour from opencv function before ? Can we use another inpainting method ?
The versions of opencv are the same on Linux and Mac ; could the difference could come from the underlying algebra librairies ?
Opencv version sur linux et mac
libopencv | 3.4.2 | hb342d67_1 |
opencv | 3.4.2 | py37h6fd60c2_1 |
py-opencv | 3.4.2 | py37hb342d67_1 |
Output on linux
Output on mac
Difference between linux and mac
disparity_linux.npy disparity_mac.npy output_linux.npy output_map.npy
Edited by Vincent POLLET