PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError,"`%s' needs a model to properly initialize, but the user has not passed one and `__default_model__' is not properly set",Py_TYPE(self)->tp_name);
@@ -77,9 +79,9 @@ static int PyBobIpFlandmark_init
@@ -196,8 +198,8 @@ static auto s_call = xbob::extension::FunctionDoc(
.add_prototype("image, y, x, height, width","landmarks")
.add_parameter("image","array-like (2D, uint8)",
"The image Flandmark will operate on")
.add_parameter("y, x","The top left-most corner of the bounding box containing the face image you want to locate keypoints on.")
.add_parameter("height, width","The dimensions accross ``y`` (height) and ``x`` (width) for the bounding box, in number of pixels.")
.add_parameter("y, x","int","The top left-most corner of the bounding box containing the face image you want to locate keypoints on.")
.add_parameter("height, width","int","The dimensions accross ``y`` (height) and ``x`` (width) for the bounding box, in number of pixels.")
.add_return("landmarks","tuple","A sequence of tuples, each containing locations in the format ``(y, x)``, for each of the key-points defined above and in that order.")
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,"`%s' input `image' data must be a 2D array with dtype `uint8' (i.e. a gray-scaled image), but you passed a %"PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T"d array with data type `%s'",Py_TYPE(self)->tp_name,image->ndim,PyBlitzArrayCxx_TypenumAsString(image->type_num));
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,"`%s' input `image' data must be a 2D array with dtype `uint8' (i.e. a gray-scaled image), but you passed a %"PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T"d array with data type `%s'",Py_TYPE(self)->tp_name,image->ndim,PyBlitzArray_TypenumAsString(image->type_num));