for (map_type::const_iterator it=table.begin(); it!=table.end(); ++it) {
retval[it->first] = it->second;
return retval;
void bind_io_file() {
class_<bob::io::File, boost::shared_ptr<bob::io::File>, boost::noncopyable>("File", "Abstract base class for all Array/Arrayset i/o operations", no_init)
.def("__init__", make_constructor(string_open1, default_call_policies(), (arg("filename"), arg("mode"))), "Opens a (supported) file for reading arrays. The mode is a **single** character which takes one of the following values: 'r' - opens the file for read-only operations; 'w' - truncates the file and open it for reading and writing; 'a' - opens the file for reading and writing w/o truncating it.")
.def("__init__", make_constructor(string_open2, default_call_policies(), (arg("filename"), arg("mode"), arg("pretend_extension"))), "Opens a (supported) file for reading arrays but pretends its extension is as given by the last parameter - this way you can, potentially, override the default encoder/decoder used to read and write on the file. The mode is a **single** character which takes one of the following values: 'r' - opens the file for read-only operations; 'w' - truncates the file and open it for reading and writing; 'a' - opens the file for reading and writing w/o truncating it.")
.add_property("filename", make_function(&bob::io::File::filename, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>()), "The path to the file being read/written")
.add_property("type_all", make_function(&bob::io::File::type_all, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>()), "Typing information to load all of the file at once")
.add_property("type", make_function(&bob::io::File::type, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>()), "Typing information to load the file as an Arrayset")
.add_property("codec_name", make_function(&bob::io::File::name, return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>()), "Name of the File class implementation -- for compatibility reasons with the previous versions of this library")
.def("read", &file_read_all, (arg("self")), "Reads the whole contents of the file into a NumPy ndarray")
.def("write", &file_write, (arg("self"), arg("array")), "Writes an array into the file, truncating it first")
.def("__len__", &bob::io::File::size, (arg("self")), "Size of the file if it is supposed to be read as a set of arrays instead of performing a single read")
.def("read", &file_read, (arg("self"), arg("index")), "Reads a single array from the file considering it to be an arrayset list")
.def("__getitem__", &file_read, (arg("self"), arg("index")), "Reads a single array from the file considering it to be an arrayset list")
.def("append", &file_append, (arg("self"), arg("array")), "Appends an array to a file. Compatibility requirements may be enforced.")
def("extensions", &extensions, "Returns a dictionary containing all extensions and descriptions currently stored on the global codec registry");
PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError,"%s.%s import error: you compiled against API version 0x%04x, but are now importing an API with version 0x%04x which is not compatible - check your Python runtime environment for errors",BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(XBOB_IO_MODULE_PREFIX),BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(XBOB_IO_MODULE_NAME),XBOB_IO_API_VERSION,imported_version);