[conda] environment activation/deactivation issue
When creating an environment with bob.devtools, it's not possible to exit the current environment.
Example to reproduce this issue with beat.editor v2:
conda create -n bdt -c https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/conda
bob.devtools python=3.6
conda activate bdt
bdt create -vv beateditor_v2
Proof of concept of this issue:
$ conda activate bdt
(bdt)$ python --version
Python 3.6.8 :: Anaconda, Inc.
(bdt)$ conda deactivate
$ conda activate beateditor_v2
(beateditor_v2) $ conda deactivate
(beateditor_v2) $ conda deactivate
(beateditor_v2) $
The problem comes from <conda-root>/envs/<env-name>/.condarc
if the line changeps1: false
is present. By deleting this line and going to a new terminal, it now becomes possible to activate and deactivate from the environment.