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Marc's work on bob.db.nist_sre12

Marc FERRAS requested to merge marc into master

This branch (marc) includes the following low-level SRE'12 DB interface changes:

  • Generation of file-lists for SRE'12, SRE'10, SRE'08 and SRE'06 enrollment and test segments in SRE'12
  • Using path+ side to identify a recording. SQLite tables and temporary dictionaries updated according to it
  • Audio file loading into File.load()
  • All SRE'12 core conditions (all, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) for all, male and female protocols
  • Standard queries plus eval_key for querying evaluation trials
  • Unit tests for the lengths of all file lists
  • NIST sphere decompression (shorten) still relies on hardcoded sph2pipe path. This issue will need to be addressed later.

Merge request reports
