.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
.. Andre Anjos <>
.. Thu 29 Aug 2013 16:07:57 CEST
Python bindings for xbob.db.base
This package contains a set of Pythonic bindings for Bob's database packages
and functionality.
Install it through normal means, via PyPI or use ``zc.buildout`` to bootstrap
the package and run test units.
You can generate the documentation for this package, after installation, using
$ sphinx-build -b html doc sphinx
This shall place in the directory ``sphinx``, the current version for the
documentation of the package.
You can run a set of tests using the nose test runner::
.. warning::
If Bob <= 1.2.1 is installed on your python path, nose will automatically
load the old version of the insulate plugin available in Bob, which will
trigger the loading of incompatible shared libraries (from Bob itself), in
to your working binary. This will cause a stack corruption. Either remove
the centrally installed version of Bob, or build your own version of Python
in which Bob <= 1.2.1 is not installed.
You can run our documentation tests using sphinx itself::
$ sphinx-build -b doctest doc sphinx
You can test overall test coverage with::
$ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=xbob.db.base
The ``coverage`` egg must be installed for this to work properly.
To develop this package, install using ``zc.buildout``, using the buildout
configuration found on the root of the package:
$ python
$ ./bin/buildout
Tweak the options in ``buildout.cfg`` to disable/enable verbosity and debug