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SCFace porting

Laurent COLBOIS requested to merge scface into master

Hello, This introduces a Bob 9 port of the Surveillance Camera Face Dataset (SCFace). In particular, this ports 5 protocols from the previous bob.db.scface package.

Full listing and metadata

Additionally to the usual protocol folders, the uploaded scface.tar.gz also contains a listing.csv file that lists all images from the database (around 4000) with as much metadata as possible. For example, some images with pose variations in particular a present in the database but never used in the protocols, those are listed in this listing. Note that those have no landmarks annotations.

The metadata for each image contains:

  • Subject metadata : Age, Gender, Beard, Mustache, Glasses
  • Device metadata : Channel (IR or RGB), distance (close, medium or far for RGB cameras), capture type (mugshot or surveillance), camera number
  • Landmarks metadata : Eyes, Nose and Mouth annotations for most of the images
  • Pose metadata (L1, L2, L3, L4 for various left profiles, R1, R2, R3, R4 for various right profiles, frontal for frontal views)

The available protocols are:

  • scface-close : Enrolling frontal RGB mugshot, probing with RGB surveillance cameras at close distance
  • scface-medium : Enrolling frontal RGB mugshot, probing with RGB surveillance cameras at medium distance
  • scface-far : Enrolling frontal RGB mugshot, probing with RGB surveillance cameras at far distance
  • scface : Enrolling frontal RGB mugshot, probing with all RGB surveillance cameras
  • scface-ir : Enrolling frontal IR mugshot, probing with IR surveillance cameras

As a test, I ran evaluation of all protocols (dev set only) using the arcface model : scface-arcface.pdf

Todo list for myself:
  • Check correct "Channel" metadata for IR surveillance cameras
  • Write tests
Edited by Laurent COLBOIS

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