Biometrics Evaluation and Testing Platform
This package contains the source code for the web components of the BEAT platform.
Here is a recipe to get you started:
$ python
$ ./bin/buildout
These 2 commands should download and install all non-installed dependencies and get you a fully operational test and development environment.
The python shell used in the first line of the previous command set determines the python interpreter that will be used for all scripts developed inside this package.
If you are on the Idiap filesystem, you may use
to bootstrap this
package instead. It contains the same setup deployed at the final BEAT
If you'd like to speed-up the installation, it is strongly advised you
prepare a preset virtual environment (see the virtualenv package) with all
required dependencies, so that ./bin/buildout
does not download and
installs all of them every time you cleanup. This technique should allow you
to quickly clean-up and re-start your working environment which is useful
during development.
In order to fetch currently needed dependencies, run:
$ ./bin/buildout #to setup once
$ ./bin/pip freeze > requirements.txt
Examine the file requirements.txt
and remove packages you are either
developing locally (e.g., all that are under src
) or that you think you
don't need. The command pip freeze
reports all installed packages and not
only those which are needed by your project. If the Python prompt you used
for bootstrapping already had a good set of packages installed, you may see
them there.
Once you have a satisfying requirements.txt
file, you may proceed to
recreate a virtualenv you'll use for your development. Just call:
$ virtualenv ~/work/beat-env #--system-site-packages
To create the virtual environment. This new environment does not contain
system packages by default. You may override that by specifying
as suggested above. Then, install the required
packages on your new virtual environment:
$ ~/work/beat-env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
After that step is done, your virtual environment is ready for deployment.
You may now start from scratch to develop beat.web
taking as base the
Python interpreter on your virtualenv:
$ cd beat.web
$ git clean -fdx #full clean-up
$ ~/work/beat-env/bin/python
$ ./bin/buildout
You'll realize the buildout step now takes considerably less time and you may
repeat this last step as much as needed. pip
is a very flexible tool and
you may use it to manage the virtualenv installing and removing packages as
Our documentation project is divided in 3 parts. The user guide is the only one
which is automatically built as part of the buildout
procedure. The API and
administrators guide need to be manually compiled if required.
To build the API documentation, just do:
$ ./bin/sphinx-apidoc --separate -d 2 --output=doc/api/api beat beat/web/*/migrations beat/web/*/tests
$ ./bin/sphinx-build doc/api html/api
To build the administrator guide, just do:
$ ./bin/sphinx-build doc/admin html/admin
The above commands will build the stated guides, in HTML format, and dump
results into your local directory html
. You may navigate then to that
directory and, with your preferred web browser, open the file index.html
browse the available documentation.
The basic user guide which includes information for users of the platform, is
built automatically upon buildout
. If you wish to build it and place it
alongside the other guides, you may do it as well like this:
$ ./bin/sphinx-build doc/user html/user
Instantiating a BEAT web server
For a simple (development) web server, the default settings on
should work out of the box. These settings:
- Instantiate the web service on the local host under port 8000 (the address will be
- Use an SQLITE3 database named
located on the current working directory- Run with full debug output
- It sets the working BEAT prefix to
- A single user, called
) will be setup into the system
If you need to tweak these settings, just edit the file
. You may consult the Django documentation
for detailed information on other settings.
Once the Django settings are in place, you can run a single command to fully populate a development webserver:
$ ./bin/django install -v1
Concerning databases installed by this command, we only explain the platform how to access their data. It does not download the raw data for the databases that you must procure yourself through the relevant web sites (checkout the database pages on the Idiap instance of the BEAT platform for details).
If you need to specify your own path to the directories containing the databases, you could just create a simple JSON file as follows:
"atnt/1": "/remote/databases/atnt",
"banca/2": "/remote/databases/banca"
Then just use the previous script with the option --database-root-file
$ ./bin/django install -v1 --database-root-file=MYFILE.json
By default, paths to the root of all databases are set to match the Idiap Research Institute filesystem organisation.
For every installed database, you'll need to generate their data indices, which allows the platform to correctly parallelize algorithms. To do so, for every combination of database and version you wish to support, run the following command:
$ ./bin/beat -p prefix db index <name>/<version>
Replacing the strings <name>
by the name of the database you wish to dump
the indices for, together with the version in <version>
. For example, to
dump the indices for the AT&T database, version 1, do the following:
$ ./bin/beat -p prefix db index atnt/1
Once the contributions and users are in place, you're ready to start the test server:
$ ./bin/django runserver -v3
At this point, your platform can be accessed by typing the URL
in a web browser on the machine the server is
To effectively use your new server and test all aspects of it, you'll also need a scheduler with at least one attached worker that can execute experiments. For most development purposes, a simple 3-node system, with all components running on the current (local) host is sufficient.
Here is a recipe to start a simple 3-node system in which the local worker uses the system-wide installed Python interpreter to execute the algorithms.
First, make sure the program cpulimit
is available on your system. The BEAT
platform uses this program to control slot usage on the scheduling/worker
$ cpulimit -h
If that is not the case, then you need to install it. Either install a package
that is native to your system (e.g. on Debian or Ubuntu platforms) or compile
the checked-out version available at src/cpulimit
$ cd src/cpulimit;
$ make
$ ./src/cpulimit -h #to test it
$ cd ../../bin #go back to the root of beat.web and the into the `bin' dir
$ ln -s ../src/cpulimit/src/cpulimit
$ cd .. #go back to the root of beat.web
Now start the localhost system:
$ ./bin/ -v
You may inspect this programs help message for details on its usage and options.
Once the localhost system is started you may open a browser window to your localhost, port 8000, to get started with your locally installed platform.
Localhost with DEBUG=False
If you need to test the RESTful API, it is better to do it without Django throwing you HTML error pages. For that, you'll need to start the Django development server with slightly different settings:
$ ./bin/ -v --settings=beat.web.settings.nodebug
Unit Testing
After installation, it is possible to run our suite of unit tests. To do so, use:
$ ./bin/django test --settings=beat.web.settings.test -v 1
You may pass filtering criteria to just launch tests for a particular set of
applications. For example, to run tests only concerning
, run:
$ ./bin/django test --settings=beat.web.settings.test -v 1 beat.web.toolchains.tests
To measure coverage, you must set an environment variable for nose:
$ ./bin/coverage run --source='./beat/web' ./bin/django test --settings=beat.web.settings.test
$ ./bin/coverage report
Or, to generate an HTML report:
$ ./bin/coverate html
You may significatively speed-up your testing by re-using the same test
database from run to run. In order to do this, just specify the flag
when you run your tests:
$ ./bin/django test --settings=beat.web.settings.test -v 1 --keepdb
In this case, Django will create and keep a test database called
on your current directory. You may delete it when you're done.
Local Development Server
It is easy to quickly setup a local system for development, taking as base the current state of a production system.
Before starting, make sure you have gone through, at least once, over the localhost instructions above. It explains the very basic setup required for a complete development environment.
Dump and back-up your current production BEAT database:
[production]$ ./bin/django backup
[Optional] If you have made important modifications between the contents available at your production server and your currently checked-out source, you'll need to run Django migrations on data imported from the production server. If you need to do this, make sure you don't have unapplied commits to your local development package and reset it to the production tag:
[development]$ git checkout <production-tag>
You can figure you the production tag by looking at the footer of the BEAT website. The corresponding tag name is found by prefixing a
before the version number. For example, the tag for version0.8.2
of the platform isv0.8.2
.Also make sure to revert all dependent packages, so as to recreate the state of the database schema as on the production site.
Remove the current local development database so that the restore operation can start from scratch:
[development]$ rm -rf django.sql3 prefix
Copy the backup tarball from the production server and restore it locally:
[development]$ scp root@beatweb:backups/<backup-filename>.tar.bz2 [development]$ ./bin/django restore <backup-filename>.tar.bz2
At this point, you have recreated a copy of your production system locally, on your SQLite3 database.
Reset queue configuration to allow for local running.
You may, optionally, reset the queue configuration of your installation so that the environment you have is compatible with your development machine, so that you can immediately run experiments locally. To do so, use the
Django command:[development]$ ./bin/django qsetup --reset
Apply migrations:
$ ./bin/django migrate
At this point, you should have a complete development setup with all elements
available on the production system installed locally. This system is fully
capable of running experiments locally using your machine. Start a full system
as explained on the localhost section above.
Testing Django Migrations
Django migrations, introduced in version 1.7, is a useful feature for automatically migrating your database to new model schemas, if you get it right. Here is a recipe to make sure your migrations will work on your production system, allowing for quick and repetitive test/fix cycles.
The key idea is that we follow the setup for the snapshot and then, locally backup our database and prefix so that we can quickly reproduce the migration test loop.
Make sure you go through the snapshot instructions above (up to step 6 only).
Make a copy of the SQLite3 database:
$ cp -a django.sql3 django.sql3.backup
This backup will allow you to quickly test the migrations w/o having to checkout the production version anymore.
Also, create a temporary git repository of
, so you can cross-check changes and reset it in case of problems:$ cd prefix $ git init . $ git add . $ git commit -m "Initial commit" $ cd ..
Go back to the HEAD or branch you were developping before:
$ git checkout HEAD
Here is how to test/fix your migrations:
Run "django migrate":
$ ./bin/django migrate
Check your database by visually inspecting it on the django web admin or by manually dumping it.
If a problem is detected, fix it and revert the state:
$ cp -af django.sql3.backup django.sql3 $ cd prefix && git reset --hard HEAD && git clean -fdx . & cd ..
Tip: Write the above lines in a shell script so it is easy to repeat.
Go back to a. and restart.
Javascript Management with Node.js/Bower
We manage javascript external packages with the help of Bower. If you'd like
to include more packages that will statically served with the Django web app,
please consider including them at the appropriate section of buildout.cfg
The included recipes will also download and install executables for
, grunt
, csslint
and jshint
, which can be useful for JS
If you find problems concerning this package, please post a message to our group mailing list. Currently open issues can be tracked at our gitlab page.