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Commit 2d69197c authored by Flavio TARSETTI's avatar Flavio TARSETTI
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[accounts/ui-registration-templates] Added endpoint to let supervisees change/add a godfather

parent c8ed258f
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......@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ class GodfatherAddSuperviseeView(BaseUpdateSupervisionTrackView):
supervisiontrack.start_date = now
supervisiontrack.last_validation_date = now
supervisee.profile.status = Profile.ACCEPTED
supervisee.profile.rejection_date = None
......@@ -248,115 +249,146 @@ class GodfatherRemoveSuperviseeView(BaseUpdateSupervisionTrackView):
return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
#class BaseCreateSupervisionTrackViewSupervisee(generics.CreateAPIView):
# model = SupervisionTrack
# serializer_class = SupervisionTrackUpdateSerializer
# def get_permissions(self):
# permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated, IsAuthorAndNotGodfather]
# self.permission_classes = permission_classes
# return super(BaseCreateSupervisionTrackViewSupervisee, self).get_permissions()
#class SuperviseeAddGodfatherView(BaseCreateSupervisionTrackViewSupervisee):
# permission_classes = BaseCreateSupervisionTrackViewSupervisee.permission_classes
# def post(self, request, supervisor_name):
# godfather = User.objects.get(username=supervisor_name)
# supervisee = request.user
# print godfather
# print supervisee
# supervisee.profile.supervision_key = supervisee.profile._generate_current_supervision_key()
# #godfather = User.objects.get(username = self.cleaned_data['godfather'])
# supervisiontrack = SupervisionTrack.objects.create(
# supervisee = supervisee,
# godfather = godfather,
# is_valid = False,
# )
# #Assign key to supervision track
# supervisiontrack.supervision_key = supervisee.profile.supervision_key
# supervisee.profile.supervision.add(supervisiontrack)
# #supervisiontrack = SupervisionTrack.objects.get(godfather=request.user, supervisee=supervisee, supervisee__profile__supervision_key=models.F('supervision_key'))
# #from django.core.mail import send_mail
# #parsed_url = urlparse(settings.URL_PREFIX)
# #server_address = '%s://%s' % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.hostname)
# #c = Context({ 'supervisor': supervisiontrack.godfather,
# # 'supervisee': supervisee,
# # 'prefix': server_address,
# # })
# #if supervisee.profile.status == Profile.WAITINGVALIDATION:
# # #New user account waiting validation, so delete this account and inform by email the user
# # try:
# # t = loader.get_template('registration/mail.godfather_rejected.subject.txt')
# # subject = t.render(c)
# # # Note: e-mail subject *must not* contain newlines
# # subject = settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + ''.join(subject.splitlines())
# # t = loader.get_template('registration/mail.godfather_rejected_delete_account.message.txt')
# # message = t.render(c)
# # send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [])
# # except:
# # pass
# # registration_profile = RegistrationProfile.objects.get(user=supervisee)
# # supervisee.profile.delete()
# # supervisee.delete()
# # supervisiontrack.delete()
# # registration_profile.delete()
# #else:
# # #Reject this account and inform by email the user
# # now =
# # expiration_date_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=settings.ACCOUNT_BLOCKAGE_AFTER_FIRST_REJECTION_DAYS)
# # supervisiontrack.expiration_date = now
# # supervisiontrack.is_valid = False
# # supervisee.profile.status = Profile.REJECTED
# # supervisee.profile.supervision_key = None
# # if supervisee.profile.rejection_date == None:
# # supervisee.profile.rejection_date = now + expiration_date_delta
# #
# #
# #
# # try:
# # t = loader.get_template('registration/mail.godfather_rejected.subject.txt')
# # subject = t.render(c)
# # # Note: e-mail subject *must not* contain newlines
# # subject = settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + ''.join(subject.splitlines())
# # t = loader.get_template('registration/mail.godfather_rejected.message.txt')
# # message = t.render(c)
# # send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [])
# # except:
# # pass
# # #if supervisiontrack.start_date is None:
# # # supervisiontrack.delete()
# return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
class BaseCreateSupervisionTrackViewSupervisee(generics.CreateAPIView):
model = SupervisionTrack
serializer_class = SupervisionTrackUpdateSerializer
def get_permissions(self):
permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated, IsAuthorAndNotGodfather]
self.permission_classes = permission_classes
return super(BaseCreateSupervisionTrackViewSupervisee, self).get_permissions()
class SuperviseeAddGodfatherView(BaseCreateSupervisionTrackViewSupervisee):
permission_classes = BaseCreateSupervisionTrackViewSupervisee.permission_classes
def post(self, request, supervisor_name):
godfather = User.objects.get(username=supervisor_name)
supervisee = request.user
if supervisee.profile.supervision_key is not None:
#There's a key check if there's a valid track
supervisiontrack = SupervisionTrack.objects.get(supervisee=supervisee, supervisee__profile__supervision_key=models.F('supervision_key'))
if supervisiontrack.is_valid:
if supervisee.profile.status != Profile.WAITINGVALIDATION and supervisee.profile.status != Profile.NEWUSER and supervisee.profile.status != Profile.BLOCKED:
#Stop the current supervision
now =
expiration_date_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=settings.ACCOUNT_BLOCKAGE_AFTER_FIRST_REJECTION_DAYS)
supervisiontrack.expiration_date = now
supervisiontrack.is_valid = False
#Inform by email the revoked supervisor
from django.core.mail import send_mail
parsed_url = urlparse(settings.URL_PREFIX)
server_address = '%s://%s' % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.hostname)
c = Context({ 'supervisor': supervisiontrack.godfather,
'supervisee': supervisiontrack.supervisee,
'prefix': server_address,
t = loader.get_template('registration/mail.godfather_rejection.subject.txt')
subject = t.render(c)
# Note: e-mail subject *must not* contain newlines
subject = settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + ''.join(subject.splitlines())
t = loader.get_template('registration/mail.godfather_rejection.message.txt')
message = t.render(c)
send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [])
#Reject this account and inform by email the supervisor and the user
supervisee.profile.status = Profile.REJECTED
supervisee.profile.supervision_key = None
if supervisee.profile.rejection_date == None:
supervisee.profile.rejection_date = now + expiration_date_delta
#Not allowed to do this (unproper profile.status)
reason = "You are not able to perform this action, your profile is %s"%(supervisee.profile.status)
result = {
'error': reason,
return BadRequestResponse(result)
#A pending request already exist
reason = "You are not able to perform this action as you already have a pending request"
result = {
'error': reason,
return BadRequestResponse(result)
#No key is present in supervisee
#Make sure all tracks are invalid
supervisiontracks = SupervisionTrack.objects.filter(supervisee=supervisee, is_valid=True)
# This should never be the case but if it happens invalidate all tracks
if supervisiontracks.count() > 0:
now =
for track in supervisiontracks:
track.is_valid = False
track.expiration_date = now
#Create and assign key
supervisee.profile.supervision_key = supervisee.profile._generate_current_supervision_key()
supervisiontrack = SupervisionTrack.objects.create(
supervisee = supervisee,
godfather = godfather,
is_valid = False,
#Assign key to supervision track
supervisiontrack.supervision_key = supervisee.profile.supervision_key
#Inform by email the supervisor that he has a new supervisee request
from django.core.mail import send_mail
parsed_url = urlparse(settings.URL_PREFIX)
server_address = '%s://%s' % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.hostname)
c = Context({ 'supervisor': godfather,
'supervisee': supervisee,
'prefix': server_address,
t = loader.get_template('registration/mail.godfather_validation.subject.txt')
subject = t.render(c)
# Note: e-mail subject *must not* contain newlines
subject = settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + ''.join(subject.splitlines())
t = loader.get_template('registration/mail.godfather_validation_supervisee_add_request.message.txt')
message = t.render(c)
send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [])
return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
......@@ -39,3 +39,16 @@ class IsGodfatherAndAuthor(permissions.BasePermission):
def has_permission(self, request, view):
return request.user.profile.is_godfather
class IsAuthorAndNotGodfather(permissions.BasePermission):
The logged in user should also be the author
message = 'Not a supervisee account'
def has_permission(self, request, view):
return not request.user.profile.is_godfather
Dear {{ supervisor.first_name }},
One of your supervisee has made a request to end your current supervision and request for a new one towards another supervisor related to his current situation.
First Name: {{ supervisee.first_name }}
Last Name: {{ supervisee.last_name }}
Email: {{ }}
Username: {{ supervisee.username }}
This message is to inform you that you will not be responsible towards this supervisee in the current future.
BEAT Administrators at the Idiap Research Institute
Account validation - Revoked Supervision
Dear {{ supervisor.first_name }},
Thank you in advance for validating the request of one your supervisee at the Idiap Research Institute's Biometric
Evaluation and Testing (BEAT) platform. Before we can activate this
supervision requesti, you must login to your account and under supervision tab validate the following supervisee:
First Name: {{ supervisee.first_name }}
Last Name: {{ supervisee.last_name }}
Email: {{ }}
Username: {{ supervisee.username }}
If you don't do this the supervisee will not be able to use his account in
future and will not be recognized as your supervisee.
If you are having problems to activate your supervisee account, contact a member of our
support staff at {{ prefix }}{% url 'contact' %}.
BEAT Administrators at the Idiap Research Institute
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