<iclass="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> Unique report id: <ahref="{{ report.get_absolute_url }}"title="Use this link on your report or to share access with users and reviewers"data-toggle="tooltip"data-placement="top">{{ report.number }}</a><spanclass="help">(follow link to see review/publication URL.)</span><br/>
<iclass="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> Unique report id: <ahref="{{ report.get_absolute_url }}"title="Use this link on your report or to share access with users and reviewers"data-toggle="tooltip"data-placement="top">{{ report.number }}</a><spanclass="help">(follow link to see review/publication URL.)</span><br/>
{% if report.last_edited_date != None and not report.publication_date %}
{% if report.last_edited_date != None and not report.publication_date %}
<iclass="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> Last Edited: <strong>{{ report.last_edited_date|naturaltime }}</strong><br/>
<iclass="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> Last Edited: <strong>{{ report.last_edited_date|naturaltime }}</strong><br/>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if status == 'Editable' %}
{% if status == 'Editable' %}
<iclass="fa fa-warning"></i> This report is <strongclass="text-danger">{{ status }}</strong> (it may change in time)<br/>
<iclass="fa fa-warning"></i> This report is <strongclass="text-danger">{{ status }}</strong> (it may change in time)<br/>
{% elif status == 'Locked' %}
{% elif status == 'Locked' %}
<iclass="fa fa-warning"></i> This report is <strongclass="text-warning">{{ status }}</strong> (not yet published)<br/>
<iclass="fa fa-warning"></i> This report is <strongclass="text-warning">{{ status }}</strong> (not yet published)<br/>
<iclass="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> Expires in <strong>{{ report.expiration_date|naturaltime }}</strong>, on {{ report.expiration_date }} (publish it to make it permanent)<br/>
<iclass="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> Expires in <strong>{{ report.expiration_date|naturaltime }}</strong>, on {{ report.expiration_date }} (publish it to make it permanent)<br/>