Samuel GAIST authored
/tmp is not a valid folder for a production environment. Move the socket to a dedicated folder.
Samuel GAIST authored/tmp is not a valid folder for a production environment. Move the socket to a dedicated folder.
release.cfg 1.10 KiB
extends = common.cfg
parts += uwsgi
always-checkout = force
eggs-directory = .buildout/eggs
download-cache = .buildout/download-cache
abi-tag-eggs = true
versions = versions
develop = src/beat.backend.python
django = >=3.0,<4.0
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
interpreter = python
beat.core = git https://gitlab.idiap.ch/beat/beat.core.git rev=v1.10.7
beat.cmdline = git https://gitlab.idiap.ch/beat/beat.cmdline.git rev=v1.8.2
beat.backend.python = git https://gitlab.idiap.ch/beat/beat.backend.python.git rev=v1.7.11
recipe = buildout.recipe.uwsgi
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
use-system-binary = true
config-master = true
config-processes = 5
config-socket = /var/run/beat/uwsgi.sock
config-chmod-socket = 666
config-env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=beat.web.settings.production
config-module = django.core.wsgi:get_wsgi_application()
config-vacuum = true
config-plugins = python3
settings = web.settings.production
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
base-directory = .