Jaden Diefenbaugh authoredJaden Diefenbaugh authored
protractor.sh 2.31 KiB
# e2e testing helper script
# Preconditions:
# - Ran in the top directory of the `beat.web` repository
# - `Buildout` has already been ran successfully
# - Default development environment configurations
# - $SHELL is BASH or ZSH
# Postconditions:
# - `nohup.out` file will exist in top directory
# - If there was not a `django.sql3` db file, there will be one
# SUGGESTION: The vast majority of the time is spent generating a fresh db via
# `./bin/django install`. You may have a file named `template.django.sql3`
# in the top dir that will be copied and used as the initial db to massively
# speed up testing.
# clean up any type of exit
trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -- -$$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
# make sure the beat web server and web manager arent running already
if [ $(ps aux | grep -c 'django runserver') -gt 1 ]
echo 'The BEAT web server is already running locally, aborting...'
exit -1
if [ $(ps aux | grep -c 'webdriver-manager start') -gt 1 ]
echo 'The webdriver-manager is already running locally, aborting...'
exit -1
# if db already exists, save it
if [ -a django.sql3 ]
echo 'Found existing django database,' \
'saving it to "old.django.sql3"...'
mv django.sql3 old.django.sql3
# Either use a template db...
if [ -a template.django.sql3 ]
echo 'Found template django database, copying it...'
cp template.django.sql3 django.sql3
# ...or generate a new one
echo 'Found no template db ("template.django.sql3"),' \
'generating a new db....'
./bin/django install
# run the web server
beat_cmd='./bin/django runserver'
# spin up web manager
webdriver_cmd='./bin/webdriver-manager start'
# run tests
protractor_cmd='./bin/protractor ./protractor-conf.js'
# start bg processes
echo 'Output from the BEAT web server &' \
'the Protractor webdriver-manager will be found in nohup.out'
nohup $beat_cmd &
nohup $webdriver_cmd &
# couple seconds to let them set up
sleep 2
echo 'Running Protractor....'
echo '----------------'
# run tests
echo '----------------'
# if we saved a db, restore it
if [ -a old.django.sql3 ]
echo 'restoring old database...'
mv old.django.sql3 django.sql3