Wrong algorithm V1 parameters value in declaration
Following the development of beat.core!65, it has been discovered that part of the v1 algorithms provided by this repository have an issue: some of their numerical parameters have their default value stored as string rather than number.
This was fixed by !19 (merged) and !20 (merged) however, taking into account that the live platform has already some experiment that ran using these algorithm, updating them will break the cache (which in itself is not an issue) but also would require to re-run certified experiment which is a no-go.
The decided course of action is the following:
- Reverse !19 (merged)
- Reverse the last fixes done in !20 (merged)
- Implement a fully self-contained algorithm version 1 schema (done in beat.core!65)
This will allow to have algorithm using still using the V1 left untouched while enforcing the correct data types for newer algorithms.