diff --git a/src/ptbench/engine/evaluator.py b/src/ptbench/engine/evaluator.py
index 9d14f79078dc255ac2dec738584675331c74111f..8df2b58067585604cf9ed2b4bb1497ce296eabd1 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/engine/evaluator.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/engine/evaluator.py
@@ -3,367 +3,516 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 """Defines functionality for the evaluation of predictions."""
+import contextlib
+import itertools
 import logging
-import os
-import re
+import typing
-from collections.abc import Iterable
-from typing import Optional
+from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.figure
 import numpy
-import pandas as pd
-import torch
+import numpy.typing
+import sklearn.metrics
+import tabulate
-from sklearn import metrics
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-from ..utils.measure import base_measures, get_centered_maxf1
+from ..models.typing import BinaryPrediction
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def eer_threshold(neg: Iterable[float], pos: Iterable[float]) -> float:
-    """Evaluates the EER threshold from negative and positive scores.
+def eer_threshold(predictions: Iterable[BinaryPrediction]) -> float:
+    """Calculates the (approximate) threshold leading to the equal error rate.
+    predictions
+        An iterable of multiple
+        :py:data:`ptbench.models.typing.BinaryPrediction`'s.
-        neg :
-            Negative scores
-        pos :
-            Positive scores
-    Returns:
+    Returns
+    -------
         The EER threshold value.
     from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
     from scipy.optimize import brentq
-    y_predictions = pd.concat((neg, pos))
-    y_true = numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros_like(neg), numpy.ones_like(pos)))
+    y_scores = [k[2] for k in predictions]
+    y_labels = [k[1] for k in predictions]
-    fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_true, y_predictions, pos_label=1)
+    fpr, tpr, thresholds = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(y_labels, y_scores)
     eer = brentq(lambda x: 1.0 - x - interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0.0, 1.0)
     return float(interp1d(fpr, thresholds)(eer))
-def posneg(
-    pred, gt, threshold
-) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
-    """Calculates true and false positives and negatives.
+def _get_centered_maxf1(
+    f1_scores: numpy.typing.NDArray, thresholds: numpy.typing.NDArray
+    """Return the centered max F1 score threshold when multiple thresholds give
+    the same max F1 score.
+    f1_scores
+        1D array of f1 scores
+    thresholds
+        1D array of thresholds
-    pred :
-        Pixel-wise predictions.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A tuple with the maximum F1-score and the "centered" threshold.
+    """
+    maxf1 = f1_scores.max()
+    maxf1_indices = numpy.where(f1_scores == maxf1)[0]
-    gt :
-        Ground-truth (annotations).
+    # If multiple thresholds give the same max F1 score
+    if len(maxf1_indices) > 1:
+        mean_maxf1_index = int(round(numpy.mean(maxf1_indices)))
+    else:
+        mean_maxf1_index = maxf1_indices[0]
+    return maxf1, thresholds[mean_maxf1_index]
+def maxf1_threshold(predictions: Iterable[BinaryPrediction]) -> float:
+    """Calculates the threshold leading to the maximum F1-score on a precision-
+    recall curve.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    predictions
+        An iterable of multiple
+        :py:data:`ptbench.models.typing.BinaryPrediction`'s.
-    threshold :
-        A particular threshold in which to calculate the performance
-        measures.
+        The threshold value leading to the maximum F1-score on the provided set
+        of predictions.
+    """
+    y_scores = [k[2] for k in predictions]
+    y_labels = [k[1] for k in predictions]
-    tp_tensor:
-        The true positive values.
+    precision, recall, thresholds = sklearn.metrics.precision_recall_curve(
+        y_labels, y_scores
+    )
-    fp_tensor:
-        The false positive values.
+    numerator = 2 * recall * precision
+    denom = recall + precision
+    f1_scores = numpy.divide(
+        numerator, denom, out=numpy.zeros_like(denom), where=(denom != 0)
+    )
-    tn_tensor:
-        The true negative values.
+    _, maxf1_threshold = _get_centered_maxf1(f1_scores, thresholds)
+    return maxf1_threshold
-    fn_tensor:
-        The false negative values.
-    """
-    # threshold
-    binary_pred = torch.gt(pred, threshold)
+def _score_plot(
+    labels: numpy.typing.NDArray,
+    scores: numpy.typing.NDArray,
+    title: str,
+    threshold: float,
+) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure:
+    """Plots the normalized score distributions for all systems.
-    # equals and not-equals
-    equals = torch.eq(binary_pred, gt).type(torch.uint8)
-    notequals = torch.ne(binary_pred, gt).type(torch.uint8)
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    labels
+        True labels (negatives and positives) for each entry in ``scores``
+    scores
+        Likelihoods provided by the classification model, for each sample
+    title
+        Title of the plot.
+    threshold
+        Shows where the threshold is in the figure
-    # true positives
-    tp_tensor = (gt * binary_pred).type(torch.uint8)
-    # false positives
-    fp_tensor = torch.eq((binary_pred + tp_tensor), 1).type(torch.uint8)
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A single (matplotlib) plot containing the score distribution, ready to
+        be saved to disk or displayed.
+    """
+    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
+    assert isinstance(fig, matplotlib.figure.Figure)
+    ax = typing.cast(plt.Axes, ax)  # gets editor to behave
+    # Here, we configure the "style" of our plot
+    ax.set_xlim([0, 1])
+    ax.set_title(title)
+    ax.set_xlabel("Score")
+    ax.set_ylabel("Normalized count")
+    ax.grid(linestyle="--", linewidth=1, color="gray", alpha=0.2)
+    # Only show ticks on the left and bottom spines
+    ax.spines.right.set_visible(False)
+    ax.spines.top.set_visible(False)
+    ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom()
+    ax.get_yaxis().tick_left()
+    positives = scores[labels > 0.5]
+    negatives = scores[labels < 0.5]
+    ax.hist(positives, bins="auto", label="positives", density=True, alpha=0.7)
+    ax.hist(negatives, bins="auto", label="negatives", density=True, alpha=0.7)
+    # Adds threshold line (dotted red)
+    ax.axvline(
+        threshold,  # type: ignore
+        color="red",
+        lw=2,
+        alpha=0.75,
+        ls="dotted",
+        label="threshold",
+    )
-    # true negatives
-    tn_tensor = (equals - tp_tensor).type(torch.uint8)
+    # Adds a nice legend
+    ax.legend(
+        title="Max F1-scores",
+        fancybox=True,
+        framealpha=0.7,
+    )
-    # false negatives
-    fn_tensor = notequals - fp_tensor.type(torch.uint8)
+    # Makes sure the figure occupies most of the possible space
+    fig.tight_layout()
-    return tp_tensor, fp_tensor, tn_tensor, fn_tensor
+    return fig
-def sample_measures_for_threshold(
-    pred: torch.Tensor, gt: torch.Tensor, threshold: float
-) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float]:
-    """Calculates measures on one single sample, for a specific threshold.
+def run_binary(
+    name: str,
+    predictions: Iterable[BinaryPrediction],
+    threshold_a_priori: float | None = None,
+) -> tuple[
+    dict[str, typing.Any],
+    dict[str, matplotlib.figure.Figure],
+    dict[str, typing.Any],
+    """Runs inference and calculates measures for binary classification.
+    name
+        The name of subset to load.
+    predictions
+        A list of predictions to consider for measurement
+    threshold_a_priori
+        A threshold to use, evaluated *a priori*, if must report single values.
+        If this value is not provided, a *a posteriori* threshold is calculated
+        on the input scores.  This is a biased estimator.
-    pred :
-        Pixel-wise predictions.
-    gt :
-        Ground-truth (annotations).
-    threshold :
-        A particular threshold in which to calculate the performance
-        measures.
+        A tuple containing the following entries:
-    precision : float
-        P, AKA positive predictive value (PPV).  It corresponds arithmetically
-        to ``tp/(tp+fp)``.  In the case ``tp+fp == 0``, this function returns
-        zero for precision.
-    recall : float
-        R, AKA sensitivity, hit rate, or true positive rate (TPR).  It
-        corresponds arithmetically to ``tp/(tp+fn)``.  In the special case
-        where ``tp+fn == 0``, this function returns zero for recall.
-    specificity : float
-        S, AKA selectivity or true negative rate (TNR).  It
-        corresponds arithmetically to ``tn/(tn+fp)``.  In the special case
-        where ``tn+fp == 0``, this function returns zero for specificity.
-    accuracy : float
-        A, see `Accuracy
-        <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaluation_of_binary_classifiers>`_. is
-        the proportion of correct predictions (both true positives and true
-        negatives) among the total number of pixels examined.  It corresponds
-        arithmetically to ``(tp+tn)/(tp+tn+fp+fn)``.  This measure includes
-        both true-negatives and positives in the numerator, what makes it
-        sensitive to data or regions without annotations.
-    jaccard : float
-        J, see `Jaccard Index or Similarity
-        <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index>`_.  It corresponds
-        arithmetically to ``tp/(tp+fp+fn)``.  In the special case where
-        ``tn+fp+fn == 0``, this function returns zero for the Jaccard index.
-        The Jaccard index depends on a TP-only numerator, similarly to the F1
-        score.  For regions where there are no annotations, the Jaccard index
-        will always be zero, irrespective of the model output.  Accuracy may be
-        a better proxy if one needs to consider the true abscence of
-        annotations in a region as part of the measure.
-    f1_score : float
-        F1, see `F1-score <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F1_score>`_.  It
-        corresponds arithmetically to ``2*P*R/(P+R)`` or ``2*tp/(2*tp+fp+fn)``.
-        In the special case where ``P+R == (2*tp+fp+fn) == 0``, this function
-        returns zero for the Jaccard index.  The F1 or Dice score depends on a
-        TP-only numerator, similarly to the Jaccard index.  For regions where
-        there are no annotations, the F1-score will always be zero,
-        irrespective of the model output.  Accuracy may be a better proxy if
-        one needs to consider the true abscence of annotations in a region as
-        part of the measure.
+        * summary: A dictionary containing the performance summary on the
+          specified threshold
+        * figures: A dictionary of generated standalone figures
+        * curves: A dictionary containing curves that can potentially be combined
+          with other prediction lists to make aggregate plots.
-    tp_tensor, fp_tensor, tn_tensor, fn_tensor = posneg(pred, gt, threshold)
+    y_scores = numpy.array([k[2] for k in predictions])  # likelihoods
+    y_labels = numpy.array([k[1] for k in predictions])  # integers
+    neg_label = y_labels.min()
+    pos_label = y_labels.max()
+    use_threshold = threshold_a_priori
+    if use_threshold is None:
+        use_threshold = maxf1_threshold(predictions)
+        logger.warning(
+            f"User did not pass an *a priori* threshold for the evaluation "
+            f"of split `{name}`.  Using threshold a posteriori (biased) with value "
+            f"`{use_threshold:.4f}`"
+        )
-    # calc measures from scalars
-    tp_count = torch.sum(tp_tensor).item()
-    fp_count = torch.sum(fp_tensor).item()
-    tn_count = torch.sum(tn_tensor).item()
-    fn_count = torch.sum(fn_tensor).item()
-    return base_measures(tp_count, fp_count, tn_count, fn_count)
+    y_predictions = numpy.where(y_scores >= use_threshold, pos_label, neg_label)
+    # point measures on threshold
+    summary = dict(
+        split=name,
+        threshold=use_threshold,
+        threshold_a_posteriori=(threshold_a_priori is None),
+        precision=sklearn.metrics.precision_score(
+            y_labels, y_predictions, pos_label=pos_label
+        ),
+        recall=sklearn.metrics.recall_score(
+            y_labels, y_predictions, pos_label=pos_label
+        ),
+        specificity=sklearn.metrics.recall_score(
+            y_labels, y_predictions, pos_label=neg_label
+        ),
+        accuracy=sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_labels, y_predictions),
+        f1_score=sklearn.metrics.f1_score(
+            y_labels, y_predictions, pos_label=pos_label
+        ),
+    )
-def run(
-    name: str,
-    predictions_folder: str,
-    f1_thresh: Optional[float] = None,
-    eer_thresh: Optional[float] = None,
-    steps: Optional[int] = 1000,
-    """Runs inference and calculates measures.
+    # figures: score distributions
+    figures = dict(
+        scores=_score_plot(
+            y_labels,
+            y_scores,
+            f"Score distribution (split: {name})",
+            use_threshold,
+        ),
+    )
-    Parameters
-    ---------
+    # curves: ROC and precision recall
+    curves = dict(
+        roc=sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(y_labels, y_scores, pos_label=pos_label),
+        precision_recall=sklearn.metrics.precision_recall_curve(
+            y_labels, y_scores, pos_label=pos_label
+        ),
+    )
-    name:
-        The name of subset to load.
+    return summary, figures, curves
-    predictions_folder:
-        Folder where predictions for the dataset images has been previously
-        stored.
-    f1_thresh:
-        This number should come from
-        the training set or a separate validation set.  Using a test set value
-        may bias your analysis.  This number is also used to print the a priori
-        F1-score on the evaluated set.
+def aggregate_summaries(
+    data: typing.Sequence[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]], fmt: str
+) -> str:
+    """Tabulates summaries from multiple splits.
-    eer_thresh:
-        This number should come from
-        the training set or a separate validation set.  Using a test set value
-        may bias your analysis.  This number is used to print the a priori
-        EER.
+    This function can properly :py:mod:`tabulate` the various summaries
+    produced for all the splits in a prediction database.
-    steps:
-        number of threshold steps to consider when evaluating thresholds.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    data
+        An iterable over all summary data collected
+    fmt
+        One of the formats supported by :py:mod:`tabulate`.
+        A string containing the tabulated information
+    """
+    headers = list(data[0].keys())
+    table = [[k[h] for h in headers] for k in data]
+    return tabulate.tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt=".3f")
-    pred_data:
-        The loaded predictions for the specified subset.
+def aggregate_roc(
+    data: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
+    title: str = "ROC",
+) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure:
+    """Aggregates ROC curves from multiple splits.
-    fig_scores:
-        Figure of the histogram distributions of true-positive/true-negative scores.
+    This function produces a single ROC plot for multiple curves generated per
+    split.
-    maxf1_threshold:
-        Threshold to achieve the highest possible F1-score for this dataset.
-    post_eer_threshold:
-        Threshold achieving Equal Error Rate for this dataset.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    data
+        A dictionary mapping split names to ROC curve data produced by
+        :py:func:sklearn.metrics.roc_curve`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A figure, containing the aggregated ROC plot.
-    predictions_path = os.path.join(predictions_folder, f"{name}.csv")
-    if not os.path.exists(predictions_path):
-        predictions_path = predictions_folder
-    # Load predictions
-    pred_data = pd.read_csv(predictions_path)
-    pred = torch.Tensor(
-        [
-            eval(re.sub(" +", " ", x.replace("\n", "")).replace(" ", ","))
-            for x in pred_data["likelihood"].values
-        ]
-    ).double()
-    gt = torch.Tensor(
-        [
-            eval(re.sub(" +", " ", x.replace("\n", "")).replace(" ", ","))
-            for x in pred_data["ground_truth"].values
-        ]
-    ).double()
-    if pred.shape[1] == 1 and gt.shape[1] == 1:
-        pred = torch.flatten(pred)
-        gt = torch.flatten(gt)
-    pred_data["likelihood"] = pred
-    pred_data["ground_truth"] = gt
-    # Multiclass f1 score computation
-    if pred.ndim > 1:
-        auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(gt, pred)
-        logger.info("Evaluating multiclass classification")
-        logger.info(f"AUC: {auc}")
-        logger.info("F1 and EER are not implemented for multiclass")
-        return None, None
-    # Generate measures for each threshold
-    step_size = 1.0 / steps
-    data = [
-        (index, threshold) + sample_measures_for_threshold(pred, gt, threshold)
-        for index, threshold in enumerate(numpy.arange(0.0, 1.0, step_size))
+    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
+    assert isinstance(fig, matplotlib.figure.Figure)
+    # Names and bounds
+    ax.set_xlabel("1 - specificity")
+    ax.set_ylabel("Sensitivity")
+    ax.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
+    ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
+    ax.set_title(title)
+    # we should see some of ax 1 ax
+    ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
+    ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
+    ax.spines["left"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
+    ax.spines["bottom"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
+    ax.grid(linestyle="--", linewidth=1, color="gray", alpha=0.2)
+    plt.tight_layout()
+    lines = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"]
+    colors = [
+        "#1f77b4",
+        "#ff7f0e",
+        "#2ca02c",
+        "#d62728",
+        "#9467bd",
+        "#8c564b",
+        "#e377c2",
+        "#7f7f7f",
+        "#bcbd22",
+        "#17becf",
+    colorcycler = itertools.cycle(colors)
+    linecycler = itertools.cycle(lines)
+    legend = []
+    for name, (fpr, tpr, _) in data.items():
+        # plots roc curve
+        _auc = sklearn.metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
+        label = f"{name} (AUC={_auc:.2f})"
+        color = next(colorcycler)
+        style = next(linecycler)
+        (line,) = ax.plot(fpr, tpr, color=color, linestyle=style)
+        legend.append((line, label))
+    if len(legend) > 1:
+        ax.legend(
+            [k[0] for k in legend],
+            [k[1] for k in legend],
+            loc="lower right",
+            fancybox=True,
+            framealpha=0.7,
+        )
-    data_df = pd.DataFrame(
-        data,
-        columns=(
-            "index",
-            "threshold",
-            "precision",
-            "recall",
-            "specificity",
-            "accuracy",
-            "jaccard",
-            "f1_score",
-        ),
-    )
-    data_df = data_df.set_index("index")
-    """# Save evaluation csv
-    if output_folder is not None:
-        fullpath = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{name}.csv")
-        logger.info(f"Saving {fullpath}...")
-        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fullpath), exist_ok=True)
-        data_df.to_csv(fullpath)"""
-    # Find max F1 score
-    f1_scores = numpy.asarray(data_df["f1_score"])
-    thresholds = numpy.asarray(data_df["threshold"])
-    maxf1, maxf1_threshold = get_centered_maxf1(f1_scores, thresholds)
-    logger.info(
-        f"Maximum F1-score of {maxf1:.5f}, achieved at "
-        f"threshold {maxf1_threshold:.3f} (chosen *a posteriori*)"
-    )
+    return fig
-    # Find EER
-    neg_gt = pred_data.loc[pred_data.loc[:, "ground_truth"] == 0, :]
-    pos_gt = pred_data.loc[pred_data.loc[:, "ground_truth"] == 1, :]
-    post_eer_threshold = eer_threshold(
-        neg_gt["likelihood"], pos_gt["likelihood"]
-    )
-    logger.info(
-        f"Equal error rate achieved at "
-        f"threshold {post_eer_threshold:.3f} (chosen *a posteriori*)"
-    )
+def _precision_recall_canvas() -> (
+    Iterator[tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.figure.Axes]]
+    """Generates a canvas to draw precision-recall curves.
-    # Generate scores fig
-    fig_score, axes = plt.subplots(1)
-    fig_score.tight_layout(pad=3.0)
+    Works like a context manager, yielding a figure and an axes set in which
+    the precision-recall curves should be added to.  The figure already
+    contains F1-ISO lines and is preset to a 0-1 square region.  Once the
+    context is finished, ``fig.tight_layout()`` is called.
-    # Names and bounds
-    axes.set_xlabel("Score")
-    axes.set_ylabel("Normalized counts")
-    axes.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)
-    neg_weights = numpy.ones_like(neg_gt["likelihood"]) / len(
-        pred_data["likelihood"]
-    )
-    pos_weights = numpy.ones_like(pos_gt["likelihood"]) / len(
-        pred_data["likelihood"]
-    )
+    Yields
+    ------
+    figure
+        The figure that should be finally returned to the user
+    axes
+        An axis set where to precision-recall plots should be added to
+    """
-    axes.hist(
-        [neg_gt["likelihood"], pos_gt["likelihood"]],
-        weights=[neg_weights, pos_weights],
-        bins=100,
-        color=["tab:blue", "tab:orange"],
-        label=["Negatives", "Positives"],
-    )
-    axes.legend(prop={"size": 10}, loc="upper center")
-    axes.set_title(f"Score table for {name} subset")
+    fig, axes1 = plt.subplots(1)
+    assert isinstance(fig, matplotlib.figure.Figure)
+    assert isinstance(axes1, matplotlib.figure.Axes)
+    # Names and bounds
+    axes1.set_xlabel("Recall")
+    axes1.set_ylabel("Precision")
+    axes1.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
+    axes1.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
+    axes1.grid(linestyle="--", linewidth=1, color="gray", alpha=0.2)
+    axes2 = axes1.twinx()
+    # Annotates plot with F1-score iso-lines
+    f_scores = numpy.linspace(0.1, 0.9, num=9)
+    tick_locs = []
+    tick_labels = []
+    for f_score in f_scores:
+        x = numpy.linspace(0.01, 1)
+        y = f_score * x / (2 * x - f_score)
+        plt.plot(x[y >= 0], y[y >= 0], color="green", alpha=0.1)
+        tick_locs.append(y[-1])
+        tick_labels.append("%.1f" % f_score)
+    axes2.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", pad=0, right=False, left=False)
+    axes2.set_ylabel("iso-F", color="green", alpha=0.3)
+    axes2.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
+    axes2.yaxis.set_label_coords(1.015, 0.97)
+    axes2.set_yticks(tick_locs)  # notice these are invisible
+    for k in axes2.set_yticklabels(tick_labels):
+        k.set_color("green")
+        k.set_alpha(0.3)
+        k.set_size(8)
     # we should see some of axes 1 axes
-    axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
-    axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
-    axes.spines["left"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
-    """if f1_thresh is not None and eer_thresh is not None:
-        # get the closest possible threshold we have
-        index = int(round(steps * f1_thresh))
-        f1_a_priori = data_df["f1_score"][index]
-        actual_threshold = data_df["threshold"][index]
-        logger.info(
-            f"F1-score of {f1_a_priori:.5f}, at threshold "
-            f"{actual_threshold:.3f} (chosen *a priori*)"
-        )
+    axes1.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
+    axes1.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
+    axes1.spines["left"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
+    axes1.spines["bottom"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
+    # we shouldn't see any of axes 2 axes
+    axes2.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
+    axes2.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
+    axes2.spines["left"].set_visible(False)
+    axes2.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False)
+    # yield execution, lets user draw precision-recall plots, and the legend
+    # before tighteneing the layout
+    yield fig, axes1
+    plt.tight_layout()
-        # Print the a priori EER threshold
-        logger.info(f"Equal error rate (chosen *a priori*) {eer_thresh:.3f}")"""
+def aggregate_pr(
+    data: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
+    title: str = "Precision-Recall Curve",
+) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure:
+    """Aggregates PR curves from multiple splits.
-    return pred_data, fig_score, maxf1_threshold, post_eer_threshold
+    This function produces a single Precision-Recall plot for multiple curves
+    generated per split. The plot will be annotated with F1-score iso-lines (in
+    which the F1-score maintains the same value).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    data
+        A dictionary mapping split names to ROC curve data produced by
+        :py:func:sklearn.metrics.precision_recall_curve`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A figure, containing the aggregated PR plot.
+    """
+    lines = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"]
+    colors = [
+        "#1f77b4",
+        "#ff7f0e",
+        "#2ca02c",
+        "#d62728",
+        "#9467bd",
+        "#8c564b",
+        "#e377c2",
+        "#7f7f7f",
+        "#bcbd22",
+        "#17becf",
+    ]
+    colorcycler = itertools.cycle(colors)
+    linecycler = itertools.cycle(lines)
+    with _precision_recall_canvas() as (fig, axes):
+        axes.set_title(title)
+        legend = []
+        for name, (prec, recall, _) in data.items():
+            _auc = sklearn.metrics.auc(recall, prec)
+            label = f"{name} (AUC={_auc:.2f})"
+            color = next(colorcycler)
+            style = next(linecycler)
+            (line,) = axes.plot(recall, prec, color=color, linestyle=style)
+            legend.append((line, label))
+        if len(legend) > 1:
+            axes.legend(
+                [k[0] for k in legend],
+                [k[1] for k in legend],
+                loc="lower left",
+                fancybox=True,
+                framealpha=0.7,
+            )
+    return fig
diff --git a/src/ptbench/engine/predictor.py b/src/ptbench/engine/predictor.py
index 49e5f5acdbd1866e3cd10b323720d2eda3f2d0c2..9b6c62a177fe3b187ddc947d8b6dd430ef066be5 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/engine/predictor.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/engine/predictor.py
@@ -7,7 +7,12 @@ import logging
 import lightning.pytorch
 import torch.utils.data
-from ..models.typing import Prediction
+from ..models.typing import (
+    BinaryPrediction,
+    BinaryPredictionSplit,
+    MultiClassPrediction,
+    MultiClassPredictionSplit,
 from .device import DeviceManager
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -18,9 +23,12 @@ def run(
     datamodule: lightning.pytorch.LightningDataModule,
     device_manager: DeviceManager,
 ) -> (
-    list[Prediction]
-    | list[list[Prediction]]
-    | dict[str, list[Prediction]]
+    list[BinaryPrediction]
+    | list[MultiClassPrediction]
+    | list[list[BinaryPrediction]]
+    | list[list[MultiClassPrediction]]
+    | BinaryPredictionSplit
+    | MultiClassPredictionSplit
     | None
     """Runs inference on input data, outputs csv files with predictions.
diff --git a/src/ptbench/models/alexnet.py b/src/ptbench/models/alexnet.py
index a664c4c6021768319e82fc0a7ff2a1e66cb8a161..ab66d1aa3ab183e29017e32d8957d0320381acda 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/models/alexnet.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/models/alexnet.py
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class Alexnet(pl.LightningModule):
         return self._validation_loss(outputs, labels.float())
-    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0, grad_cams=False):
+    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
         outputs = self(batch[0])
         probabilities = torch.sigmoid(outputs)
         return separate((probabilities, batch[1]))
diff --git a/src/ptbench/models/densenet.py b/src/ptbench/models/densenet.py
index c416bb0298bd3782e864ce1b0bc26696d3dc68ea..c7def1b5b86a4a4e9e9ab474c7aa93140e0707b7 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/models/densenet.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/models/densenet.py
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class Densenet(pl.LightningModule):
         return self._validation_loss(outputs, labels.float())
-    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0, grad_cams=False):
+    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
         outputs = self(batch[0])
         probabilities = torch.sigmoid(outputs)
         return separate((probabilities, batch[1]))
diff --git a/src/ptbench/models/logistic_regression.py b/src/ptbench/models/logistic_regression.py
index 4e0338f4e0b4ceb6faeef11bedba73a9b2b0204b..6a88d9675e09d3d6f0fb1e0a4d221ac948c0ae26 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/models/logistic_regression.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/models/logistic_regression.py
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class LogisticRegression(pl.LightningModule):
             return {f"extra_validation_loss_{dataloader_idx}": validation_loss}
-    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0, grad_cams=False):
+    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
         outputs = self(batch[0])
         probabilities = torch.sigmoid(outputs)
         return separate((probabilities, batch[1]))
diff --git a/src/ptbench/models/mlp.py b/src/ptbench/models/mlp.py
index 102b384985c1814288e17265e3265015f500aacd..ac59ad6f6302355c352995cff9b4ee7208ed46e6 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/models/mlp.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/models/mlp.py
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class MultiLayerPerceptron(pl.LightningModule):
             return {f"extra_validation_loss_{dataloader_idx}": validation_loss}
-    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0, grad_cams=False):
+    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
         outputs = self(batch[0])
         probabilities = torch.sigmoid(outputs)
         return separate((probabilities, batch[1]))
diff --git a/src/ptbench/models/pasa.py b/src/ptbench/models/pasa.py
index c89a6d328a229dd7839956e2105e42541c1df0ea..112d7ef6cebacbb514725fe2946c22cd0c452c92 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/models/pasa.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/models/pasa.py
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class Pasa(pl.LightningModule):
         return self._validation_loss(outputs, labels.float())
-    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0, grad_cams=False):
+    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
         outputs = self(batch[0])
         probabilities = torch.sigmoid(outputs)
         return separate((probabilities, batch[1]))
diff --git a/src/ptbench/models/separate.py b/src/ptbench/models/separate.py
index febb0728e3db919b119ca76402dccc516ba41306..9568721169a58a69c1f54f57bcca05398cb02e3c 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/models/separate.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/models/separate.py
@@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ import typing
 import torch
 from ..data.typing import Sample
-from .typing import Prediction
+from .typing import BinaryPrediction, MultiClassPrediction
-def _as_predictions(samples: typing.Iterable[Sample]) -> list[Prediction]:
+def _as_predictions(
+    samples: typing.Iterable[Sample],
+) -> list[BinaryPrediction | MultiClassPrediction]:
     """Takes a list of separated batch predictions and transform into a list of
     formal predictions.
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ def _as_predictions(samples: typing.Iterable[Sample]) -> list[Prediction]:
     return [(v[1]["name"], v[1]["label"].item(), v[0].item()) for v in samples]
-def separate(batch: Sample) -> list[Prediction]:
+def separate(batch: Sample) -> list[BinaryPrediction | MultiClassPrediction]:
     """Separates a collated batch reconstituting its samples.
     This function implements the inverse of
diff --git a/src/ptbench/models/typing.py b/src/ptbench/models/typing.py
index 3294cafdddc0d2415b787f8c1eb494ec31bdfdd6..6290315724d5e5fcd8f3a1d435771473838220e3 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/models/typing.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/models/typing.py
@@ -5,17 +5,23 @@
 import typing
-Checkpoint: typing.TypeAlias = typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]
+Checkpoint: typing.TypeAlias = typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any]
 """Definition of a lightning checkpoint."""
+BinaryPrediction: typing.TypeAlias = tuple[str, int, float]
+"""Prediction: the sample name, the target, and the predicted value."""
-Prediction: typing.TypeAlias = tuple[
-    str, int | typing.Sequence[int], float | typing.Sequence[float]
+MultiClassPrediction: typing.TypeAlias = tuple[
+    str, typing.Sequence[int], typing.Sequence[float]
 """Prediction: the sample name, the target, and the predicted value."""
+BinaryPredictionSplit: typing.TypeAlias = typing.Mapping[
+    str, typing.Sequence[BinaryPrediction]
+"""A series of predictions for different database splits."""
-PredictionSplit: typing.TypeAlias = typing.Mapping[
-    str, typing.Sequence[Prediction]
+MultiClassPredictionSplit: typing.TypeAlias = typing.Mapping[
+    str, typing.Sequence[MultiClassPrediction]
 """A series of predictions for different database splits."""
diff --git a/src/ptbench/scripts/evaluate.py b/src/ptbench/scripts/evaluate.py
index 7f3df261be9da8d8876709075b1d3cb52d8eb4f3..19afc037c4dfaa11a0f5fa32628cb08602b52b49 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/scripts/evaluate.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/scripts/evaluate.py
@@ -2,253 +2,168 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import os
-from collections import defaultdict
+import pathlib
 import click
-from clapper.click import ConfigCommand, ResourceOption, verbosity_option
+from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
-from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
-from ..data.datamodule import ConcatDataModule
-from ..data.typing import DataLoader
-from ..utils.plot import precision_recall_f1iso, roc_curve
-from ..utils.table import performance_table
+from .click import ConfigCommand
 logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
-def _validate_threshold(
-    threshold: int | float | str, dataloader_dict: dict[str, DataLoader]
-    """Validates the user threshold selection.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    threshold:
-        This number is used to define positives and negatives from
-        probability maps, and report F1-scores (a priori). It
-        should either come from the training set or a separate validation set
-        to avoid biasing the analysis.  Optionally, if you provide a multi-set
-        dataset as input, this may also be the name of an existing set from
-        which the threshold will be estimated (highest F1-score) and then
-        applied to the subsequent sets.  This number is also used to print
-        the test set F1-score a priori performance
-    dataloader_dict:
-        Dictionary of set_name: dataloader, there set_name is the name of a dataset split
-        and dataloader is the torch dataloader for that split.
-    Returns
-    -------
-        The parsed threshold.
-    """
-    if threshold is None:
-        return 0.5
-    try:
-        # we try to convert it to float first
-        threshold = float(threshold)
-        if threshold < 0.0 or threshold > 1.0:
-            raise ValueError("Float thresholds must be within range [0.0, 1.0]")
-    except ValueError:
-        # it is a bit of text - assert dataset with name is available
-        if not isinstance(dataloader_dict, dict):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Threshold should be a floating-point number "
-                "if your provide only a single dataset for evaluation"
-            )
-        if threshold not in dataloader_dict:
-            raise ValueError(
-                f"Text thresholds should match dataset names, "
-                f"but {threshold} is not available among the datasets provided ("
-                f"({', '.join(dataloader_dict.keys())})"
-            )
-    return threshold
-    1. Runs evaluation on an existing dataset configuration:
+1. Runs evaluation on an existing prediction output:
+   .. code:: sh
+      ptbench evaluate -vv --predictions=path/to/predictions.json --output-folder=path/to/results
+2. Runs evaluation on an existing prediction output, tune threshold a priori on the `validation` set:
-       .. code:: sh
+   .. code:: sh
-          ptbench evaluate -vv montgomery --predictions-folder=path/to/predictions --output-folder=path/to/results
+      ptbench evaluate -vv --predictions=path/to/predictions.json --output-folder=path/to/results --threshold=validation
-    "--output-folder",
-    "-o",
-    help="Path where to store the analysis result (created if does not exist)",
-    required=True,
-    default="results",
-    type=click.Path(),
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    "--predictions-folder",
+    "--predictions",
     help="Path where predictions are currently stored",
-    type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True),
+    type=click.Path(
+        file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, writable=True, path_type=pathlib.Path
+    ),
-    "--datamodule",
-    "-d",
-    help="A lighting data module containing the training and validation sets.",
+    "--output-folder",
+    "-o",
+    help="Path where to store the analysis result (created if does not exist)",
+    default="results",
+    type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, path_type=pathlib.Path),
-    help="This number is used to define positives and negatives from "
-    "probability maps, and report F1-scores (a priori). It "
-    "should either come from the training set or a separate validation set "
-    "to avoid biasing the analysis.  Optionally, if you provide a multi-set "
-    "dataset as input, this may also be the name of an existing set from "
-    "which the threshold will be estimated (highest F1-score) and then "
-    "applied to the subsequent sets.  This number is also used to print "
-    "the test set F1-score a priori performance",
-    default=None,
+    help="""This value is used to define positives and negatives from
+    probability outputs in predictions, and report performance measures on
+    **binary** classification tasks. It should either come from the training
+    set or a separate validation set to avoid biasing the analysis.
+    Optionally, if you provide a multi-split set of predictions as input, this
+    may also be the name of an existing split (e.g. ``validation``) from which
+    the threshold will be estimated (by calculating the threshold leading to
+    the highest F1-score on that set) and then applied to the subsequent
+    sets.  This value is not used for multi-class classification tasks.""",
+    default=0.5,
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    "--steps",
-    "-S",
-    help="This number is used to define the number of threshold steps to "
-    "consider when evaluating the highest possible F1-score on test data.",
-    default=1000,
-    show_default=True,
-    required=True,
+    type=click.STRING,
 @verbosity_option(logger=logger, cls=ResourceOption, expose_value=False)
 def evaluate(
-    output_folder: str,
-    predictions_folder: str,
-    datamodule: ConcatDataModule,
-    threshold: int | float | str,
-    steps: int,
-    **_,
+    predictions: pathlib.Path,
+    output_folder: pathlib.Path,
+    threshold: str | float,
+    **_,  # ignored
 ) -> None:
-    """Evaluates a CNN on a tuberculosis prediction task.
-    Note: batch size of 1 is required on the predictions.
-    """
+    """Evaluates predictions (from a model) on a binary classification task."""
-    from ..engine.evaluator import run
+    import json
+    import typing
-    datamodule.set_chunk_size(1, 1)
-    datamodule.model_transforms = []
+    import matplotlib.figure
-    datamodule.prepare_data()
-    datamodule.setup(stage="predict")
+    from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
-    dataloader = datamodule.predict_dataloader()
+    from ..engine.evaluator import (
+        aggregate_pr,
+        aggregate_roc,
+        aggregate_summaries,
+        run_binary,
+    )
-    threshold = _validate_threshold(threshold, dataloader)
+    with predictions.open("r") as f:
+        predict_data = json.load(f)
-    if isinstance(threshold, str):
+    if threshold in predict_data:
+        # it is the name of a split
         # first run evaluation for reference dataset
-        logger.info(f"Evaluating threshold on '{threshold}' set")
-        _, _, f1_threshold, eer_threshold = run(
-            name=threshold,
-            predictions_folder=predictions_folder,
-            steps=steps,
-        )
+        from ..engine.evaluator import maxf1_threshold
-        if (f1_threshold is not None) and (eer_threshold is not None):
-            logger.info(f"Set --f1_threshold={f1_threshold:.5f}")
-            logger.info(f"Set --eer_threshold={eer_threshold:.5f}")
+        use_threshold = maxf1_threshold(predict_data[threshold])
+        logger.info(f"Setting --threshold={use_threshold:.5f}")
-    elif isinstance(threshold, float):
-        f1_threshold = threshold
-        eer_threshold = f1_threshold
-        raise ValueError("Threshold value is neither a str or a float")
-    results_dict = {  # type: ignore
-        "pred_data": defaultdict(dict),
-        "fig_score": defaultdict(dict),
-        "maxf1_threshold": defaultdict(dict),
-        "post_eer_threshold": defaultdict(dict),
-    }
-    for k in dataloader.keys():
-        if k.startswith("_"):
-            logger.info(f"Skipping dataset '{k}' (not to be evaluated)")
-            continue
-        logger.info(f"Analyzing '{k}' set...")
-        pred_data, fig_score, maxf1_threshold, post_eer_threshold = run(
-            k,
-            predictions_folder,
-            f1_thresh=f1_threshold,
-            eer_thresh=eer_threshold,
-            steps=steps,
+        # we try to convert it to float and complain if that is not possible
+        try:
+            use_threshold = float(threshold)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise click.BadParameter(
+                f"""The value of --threshold=`{threshold}` does not match one
+                of the database split names ({', '.join(predict_data.keys())})
+                or can be converted to float. Check your input."""
+            )
+    results: dict[
+        str,
+        tuple[
+            dict[str, typing.Any],
+            dict[str, matplotlib.figure.Figure],
+            dict[str, typing.Any],
+        ],
+    ] = dict()
+    for k, v in predict_data.items():
+        logger.info(f"Analyzing split `{k}`...")
+        results[k] = run_binary(
+            name=k,
+            predictions=v,
+            threshold_a_priori=use_threshold,
-        results_dict["pred_data"][k] = pred_data
-        results_dict["fig_score"][k] = fig_score
-        results_dict["maxf1_threshold"][k] = maxf1_threshold
-        results_dict["post_eer_threshold"][k] = post_eer_threshold
+    rows = [v[0] for v in results.values()]
+    table = aggregate_summaries(rows, fmt="rst")
+    click.echo(table)
     if output_folder is not None:
-        output_scores = os.path.join(output_folder, "scores.pdf")
-        if output_scores is not None:
-            output_scores = os.path.realpath(output_scores)
-            logger.info(f"Creating and saving scores at {output_scores}...")
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_scores), exist_ok=True)
-            score_pdf = PdfPages(output_scores)
-            for fig in results_dict["fig_score"].values():
-                score_pdf.savefig(fig)
-            score_pdf.close()
-        data = {}
-        for subset_name in dataloader.keys():
-            data[subset_name] = {
-                "df": results_dict["pred_data"][subset_name],
-                "threshold": results_dict["post_eer_threshold"][threshold]
-                if isinstance(threshold, str)
-                else eer_threshold,
-                "threshold_type": f"posteriori [{threshold}]"
-                if isinstance(threshold, str)
-                else "priori",
+        output_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        table_path = output_folder / "summary.rst"
+        logger.info(f"Saving measures at `{table_path}`...")
+        with table_path.open("w") as f:
+            f.write(table)
+        figure_path = output_folder / "plots.pdf"
+        logger.info(f"Saving figures at `{figure_path}`...")
+        with PdfPages(figure_path) as pdf:
+            pr_curves = {
+                k: v[2]["precision_recall"] for k, v in results.items()
+            }
+            pr_fig = aggregate_pr(pr_curves)
+            pdf.savefig(pr_fig)
+            roc_curves = {k: v[2]["roc"] for k, v in results.items()}
+            roc_fig = aggregate_roc(roc_curves)
+            pdf.savefig(roc_fig)
+            # order ready-to-save figures by type instead of split
+            figures = {k: v[1] for k, v in results.items()}
+            keys = next(iter(figures.values())).keys()
+            figures_by_type = {
+                k: [v[k] for v in figures.values()] for k in keys
-        output_figure = os.path.join(output_folder, "plots.pdf")
-        if output_figure is not None:
-            output_figure = os.path.realpath(output_figure)
-            logger.info(f"Creating and saving plots at {output_figure}...")
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_figure), exist_ok=True)
-            pdf = PdfPages(output_figure)
-            pdf.savefig(precision_recall_f1iso(data))
-            pdf.savefig(roc_curve(data))
-            pdf.close()
-        output_table = os.path.join(output_folder, "table.txt")
-        logger.info("Tabulating performance summary...")
-        table = performance_table(data, "rst")
-        click.echo(table)
-        if output_table is not None:
-            output_table = os.path.realpath(output_table)
-            logger.info(f"Saving table at {output_table}...")
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_table), exist_ok=True)
-            with open(output_table, "w") as f:
-                f.write(table)
+            for group_figures in figures_by_type.values():
+                for f in group_figures:
+                    pdf.savefig(f)
diff --git a/src/ptbench/utils/download.py b/src/ptbench/utils/download.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 911d5f916c84d13bc59e42a57b1bcd75c83c292e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ptbench/utils/download.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import logging
-import tempfile
-import urllib.request
-from tqdm import tqdm
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def download_to_tempfile(url, progress=False):
-    """Downloads a file to a temporary named file and returns it.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    url : str
-        The URL pointing to the file to download
-    progress : :py:class:`bool`, Optional
-        If a progress bar should be displayed for downloading the URL.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    f : :py:func:`tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile`
-        A named temporary file that contains the downloaded URL
-    """
-    file_size = 0
-    response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
-    meta = response.info()
-    if hasattr(meta, "getheaders"):
-        content_length = meta.getheaders("Content-Length")
-    else:
-        content_length = meta.get_all("Content-Length")
-    if content_length is not None and len(content_length) > 0:
-        file_size = int(content_length[0])
-    progress &= bool(file_size)
-    f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-    with tqdm(total=file_size, disable=not progress) as pbar:
-        while True:
-            buffer = response.read(8192)
-            if len(buffer) == 0:
-                break
-            f.write(buffer)
-            pbar.update(len(buffer))
-    f.flush()
-    f.seek(0)
-    return f
diff --git a/src/ptbench/utils/grad_cams.py b/src/ptbench/utils/grad_cams.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 11da258ae13f1468d50c32852b13a18ac1513124..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ptbench/utils/grad_cams.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-FileContributor: Kazuto Nakashima <k nakashima@irvs.ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import torch
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-class BaseWrapper:
-    def __init__(self, model):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.device = next(model.parameters()).device
-        self.model_with_norm = model
-        self.model = model.model
-        self.handlers = []  # a set of hook function handlers
-    def _encode_one_hot(self, ids):
-        one_hot = torch.zeros_like(self.logits).to(self.device)
-        one_hot.scatter_(1, ids, 1.0)
-        return one_hot
-    def forward(self, image):
-        self.image_shape = image.shape[2:]
-        self.logits = self.model_with_norm(image)
-        self.probs = torch.sigmoid(self.logits)
-        return self.probs.sort(dim=1, descending=True)  # ordered results
-    def backward(self, ids):
-        """Class-specific backpropagation."""
-        one_hot = self._encode_one_hot(ids)
-        self.model_with_norm.zero_grad()
-        self.logits.backward(gradient=one_hot, retain_graph=True)
-    def generate(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def remove_hook(self):
-        """Remove all the forward/backward hook functions."""
-        for handle in self.handlers:
-            handle.remove()
-class GradCAM(BaseWrapper):
-    """
-    "Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization"
-    https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.02391.pdf
-    Look at Figure 2 on page 4
-    """
-    def __init__(self, model, candidate_layers=None):
-        super().__init__(model)
-        self.fmap_pool = {}
-        self.grad_pool = {}
-        self.candidate_layers = candidate_layers  # list
-        def save_fmaps(key):
-            def forward_hook(module, input, output):
-                self.fmap_pool[key] = output.detach()
-            return forward_hook
-        def save_grads(key):
-            def backward_hook(module, grad_in, grad_out):
-                self.grad_pool[key] = grad_out[0].detach()
-            return backward_hook
-        # If any candidates are not specified, the hook is registered to all the layers.
-        for name, module in self.model.named_modules():
-            if self.candidate_layers is None or name in self.candidate_layers:
-                self.handlers.append(
-                    module.register_forward_hook(save_fmaps(name))
-                )
-                self.handlers.append(
-                    module.register_backward_hook(save_grads(name))
-                )
-    def _find(self, pool, target_layer):
-        if target_layer in pool.keys():
-            return pool[target_layer]
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(f"Invalid layer name: {target_layer}")
-    def generate(self, target_layer):
-        fmaps = self._find(self.fmap_pool, target_layer)
-        grads = self._find(self.grad_pool, target_layer)
-        weights = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(grads, 1)
-        gcam = torch.mul(fmaps, weights).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
-        gcam = F.relu(gcam)
-        gcam = F.interpolate(
-            gcam, self.image_shape, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False
-        )
-        B, C, H, W = gcam.shape
-        gcam = gcam.view(B, -1)
-        gcam -= gcam.min(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
-        gcam /= gcam.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
-        gcam = gcam.view(B, C, H, W)
-        return gcam
diff --git a/src/ptbench/utils/image.py b/src/ptbench/utils/image.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 363a8309f4581dfdda42124c0562d3bf840904af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ptbench/utils/image.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import os
-from typing import Union
-import torch
-from PIL.Image import Image
-from torchvision import transforms
-def save_image(img: Union[torch.Tensor, Image], filepath: str) -> None:
-    """Saves a PIL image or a tensor as an image at the specified destination.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    img:
-        A torch.Tensor or PIL.Image to save
-    filepath:
-        The file in which to save the image. The format is inferred from the file extension, or defaults to png if not specified.
-    """
-    if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor):
-        img = transforms.ToPILImage()(img)
-    root, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)
-    if len(ext) == 0:
-        filepath = filepath + ".png"
-    img.save(filepath)
diff --git a/src/ptbench/utils/measure.py b/src/ptbench/utils/measure.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f0031c0c0df555280b6d5e10f94df7ec9cf7fc35..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ptbench/utils/measure.py
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@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-from collections import deque
-import numpy
-import scipy.special
-import torch
-class SmoothedValue:
-    """Track a series of values and provide access to smoothed values over a
-    window or the global series average."""
-    def __init__(self, window_size=20):
-        self.deque = deque(maxlen=window_size)
-    def update(self, value):
-        self.deque.append(value)
-    @property
-    def median(self):
-        d = torch.tensor(list(self.deque))
-        return d.median().item()
-    @property
-    def avg(self):
-        d = torch.tensor(list(self.deque))
-        return d.mean().item()
-def tricky_division(n, d):
-    """Divides n by d.
-    Returns 0.0 in case of a division by zero
-    """
-    return n / (d + (d == 0))
-def base_measures(tp, fp, tn, fn):
-    """Calculates measures from true/false positive and negative counts.
-    This function can return standard machine learning measures from true and
-    false positive counts of positives and negatives.  For a thorough look into
-    these and alternate names for the returned values, please check Wikipedia's
-    entry on `Precision and Recall
-    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall>`_.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    tp : int
-        True positive count, AKA "hit"
-    fp : int
-        False positive count, AKA, "correct rejection"
-    tn : int
-        True negative count, AKA "false alarm", or "Type I error"
-    fn : int
-        False Negative count, AKA "miss", or "Type II error"
-    Returns
-    -------
-    precision : float
-        P, AKA positive predictive value (PPV).  It corresponds arithmetically
-        to ``tp/(tp+fp)``.  In the case ``tp+fp == 0``, this function returns
-        zero for precision.
-    recall : float
-        R, AKA sensitivity, hit rate, or true positive rate (TPR).  It
-        corresponds arithmetically to ``tp/(tp+fn)``.  In the special case
-        where ``tp+fn == 0``, this function returns zero for recall.
-    specificity : float
-        S, AKA selectivity or true negative rate (TNR).  It
-        corresponds arithmetically to ``tn/(tn+fp)``.  In the special case
-        where ``tn+fp == 0``, this function returns zero for specificity.
-    accuracy : float
-        A, see `Accuracy
-        <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaluation_of_binary_classifiers>`_. is
-        the proportion of correct predictions (both true positives and true
-        negatives) among the total number of pixels examined.  It corresponds
-        arithmetically to ``(tp+tn)/(tp+tn+fp+fn)``.  This measure includes
-        both true-negatives and positives in the numerator, what makes it
-        sensitive to data or regions without annotations.
-    jaccard : float
-        J, see `Jaccard Index or Similarity
-        <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index>`_.  It corresponds
-        arithmetically to ``tp/(tp+fp+fn)``.  In the special case where
-        ``tn+fp+fn == 0``, this function returns zero for the Jaccard index.
-        The Jaccard index depends on a TP-only numerator, similarly to the F1
-        score.  For regions where there are no annotations, the Jaccard index
-        will always be zero, irrespective of the model output.  Accuracy may be
-        a better proxy if one needs to consider the true abscence of
-        annotations in a region as part of the measure.
-    f1_score : float
-        F1, see `F1-score <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F1_score>`_.  It
-        corresponds arithmetically to ``2*P*R/(P+R)`` or ``2*tp/(2*tp+fp+fn)``.
-        In the special case where ``P+R == (2*tp+fp+fn) == 0``, this function
-        returns zero for the Jaccard index.  The F1 or Dice score depends on a
-        TP-only numerator, similarly to the Jaccard index.  For regions where
-        there are no annotations, the F1-score will always be zero,
-        irrespective of the model output.  Accuracy may be a better proxy if
-        one needs to consider the true abscence of annotations in a region as
-        part of the measure.
-    """
-    return (
-        tricky_division(tp, tp + fp),  # precision
-        tricky_division(tp, tp + fn),  # recall
-        tricky_division(tn, fp + tn),  # specificity
-        tricky_division(tp + tn, tp + fp + fn + tn),  # accuracy
-        tricky_division(tp, tp + fp + fn),  # jaccard index
-        tricky_division(2 * tp, (2 * tp) + fp + fn),  # f1-score
-    )
-def beta_credible_region(successes, failures, lambda_, coverage):
-    """Returns the mode, upper and lower bounds of the equal-tailed credible
-    region of a probability estimate following Bernoulli trials.
-    This implemetnation is based on [GOUTTE-2005]_.  It assumes :math:`k`
-    successes and :math:`l` failures (:math:`n = k+l` total trials) are issued
-    from a series of Bernoulli trials (likelihood is binomial).  The posterior
-    is derivated using the Bayes Theorem with a beta prior.  As there is no
-    reason to favour high vs.  low precision, we use a symmetric Beta prior
-    (:math:`\\alpha=\\beta`):
-    .. math::
-       P(p|k,n) &= \\frac{P(k,n|p)P(p)}{P(k,n)} \\\\
-       P(p|k,n) &= \\frac{\\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}p^{k}(1-p)^{n-k}P(p)}{P(k)} \\\\
-       P(p|k,n) &= \\frac{1}{B(k+\\alpha, n-k+\beta)}p^{k+\\alpha-1}(1-p)^{n-k+\\beta-1} \\\\
-       P(p|k,n) &= \\frac{1}{B(k+\\alpha, n-k+\\alpha)}p^{k+\\alpha-1}(1-p)^{n-k+\\alpha-1}
-    The mode for this posterior (also the maximum a posteriori) is:
-    .. math::
-       \\text{mode}(p) = \\frac{k+\\lambda-1}{n+2\\lambda-2}
-    Concretely, the prior may be flat (all rates are equally likely,
-    :math:`\\lambda=1`) or we may use Jeoffrey's prior
-    (:math:`\\lambda=0.5`), that is invariant through re-parameterisation.
-    Jeffrey's prior indicate that rates close to zero or one are more likely.
-    The mode above works if :math:`k+{\\alpha},n-k+{\\alpha} > 1`, which is
-    usually the case for a resonably well tunned system, with more than a few
-    samples for analysis.  In the limit of the system performance, :math:`k`
-    may be 0, which will make the mode become zero.
-    For our purposes, it may be more suitable to represent :math:`n = k + l`,
-    with :math:`k`, the number of successes and :math:`l`, the number of
-    failures in the binomial experiment, and find this more suitable
-    representation:
-    .. math::
-       P(p|k,l) &= \\frac{1}{B(k+\\alpha, l+\\alpha)}p^{k+\\alpha-1}(1-p)^{l+\\alpha-1} \\\\
-       \\text{mode}(p) &= \\frac{k+\\lambda-1}{k+l+2\\lambda-2}
-    This can be mapped to most rates calculated in the context of binary
-    classification this way:
-    * Precision or Positive-Predictive Value (PPV): p = TP/(TP+FP), so k=TP, l=FP
-    * Recall, Sensitivity, or True Positive Rate: r = TP/(TP+FN), so k=TP, l=FN
-    * Specificity or True Negative Rage: s = TN/(TN+FP), so k=TN, l=FP
-    * F1-score: f1 = 2TP/(2TP+FP+FN), so k=2TP, l=FP+FN
-    * Accuracy: acc = TP+TN/(TP+TN+FP+FN), so k=TP+TN, l=FP+FN
-    * Jaccard: j = TP/(TP+FP+FN), so k=TP, l=FP+FN
-    Contrary to frequentist approaches, in which one can only
-    say that if the test were repeated an infinite number of times,
-    and one constructed a confidence interval each time, then X%
-    of the confidence intervals would contain the true rate, here
-    we can say that given our observed data, there is a X% probability
-    that the true value of :math:`k/n` falls within the provided
-    interval.
-    .. note::
-       For a disambiguation with Confidence Interval, read
-       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credible_interval.
-    Parameters
-    ==========
-    successes : int
-        Number of successes observed on the experiment
-    failures : int
-        Number of failures observed on the experiment
-    lambda__ : :py:class:`float`, Optional
-        The parameterisation of the Beta prior to consider. Use
-        :math:`\\lambda=1` for a flat prior.  Use :math:`\\lambda=0.5` for
-        Jeffrey's prior (the default).
-    coverage : :py:class:`float`, Optional
-        A floating-point number between 0 and 1.0 indicating the
-        coverage you're expecting.  A value of 0.95 will ensure 95%
-        of the area under the probability density of the posterior
-        is covered by the returned equal-tailed interval.
-    Returns
-    =======
-    mean : float
-        The mean of the posterior distribution
-    mode : float
-        The mode of the posterior distribution
-    lower, upper: float
-        The lower and upper bounds of the credible region
-    """
-    # we return the equally-tailed range
-    right = (1.0 - coverage) / 2  # half-width in each side
-    lower = scipy.special.betaincinv(
-        successes + lambda_, failures + lambda_, right
-    )
-    upper = scipy.special.betaincinv(
-        successes + lambda_, failures + lambda_, 1.0 - right
-    )
-    # evaluate mean and mode (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution)
-    alpha = successes + lambda_
-    beta = failures + lambda_
-    E = alpha / (alpha + beta)
-    # the mode of a beta distribution is a bit tricky
-    if alpha > 1 and beta > 1:
-        mode = (alpha - 1) / (alpha + beta - 2)
-    elif alpha == 1 and beta == 1:
-        # In the case of precision, if the threshold is close to 1.0, both TP
-        # and FP can be zero, which may cause this condition to be reached, if
-        # the prior is exactly 1 (flat prior).  This is a weird situation,
-        # because effectively we are trying to compute the posterior when the
-        # total number of experiments is zero.  So, only the prior counts - but
-        # the prior is flat, so we should just pick a value.  We choose the
-        # middle of the range.
-        mode = 0.0  # any value would do, we just pick this one
-    elif alpha <= 1 and beta > 1:
-        mode = 0.0
-    elif alpha > 1 and beta <= 1:
-        mode = 1.0
-    else:  # elif alpha < 1 and beta < 1:
-        # in the case of precision, if the threshold is close to 1.0, both TP
-        # and FP can be zero, which may cause this condition to be reached, if
-        # the prior is smaller than 1.  This is a weird situation, because
-        # effectively we are trying to compute the posterior when the total
-        # number of experiments is zero.  So, only the prior counts - but the
-        # prior is bimodal, so we should just pick a value.  We choose the
-        # left of the range.
-        mode = 0.0  # could also be 1.0 as the prior is bimodal
-    return E, mode, lower, upper
-def bayesian_measures(tp, fp, tn, fn, lambda_, coverage):
-    r"""Calculates mean and mode from true/false positive and negative counts
-    with credible regions.
-    This function can return bayesian estimates of standard machine learning
-    measures from true and false positive counts of positives and negatives.
-    For a thorough look into these and alternate names for the returned values,
-    please check Wikipedia's entry on `Precision and Recall
-    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall>`_.  See
-    :py:func:`beta_credible_region` for details on the calculation of returned
-    values.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    tp : int
-        True positive count, AKA "hit"
-    fp : int
-        False positive count, AKA "false alarm", or "Type I error"
-    tn : int
-        True negative count, AKA "correct rejection"
-    fn : int
-        False Negative count, AKA "miss", or "Type II error"
-    lambda_ : float
-        The parameterisation of the Beta prior to consider. Use
-        :math:`\lambda=1` for a flat prior.  Use :math:`\lambda=0.5` for
-        Jeffrey's prior.
-    coverage : float
-        A floating-point number between 0 and 1.0 indicating the
-        coverage you're expecting.  A value of 0.95 will ensure 95%
-        of the area under the probability density of the posterior
-        is covered by the returned equal-tailed interval.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    precision : (float, float, float, float)
-        P, AKA positive predictive value (PPV), mean, mode and credible
-        intervals (95% CI).  It corresponds arithmetically
-        to ``tp/(tp+fp)``.
-    recall : (float, float, float, float)
-        R, AKA sensitivity, hit rate, or true positive rate (TPR), mean, mode
-        and credible intervals (95% CI).  It corresponds arithmetically to
-        ``tp/(tp+fn)``.
-    specificity : (float, float, float, float)
-        S, AKA selectivity or true negative rate (TNR), mean, mode and credible
-        intervals (95% CI).  It corresponds arithmetically to ``tn/(tn+fp)``.
-    accuracy : (float, float, float, float)
-        A, mean, mode and credible intervals (95% CI).  See `Accuracy
-        <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaluation_of_binary_classifiers>`_. is
-        the proportion of correct predictions (both true positives and true
-        negatives) among the total number of pixels examined.  It corresponds
-        arithmetically to ``(tp+tn)/(tp+tn+fp+fn)``.  This measure includes
-        both true-negatives and positives in the numerator, what makes it
-        sensitive to data or regions without annotations.
-    jaccard : (float, float, float, float)
-        J, mean, mode and credible intervals (95% CI).  See `Jaccard Index or
-        Similarity <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index>`_.  It
-        corresponds arithmetically to ``tp/(tp+fp+fn)``.  The Jaccard index
-        depends on a TP-only numerator, similarly to the F1 score.  For regions
-        where there are no annotations, the Jaccard index will always be zero,
-        irrespective of the model output.  Accuracy may be a better proxy if
-        one needs to consider the true abscence of annotations in a region as
-        part of the measure.
-    f1_score : (float, float, float, float)
-        F1, mean, mode and credible intervals (95% CI). See `F1-score
-        <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F1_score>`_.  It corresponds
-        arithmetically to ``2*P*R/(P+R)`` or ``2*tp/(2*tp+fp+fn)``.  The F1 or
-        Dice score depends on a TP-only numerator, similarly to the Jaccard
-        index.  For regions where there are no annotations, the F1-score will
-        always be zero, irrespective of the model output.  Accuracy may be a
-        better proxy if one needs to consider the true abscence of annotations
-        in a region as part of the measure.
-    """
-    return (
-        beta_credible_region(tp, fp, lambda_, coverage),  # precision
-        beta_credible_region(tp, fn, lambda_, coverage),  # recall
-        beta_credible_region(tn, fp, lambda_, coverage),  # specificity
-        beta_credible_region(tp + tn, fp + fn, lambda_, coverage),  # accuracy
-        beta_credible_region(tp, fp + fn, lambda_, coverage),  # jaccard index
-        beta_credible_region(2 * tp, fp + fn, lambda_, coverage),  # f1-score
-    )
-def get_centered_maxf1(f1_scores, thresholds):
-    """Return the centered max F1 score threshold when multiple threshold give
-    the same max F1 score.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    f1_scores : numpy.ndarray
-        1D array of f1 scores
-    thresholds : numpy.ndarray
-        1D array of thresholds
-    Returns
-    -------
-    max F1 score: float
-    threshold: float
-    """
-    maxf1 = f1_scores.max()
-    maxf1_indices = numpy.where(f1_scores == maxf1)[0]
-    # If multiple thresholds give the same max F1 score
-    if len(maxf1_indices) > 1:
-        mean_maxf1_index = int(round(numpy.mean(maxf1_indices)))
-    else:
-        mean_maxf1_index = maxf1_indices[0]
-    return maxf1, thresholds[mean_maxf1_index]
diff --git a/src/ptbench/utils/model_serialization.py b/src/ptbench/utils/model_serialization.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8523115e0119ff6ff561ac3dd132ebc69e6bcf38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ptbench/utils/model_serialization.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# Original code from: https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark
-import logging
-from collections import OrderedDict
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-import torch
-def align_and_update_state_dicts(model_state_dict, loaded_state_dict):
-    """
-    Strategy: suppose that the models that we will create will have prefixes appended
-    to each of its keys, for example due to an extra level of nesting that the original
-    pre-trained weights from ImageNet won't contain. For example, model.state_dict()
-    might return backbone[0].body.res2.conv1.weight, while the pre-trained model contains
-    res2.conv1.weight. We thus want to match both parameters together.
-    For that, we look for each model weight, look among all loaded keys if there is one
-    that is a suffix of the current weight name, and use it if that's the case.
-    If multiple matches exist, take the one with longest size
-    of the corresponding name. For example, for the same model as before, the pretrained
-    weight file can contain both res2.conv1.weight, as well as conv1.weight. In this case,
-    we want to match backbone[0].body.conv1.weight to conv1.weight, and
-    backbone[0].body.res2.conv1.weight to res2.conv1.weight.
-    """
-    current_keys = sorted(list(model_state_dict.keys()))
-    loaded_keys = sorted(list(loaded_state_dict.keys()))
-    # get a matrix of string matches, where each (i, j) entry correspond to the size of the
-    # loaded_key string, if it matches
-    match_matrix = [
-        len(j) if i.endswith(j) else 0
-        for i in current_keys
-        for j in loaded_keys
-    ]
-    match_matrix = torch.as_tensor(match_matrix).view(
-        len(current_keys), len(loaded_keys)
-    )
-    max_match_size, idxs = match_matrix.max(1)
-    # remove indices that correspond to no-match
-    idxs[max_match_size == 0] = -1
-    # used for logging
-    max_size = max([len(key) for key in current_keys]) if current_keys else 1
-    max_size_loaded = (
-        max([len(key) for key in loaded_keys]) if loaded_keys else 1
-    )
-    log_str_template = "{: <{}} loaded from {: <{}} of shape {}"
-    for idx_new, idx_old in enumerate(idxs.tolist()):
-        if idx_old == -1:
-            continue
-        key = current_keys[idx_new]
-        key_old = loaded_keys[idx_old]
-        model_state_dict[key] = loaded_state_dict[key_old]
-        logger.debug(
-            log_str_template.format(
-                key,
-                max_size,
-                key_old,
-                max_size_loaded,
-                tuple(loaded_state_dict[key_old].shape),
-            )
-        )
-def strip_prefix_if_present(state_dict, prefix):
-    keys = sorted(state_dict.keys())
-    if not all(key.startswith(prefix) for key in keys):
-        return state_dict
-    stripped_state_dict = OrderedDict()
-    for key, value in state_dict.items():
-        stripped_state_dict[key.replace(prefix, "")] = value
-    return stripped_state_dict
-def load_state_dict(model, loaded_state_dict):
-    model_state_dict = model.state_dict()
-    # if the state_dict comes from a model that was wrapped in a
-    # DataParallel or DistributedDataParallel during serialization,
-    # remove the "module" prefix before performing the matching
-    loaded_state_dict = strip_prefix_if_present(
-        loaded_state_dict, prefix="module."
-    )
-    align_and_update_state_dicts(model_state_dict, loaded_state_dict)
-    # use strict loading
-    model.load_state_dict(model_state_dict)
diff --git a/src/ptbench/utils/model_zoo.py b/src/ptbench/utils/model_zoo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c33e2dda255d7622e7b9d4c82771d0f93d7f07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ptbench/utils/model_zoo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# Adapted from:
-# https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/torch/hub.py
-# https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark/blob/master/maskrcnn_benchmark/utils/checkpoint.py
-import hashlib
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from urllib.request import urlopen
-from tqdm import tqdm
-modelurls = {
-    "vgg11": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg11-bbd30ac9.pth",
-    "vgg13": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg13-c768596a.pth",
-    "vgg16": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg16-397923af.pth",
-    "vgg19": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg19-dcbb9e9d.pth",
-    "vgg11_bn": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg11_bn-6002323d.pth",
-    "vgg13_bn": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg13_bn-abd245e5.pth",
-    "vgg16_bn": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg16_bn-6c64b313.pth",
-    "vgg19_bn": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg19_bn-c79401a0.pth",
-    "resnet18": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet18-5c106cde.pth",
-    "resnet34": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet34-333f7ec4.pth",
-    "resnet50": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet50-19c8e357.pth",
-    "resnet101": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet101-5d3b4d8f.pth",
-    "resnet152": "https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet152-b121ed2d.pth",
-"""URLs of pre-trained models (backbones)"""
-def download_url_to_file(url, dst, hash_prefix, progress):
-    file_size = None
-    u = urlopen(url)
-    meta = u.info()
-    if hasattr(meta, "getheaders"):
-        content_length = meta.getheaders("Content-Length")
-    else:
-        content_length = meta.get_all("Content-Length")
-    if content_length is not None and len(content_length) > 0:
-        file_size = int(content_length[0])
-    f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-    try:
-        if hash_prefix is not None:
-            sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
-        with tqdm(total=file_size, disable=not progress) as pbar:
-            while True:
-                buffer = u.read(8192)
-                if len(buffer) == 0:
-                    break
-                f.write(buffer)
-                if hash_prefix is not None:
-                    sha256.update(buffer)
-                pbar.update(len(buffer))
-        f.close()
-        if hash_prefix is not None:
-            digest = sha256.hexdigest()
-            if digest[: len(hash_prefix)] != hash_prefix:
-                raise RuntimeError(
-                    'invalid hash value (expected "{}", got "{}")'.format(
-                        hash_prefix, digest
-                    )
-                )
-        shutil.move(f.name, dst)
-    finally:
-        f.close()
-        if os.path.exists(f.name):
-            os.remove(f.name)
-HASH_REGEX = re.compile(r"-([a-f0-9]*)\.")
-def cache_url(url, model_dir=None, progress=True):
-    r"""Loads the Torch serialized object at the given URL.
-    If the object is already present in `model_dir`, it's deserialized and
-    returned. The filename part of the URL should follow the naming convention
-    ``filename-<sha256>.ext`` where ``<sha256>`` is the first eight or more
-    digits of the SHA256 hash of the contents of the file. The hash is used to
-    ensure unique names and to verify the contents of the file.
-    The default value of `model_dir` is ``$TORCH_HOME/models`` where
-    ``$TORCH_HOME`` defaults to ``~/.torch``. The default directory can be
-    overridden with the ``$TORCH_MODEL_ZOO`` environment variable.
-    Args:
-        url (string): URL of the object to download
-        model_dir (string, optional): directory in which to save the object
-        progress (bool, optional): whether or not to display a progress bar to stderr
-    """
-    if model_dir is None:
-        torch_home = os.path.expanduser(os.getenv("TORCH_HOME", "~/.torch"))
-        model_dir = os.getenv(
-            "TORCH_MODEL_ZOO", os.path.join(torch_home, "models")
-        )
-    if not os.path.exists(model_dir):
-        os.makedirs(model_dir)
-    parts = urlparse(url)
-    filename = os.path.basename(parts.path)
-    cached_file = os.path.join(model_dir, filename)
-    if not os.path.exists(cached_file):
-        sys.stderr.write(f'Downloading: "{url}" to {cached_file}\n')
-        hash_prefix = HASH_REGEX.search(filename)
-        if hash_prefix is not None:
-            hash_prefix = hash_prefix.group(1)
-        download_url_to_file(url, cached_file, hash_prefix, progress=progress)
-    return cached_file
diff --git a/src/ptbench/utils/plot.py b/src/ptbench/utils/plot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 410a086af4e6a48c6f4cc96f260569f165b82d2b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ptbench/utils/plot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import contextlib
-from itertools import cycle
-import matplotlib
-import numpy
-from sklearn.metrics import auc
-from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve as pr_curve
-from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve as r_curve
-import logging
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _precision_recall_canvas(title=None):
-    """Generates a canvas to draw precision-recall curves.
-    Works like a context manager, yielding a figure and an axes set in which
-    the precision-recall curves should be added to.  The figure already
-    contains F1-ISO lines and is preset to a 0-1 square region.  Once the
-    context is finished, ``fig.tight_layout()`` is called.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    title : :py:class:`str`, Optional
-        Optional title to add to this plot
-    Yields
-    ------
-    figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure
-        The figure that should be finally returned to the user
-    axes : matplotlib.figure.Axes
-        An axis set where to precision-recall plots should be added to
-    """
-    fig, axes1 = plt.subplots(1)
-    # Names and bounds
-    axes1.set_xlabel("Recall")
-    axes1.set_ylabel("Precision")
-    axes1.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
-    axes1.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
-    if title is not None:
-        axes1.set_title(title)
-    axes1.grid(linestyle="--", linewidth=1, color="gray", alpha=0.2)
-    axes2 = axes1.twinx()
-    # Annotates plot with F1-score iso-lines
-    f_scores = numpy.linspace(0.1, 0.9, num=9)
-    tick_locs = []
-    tick_labels = []
-    for f_score in f_scores:
-        x = numpy.linspace(0.01, 1)
-        y = f_score * x / (2 * x - f_score)
-        (l,) = plt.plot(x[y >= 0], y[y >= 0], color="green", alpha=0.1)
-        tick_locs.append(y[-1])
-        tick_labels.append("%.1f" % f_score)
-    axes2.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", pad=0, right=False, left=False)
-    axes2.set_ylabel("iso-F", color="green", alpha=0.3)
-    axes2.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
-    axes2.yaxis.set_label_coords(1.015, 0.97)
-    axes2.set_yticks(tick_locs)  # notice these are invisible
-    for k in axes2.set_yticklabels(tick_labels):
-        k.set_color("green")
-        k.set_alpha(0.3)
-        k.set_size(8)
-    # we should see some of axes 1 axes
-    axes1.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
-    axes1.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
-    axes1.spines["left"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
-    axes1.spines["bottom"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
-    # we shouldn't see any of axes 2 axes
-    axes2.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
-    axes2.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
-    axes2.spines["left"].set_visible(False)
-    axes2.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False)
-    # yield execution, lets user draw precision-recall plots, and the legend
-    # before tighteneing the layout
-    yield fig, axes1
-    plt.tight_layout()
-def precision_recall_f1iso(data):
-    """Creates a precision-recall plot.
-    This function creates and returns a Matplotlib figure with a
-    precision-recall plot.  The plot will be annotated with F1-score
-    iso-lines (in which the F1-score maintains the same value).
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    data : dict
-        A dictionary in which keys are strings defining plot labels and values
-        are dictionaries with two entries:
-        * ``df``: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`
-          A dataframe that is produced by our predictor engine containing
-          the following columns: ``filename``, ``likelihood``,
-          ``ground_truth``.
-        * ``threshold``: :py:class:`list`
-          A threshold for each set. Not used here.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure
-        A matplotlib figure you can save or display (uses an ``agg`` backend)
-    """
-    lines = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"]
-    colors = [
-        "#1f77b4",
-        "#ff7f0e",
-        "#2ca02c",
-        "#d62728",
-        "#9467bd",
-        "#8c564b",
-        "#e377c2",
-        "#7f7f7f",
-        "#bcbd22",
-        "#17becf",
-    ]
-    colorcycler = cycle(colors)
-    linecycler = cycle(lines)
-    with _precision_recall_canvas(title=None) as (fig, axes):
-        legend = []
-        for name, value in data.items():
-            df = value["df"]
-            # plots Recall/Precision curve
-            prec, recall, _ = pr_curve(df["ground_truth"], df["likelihood"])
-            _auc = auc(recall, prec)
-            label = f"{name} (AUC={_auc:.2f})"
-            color = next(colorcycler)
-            style = next(linecycler)
-            (line,) = axes.plot(recall, prec, color=color, linestyle=style)
-            legend.append((line, label))
-        if len(label) > 1:
-            axes.legend(
-                [k[0] for k in legend],
-                [k[1] for k in legend],
-                loc="lower left",
-                fancybox=True,
-                framealpha=0.7,
-            )
-    return fig
-def roc_curve(data, title=None):
-    """Creates a ROC plot.
-    This function creates and returns a Matplotlib figure with a
-    ROC plot.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    data : dict
-        A dictionary in which keys are strings defining plot labels and values
-        are dictionaries with two entries:
-        * ``df``: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`
-          A dataframe that is produced by our predictor engine containing
-          the following columns: ``filename``, ``likelihood``,
-          ``ground_truth``.
-        * ``threshold``: :py:class:`list`
-          A threshold for each set. Not used here.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure
-        A matplotlib figure you can save or display (uses an ``agg`` backend)
-    """
-    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1)
-    # Names and bounds
-    axes.set_xlabel("1 - specificity")
-    axes.set_ylabel("Sensitivity")
-    axes.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
-    axes.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
-    # we should see some of axes 1 axes
-    axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
-    axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
-    axes.spines["left"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
-    axes.spines["bottom"].set_position(("data", -0.015))
-    if title is not None:
-        axes.set_title(title)
-    axes.grid(linestyle="--", linewidth=1, color="gray", alpha=0.2)
-    plt.tight_layout()
-    lines = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"]
-    colors = [
-        "#1f77b4",
-        "#ff7f0e",
-        "#2ca02c",
-        "#d62728",
-        "#9467bd",
-        "#8c564b",
-        "#e377c2",
-        "#7f7f7f",
-        "#bcbd22",
-        "#17becf",
-    ]
-    colorcycler = cycle(colors)
-    linecycler = cycle(lines)
-    legend = []
-    for name, value in data.items():
-        df = value["df"]
-        # plots roc curve
-        fpr, tpr, _ = r_curve(df["ground_truth"], df["likelihood"])
-        _auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
-        label = f"{name} (AUC={_auc:.2f})"
-        color = next(colorcycler)
-        style = next(linecycler)
-        (line,) = axes.plot(fpr, tpr, color=color, linestyle=style)
-        legend.append((line, label))
-    if len(label) > 1:
-        axes.legend(
-            [k[0] for k in legend],
-            [k[1] for k in legend],
-            loc="lower right",
-            fancybox=True,
-            framealpha=0.7,
-        )
-    return fig
-def relevance_analysis_plot(data, title=None):
-    """Create an histogram plot to show the relative importance of features.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    data : :py:class:`list`
-        The list of values (one for each feature)
-    Returns
-    -------
-    figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure
-        A matplotlib figure you can save or display (uses an ``agg`` backend)
-    """
-    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6))
-    # Names and bounds
-    axes.set_xlabel("Features")
-    axes.set_ylabel("Importance")
-    # we should see some of axes 1 axes
-    axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
-    axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
-    if title is not None:
-        axes.set_title(title)
-    # 818C2E = likely
-    # F2921D = could be
-    # 8C3503 = unlikely
-    labels = [
-        "Cardiomegaly",
-        "Emphysema",
-        "Pleural effusion",
-        "Hernia",
-        "Infiltration",
-        "Mass",
-        "Nodule",
-        "Atelectasis",
-        "Pneumothorax",
-        "Pleural thickening",
-        "Pneumonia",
-        "Fibrosis",
-        "Edema",
-        "Consolidation",
-    ]
-    bars = axes.bar(labels, data, color="#8C3503")
-    bars[2].set_color("#818C2E")
-    bars[4].set_color("#818C2E")
-    bars[10].set_color("#818C2E")
-    bars[5].set_color("#F2921D")
-    bars[6].set_color("#F2921D")
-    bars[7].set_color("#F2921D")
-    bars[11].set_color("#F2921D")
-    bars[13].set_color("#F2921D")
-    for tick in axes.get_xticklabels():
-        tick.set_rotation(90)
-    fig.tight_layout()
-    return fig
diff --git a/src/ptbench/utils/table.py b/src/ptbench/utils/table.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c9d35988978df6f4a9a7721e399c27be1d2e8d68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ptbench/utils/table.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import tabulate
-import torch
-from sklearn.metrics import auc
-from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve as pr_curve
-from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve as r_curve
-from ..engine.evaluator import posneg
-from ..utils.measure import base_measures, bayesian_measures
-def performance_table(data, fmt):
-    """Tables result comparison in a given format.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    data : dict
-        A dictionary in which keys are strings defining plot labels and values
-        are dictionaries with two entries:
-        * ``df``: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`
-          A dataframe that is produced by our predictor engine containing
-          the following columns: ``filename``, ``likelihood``,
-          ``ground_truth``.
-        * ``threshold``: :py:class:`list`
-          A threshold to compute measures.
-    fmt : str
-        One of the formats supported by tabulate.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    table : str
-        A table in a specific format
-    """
-    headers = [
-        "Dataset",
-        "T",
-        "T Type",
-        "F1 (95% CI)",
-        "Prec (95% CI)",
-        "Recall/Sen (95% CI)",
-        "Spec (95% CI)",
-        "Acc (95% CI)",
-        "AUC (PRC)",
-        "AUC (ROC)",
-    ]
-    table = []
-    for k, v in data.items():
-        entry = [
-            k,
-            v["threshold"],
-            v["threshold_type"],
-        ]
-        df = v["df"]
-        gt = torch.tensor(df["ground_truth"].values)
-        pred = torch.tensor(df["likelihood"].values)
-        threshold = v["threshold"]
-        tp_tensor, fp_tensor, tn_tensor, fn_tensor = posneg(pred, gt, threshold)
-        # calc measures from scalars
-        tp_count = torch.sum(tp_tensor).item()
-        fp_count = torch.sum(fp_tensor).item()
-        tn_count = torch.sum(tn_tensor).item()
-        fn_count = torch.sum(fn_tensor).item()
-        base_m = base_measures(
-            tp_count,
-            fp_count,
-            tn_count,
-            fn_count,
-        )
-        bayes_m = bayesian_measures(
-            tp_count,
-            fp_count,
-            tn_count,
-            fn_count,
-            lambda_=1,
-            coverage=0.95,
-        )
-        # statistics based on the "assigned" threshold (a priori, less biased)
-        entry.append(
-            "{:.2f} ({:.2f}, {:.2f})".format(
-                base_m[5], bayes_m[5][2], bayes_m[5][3]
-            )
-        )  # f1
-        entry.append(
-            "{:.2f} ({:.2f}, {:.2f})".format(
-                base_m[0], bayes_m[0][2], bayes_m[0][3]
-            )
-        )  # precision
-        entry.append(
-            "{:.2f} ({:.2f}, {:.2f})".format(
-                base_m[1], bayes_m[1][2], bayes_m[1][3]
-            )
-        )  # recall/sensitivity
-        entry.append(
-            "{:.2f} ({:.2f}, {:.2f})".format(
-                base_m[2], bayes_m[2][2], bayes_m[2][3]
-            )
-        )  # specificity
-        entry.append(
-            "{:.2f} ({:.2f}, {:.2f})".format(
-                base_m[3], bayes_m[3][2], bayes_m[3][3]
-            )
-        )  # accuracy
-        prec, recall, _ = pr_curve(gt, pred)
-        fpr, tpr, _ = r_curve(gt, pred)
-        entry.append(auc(recall, prec))
-        entry.append(auc(fpr, tpr))
-        table.append(entry)
-    return tabulate.tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt=".3f")