diff --git a/doc/references.rst b/doc/references.rst
index d8758df81cf5a8bfdf714be7f060abbf6cd70125..5692dfb2743593e386a4cab6af63f518ed2e2307 100644
--- a/doc/references.rst
+++ b/doc/references.rst
@@ -65,3 +65,8 @@
    **Rethinking computer-aided tuberculosis diagnosis.**,
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
    Recognition, pages 2646–2655.
+.. [SCORECAM-2020] *H. Wang et al.*, **Score-CAM: Score-Weighted Visual
+   Explanations for Convolutional Neural Networks** 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on
+   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Seattle, WA, USA,
+   2020 pp. 111-119. doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/CVPRW50498.2020.00020
diff --git a/src/ptbench/engine/saliencymap_evaluator.py b/src/ptbench/engine/saliencymap_evaluator.py
index 07d9dde8072fcd88be2fca0d73faa2d38387416f..7871cefbc7c497f10f5d27f347cb31a6c07a8563 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/engine/saliencymap_evaluator.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/engine/saliencymap_evaluator.py
@@ -3,17 +3,108 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 import logging
-import os
+import pathlib
+import typing
 import cv2
-import numpy as np
+import lightning.pytorch
+import numpy
+import numpy.typing
+import torch
+import torchvision.ops
 from tqdm import tqdm
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _compute_max_iou_and_ioda(detected_box, gt_boxes):
+def _ordered_connected_components(
+    saliency_map: typing.Sequence[typing.Sequence[float]]
+    | numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.double],
+) -> list[numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.bool_]]:
+    """Calculates the largest connected components available on a saliency map
+    and return those as individual masks.
+    This implementation is based on [SCORECAM-2020]_:
+    1. Thresholding: The pixel values above 20% of max value are kept in the
+       original saliency map.  Everything else is set to zero.
+    2. The thresholded saliency map is transformed into a boolean array (ones
+       are attributed to all elements above the threshold.
+    3. We call :py:func:`skimage.metrics.label` to evaluate all connected
+       components and label those with distinct integers.
+    4. We histogram the labels and return one binary mask for each label,
+       sorted by decreasing size.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    saliency_map
+        Input saliciency map whose connected components will be calculated
+        from.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A list of boolean masks, one for each connected component, ordered by
+        decreasing size.  This list may be empty if the input ``saliency_map``
+        is all zeroes.
+    """
+    # thresholds like [SCORECAM-2020]_
+    thresholded_mask = (saliency_map >= (0.2 * numpy.max(saliency_map))).astype(
+        numpy.uint8
+    )
+    # avoids an all zeroes mask being processed
+    if not numpy.any(thresholded_mask):
+        return []
+    # opencv implementation:
+    n, labelled = cv2.connectedComponents(thresholded_mask, connectivity=8)
+    retval = [labelled == k for k in range(1, n)]
+    # scikit-image implementation
+    # import skimage.measure
+    # labelled, n = skimage.measure.label(thresholded_mask, return_num=True)
+    # retval = [labelled == k for k in range(1, n+1)]
+    return sorted(retval, key=lambda x: x.sum(), reverse=True)
+def _extract_bounding_box(
+    mask: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.bool_],
+) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
+    """Defines a bounding box surrounding a connected component mask.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    mask
+        The connected component mask from whom extract the bounding box.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A tuple of 4 integers representing the bounding box with the following
+        components:
+        * top-left horizontal coordinate (``x``) (pixels)
+        * top-left vertical coordinate (``y``) (pixels)
+        * width (pixels)
+        * height (pixels)
+    """
+    # opencv implementation:
+    # x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(mask.astype(numpy.uint8))
+    x, y, x2, y2 = torchvision.ops.masks_to_boxes(torch.tensor(mask)[None, :])[
+        0
+    ]
+    return (int(x), int(y), int(x2 - x + 1), int(y2 - y + 1))
+def _compute_max_iou_and_ioda(
+    detected_box: tuple[int, int, int, int],
+    gt_bboxes: typing.Sequence[tuple[int, int, int, int]],
+) -> tuple[float, float]:
     """Will calculate how much of detected area lies in ground truth boxes.
     If there are multiple gt boxes, the detected area will be calculated
@@ -27,9 +118,8 @@ def _compute_max_iou_and_ioda(detected_box, gt_boxes):
     max_intersection = 0
     max_gt_area = 0
-    for bbox in gt_boxes:
-        xmin, ymin = int(bbox[1].item()), int(bbox[2].item())
-        width, height = int(bbox[3].item()), int(bbox[4].item())
+    for bbox in gt_bboxes:
+        xmin, ymin, width, height = bbox
         gt_area = width * height
@@ -49,23 +139,26 @@ def _compute_max_iou_and_ioda(detected_box, gt_boxes):
     if max_gt_area == 0 and max_intersection == 0:
         # This case means no intersection was found, even though there are gt boxes
-        iou, ioda = 0, 0
+        iou, ioda = 0.0, 0.0
         iou = max_intersection / (
             detected_area + max_gt_area - max_intersection
         ioda = max_intersection / detected_area
-    return iou, ioda
+    return float(iou), float(ioda)
-def _compute_simultaneous_iou_and_ioda(detected_box, gt_boxes):
+def _compute_simultaneous_iou_and_ioda(
+    detected_box: tuple[int, int, int, int],
+    gt_bboxes: typing.Sequence[tuple[int, int, int, int]],
+) -> tuple[float, float]:
     """Will calculate how much of detected area lies between ground truth
     This means that if there are multiple gt boxes, the detected area
     will be compared to them simultaneously (and not to each gt box
-    separately).)
+    separately).
     x_L, y_L, w_L, h_L = detected_box
     detected_area = w_L * h_L
@@ -74,9 +167,8 @@ def _compute_simultaneous_iou_and_ioda(detected_box, gt_boxes):
     intersection = 0
     total_gt_area = 0
-    for bbox in gt_boxes:
-        xmin, ymin = int(bbox[1].item()), int(bbox[2].item())
-        width, height = int(bbox[3].item()), int(bbox[4].item())
+    for bbox in gt_bboxes:
+        xmin, ymin, width, height = bbox
         gt_area = width * height
         total_gt_area += gt_area
@@ -93,203 +185,199 @@ def _compute_simultaneous_iou_and_ioda(detected_box, gt_boxes):
     iou = intersection / (detected_area + total_gt_area - intersection)
     ioda = intersection / detected_area
-    return iou, ioda
+    return float(iou), float(ioda)
-def _compute_avg_saliency_focus(gt_boxes, saliency_map):
-    """Will calculate how much of the ground truth bounding boxes area is
-    covered by the activations."""
+def _compute_avg_saliency_focus(
+    saliency_map: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.double],
+    gt_mask: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.bool_],
+) -> float:
+    """Integrates the saliency map over the ground-truth boxes and normalizes
+    by total bounding-box area.
-    binary_mask = np.zeros_like(saliency_map)
+    This function will integrate (sum) the value of the saliency map over the
+    ground-truth bounding boxes and normalize it by the total area covered by
+    all ground-truth bounding boxes.
-    total_gt_bbox_area = 0
-    # For each gt box, draw a binary mask
-    # The binary_mask will be 1 where the gt boxes are located
-    for bbox in gt_boxes:
-        xmin, ymin = int(bbox[1].item()), int(bbox[2].item())
-        width, height = int(bbox[3].item()), int(bbox[4].item())
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        gt_bboxes
+            Ground-truth bounding boxes in the format ``(x, y, width,
+            height)``.
+        gt_mask
+            Ground-truth mask containing the bounding boxes of the ground-truth
+            drawn as ``True`` values.
-        binary_mask[ymin : ymin + height, xmin : xmin + width] = 1
-        total_gt_bbox_area += width * height
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A single floating-point number representing the Average saliency focus.
+    """
-    multiplied_mask = binary_mask * saliency_map
-    numerator = np.sum(multiplied_mask)
+    area = gt_mask.sum()
+    if area == 0:
+        return 0.0
-    if total_gt_bbox_area == 0:
-        avg_saliency_focus = 0
-    else:
-        avg_saliency_focus = numerator / total_gt_bbox_area
+    return numpy.sum(saliency_map * gt_mask) / area
-    return avg_saliency_focus
+def _compute_proportional_energy(
+    saliency_map: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.double],
+    gt_mask: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.bool_],
+) -> float:
+    """Calculates how much activation lies within the ground truth boxes
+    compared to the total sum of the activations (integral).
-# Own implementation based on
-# "Score-CAM: Score-Weighted Visual Explanations for Convolutional Neural Networks" by Wang et al. (2020),
-# https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.01279
-def _compute_proportional_energy(gt_boxes, saliency_map):
-    """Will calculate how much activation lies within the ground truth boxes
-    compared to the total sum of the activations."""
-    binary_mask = np.zeros_like(saliency_map)
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        saliency_map
+            A real-valued saliency-map that conveys regions used for
+            classification in the original sample.
+        gt_mask
+            Ground-truth mask containing the bounding boxes of the ground-truth
+            drawn as ``True`` values.
-    # For each gt box, draw a binary mask
-    # The binary_mask will be 1 where the gt boxes are located
-    for bbox in gt_boxes:
-        xmin, ymin = int(bbox[1].item()), int(bbox[2].item())
-        width, height = int(bbox[3].item()), int(bbox[4].item())
-        binary_mask[ymin : ymin + height, xmin : xmin + width] = 1
+    Returns
+    -------
+        A single floating-point number representing the proportional energy.
+    """
-    multiplied_mask = binary_mask * saliency_map
-    numerator = np.sum(multiplied_mask)
-    denominator = np.sum(saliency_map)
+    denominator = numpy.sum(saliency_map)
-    if denominator == 0:
-        proportional_energy = 0
-    else:
-        proportional_energy = numerator / denominator
+    if denominator == 0.0:
+        return 0.0
-    return proportional_energy
+    return float(numpy.sum(saliency_map * gt_mask) / denominator)
-def calculate_localization_metrics(
-    saliency_map, detected_box, ground_truth_box
-    """Calculates localization metrics for a single input image for a given
-    visualization method."""
+def _process_sample(
+    gt_bboxes: typing.Sequence[tuple[int, int, int, int]],
+    saliency_map: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.double],
+) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float]:
+    """Calculates the metrics for a single sample.
-    iou, ioda = _compute_max_iou_and_ioda(detected_box, ground_truth_box)
+    Parameters
+    ----------
-    proportional_energy = _compute_proportional_energy(
-        ground_truth_box, saliency_map
-    )
+    gt_bboxes
+        A list of ground-truth bounding boxes following the format:
-    avg_saliency_focus = _compute_avg_saliency_focus(
-        ground_truth_box, saliency_map
-    )
+        * xmin: horizontal position of bounding box upper-left corner, in
+          pixels
+        * ymin: vertical position of bounding box upper-left corner, in
+          pixels
+        * width: width of the bounding box, in pixels
+        * height: height of the bounding box, in pixels
+    """
-    return iou, ioda, proportional_energy, avg_saliency_focus
-# Helper function to calculate the metrics for a single target class
-# of a single input image.
-def process_target_class(
-    names,
-    gt_bboxes,
-    saliency_map_path,
-    csv_writer,
-    saliency_map = np.load(saliency_map_path)
-    # Calculate bounding boxes for largest connected component
-    # The pixel values above 20% of max value are kept in the mask to
-    # calculate IoU and IoDA.
-    # This imitates the process done by the original CAM paper:
-    # "Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization" by Zhou et al. (2015),
-    # https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.04150
-    thresholded_mask = np.copy(saliency_map)
-    max_value = np.max(thresholded_mask)
-    threshold_value = 0.2 * max_value
-    thresholded_mask[thresholded_mask < threshold_value] = 0
-    thresholded_mask = (thresholded_mask > 0).astype(np.uint8)
-    if np.any(thresholded_mask > 0):
-        _, label_ids, values, _ = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(
-            thresholded_mask, connectivity=8
-        )
-        largest_label_id = np.argmax(values[1:, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]) + 1
-        largest_label_mask = (label_ids == largest_label_id).astype(np.uint8)
-        x_L, y_L, w_L, h_L = cv2.boundingRect(largest_label_mask)
-        x_L, y_L, w_L, h_L = int(x_L), int(y_L), int(w_L), int(h_L)
-    else:
-        x_L, y_L, w_L, h_L = 0, 0, 0, 0
+    masks = _ordered_connected_components(saliency_map)
+    detected_box = (0, 0, 0, 0)
+    if masks:
+        # we get only the largest bounding box as of now
+        detected_box = _extract_bounding_box(masks[0])
     # Calculate localization metrics
-    iou, ioda, proportional_energy, asf = calculate_localization_metrics(
-        saliency_map=saliency_map,
-        detected_box=(x_L, y_L, w_L, h_L),
-        ground_truth_box=gt_bboxes,
-    )
-    # Write metrics to csv file
-    csv_writer.writerow(
-        [
-            names[0],
-            iou,
-            ioda,
-            proportional_energy,
-            asf,
-            x_L,
-            y_L,
-            w_L,
-            h_L,
-        ]
+    iou, ioda = _compute_max_iou_and_ioda(detected_box, gt_bboxes)
+    # The binary_mask will be ON/True where the gt boxes are located
+    binary_mask = numpy.zeros_like(saliency_map, dtype=numpy.bool_)
+    for bbox in gt_bboxes:
+        xmin, ymin, width, height = bbox
+        binary_mask[ymin : ymin + height, xmin : xmin + width] = True
+    return (
+        iou,
+        ioda,
+        _compute_proportional_energy(saliency_map, binary_mask),
+        _compute_avg_saliency_focus(saliency_map, binary_mask),
+        *detected_box,
 def run(
-    input_folder,
-    data_loader,
-    dataset_split_name,
-    csv_writers,
+    input_folder: pathlib.Path,
+    datamodule: lightning.pytorch.LightningDataModule,
+) -> dict[str, list[typing.Any]]:
     """Applies visualization techniques on input CXR, outputs images with
     overlaid heatmaps and csv files with measurements.
+    input_folder
+        Directory in which the saliency maps are stored for a specific
+        visualization type.
+    datamodule
+        The lightning datamodule to iterate on.
-    input_folder : str
-        Directory in which the saliency maps are stored for a specific visualization type.
-    data_loader : py:class:`torch.torch.utils.data.DataLoader`
-        The pytorch Dataloader used to iterate over batches.
-    dataset_split_name : str
-        Name of the dataset split (e.g. "train", "validation", "test").
-    csv_writers : dict
-        Dictionary containing csv writer objects for each target class.
-    all_predictions : list
-        All the predictions associated with filename and ground truth, saved as .csv.
+        A dictionary where keys are dataset names in the provide datamodule,
+        and values are lists containing sample information alongside metrics
+        calculated:
+        * Sample name
+        * Sample target class
+        * IoU
+        * IoDA
+        * Proportional energy
+        * Average saliency focus
+        * Largest detected bounding box
-    for samples in tqdm(data_loader, desc="batches", leave=False, disable=None):
-        # Check if the sample has a bounding box entry
-        if "radsign_bboxes" not in samples[1]:
-            logger.warning(
-                "The dataset does not contain bounding box information. No localization metrics can be calculated."
-            )
-            return
-        else:
-            # TB negative labels are skipped (they don't have gt bboxes)
-            if samples[1]["label"].item() == 0:
-                continue
-        names = samples[1]["name"]
+    retval: dict[str, list[typing.Any]] = {}
-        gt_bboxes = samples[1]["radsign_bboxes"]
+    for dataset_name, dataset_loader in datamodule.predict_dataloader().items():
+        logger.info(
+            f"Estimating interpretability metrics for dataset `{dataset_name}`..."
+        )
+        retval[dataset_name] = []
+        # TODO: This loads the images from the dataset, but they are not useful at
+        # this point...
+        for sample in tqdm(
+            dataset_loader, desc="batches", leave=False, disable=None
+        ):
+            name = str(sample[1]["name"][0])
+            label = int(sample[1]["label"].item())
+            # TODO: This is very specific to the TBX11k system for labelling
+            # regions of interest.  We need to abstract from this to support more
+            # datasets and other ways to annotate.
+            bboxes = sample[1].get("radsign_bboxes", [])
+            bboxes = [k[1:] for k in bboxes]  # remove bbox label...
+            if label == 0:
+                # we add the entry for dataset completeness
+                retval[dataset_name].append([name, label])
+                continue
-        if not gt_bboxes:
-            logger.warning(
-                f'This sample does not have bounding box information. No localization metrics can be calculated. Sample "{names[0]}" is skipped.'
-            )
-            continue
-        for target_class_name, csv_writer in csv_writers.items():
-            saliency_map_path = os.path.join(
-                input_folder,
-                target_class_name,
-                dataset_split_name,
-                names[0].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".npy",
-            )
+            if not bboxes:
+                logger.warning(
+                    f"Sample `{name}` does not contdain bounding-box information. "
+                    f"No localization metrics can be calculated in this case. "
+                    f"Skipping..."
+                )
+                # we add the entry for dataset completeness
+                retval[dataset_name].append([name, label])
+                continue
-            process_target_class(
-                names,
-                gt_bboxes,
-                saliency_map_path,
-                csv_writer,
+            # we fully process this entry
+            retval[dataset_name].append(
+                [
+                    name,
+                    label,
+                    *_process_sample(
+                        bboxes,
+                        numpy.load(
+                            input_folder
+                            / pathlib.Path(name).with_suffix(".npy")
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ]
+    return retval
diff --git a/src/ptbench/scripts/evaluate_saliencymaps.py b/src/ptbench/scripts/evaluate_saliencymaps.py
index 6f9312315e7bd378e0821351b07f0bbd3dbd630c..0e9fdc49c624355bb114bd86aa3efcb69e9e1322 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/scripts/evaluate_saliencymaps.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/scripts/evaluate_saliencymaps.py
@@ -2,58 +2,16 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import csv
-import os
 import pathlib
 import click
-from clapper.click import ConfigCommand, ResourceOption, verbosity_option
+from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
-logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+from .click import ConfigCommand
-def _get_target_classes_from_directory(input_folder):
-    # Gets a list of target classes from a directory
-    return [
-        item
-        for item in os.listdir(input_folder)
-        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(input_folder, item))
-    ]
-def prepare_csv_writers(input_folder, dataset_split):
-    # Create a CSV file to store the performance metrics for each image, for each target class
-    target_classes = _get_target_classes_from_directory(input_folder)
-    csv_files = {}
-    csv_writers = {}
-    for target_class in target_classes:
-        directory_path = os.path.join(input_folder, target_class)
-        os.makedirs(directory_path, exist_ok=True)
-        csv_file_path = os.path.join(
-            directory_path, f"{dataset_split}_localization_metrics.csv"
-        )
-        csv_files[target_class] = open(csv_file_path, "w", newline="")
-        csv_writers[target_class] = csv.writer(csv_files[target_class])
-        csv_writers[target_class].writerow(
-            [
-                "Image",
-                "IoU",
-                "IoDA",
-                "Proportional Energy",
-                "Average Saliency Focus",
-                "detected_bbox_xmin",
-                "detected_bbox_ymin",
-                "detected_bbox_width",
-                "detected_bbox_height",
-            ]
-        )
-    return csv_files, csv_writers
+logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
@@ -61,84 +19,119 @@ def prepare_csv_writers(input_folder, dataset_split):
-    1. Evaluate the generated saliency maps for their localization performance:
+1. Evaluate the generated saliency maps for their localization performance:
-       .. code:: sh
+   .. code:: sh
-          ptbench evaluate-saliencymaps -vv pasa tbx11k-v1-healthy-vs-atb --input-folder=parent_folder/gradcam/
+      ptbench evaluate-saliencymaps -vv tbx11k-v1-healthy-vs-atb --input-folder=parent_folder/gradcam/ --output-json=parent_folder/gradcam/tbx11k-v1-interp.json
-    "--model",
-    "-m",
-    help="A lightining module instance implementing the network to be used for applying the necessary data transformations.",
-    required=True,
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    help="A lighting data module containing the training, validation and test sets.",
+    help="""A lighting data module that will be asked for prediction data
+    loaders. Typically, this includes all configured splits in a datamodule,
+    however this is not a requirement.  A datamodule that returns a single
+    dataloader for prediction (wrapped in a dictionary) is acceptable.""",
-    help="Path to the folder containing the saliency maps for a specific visualization type.",
+    help="""Path where to load saliency maps from.""",
+        exists=True,
-        writable=True,
-    default="visualizations",
+    default="saliency-maps",
+    cls=ResourceOption,
+    "--output-json",
+    "-o",
+    help="""Path where to store the output JSON file containing all
+    measures.""",
+    required=True,
+    type=click.Path(
+        file_okay=True,
+        dir_okay=False,
+        path_type=pathlib.Path,
+    ),
+    default="saliencymap-interpretability.json",
 @verbosity_option(logger=logger, cls=ResourceOption, expose_value=False)
 def evaluate_saliencymaps(
-    model,
+    output_json,
 ) -> None:
-    """Creates .csv files with the IoU, IoDA, Proportional Energy, and ASF
-    metrics, and additionally saves the detected bounding box coordinates for
-    each image.
-    Calculates them for each target class and split of the dataset.
+    """Evaluates saliency map agreement with annotations (human
+    interpretability).
+    The evaluation happens by comparing saliency maps with ground-truth
+    provided by any other means (typically following a manual annotation
+    procedure).
+    .. note::
+       For obvious reasons, this evaluation is limited to databases that
+       contain built-in annotations which corroborate classification.
+    As a result of the evaluation, this application creates a single JSON file
+    that resembles the original datamodule, with added information containing
+    the following measures, for each sample:
+    * IoU: The intersection of the (thresholded) saliency maps with
+      the annotation the most overlaps, over the union of both areas.
+    * IoDA: The intersection of the (thresholded) saliency maps with
+      the annotation that most overlaps, over area of (thresholded) saliency
+      maps.
+    * Proportional Energy: A measure that compares (UNthresholed) saliency maps
+      with annotations originated from "Score-CAM: Score-Weighted Visual
+      Explanations for Convolutional Neural Networks" by Wang et al. (2020),
+      https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.01279.  It estimates how much activation lies
+      within the ground truth boxes compared to the total sum of the activations.
+    * Average Saliency Focus: estimates how much of the ground truth bounding
+      boxes area is covered by the activations.
+    .. important::
+       The thresholding algorithm used to evaluate IoU and IoDA measures is
+       based on the process done by the original CAM paper: "Learning Deep
+       Features for Discriminative Localization" by Zhou et al. (2015),
+       https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.04150.  It keeps all points from the saliency
+       map that are above the 20% of its maximum value.
+       It then calculates a **single** bounding box for largest connected
+       component.  This bounding box represents detected elements on the
+       original sample that corroborate the classification outcome.
+       IoU and IoDA are only evaluated for a single ground-truth bounding box
+       per sample (the one with the highest overlap).  Any other bounding box
+       marked on the sample is ignored in the present implementation.
+    import json
     from ..engine.saliencymap_evaluator import run
     from .utils import save_sh_command
     save_sh_command(input_folder / "command.sh")
-    datamodule.set_chunk_size(1, 1)
-    datamodule.drop_incomplete_batch = False
-    # datamodule.cache_samples = cache_samples
-    # datamodule.parallel = parallel
-    datamodule.model_transforms = model.model_transforms
+    datamodule.model_transforms = []
-    dataloaders = datamodule.predict_dataloader()
-    for k, v in dataloaders.items():
-        csv_files, csv_writers = prepare_csv_writers(input_folder, k)
-        logger.info(f"Calculating localization metrics for '{k}' set...")
-        run(
-            input_folder,
-            data_loader=v,
-            dataset_split_name=k,
-            csv_writers=csv_writers,
-        )
+    results = run(input_folder, datamodule)
-    for csv_file in csv_files.values():
-        csv_file.close()
+    with output_json.open("w") as f:
+        logger.info(f"Saving output file to `{str(output_json)}`...")
+        json.dump(results, f, indent=2)