diff --git a/doc/api.rst b/doc/api.rst
index d0f2f4118f29f0113819ed4b35b9fef66509bb2b..d4e441f00698cd6bbb8bbf42c233f0b3048f8c46 100644
--- a/doc/api.rst
+++ b/doc/api.rst
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Reusable auxiliary functions.
-   mednet.utils.resources
+   mednet.libs.common.utils.resources
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/alexnet.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/alexnet.py
index 481bc03fd3cfd7322187792f5020cd5e71d8aefa..03802839900ee4bd3f5d8b368cb8d611cbc6b006 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/alexnet.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/alexnet.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import torch.utils.data
 import torchvision.models as models
 import torchvision.transforms
 from mednet.libs.common.data.typing import TransformSequence
-from .model import Model
+from mednet.libs.common.models.model import Model
 from .separate import separate
 from .transforms import RGB, SquareCenterPad
diff --git a/src/mednet/models/cnn3d.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/cnn3d.py
similarity index 98%
rename from src/mednet/models/cnn3d.py
rename to src/mednet/libs/classification/models/cnn3d.py
index d0be0e62e6c66431e0d14ac1d2ecddcfd91cf1d7..b9abf5e98c3c7fef25e255e5a8b656dee7b272c2 100644
--- a/src/mednet/models/cnn3d.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/cnn3d.py
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import torch.nn.functional as F  # noqa: N812
 import torch.optim.optimizer
 import torch.utils.data
-from ..data.typing import TransformSequence
-from .model import Model
+from ...common.data.typing import TransformSequence
+from ...common.models.model import Model
 from .separate import separate
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/densenet.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/densenet.py
index bd7b83d8bfdd8d1f05c94adfc1a7a92461f74369..69ac44b72d22b9cd0ca932e00a6dee51fd1f93bd 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/densenet.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/densenet.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import torch.utils.data
 import torchvision.models as models
 import torchvision.transforms
 from mednet.libs.common.data.typing import TransformSequence
-from .model import Model
+from mednet.libs.common.models.model import Model
 from .separate import separate
 from .transforms import RGB, SquareCenterPad
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/pasa.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/pasa.py
index 4fddda019a86057753e5e7361e7f03198df12d61..35953ddfd14377ce9a88267a154fbe99a6b8f9b2 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/pasa.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/pasa.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import torch.optim.optimizer
 import torch.utils.data
 import torchvision.transforms
 from mednet.libs.common.data.typing import TransformSequence
-from .model import Model
+from mednet.libs.common.models.model import Model
 from .separate import separate
 from .transforms import Grayscale, SquareCenterPad
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/typing.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/typing.py
index 9d1e7f32c1b08684cf324233694518855841eaa0..bbc0ba02438ffc5efee2f19964a5120caf4e9a66 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/typing.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/typing.py
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
 import typing
-Checkpoint: typing.TypeAlias = typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any]
-"""Definition of a lightning checkpoint."""
 BinaryPrediction: typing.TypeAlias = tuple[str, int, float]
 """The sample name, the target, and the predicted value."""
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/cli.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/cli.py
index 70db90d60caf29a4fc90a01cc0288a7d11dac265..b7839d0dd1bf78eae8eb81e4fdbd8078cc9bec0d 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/cli.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/cli.py
@@ -23,12 +23,6 @@ classification.add_command(
     importlib.import_module("..database", package=__name__).database,
-    importlib.import_module("..evaluate", package=__name__).evaluate,
-    importlib.import_module("..experiment", package=__name__).experiment,
     importlib.import_module("..predict", package=__name__).predict
@@ -37,10 +31,16 @@ classification.add_command(
-        "..train_analysis",
+        "mednet.libs.common.scripts.train_analysis",
+    importlib.import_module("..evaluate", package=__name__).evaluate,
+    importlib.import_module("..experiment", package=__name__).experiment,
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/evaluate.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/evaluate.py
index bd3a48f7c58627e1ac4fd6c50408cb30dbfa1aea..eb7970c9f8ad8eae45ff647d066f204a54ccf9cd 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/evaluate.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/evaluate.py
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import pathlib
 import click
 from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
-from .click import ConfigCommand
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.click import ConfigCommand
 # avoids X11/graphical desktop requirement when creating plots
@@ -116,6 +115,10 @@ def evaluate(
     import typing
     from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
+    from mednet.libs.common.scripts.utils import (
+        execution_metadata,
+        save_json_with_backup,
+    )
     from ..engine.evaluator import (
@@ -125,7 +128,6 @@ def evaluate(
-    from .utils import execution_metadata, save_json_with_backup
     evaluation_filename = "evaluation.json"
     evaluation_file = pathlib.Path(output_folder) / evaluation_filename
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/experiment.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/experiment.py
index b0bedb0d408e384496a8c5a2cbbe267aa5d70eae..3118b14b51332d79faafd31755856e50bac47ae3 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/experiment.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/experiment.py
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def experiment(
     logger.info(f"Training runtime: {train_stop_timestamp-train_start_timestamp}")
     logger.info("Started train analysis")
-    from .train_analysis import train_analysis
+    from mednet.libs.common.scripts.train_analysis import train_analysis
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/predict.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/predict.py
index e67a97476753d73c347a253ff1272e6f7955acea..50d7d03d9fce1674c1a049cf3ae008fb06516715 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/predict.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/predict.py
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import pathlib
 import click
 from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
-from .click import ConfigCommand
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.click import ConfigCommand
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.predict import predict as predict_script
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.predict import reusable_options
 logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
@@ -32,92 +32,7 @@ logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
-    "--output",
-    "-o",
-    help="""Path to a JSON file in which to save predictions for all samples in the
-    input DataModule (leading directories are created if they do not
-    exist).""",
-    required=True,
-    default="predictions.json",
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    type=click.Path(
-        file_okay=True,
-        dir_okay=False,
-        writable=True,
-        path_type=pathlib.Path,
-    ),
-    "--model",
-    "-m",
-    help="""A lightning module instance implementing the network architecture
-    (not the weights, necessarily) to be used for prediction.""",
-    required=True,
-    type=click.UNPROCESSED,
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    "--datamodule",
-    "-d",
-    help="""A lightning DataModule that will be asked for prediction data
-    loaders. Typically, this includes all configured splits in a DataModule,
-    however this is not a requirement.  A DataModule that returns a single
-    dataloader for prediction (wrapped in a dictionary) is acceptable.""",
-    required=True,
-    type=click.UNPROCESSED,
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    "--batch-size",
-    "-b",
-    help="""Number of samples in every batch (this parameter affects memory
-    requirements for the network).""",
-    required=True,
-    show_default=True,
-    default=1,
-    type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    "--device",
-    "-d",
-    help='A string indicating the device to use (e.g. "cpu" or "cuda:0")',
-    show_default=True,
-    required=True,
-    default="cpu",
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    "--weight",
-    "-w",
-    help="""Path or URL to pretrained model file (`.ckpt` extension),
-    corresponding to the architecture set with `--model`.  Optionally, you may
-    also pass a directory containing the result of a training session, in which
-    case either the best (lowest validation) or latest model will be loaded.""",
-    required=True,
-    cls=ResourceOption,
-    type=click.Path(
-        exists=True,
-        file_okay=True,
-        dir_okay=True,
-        readable=True,
-        path_type=pathlib.Path,
-    ),
-    "--parallel",
-    "-P",
-    help="""Use multiprocessing for data loading: if set to -1 (default),
-    disables multiprocessing data loading.  Set to 0 to enable as many data
-    loading instances as processing cores available in the system.  Set to
-    >= 1 to enable that many multiprocessing instances for data loading.""",
-    type=click.IntRange(min=-1),
-    show_default=True,
-    required=True,
-    default=-1,
-    cls=ResourceOption,
 @verbosity_option(logger=logger, cls=ResourceOption, expose_value=False)
 def predict(
@@ -130,63 +45,13 @@ def predict(
 ) -> None:  # numpydoc ignore=PR01
     """Run inference (generates scores) on all input images, using a pre-trained model."""
-    import json
-    import shutil
-    import typing
-    from mednet.libs.classification.engine.predictor import run
-    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.libs.common.utils.checkpointer import (
-        get_checkpoint_to_run_inference,
-    )
-    from .utils import (
-        device_properties,
-        execution_metadata,
-        model_summary,
-        save_json_with_backup,
+    predict_script(
+        output,
+        model,
+        datamodule,
+        batch_size,
+        device,
+        weight,
+        parallel,
+        **_,
-    datamodule.batch_size = batch_size
-    datamodule.parallel = parallel
-    datamodule.model_transforms = model.model_transforms
-    datamodule.prepare_data()
-    datamodule.setup(stage="predict")
-    if weight.is_dir():
-        weight = get_checkpoint_to_run_inference(weight)
-    logger.info(f"Loading checkpoint from `{weight}`...")
-    model = type(model).load_from_checkpoint(weight, strict=False)
-    device_manager = DeviceManager(device)
-    # register metadata
-    json_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = execution_metadata()
-    json_data.update(device_properties(device_manager.device_type))
-    json_data.update(
-        dict(
-            database_name=datamodule.database_name,
-            database_split=datamodule.split_name,
-            model_name=model.name,
-        ),
-    )
-    json_data.update(model_summary(model))
-    json_data = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in json_data.items()}
-    save_json_with_backup(output.with_suffix(".meta.json"), json_data)
-    predictions = run(model, datamodule, device_manager)
-    output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    if output.exists():
-        backup = output.parent / (output.name + "~")
-        logger.warning(
-            f"Output predictions file `{str(output)}` exists - "
-            f"backing it up to `{str(backup)}`...",
-        )
-        shutil.copy(output, backup)
-    with output.open("w") as f:
-        json.dump(predictions, f, indent=2)
-    logger.info(f"Predictions saved to `{str(output)}`")
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/completeness.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/completeness.py
index 9ac006d542f057303f179027e6626597fd803ef0..fa2d243d6287df127f6da33cb0a31f7ed2b405f6 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/completeness.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/completeness.py
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import typing
 import click
 from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.click import ConfigCommand
 from ...models.typing import SaliencyMapAlgorithm
-from ..click import ConfigCommand
 logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/evaluate.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/evaluate.py
index 93390e040eb4bc27ae9cbbc2fdac0afe64771cf4..035d9b0e732edb2c70e4e430a596eafe4639ac01 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/evaluate.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/evaluate.py
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import typing
 import click
 from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.click import ConfigCommand
 from ...models.typing import SaliencyMapAlgorithm
-from ..click import ConfigCommand
 # avoids X11/graphical desktop requirement when creating plots
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/generate.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/generate.py
index d4e8fd92dcd8dae0e6d25e12507b5acc8fbffcf9..3dfd8d84d29c3142f9081e4d6ffe56a38ffa9726 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/generate.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/generate.py
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import typing
 import click
 from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.click import ConfigCommand
 from ...models.typing import SaliencyMapAlgorithm
-from ..click import ConfigCommand
 logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/interpretability.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/interpretability.py
index 65a117d3073eefed8b4690ebaa3ca74d59444b9f..c4b2ba525ed720ac1c8bc4fc2651cc2c7e6fb3d4 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/interpretability.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/saliency/interpretability.py
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import pathlib
 import click
 from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
-from ..click import ConfigCommand
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.click import ConfigCommand
 logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/train.py b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/train.py
index ea09def8d0ce69ad0f42be23d4fe7b5ec6d5b566..94fbcb00bacbb0cadce116e5a944c4abf57cdbb3 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/train.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/train.py
@@ -1,234 +1,13 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import functools
-import pathlib
-import typing
 import click
 from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.click import ConfigCommand
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.train import reusable_options
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.train import train as train_script
-from .click import ConfigCommand
-# logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
 logger = setup("mednet", format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
-def reusable_options(f):
-    """Wrap reusable training script options (for ``experiment``).
-    This decorator equips the target function ``f`` with all (reusable)
-    ``train`` script options.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    f
-        The target function to equip with options.  This function must have
-        parameters that accept such options.
-    Returns
-    -------
-        The decorated version of function ``f``
-    """
-    @click.option(
-        "--output-folder",
-        "-o",
-        help="Directory in which to store results (created if does not exist)",
-        required=True,
-        type=click.Path(
-            file_okay=False,
-            dir_okay=True,
-            writable=True,
-            path_type=pathlib.Path,
-        ),
-        default="results",
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--model",
-        "-m",
-        help="A lightning module instance implementing the network to be trained",
-        required=True,
-        type=click.UNPROCESSED,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--datamodule",
-        "-d",
-        help="A lightning DataModule containing the training and validation sets.",
-        required=True,
-        type=click.UNPROCESSED,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--batch-size",
-        "-b",
-        help="Number of samples in every batch (this parameter affects "
-        "memory requirements for the network).  If the number of samples in "
-        "the batch is larger than the total number of samples available for "
-        "training, this value is truncated.  If this number is smaller, then "
-        "batches of the specified size are created and fed to the network "
-        "until there are no more new samples to feed (epoch is finished).  "
-        "If the total number of training samples is not a multiple of the "
-        "batch-size, the last batch will be smaller than the first, unless "
-        "--drop-incomplete-batch is set, in which case this batch is not used.",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=1,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--accumulate-grad-batches",
-        "-a",
-        help="Number of accumulations for backward propagation to accumulate "
-        "gradients over k batches before stepping the optimizer. This "
-        "parameter, used in conjunction with the batch-size, may be used to "
-        "reduce the number of samples loaded in each iteration, to affect memory "
-        "usage in exchange for processing time (more iterations). This is "
-        "useful interesting when one is training on GPUs with a limited amount "
-        "of onboard RAM. The default of 1 forces the whole batch to be "
-        "processed at once. Otherwise the batch is multiplied by "
-        "accumulate-grad-batches pieces, and gradients are accumulated "
-        "to complete each training step.",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=1,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--drop-incomplete-batch/--no-drop-incomplete-batch",
-        "-D",
-        help="If set, the last batch in an epoch will be dropped if "
-        "incomplete.  If you set this option, you should also consider "
-        "increasing the total number of epochs of training, as the total number "
-        "of training steps may be reduced.",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=False,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--epochs",
-        "-e",
-        help="""Number of epochs (complete training set passes) to train for.
-        If continuing from a saved checkpoint, ensure to provide a greater
-        number of epochs than was saved in the checkpoint to be loaded.""",
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default=1000,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--validation-period",
-        "-p",
-        help="""Number of epochs after which validation happens.  By default,
-        we run validation after every training epoch (period=1).  You can
-        change this to make validation more sparse, by increasing the
-        validation period. Notice that this affects checkpoint saving.  While
-        checkpoints are created after every training step (the last training
-        step always triggers the overriding of latest checkpoint), and
-        this process is independent of validation runs, evaluation of the
-        'best' model obtained so far based on those will be influenced by this
-        setting.""",
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default=1,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--device",
-        "-x",
-        help='A string indicating the device to use (e.g. "cpu" or "cuda:0")',
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default="cpu",
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--cache-samples/--no-cache-samples",
-        help="If set to True, loads the sample into memory, "
-        "otherwise loads them at runtime.",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=False,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--seed",
-        "-s",
-        help="Seed to use for the random number generator",
-        show_default=True,
-        required=False,
-        default=42,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=0),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--parallel",
-        "-P",
-        help="""Use multiprocessing for data loading: if set to -1 (default),
-        disables multiprocessing data loading.  Set to 0 to enable as many data
-        loading instances as processing cores available in the system.  Set to
-        >= 1 to enable that many multiprocessing instances for data
-        loading.""",
-        type=click.IntRange(min=-1),
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default=-1,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--monitoring-interval",
-        "-I",
-        help="""Time between checks for the use of resources during each training
-        epoch, in seconds.  An interval of 5 seconds, for example, will lead to
-        CPU and GPU resources being probed every 5 seconds during each training
-        epoch. Values registered in the training logs correspond to averages
-        (or maxima) observed through possibly many probes in each epoch.
-        Notice that setting a very small value may cause the probing process to
-        become extremely busy, potentially biasing the overall perception of
-        resource usage.""",
-        type=click.FloatRange(min=0.1),
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default=5.0,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--balance-classes/--no-balance-classes",
-        "-B/-N",
-        help="""If set, balances weights of the random sampler during
-        training so that samples from all sample classes are picked
-        equitably.""",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=True,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--augmentations",
-        "-A",
-        help="""Models that can be trained in this package are shipped without
-        explicit data augmentations. This option allows you to define a list of
-        data augmentations to use for training the selected model.""",
-        type=click.UNPROCESSED,
-        default=[],
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @functools.wraps(f)
-    def wrapper_reusable_options(*args, **kwargs):
-        return f(*args, **kwargs)
-    return wrapper_reusable_options
@@ -269,122 +48,20 @@ def train(
     extension that are used in subsequent tasks or from which training
     can be resumed.
-    import torch
-    from lightning.pytorch import seed_everything
-    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.libs.common.engine.trainer import run
-    from mednet.libs.common.utils.checkpointer import (
-        get_checkpoint_to_resume_training,
-    )
-    from .utils import (
-        device_properties,
-        execution_metadata,
-        model_summary,
-        save_json_with_backup,
-    )
-    checkpoint_file = None
-    if output_folder.is_dir():
-        try:
-            checkpoint_file = get_checkpoint_to_resume_training(output_folder)
-        except FileNotFoundError:
-            logger.info(
-                f"Folder {output_folder} already exists, but I did not"
-                f" find any usable checkpoint file to resume training"
-                f" from. Starting from scratch...",
-            )
-    seed_everything(seed)
-    # report model/transforms options - set data augmentations
-    logger.info(f"Network model: {type(model).__module__}.{type(model).__name__}")
-    model.augmentation_transforms = augmentations
-    # reset datamodule with user configurable options
-    datamodule.batch_size = batch_size
-    datamodule.drop_incomplete_batch = drop_incomplete_batch
-    datamodule.cache_samples = cache_samples
-    datamodule.parallel = parallel
-    datamodule.model_transforms = model.model_transforms
-    datamodule.prepare_data()
-    datamodule.setup(stage="fit")
-    # If asked, rebalances the loss criterion based on the relative proportion
-    # of class examples available in the training set.  Also affects the
-    # validation loss if a validation set is available on the DataModule.
-    if balance_classes:
-        logger.info("Applying train/valid loss balancing...")
-        model.balance_losses(datamodule)
-    else:
-        logger.info(
-            "Skipping sample class/dataset ownership balancing on user request",
-        )
-    logger.info(f"Training for at most {epochs} epochs.")
-    arguments = {}
-    arguments["max_epoch"] = epochs
-    arguments["epoch"] = 0
-    if checkpoint_file is None or not hasattr(model, "on_load_checkpoint"):
-        # Sets the model normalizer with the unaugmented-train-subset if we are
-        # starting from scratch and/or the model does not contain its own
-        # checkpoint loading strategy (e.g. a pytorch stock checkpoint). This
-        # call may be a NOOP, if the model comes from outside this framework,
-        # and expects different weights for the normalisation layer.
-        if hasattr(model, "set_normalizer"):
-            model.set_normalizer(datamodule.unshuffled_train_dataloader())
-        else:
-            logger.warning(
-                f"Model {model.name} has no `set_normalizer` method. "
-                "Skipping normalization setup (unsupported external model).",
-            )
-    else:
-        # Normalizer will be loaded during model.on_load_checkpoint
-        checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_file)
-        start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"]
-        logger.info(
-            f"Resuming from epoch {start_epoch} "
-            f"(checkpoint file: `{str(checkpoint_file)}`)...",
-        )
-    device_manager = DeviceManager(device)
-    # stores all information we can think of, to reproduce this later
-    json_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = execution_metadata()
-    json_data.update(device_properties(device_manager.device_type))
-    json_data.update(
-        dict(
-            database_name=datamodule.database_name,
-            split_name=datamodule.split_name,
-            epochs=epochs,
-            batch_size=batch_size,
-            accumulate_grad_batches=accumulate_grad_batches,
-            drop_incomplete_batch=drop_incomplete_batch,
-            validation_period=validation_period,
-            cache_samples=cache_samples,
-            seed=seed,
-            parallel=parallel,
-            monitoring_interval=monitoring_interval,
-            balance_classes=balance_classes,
-            model_name=model.name,
-        ),
-    )
-    json_data.update(model_summary(model))
-    json_data = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in json_data.items()}
-    save_json_with_backup(output_folder / "meta.json", json_data)
-    run(
-        model=model,
-        datamodule=datamodule,
-        validation_period=validation_period,
-        device_manager=device_manager,
-        max_epochs=epochs,
-        output_folder=output_folder,
-        monitoring_interval=monitoring_interval,
-        accumulate_grad_batches=accumulate_grad_batches,
-        checkpoint=checkpoint_file,
+    train_script(
+        model,
+        output_folder,
+        epochs,
+        batch_size,
+        accumulate_grad_batches,
+        drop_incomplete_batch,
+        datamodule,
+        validation_period,
+        device,
+        cache_samples,
+        seed,
+        parallel,
+        monitoring_interval,
+        balance_classes,
+        **_,
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/common/models/__init__.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/loss_weights.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/models/loss_weights.py
similarity index 98%
rename from src/mednet/libs/classification/models/loss_weights.py
rename to src/mednet/libs/common/models/loss_weights.py
index 8111c354f1163ad5febbe4629868da3fa901618a..b3c2edec5b982762521eedbc4778ea21abb4d5fc 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/loss_weights.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/common/models/loss_weights.py
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ from collections import Counter
 import torch
 import torch.utils.data
-from mednet.libs.common.data.typing import DataLoader
 logger = logging.getLogger("mednet")
diff --git a/src/mednet/models/model.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/models/model.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/mednet/models/model.py
rename to src/mednet/libs/common/models/model.py
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/models/normalizer.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/models/normalizer.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/mednet/libs/classification/models/normalizer.py
rename to src/mednet/libs/common/models/normalizer.py
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/common/models/typing.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/models/typing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97a04b6616724503e7690f6e8d33a40c315feed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/common/models/typing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+"""Defines most common types used in code."""
+import typing
+Checkpoint: typing.TypeAlias = typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any]
+"""Definition of a lightning checkpoint."""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/click.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/click.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/click.py
rename to src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/click.py
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/predict.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/predict.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11cd63366803d73c0f4bf0600c1abe6ab2beecc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/predict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+import functools
+import pathlib
+import click
+from clapper.click import ResourceOption
+from clapper.logging import setup
+logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+def reusable_options(f):
+    """Wrap reusable predict script options (for ``experiment``).
+    This decorator equips the target function ``f`` with all (reusable)
+    ``predict`` script options.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f
+        The target function to equip with options.  This function must have
+        parameters that accept such options.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        The decorated version of function ``f``
+    """
+    @click.option(
+        "--output",
+        "-o",
+        help="""Path to a JSON file in which to save predictions for all samples in the
+        input DataModule (leading directories are created if they do not
+        exist).""",
+        required=True,
+        default="predictions.json",
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+        type=click.Path(
+            file_okay=True,
+            dir_okay=False,
+            writable=True,
+            path_type=pathlib.Path,
+        ),
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--model",
+        "-m",
+        help="""A lightning module instance implementing the network architecture
+        (not the weights, necessarily) to be used for prediction.""",
+        required=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--datamodule",
+        "-d",
+        help="""A lightning DataModule that will be asked for prediction data
+        loaders. Typically, this includes all configured splits in a DataModule,
+        however this is not a requirement.  A DataModule that returns a single
+        dataloader for prediction (wrapped in a dictionary) is acceptable.""",
+        required=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--batch-size",
+        "-b",
+        help="""Number of samples in every batch (this parameter affects memory
+        requirements for the network).""",
+        required=True,
+        show_default=True,
+        default=1,
+        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--device",
+        "-d",
+        help='A string indicating the device to use (e.g. "cpu" or "cuda:0")',
+        show_default=True,
+        required=True,
+        default="cpu",
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--weight",
+        "-w",
+        help="""Path or URL to pretrained model file (`.ckpt` extension),
+        corresponding to the architecture set with `--model`.  Optionally, you may
+        also pass a directory containing the result of a training session, in which
+        case either the best (lowest validation) or latest model will be loaded.""",
+        required=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+        type=click.Path(
+            exists=True,
+            file_okay=True,
+            dir_okay=True,
+            readable=True,
+            path_type=pathlib.Path,
+        ),
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--parallel",
+        "-P",
+        help="""Use multiprocessing for data loading: if set to -1 (default),
+        disables multiprocessing data loading.  Set to 0 to enable as many data
+        loading instances as processing cores available in the system.  Set to
+        >= 1 to enable that many multiprocessing instances for data loading.""",
+        type=click.IntRange(min=-1),
+        show_default=True,
+        required=True,
+        default=-1,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @functools.wraps(f)
+    def wrapper_reusable_options(*args, **kwargs):
+        return f(*args, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper_reusable_options
+def predict(
+    output,
+    model,
+    datamodule,
+    batch_size,
+    device,
+    weight,
+    parallel,
+    **_,
+) -> None:  # numpydoc ignore=PR01
+    """Run inference (generates scores) on all input images, using a pre-trained model."""
+    import json
+    import shutil
+    import typing
+    from mednet.libs.classification.engine.predictor import run
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.checkpointer import (
+        get_checkpoint_to_run_inference,
+    )
+    from .utils import (
+        device_properties,
+        execution_metadata,
+        model_summary,
+        save_json_with_backup,
+    )
+    datamodule.set_chunk_size(batch_size, 1)
+    datamodule.parallel = parallel
+    datamodule.model_transforms = model.model_transforms
+    datamodule.prepare_data()
+    datamodule.setup(stage="predict")
+    if weight.is_dir():
+        weight = get_checkpoint_to_run_inference(weight)
+    logger.info(f"Loading checkpoint from `{weight}`...")
+    model = type(model).load_from_checkpoint(weight, strict=False)
+    device_manager = DeviceManager(device)
+    # register metadata
+    json_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = execution_metadata()
+    json_data.update(device_properties(device_manager.device_type))
+    json_data.update(
+        dict(
+            database_name=datamodule.database_name,
+            database_split=datamodule.split_name,
+            model_name=model.name,
+        ),
+    )
+    json_data.update(model_summary(model))
+    json_data = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in json_data.items()}
+    save_json_with_backup(output.with_suffix(".meta.json"), json_data)
+    predictions = run(model, datamodule, device_manager)
+    output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    if output.exists():
+        backup = output.parent / (output.name + "~")
+        logger.warning(
+            f"Output predictions file `{str(output)}` exists - "
+            f"backing it up to `{str(backup)}`...",
+        )
+        shutil.copy(output, backup)
+    with output.open("w") as f:
+        json.dump(predictions, f, indent=2)
+    logger.info(f"Predictions saved to `{str(output)}`")
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/train.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/train.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2228725b673068f8417fcb1a8b6fc829357dab39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/train.py
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+import functools
+import pathlib
+import typing
+import click
+from clapper.click import ResourceOption
+from clapper.logging import setup
+# logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+logger = setup("mednet", format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+def reusable_options(f):
+    """Wrap reusable training script options (for ``experiment``).
+    This decorator equips the target function ``f`` with all (reusable)
+    ``train`` script options.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f
+        The target function to equip with options.  This function must have
+        parameters that accept such options.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        The decorated version of function ``f``
+    """
+    @click.option(
+        "--output-folder",
+        "-o",
+        help="Directory in which to store results (created if does not exist)",
+        required=True,
+        type=click.Path(
+            file_okay=False,
+            dir_okay=True,
+            writable=True,
+            path_type=pathlib.Path,
+        ),
+        default="results",
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--model",
+        "-m",
+        help="A lightning module instance implementing the network to be trained",
+        required=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--datamodule",
+        "-d",
+        help="A lightning DataModule containing the training and validation sets.",
+        required=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--batch-size",
+        "-b",
+        help="Number of samples in every batch (this parameter affects "
+        "memory requirements for the network).  If the number of samples in "
+        "the batch is larger than the total number of samples available for "
+        "training, this value is truncated.  If this number is smaller, then "
+        "batches of the specified size are created and fed to the network "
+        "until there are no more new samples to feed (epoch is finished).  "
+        "If the total number of training samples is not a multiple of the "
+        "batch-size, the last batch will be smaller than the first, unless "
+        "--drop-incomplete-batch is set, in which case this batch is not used.",
+        required=True,
+        show_default=True,
+        default=1,
+        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--accumulate-grad-batches",
+        "-a",
+        help="Number of accumulations for backward propagation to accumulate "
+        "gradients over k batches before stepping the optimizer. This "
+        "parameter, used in conjunction with the batch-size, may be used to "
+        "reduce the number of samples loaded in each iteration, to affect memory "
+        "usage in exchange for processing time (more iterations). This is "
+        "useful interesting when one is training on GPUs with a limited amount "
+        "of onboard RAM. The default of 1 forces the whole batch to be "
+        "processed at once. Otherwise the batch is multiplied by "
+        "accumulate-grad-batches pieces, and gradients are accumulated "
+        "to complete each training step.",
+        required=True,
+        show_default=True,
+        default=1,
+        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--drop-incomplete-batch/--no-drop-incomplete-batch",
+        "-D",
+        help="If set, the last batch in an epoch will be dropped if "
+        "incomplete.  If you set this option, you should also consider "
+        "increasing the total number of epochs of training, as the total number "
+        "of training steps may be reduced.",
+        required=True,
+        show_default=True,
+        default=False,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--epochs",
+        "-e",
+        help="""Number of epochs (complete training set passes) to train for.
+        If continuing from a saved checkpoint, ensure to provide a greater
+        number of epochs than was saved in the checkpoint to be loaded.""",
+        show_default=True,
+        required=True,
+        default=1000,
+        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--validation-period",
+        "-p",
+        help="""Number of epochs after which validation happens.  By default,
+        we run validation after every training epoch (period=1).  You can
+        change this to make validation more sparse, by increasing the
+        validation period. Notice that this affects checkpoint saving.  While
+        checkpoints are created after every training step (the last training
+        step always triggers the overriding of latest checkpoint), and
+        this process is independent of validation runs, evaluation of the
+        'best' model obtained so far based on those will be influenced by this
+        setting.""",
+        show_default=True,
+        required=True,
+        default=1,
+        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--device",
+        "-x",
+        help='A string indicating the device to use (e.g. "cpu" or "cuda:0")',
+        show_default=True,
+        required=True,
+        default="cpu",
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--cache-samples/--no-cache-samples",
+        help="If set to True, loads the sample into memory, "
+        "otherwise loads them at runtime.",
+        required=True,
+        show_default=True,
+        default=False,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--seed",
+        "-s",
+        help="Seed to use for the random number generator",
+        show_default=True,
+        required=False,
+        default=42,
+        type=click.IntRange(min=0),
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--parallel",
+        "-P",
+        help="""Use multiprocessing for data loading: if set to -1 (default),
+        disables multiprocessing data loading.  Set to 0 to enable as many data
+        loading instances as processing cores available in the system.  Set to
+        >= 1 to enable that many multiprocessing instances for data
+        loading.""",
+        type=click.IntRange(min=-1),
+        show_default=True,
+        required=True,
+        default=-1,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--monitoring-interval",
+        "-I",
+        help="""Time between checks for the use of resources during each training
+        epoch, in seconds.  An interval of 5 seconds, for example, will lead to
+        CPU and GPU resources being probed every 5 seconds during each training
+        epoch. Values registered in the training logs correspond to averages
+        (or maxima) observed through possibly many probes in each epoch.
+        Notice that setting a very small value may cause the probing process to
+        become extremely busy, potentially biasing the overall perception of
+        resource usage.""",
+        type=click.FloatRange(min=0.1),
+        show_default=True,
+        required=True,
+        default=5.0,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--balance-classes/--no-balance-classes",
+        "-B/-N",
+        help="""If set, balances weights of the random sampler during
+        training so that samples from all sample classes are picked
+        equitably.""",
+        required=True,
+        show_default=True,
+        default=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+    )
+    @functools.wraps(f)
+    def wrapper_reusable_options(*args, **kwargs):
+        return f(*args, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper_reusable_options
+def train(
+    model,
+    output_folder,
+    epochs,
+    batch_size,
+    accumulate_grad_batches,
+    drop_incomplete_batch,
+    datamodule,
+    validation_period,
+    device,
+    cache_samples,
+    seed,
+    parallel,
+    monitoring_interval,
+    balance_classes,
+    **_,
+) -> None:  # numpydoc ignore=PR01
+    """Train an CNN to perform image classification.
+    Training is performed for a configurable number of epochs, and
+    generates checkpoints.  Checkpoints are model files with a .ckpt
+    extension that are used in subsequent tasks or from which training
+    can be resumed.
+    """
+    import torch
+    from lightning.pytorch import seed_everything
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.trainer import run
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.checkpointer import (
+        get_checkpoint_to_resume_training,
+    )
+    from .utils import (
+        device_properties,
+        execution_metadata,
+        model_summary,
+        save_json_with_backup,
+    )
+    checkpoint_file = None
+    if output_folder.is_dir():
+        try:
+            checkpoint_file = get_checkpoint_to_resume_training(output_folder)
+        except FileNotFoundError:
+            logger.info(
+                f"Folder {output_folder} already exists, but I did not"
+                f" find any usable checkpoint file to resume training"
+                f" from. Starting from scratch...",
+            )
+    seed_everything(seed)
+    # reset datamodule with user configurable options
+    datamodule.drop_incomplete_batch = drop_incomplete_batch
+    datamodule.cache_samples = cache_samples
+    datamodule.parallel = parallel
+    datamodule.model_transforms = model.model_transforms
+    datamodule.prepare_data()
+    datamodule.setup(stage="fit")
+    # If asked, rebalances the loss criterion based on the relative proportion
+    # of class examples available in the training set.  Also affects the
+    # validation loss if a validation set is available on the DataModule.
+    if balance_classes:
+        logger.info("Applying train/valid loss balancing...")
+        model.balance_losses(datamodule)
+    else:
+        logger.info(
+            "Skipping sample class/dataset ownership balancing on user request",
+        )
+    logger.info(f"Training for at most {epochs} epochs.")
+    arguments = {}
+    arguments["max_epoch"] = epochs
+    arguments["epoch"] = 0
+    if checkpoint_file is None or not hasattr(model, "on_load_checkpoint"):
+        # Sets the model normalizer with the unaugmented-train-subset if we are
+        # starting from scratch and/or the model does not contain its own
+        # checkpoint loading strategy (e.g. a pytorch stock checkpoint). This
+        # call may be a NOOP, if the model comes from outside this framework,
+        # and expects different weights for the normalisation layer.
+        if hasattr(model, "set_normalizer"):
+            model.set_normalizer(datamodule.unshuffled_train_dataloader())
+        else:
+            logger.warning(
+                f"Model {model.name} has no `set_normalizer` method. "
+                "Skipping normalization setup (unsupported external model).",
+            )
+    else:
+        # Normalizer will be loaded during model.on_load_checkpoint
+        checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_file)
+        start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"]
+        logger.info(
+            f"Resuming from epoch {start_epoch} "
+            f"(checkpoint file: `{str(checkpoint_file)}`)...",
+        )
+    device_manager = DeviceManager(device)
+    # stores all information we can think of, to reproduce this later
+    json_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = execution_metadata()
+    json_data.update(device_properties(device_manager.device_type))
+    json_data.update(
+        dict(
+            database_name=datamodule.database_name,
+            split_name=datamodule.split_name,
+            epochs=epochs,
+            batch_size=batch_size,
+            accumulate_grad_batches=accumulate_grad_batches,
+            drop_incomplete_batch=drop_incomplete_batch,
+            validation_period=validation_period,
+            cache_samples=cache_samples,
+            seed=seed,
+            parallel=parallel,
+            monitoring_interval=monitoring_interval,
+            balance_classes=balance_classes,
+            model_name=model.name,
+        ),
+    )
+    json_data.update(model_summary(model))
+    json_data = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in json_data.items()}
+    save_json_with_backup(output_folder / "meta.json", json_data)
+    run(
+        model=model,
+        datamodule=datamodule,
+        validation_period=validation_period,
+        device_manager=device_manager,
+        max_epochs=epochs,
+        output_folder=output_folder,
+        monitoring_interval=monitoring_interval,
+        accumulate_grad_batches=accumulate_grad_batches,
+        checkpoint=checkpoint_file,
+    )
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/train_analysis.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/train_analysis.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/train_analysis.py
rename to src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/train_analysis.py
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/utils.py b/src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/utils.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/mednet/libs/classification/scripts/utils.py
rename to src/mednet/libs/common/scripts/utils.py
diff --git a/src/mednet/libs/segmentation/scripts/train.py b/src/mednet/libs/segmentation/scripts/train.py
index 0796c3d77df3d28fc491de60545a056ebde9cf9e..933231c6d6aa3a6a96088d61f42407b041ac1da8 100644
--- a/src/mednet/libs/segmentation/scripts/train.py
+++ b/src/mednet/libs/segmentation/scripts/train.py
@@ -1,222 +1,11 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2023 Idiap Research Institute <contact@idiap.ch>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import functools
-import pathlib
-import typing
-from pathlib import Path
 import click
 from clapper.click import ResourceOption, verbosity_option
 from clapper.logging import setup
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.click import ConfigCommand
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.train import reusable_options
+from mednet.libs.common.scripts.train import train as train_script
-from .click import ConfigCommand
-logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
-def reusable_options(f):
-    """The options that can be re-used by top-level scripts (i.e.
-    ``experiment``).
-    This decorator equips the target function ``f`` with all (reusable)
-    ``train`` script options.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    f
-        The target function to equip with options.  This function must have
-        parameters that accept such options.
-    Returns
-    -------
-        The decorated version of function ``f``
-    """  # noqa D401
-    @click.option(
-        "--output-folder",
-        "-o",
-        help="Directory in which to store results (created if does not exist)",
-        required=True,
-        type=click.Path(
-            file_okay=False,
-            dir_okay=True,
-            writable=True,
-            path_type=pathlib.Path,
-        ),
-        default="results",
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--model",
-        "-m",
-        help="A lightning module instance implementing the network to be trained",
-        required=True,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--datamodule",
-        "-d",
-        help="A lightning DataModule containing the training and validation sets.",
-        required=True,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--batch-size",
-        "-b",
-        help="Number of samples in every batch (this parameter affects "
-        "memory requirements for the network).  If the number of samples in "
-        "the batch is larger than the total number of samples available for "
-        "training, this value is truncated.  If this number is smaller, then "
-        "batches of the specified size are created and fed to the network "
-        "until there are no more new samples to feed (epoch is finished).  "
-        "If the total number of training samples is not a multiple of the "
-        "batch-size, the last batch will be smaller than the first, unless "
-        "--drop-incomplete-batch is set, in which case this batch is not used.",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=1,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--batch-chunk-count",
-        "-c",
-        help="Number of chunks in every batch (this parameter affects "
-        "memory requirements for the network). The number of samples "
-        "loaded for every iteration will be batch-size/batch-chunk-count. "
-        "batch-size needs to be divisible by batch-chunk-count, otherwise an "
-        "error will be raised. This parameter is used to reduce the number of "
-        "samples loaded in each iteration, in order to reduce the memory usage "
-        "in exchange for processing time (more iterations).  This is especially "
-        "interesting when one is training on GPUs with limited RAM. The "
-        "default of 1 forces the whole batch to be processed at once.  Otherwise "
-        "the batch is broken into batch-chunk-count pieces, and gradients are "
-        "accumulated to complete each batch.",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=1,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--drop-incomplete-batch/--no-drop-incomplete-batch",
-        "-D",
-        help="If set, the last batch in an epoch will be dropped if "
-        "incomplete.  If you set this option, you should also consider "
-        "increasing the total number of epochs of training, as the total number "
-        "of training steps may be reduced.",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=False,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--epochs",
-        "-e",
-        help="""Number of epochs (complete training set passes) to train for.
-        If continuing from a saved checkpoint, ensure to provide a greater
-        number of epochs than was saved in the checkpoint to be loaded.""",
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default=1000,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--validation-period",
-        "-p",
-        help="""Number of epochs after which validation happens.  By default,
-        we run validation after every training epoch (period=1).  You can
-        change this to make validation more sparse, by increasing the
-        validation period. Notice that this affects checkpoint saving.  While
-        checkpoints are created after every training step (the last training
-        step always triggers the overriding of latest checkpoint), and
-        this process is independent of validation runs, evaluation of the
-        'best' model obtained so far based on those will be influenced by this
-        setting.""",
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default=1,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=1),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--device",
-        "-x",
-        help='A string indicating the device to use (e.g. "cpu" or "cuda:0")',
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default="cpu",
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--cache-samples/--no-cache-samples",
-        help="If set to True, loads the sample into memory, "
-        "otherwise loads them at runtime.",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=False,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--seed",
-        "-s",
-        help="Seed to use for the random number generator",
-        show_default=True,
-        required=False,
-        default=42,
-        type=click.IntRange(min=0),
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--parallel",
-        "-P",
-        help="""Use multiprocessing for data loading: if set to -1 (default),
-        disables multiprocessing data loading.  Set to 0 to enable as many data
-        loading instances as processing cores available in the system.  Set to
-        >= 1 to enable that many multiprocessing instances for data
-        loading.""",
-        type=click.IntRange(min=-1),
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default=-1,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--monitoring-interval",
-        "-I",
-        help="""Time between checks for the use of resources during each training
-        epoch, in seconds.  An interval of 5 seconds, for example, will lead to
-        CPU and GPU resources being probed every 5 seconds during each training
-        epoch. Values registered in the training logs correspond to averages
-        (or maxima) observed through possibly many probes in each epoch.
-        Notice that setting a very small value may cause the probing process to
-        become extremely busy, potentially biasing the overall perception of
-        resource usage.""",
-        type=click.FloatRange(min=0.1),
-        show_default=True,
-        required=True,
-        default=5.0,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @click.option(
-        "--balance-classes/--no-balance-classes",
-        "-B/-N",
-        help="""If set, balances weights of the random sampler during
-        training so that samples from all sample classes are picked
-        equitably.""",
-        required=True,
-        show_default=True,
-        default=True,
-        cls=ResourceOption,
-    )
-    @functools.wraps(f)
-    def wrapper_reusable_options(*args, **kwargs):
-        return f(*args, **kwargs)
-    return wrapper_reusable_options
+logger = setup("mednet", format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
@@ -228,7 +17,7 @@ def reusable_options(f):
    .. code:: sh
-      deepdraw train -vv pasa montgomery --batch-size=4 --device="cuda:0"
+      mednet train -vv pasa montgomery --batch-size=4 --device="cuda:0"
@@ -250,127 +39,27 @@ def train(
 ) -> None:  # numpydoc ignore=PR01
-    """Train an CNN to perform image classification.
+    """Train a model to perform image segmentation.
     Training is performed for a configurable number of epochs, and
     generates checkpoints.  Checkpoints are model files with a .ckpt
     extension that are used in subsequent tasks or from which training
     can be resumed.
-    import torch
-    from lightning.pytorch import seed_everything
-    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.libs.common.engine.trainer import run
-    from mednet.libs.common.utils.checkpointer import (
-        get_checkpoint_to_resume_training,
-    )
-    from .utils import (
-        device_properties,
-        execution_metadata,
-        model_summary,
-        save_json_with_backup,
-    )
-    checkpoint_file = None
-    if Path.is_dir(output_folder):
-        try:
-            checkpoint_file = get_checkpoint_to_resume_training(output_folder)
-        except FileNotFoundError:
-            logger.info(
-                f"Folder {output_folder} already exists, but I did not"
-                f" find any usable checkpoint file to resume training"
-                f" from. Starting from scratch..."
-            )
-    seed_everything(seed)
-    # reset datamodule with user configurable options
-    datamodule.set_chunk_size(batch_size, batch_chunk_count)
-    datamodule.drop_incomplete_batch = drop_incomplete_batch
-    datamodule.cache_samples = cache_samples
-    datamodule.parallel = parallel
-    datamodule.model_transforms = model.model_transforms
-    datamodule.prepare_data()
-    datamodule.setup(stage="fit")
-    # If asked, rebalances the loss criterion based on the relative proportion
-    # of class examples available in the training set.  Also affects the
-    # validation loss if a validation set is available on the DataModule.
-    if balance_classes:
-        logger.info("Applying DataModule train sampler balancing...")
-        datamodule.balance_sampler_by_class = True
-        # logger.info("Applying train/valid loss balancing...")
-        # model.balance_losses_by_class(datamodule)
-    else:
-        logger.info(
-            "Skipping sample class/dataset ownership balancing on user request"
-        )
-    logger.info(f"Training for at most {epochs} epochs.")
-    arguments = {}
-    arguments["max_epoch"] = epochs
-    arguments["epoch"] = 0
-    if checkpoint_file is None or not hasattr(model, "on_load_checkpoint"):
-        # Sets the model normalizer with the unaugmented-train-subset if we are
-        # starting from scratch and/or the model does not contain its own
-        # checkpoint loading strategy (e.g. a pytorch stock checkpoint). This
-        # call may be a NOOP, if the model comes from outside this framework,
-        # and expects different weights for the normalisation layer.
-        if hasattr(model, "set_normalizer"):
-            model.set_normalizer(datamodule.unshuffled_train_dataloader())
-        else:
-            logger.warning(
-                f"Model {model.name} has no `set_normalizer` method. "
-                "Skipping normalization setup (unsupported external model)."
-            )
-    else:
-        # Normalizer will be loaded during model.on_load_checkpoint
-        checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_file)
-        start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"]
-        logger.info(
-            f"Resuming from epoch {start_epoch} "
-            f"(checkpoint file: `{str(checkpoint_file)}`)..."
-        )
-    device_manager = DeviceManager(device)
-    # stores all information we can think of, to reproduce this later
-    json_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = execution_metadata()
-    json_data.update(device_properties(device_manager.device_type))
-    json_data.update(
-        dict(
-            database_name=datamodule.database_name,
-            split_name=datamodule.split_name,
-            epochs=epochs,
-            batch_size=batch_size,
-            batch_chunk_count=batch_chunk_count,
-            drop_incomplete_batch=drop_incomplete_batch,
-            validation_period=validation_period,
-            cache_samples=cache_samples,
-            seed=seed,
-            parallel=parallel,
-            monitoring_interval=monitoring_interval,
-            balance_classes=balance_classes,
-            model_name=model.name,
-        ),
-    )
-    json_data.update(model_summary(model))
-    json_data = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in json_data.items()}
-    save_json_with_backup(output_folder / "meta.json", json_data)
-    run(
-        model=model,
-        datamodule=datamodule,
-        validation_period=validation_period,
-        device_manager=device_manager,
-        max_epochs=epochs,
-        output_folder=output_folder,
-        monitoring_interval=monitoring_interval,
-        batch_chunk_count=batch_chunk_count,
-        checkpoint=checkpoint_file,
+    train_script(
+        model,
+        output_folder,
+        epochs,
+        batch_size,
+        batch_chunk_count,
+        drop_incomplete_batch,
+        datamodule,
+        validation_period,
+        device,
+        cache_samples,
+        seed,
+        parallel,
+        monitoring_interval,
+        balance_classes,
+        **_,
diff --git a/tests/test_resource_monitor.py b/tests/test_resource_monitor.py
index 028932cee910d1a71188d4851b2ee84e484a70c8..ed4095902ac057ee1773ca1c5431ac75f90619d1 100644
--- a/tests/test_resource_monitor.py
+++ b/tests/test_resource_monitor.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import pytest
 def test_cpu_constants():
-    from mednet.utils.resources import cpu_constants
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import cpu_constants
     v = cpu_constants()
     assert "memory-total-GB/cpu" in v
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ def test_cpu_constants():
 def test_combined_monitor_cpu_only():
-    from mednet.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.utils.resources import _CombinedMonitor
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import _CombinedMonitor
     monitor = _CombinedMonitor(
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def test_combined_monitor_cpu_only():
     reason="Requires macOS on Apple silicon to run",
 def test_mps_constants():
-    from mednet.utils.resources import mps_constants
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import mps_constants
     v = mps_constants()
     assert "apple-processor-model" in v
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ def test_mps_constants():
     reason="Requires macOS on Apple silicon to run",
 def test_combined_monitor_macos_gpu():
-    from mednet.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.utils.resources import _CombinedMonitor
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import _CombinedMonitor
     monitor = _CombinedMonitor(
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def test_combined_monitor_macos_gpu():
     shutil.which("nvidia-smi") is None, reason="Requires nvidia-smi to run"
 def test_cuda_constants():
-    from mednet.utils.resources import cuda_constants
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import cuda_constants
     v = cuda_constants()
     assert "driver-version/gpu" in v
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ def test_cuda_constants():
     shutil.which("nvidia-smi") is None, reason="Requires nvidia-smi to run"
 def test_combined_monitor_nvidia_gpu():
-    from mednet.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.utils.resources import _CombinedMonitor
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import _CombinedMonitor
     monitor = _CombinedMonitor(
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ def test_combined_monitor_nvidia_gpu():
 def test_aggregation():
-    from mednet.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.utils.resources import _CombinedMonitor, aggregate
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import _CombinedMonitor, aggregate
     monitor = _CombinedMonitor(
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ def test_mp_cpu_monitoring():
     # Checks a "normal" workflow, where the monitoring interval is smaller than
     # the total work time
-    from mednet.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.utils.resources import ResourceMonitor, aggregate
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import ResourceMonitor, aggregate
     rm = ResourceMonitor(
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ def test_mp_cpu_monitoring_short_processing():
     # Checks we can get at least 1 monitoring sample even if the processing is
     # super short
-    from mednet.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.utils.resources import ResourceMonitor, aggregate
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import ResourceMonitor, aggregate
     rm = ResourceMonitor(
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ def test_mp_macos_gpu_monitoring():
     # Checks a "normal" workflow, where the monitoring interval is smaller than
     # the total work time
-    from mednet.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.utils.resources import ResourceMonitor, aggregate
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import ResourceMonitor, aggregate
     rm = ResourceMonitor(
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ def test_mp_macos_gpu_monitoring_short_processing():
     # shorter.  In this check we execute an external utility which may
     # delay obtaining samples.
-    from mednet.engine.device import DeviceManager
-    from mednet.utils.resources import ResourceMonitor, aggregate
+    from mednet.libs.common.engine.device import DeviceManager
+    from mednet.libs.common.utils.resources import ResourceMonitor, aggregate
     rm = ResourceMonitor(
         interval=1.5,  # on my mac, this measurements take ~0.9s