diff --git a/src/ptbench/engine/saliency/completeness.py b/src/ptbench/engine/saliency/completeness.py
index a75d57b2953c6cb283f96116e4e7d9e563fdce08..f26e577f355216e18513258860aa5691caff0773 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/engine/saliency/completeness.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/engine/saliency/completeness.py
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+import functools
 import logging
+import multiprocessing
 import typing
 import lightning.pytorch
@@ -16,6 +18,7 @@ from pytorch_grad_cam.metrics.road import (
 from pytorch_grad_cam.utils.model_targets import ClassifierOutputTarget
+from ...data.typing import Sample
 from ...models.typing import SaliencyMapAlgorithm
 from ..device import DeviceManager
@@ -110,6 +113,66 @@ def _calculate_road_scores(
+def _process_sample(
+    sample: Sample,
+    model: lightning.pytorch.LightningModule,
+    device: torch.device,
+    saliency_map_callable: typing.Callable,
+    target_class: typing.Literal["highest", "all"],
+    positive_only: bool,
+    percentiles: typing.Sequence[int],
+) -> list:
+    """Helper function to :py:func:`run` to be used in multiprocessing
+    contexts."""
+    name: str = sample[1]["name"][0]
+    label: int = int(sample[1]["label"].item())
+    image = sample[0].to(device=device, non_blocking=torch.cuda.is_available())
+    # in binary classification systems, negative labels may be skipped
+    if positive_only and (model.num_classes == 1) and (label == 0):
+        return [name, label]
+    # chooses target outputs to generate saliency maps for
+    if model.num_classes > 1:  # type: ignore
+        if target_class == "all":
+            # test all outputs
+            for output_num in range(model.num_classes):  # type: ignore
+                results = _calculate_road_scores(
+                    model,
+                    image,
+                    output_num,
+                    saliency_map_callable,
+                    percentiles,
+                )
+                return [name, label, output_num, *results]
+        else:
+            # we will figure out the output with the highest value and
+            # evaluate the saliency mapping technique over it.
+            outputs = saliency_map_callable.activations_and_grads(image)  # type: ignore
+            output_nums = np.argmax(outputs.cpu().data.numpy(), axis=-1)
+            assert len(output_nums) == 1
+            results = _calculate_road_scores(
+                model,
+                image,
+                output_nums[0],
+                saliency_map_callable,
+                percentiles,
+            )
+            return [name, label, output_nums[0], *results]
+    # default route for binary classification
+    results = _calculate_road_scores(
+        model,
+        image,
+        0,
+        saliency_map_callable,
+        percentiles,
+    )
+    return [name, label, 0, *results]
 def run(
     model: lightning.pytorch.LightningModule,
     datamodule: lightning.pytorch.LightningDataModule,
@@ -118,6 +181,7 @@ def run(
     target_class: typing.Literal["highest", "all"],
     positive_only: bool,
     percentiles: typing.Sequence[int],
+    parallel: int,
 ) -> dict[str, list[typing.Any]]:
     """Evaluates ROAD scores for all samples in a datamodule.
@@ -162,6 +226,11 @@ def run(
         A sequence of percentiles (percent x100) integer values indicating the
         proportion of pixels to perturb in the original image to calculate both
         MoRF and LeRF scores.
+    parallel
+        Use multiprocessing for data processing: if set to -1, disables
+        multiprocessing.  Set to 0 to enable as many data processing instances
+        as processing cores as available in the system.  Set to >= 1 to enable
+        that many multiprocessing instances for data processing.
@@ -201,6 +270,17 @@ def run(
         raise TypeError(f"Model of type `{type(model)}` is not yet supported.")
     use_cuda = device_manager.device_type == "cuda"
+    if device_manager.device_type in ("cuda", "mps") and (
+        parallel == 0 or parallel > 1
+    ):
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            f"The number of multiprocessing instances is set to {parallel} and "
+            f"you asked to use a GPU (device = `{device_manager.device_type}`"
+            f"). The currently implementation can only handle a single GPU.  "
+            f"Either disable GPU utilisation or set the number of "
+            f"multiprocessing instances to one, or disable multiprocessing "
+            "entirely (ie. set it to -1)."
+        )
     # prepares model for evaluation, cast to target device
     device = device_manager.torch_device()
@@ -216,59 +296,37 @@ def run(
     retval: dict[str, list[typing.Any]] = {}
+    # our worker function
+    _process = functools.partial(
+        _process_sample,
+        model=model,
+        device=device,
+        saliency_map_callable=saliency_map_callable,
+        target_class=target_class,
+        positive_only=positive_only,
+        percentiles=percentiles,
+    )
     for k, v in datamodule.predict_dataloader().items():
-        logger.info(f"Computing ROAD scores for dataset `{k}`...")
         retval[k] = []
-        for sample in tqdm.tqdm(v, desc="samples", leave=False, disable=None):
-            name = sample[1]["name"][0]
-            label = int(sample[1]["label"].item())
-            image = sample[0].to(
-                device=device, non_blocking=torch.cuda.is_available()
+        if parallel < 0:
+            logger.info(
+                f"Computing ROAD scores for dataset `{k}` in the current "
+                f"process context..."
-            # in binary classification systems, negative labels may be skipped
-            if positive_only and (model.num_classes == 1) and (label == 0):
-                retval[k].append([name, label])
-                continue
-            # chooses target outputs to generate saliency maps for
-            if model.num_classes > 1:
-                if target_class == "all":
-                    # test all outputs
-                    for output_num in range(model.num_classes):
-                        results = _calculate_road_scores(
-                            model,
-                            image,
-                            output_num,
-                            saliency_map_callable,
-                            percentiles,
-                        )
-                        retval[k].append([name, label, output_num, *results])
-                else:
-                    # we will figure out the output with the highest value and
-                    # evaluate the saliency mapping technique over it.
-                    outputs = saliency_map_callable.activations_and_grads(image)
-                    output_nums = np.argmax(outputs.cpu().data.numpy(), axis=-1)
-                    assert len(output_nums) == 1
-                    results = _calculate_road_scores(
-                        model,
-                        image,
-                        output_nums[0],
-                        saliency_map_callable,
-                        percentiles,
-                    )
-                    retval[k].append([name, label, output_nums[0], *results])
-            else:
-                results = _calculate_road_scores(
-                    model,
-                    image,
-                    0,
-                    saliency_map_callable,
-                    percentiles,
-                )
-                retval[k].append([name, label, 0, *results])
+            for sample in tqdm.tqdm(
+                v, desc="samples", leave=False, disable=None
+            ):
+                retval[k].append(_process(sample))
+        else:
+            instances = parallel or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+            logger.info(
+                f"Computing ROAD scores for dataset `{k}` using {instances} "
+                f"processes..."
+            )
+            with multiprocessing.Pool(instances) as p:
+                retval[k] = list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(_process, v), total=len(v)))
     return retval
diff --git a/src/ptbench/scripts/saliency_completeness.py b/src/ptbench/scripts/saliency_completeness.py
index 49a3d3a91bb9cf6dec635e75d906470676627d0c..f17ff648559ff4340fe2aa3179692ac2d6360fd7 100644
--- a/src/ptbench/scripts/saliency_completeness.py
+++ b/src/ptbench/scripts/saliency_completeness.py
@@ -93,10 +93,12 @@ logger = setup(__name__.split(".")[0], format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
-    help="""Use multiprocessing for data loading: if set to -1 (default),
-    disables multiprocessing data loading.  Set to 0 to enable as many data
-    loading instances as processing cores as available in the system.  Set to
-    >= 1 to enable that many multiprocessing instances for data loading.""",
+    help="""Use multiprocessing for data loading processing: if set to -1
+    (default), disables multiprocessing.  Set to 0 to enable as many data
+    processing instances as processing cores available in the system.  Set to
+    >= 1 to enable that many multiprocessing instances.  Note that if you
+    activate this option, then you must use --device=cpu, as using a GPU
+    concurrently is not supported.""",
@@ -203,6 +205,15 @@ def saliency_completeness(
     logger.info(f"Output folder: {output_folder}")
     output_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    if device in ("cuda", "mps") and (parallel == 0 or parallel > 1):
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            f"The number of multiprocessing instances is set to {parallel} and "
+            f"you asked to use a GPU (device = `{device}`). The currently "
+            f"implementation can only handle a single GPU.  Either disable GPU "
+            f"utilisation or set the number of multiprocessing instances to "
+            f"one, or disable multiprocessing entirely (ie. set it to -1)."
+        )
     device_manager = DeviceManager(device)
     # batch_size must be == 1 for now (underlying code is NOT prepared to
@@ -232,6 +243,7 @@ def saliency_completeness(
+            parallel=parallel,
         output_json = output_folder / (algo + ".json")