.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. _bob.ip.binseg.datasets:

 Supported Datasets

Here is a list of currently support datasets in this package, alongside notable
properties.  Each dataset name is linked to the current location where raw data
can be downloaded.  We include the reference of the data split protocols used
to generate iterators for training and testing.

.. list-table:: Supported Datasets (``*`` provided within this package)

   * - Dataset
     - Reference
     - H x W
     - Samples
     - Mask
     - Vessel
     - OD
     - Cup
     - Split Reference
     - Train
     - Test
   * - DRIVE_
     - [DRIVE-2004]_
     - 584 x 565
     - 40
     - x
     - x
     - [DRIVE-2004]_
     - 20
     - 20
   * - STARE_
     - [STARE-2000]_
     - 605 x 700
     - 20
     - *
     - x
     - [MANINIS-2016]_
     - 10
     - 10
   * - CHASE-DB1_
     - [CHASEDB1-2012]_
     - 960 x 999
     - 28
     - *
     - x
     - [CHASEDB1-2012]_
     - 8
     - 20
   * - HRF_
     - [HRF-2013]_
     - 2336 x 3504
     - 45
     - x
     - x
     - [ORLANDO-2017]_
     - 15
     - 30
   * - IOSTAR_
     - [IOSTAR-2016]_
     - 1024 x 1024
     - 30
     - x
     - x
     - x
     - [MEYER-2017]_
     - 20
     - 10
   * - DRIONS-DB_
     - [DRIONSDB-2008]_
     - 400 x 600
     - 110
     - x
     - [MANINIS-2016]_
     - 60
     - 50
   * - `RIM-ONE r3`_
     - [RIMONER3-2015]_
     - 1424 x 1072
     - 159
     - x
     - x
     - [MANINIS-2016]_
     - 99
     - 60
   * - Drishti-GS1_
     - [DRISHTIGS1-2014]_
     - varying
     - 101
     - x
     - x
     - [DRISHTIGS1-2014]_
     - 50
     - 51
   * - REFUGE_
     - [REFUGE-2018]_
     - 2056 x 2124 (1634 x 1634)
     - 1200
     - x
     - x
     - [REFUGE-2018]_
     - 400 (+400)
     - 400

.. include:: links.rst