From cde30eaa31160deece35e141cdbf9d1cc0ef6edc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olegs NIKISINS <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 15:27:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added the VideoSvmPadAlgorithm algorithm, and entry points,
 fixed Replay HLDI

 .../face/algorithm/    | 718 ++++++++++++++++++
 bob/pad/face/algorithm/            |  25 +
 bob/pad/face/config/algorithm/     |   0
 .../algorithm/      |  28 +
 .../config/extractor/   |   8 +
 bob/pad/face/database/               |   2 +-                                      |   7 +
 7 files changed, 787 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 bob/pad/face/algorithm/
 create mode 100644 bob/pad/face/config/algorithm/
 create mode 100644 bob/pad/face/config/algorithm/

diff --git a/bob/pad/face/algorithm/ b/bob/pad/face/algorithm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6225ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/pad/face/algorithm/
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Wed May 17 09:43:09 2017
+@author: Olegs Nikisins
+# Import what is needed here:
+from bob.pad.base.algorithm import Algorithm
+import itertools as it
+import numpy as np
+import bob.learn.libsvm
+# Main body :
+class VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(Algorithm):
+    """
+    This class is designed to train SVM given Frame Containers with features
+    of real and attack classes. The trained SVM is then used to classify the
+    testing data as either real or attack. The SVM is trained in two stages.
+    First, the best parameters for SVM are estimated using train and
+    cross-validation subsets. The size of the subsets used in hyper-parameter
+    tuning is defined by ``n_samples`` parameter of this class. Once best
+    parameters are determined, the SVM machine is trained using complete training
+    set.
+    **Parameters:**
+    ``machine_type`` : :py:class:`str`
+        A type of the SVM machine. Please check ``bob.learn.libsvm`` for
+        more details. Default: 'C_SVC'.
+    ``kernel_type`` : :py:class:`str`
+        A type of kerenel for the SVM machine. Please check ``bob.learn.libsvm``
+        for more details. Default: 'RBF'.
+    ``n_samples`` : :py:class:`int`
+        Number of uniformly selected feature vectors per class defining the
+        sizes of sub-sets used in the hyper-parameter grid search.
+    ``trainer_grid_search_params`` : :py:class:`dict`
+        Dictionary containing the hyper-parameters of the SVM to be tested
+        in the grid-search.
+        Default: {'cost': [2**p for p in range(-5, 16, 2)], 'gamma': [2**p for p in range(-15, 4, 2)]}.
+    ``mean_std_norm_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
+        Perform mean-std normalization of data if set to True. Default: False.
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 machine_type = 'C_SVC',
+                 kernel_type = 'RBF',
+                 n_samples = 10000,
+                 trainer_grid_search_params = { 'cost': [2**p for p in range(-5, 16, 2)], 'gamma': [2**p for p in range(-15, 4, 2)]},
+                 mean_std_norm_flag = False):
+        Algorithm.__init__(self,
+                           machine_type = machine_type,
+                           kernel_type = kernel_type,
+                           n_samples = n_samples,
+                           trainer_grid_search_params = trainer_grid_search_params,
+                           mean_std_norm_flag = mean_std_norm_flag,
+                           performs_projection=True,
+                           requires_projector_training=True)
+        self.machine_type = machine_type
+        self.kernel_type = kernel_type
+        self.n_samples = n_samples
+        self.trainer_grid_search_params = trainer_grid_search_params
+        self.mean_std_norm_flag = mean_std_norm_flag
+        self.machine = None
+    #==========================================================================
+    def convert_frame_cont_to_array(self, frame_container):
+        """
+        This function converts a single Frame Container into an array of features.
+        The rows are samples, the columns are features.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``frame_container`` : object
+            A Frame Container conteining the features of an individual,
+            see ````.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``features_array`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            An array containing features for all frames.
+            The rows are samples, the columns are features.
+        """
+        feature_vectors = []
+        frame_dictionary = {}
+        for frame in frame_container:
+            frame_dictionary[frame[0]] = frame[1]
+        for idx, _ in enumerate(frame_container):
+            # Frames are stored in a mixed order, therefore we get them using incrementing frame index:
+            feature_vectors.append(frame_dictionary[str(idx)])
+        features_array = np.vstack(feature_vectors)
+        return features_array
+    #==========================================================================
+    def convert_list_of_frame_cont_to_array(self, frame_containers):
+        """
+        This function converts a list of Frame containers into an array of features.
+        Features from different frame containers (individuals) are concatenated into the
+        same list. This list is then converted to an array. The rows are samples,
+        the columns are features.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``frame_containers`` : :py:class:`list`
+            Each element in the list is a Frame Container, , see ````.
+            Each frame Container conteins feature vectors for the particular individual/person.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``features_array`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            An array containing features for all frames of all individuals.
+        """
+        feature_vectors = []
+        for frame_container in frame_containers:
+            video_features_array = self.convert_frame_cont_to_array(frame_container)
+            feature_vectors.append( video_features_array )
+        features_array = np.vstack(feature_vectors)
+        return features_array
+    #==========================================================================
+    def combinations(self, input_dict):
+        """
+        Obtain all possible key-value combinations in the input dictionary
+        containing list values.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``input_dict`` : :py:class:`dict`
+            Input dictionary with list values.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``combinations`` : :py:class:`list`
+            List of dictionaries containing the combinations.
+        """
+        varNames = sorted(input_dict)
+        combinations = [ dict( zip( varNames, prod ) ) for prod in it.product( *( input_dict[ varName ] for varName in varNames ) ) ]
+        return combinations
+    #==========================================================================
+    def select_uniform_data_subset(self, features, n_samples):
+        """
+        Uniformly select N samples/feature vectors from the input array of samples.
+        The rows in the input array are samples. The columns are features.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``features`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Input array with feature vectors. The rows are samples, columns are features.
+        ``n_samples`` : :py:class:`int`
+            The number of samples to be selected uniformly from the input array of features.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``features_subset`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Selected subset of features.
+        """
+        if features.shape[0] <= n_samples:
+            features_subset = features
+        else:
+            uniform_step = features.shape[0]/n_samples
+            features_subset = features[0 : uniform_step*n_samples : uniform_step, :]
+        return features_subset
+    #==========================================================================
+    def split_data_to_train_cv(self, features):
+        """
+        This function is designed to split the input array of features into two
+        subset namely train and cross-validation. These subsets can be used to tune the
+        hyper-parameters of the SVM. The splitting is 50/50, the first half of the
+        samples in the input are selected to be train set, and the second half of
+        samples is cross-validation.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``features`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Input array with feature vectors. The rows are samples, columns are features.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``features_train`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Selected subset of train features.
+        ``features_cv`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Selected subset of cross-validation features.
+        """
+        half_samples_num = features.shape[0]/2
+        features_train = features[ 0 : half_samples_num, : ]
+        features_cv = features[ half_samples_num : 2 * half_samples_num + 1, : ]
+        return features_train, features_cv
+    #==========================================================================
+    def prepare_data_for_hyper_param_grid_search(self, training_features, n_samples):
+        """
+        This function converts a list of all training features returned by ``read_features``
+        method of the extractor to the subsampled train and cross-validation arrays for both
+        real and attack classes.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``training_features`` : :py:class:`list`
+            A list containing two elements: [0] - a list of Frame Containers with
+            feature vectors fot the real class; [1] - a list of Frame Containers with
+            feature vectors fot the attack class.
+        ``n_samples`` : :py:class:`int`
+            Number of uniformly selected feature vectors per class.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``real_train`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Selected subset of train features for the real class.
+            The number of samples in this set is n_samples/2, which is defined
+            by split_data_to_train_cv method of this class.
+        ``real_cv`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Selected subset of cross-validation features for the real class.
+            The number of samples in this set is n_samples/2, which is defined
+            by split_data_to_train_cv method of this class.
+        ``attack_train`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Selected subset of train features for the attack class.
+            The number of samples in this set is n_samples/2, which is defined
+            by split_data_to_train_cv method of this class.
+        ``attack_cv`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Selected subset of cross-validation features for the attack class.
+            The number of samples in this set is n_samples/2, which is defined
+            by split_data_to_train_cv method of this class.
+        """
+        # training_features[0] - training features for the REAL class.
+        real = self.convert_list_of_frame_cont_to_array(training_features[0]) # output is array
+        # training_features[1] - training features for the ATTACK class.
+        attack = self.convert_list_of_frame_cont_to_array(training_features[1]) # output is array
+        # uniformly select subsets of features:
+        real_subset = self.select_uniform_data_subset(real, n_samples)
+        attack_subset = self.select_uniform_data_subset(attack, n_samples)
+        # split the data into train and cross-validation:
+        real_train, real_cv = self.split_data_to_train_cv(real_subset)
+        attack_train, attack_cv = self.split_data_to_train_cv(attack_subset)
+        return real_train, real_cv, attack_train, attack_cv
+    #==========================================================================
+    def comp_prediction_precision(self, machine, real, attack):
+        """
+        This function computes the precision of the predictions as a ratio
+        of correctly classified samples to the total number of samples.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``machine`` : object
+            A pre-trained SVM machine.
+        ``real`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Array of features representing the real class.
+        ``attack`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Array of features representing the attack class.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``precision`` : :py:class:`float`
+            The precision of the predictions.
+        """
+        labels_real = machine.predict_class(real)
+        labels_attack = machine.predict_class(attack)
+        samples_num = len(labels_real) + len(labels_attack)
+        precision = ( np.sum(labels_real == 1) + np.sum(labels_attack == -1) ).astype( np.float ) / samples_num
+        return precision
+    #==========================================================================
+    def mean_std_normalize(self, features, features_mean= None, features_std = None):
+        """
+        The features in the input 2D array are mean-std normalized.
+        The rows are samples, the columns are features. If ``features_mean``
+        and ``features_std`` are provided, then these vectors will be used for
+        normalization. Otherwise, the mean and std of the features is
+        computed on the fly.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``features`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Array of features to be normalized.
+        ``features_mean`` : 1D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Mean of the features. Default: None.
+        ``features_std`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Standart deviation of the features. Default: None.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``features_norm`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Normalized array of features.
+        ``features_mean`` : 1D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Mean of the features.
+        ``features_std`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Standart deviation of the features.
+        """
+        features = np.copy(features)
+        # Compute mean and std if not given:
+        if features_mean is None:
+            features_mean = np.mean(features, axis=0)
+            features_std = np.std(features, axis=0)
+        row_norm_list = []
+        for row in features: # row is a sample
+            row_norm = (row - features_mean) / features_std
+            row_norm_list.append(row_norm)
+        features_norm = np.vstack(row_norm_list)
+        return features_norm, features_mean, features_std
+    #==========================================================================
+    def norm_train_cv_data(self, real_train, real_cv, attack_train, attack_cv):
+        """
+        Mean-std normalization of train and cross-validation data arrays.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``real_train`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Subset of train features for the real class.
+        ``real_cv`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Subset of cross-validation features for the real class.
+        ``attack_train`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Subset of train features for the attack class.
+        ``attack_cv`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Subset of cross-validation features for the attack class.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``real_train_norm`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Normalized subset of train features for the real class.
+        ``real_cv_norm`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Normalized subset of cross-validation features for the real class.
+        ``attack_train_norm`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Normalized subset of train features for the attack class.
+        ``attack_cv_norm`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            Normalized subset of cross-validation features for the attack class.
+        """
+        features_train = np.vstack([real_train, attack_train])
+        features_train_norm, features_mean, features_std = self.mean_std_normalize(features_train)
+        real_train_norm = features_train_norm[0:real_train.shape[0], :]
+        attack_train_norm = features_train_norm[real_train.shape[0]:, :]
+        real_cv_norm, _, _ = self.mean_std_normalize(real_cv, features_mean, features_std)
+        attack_cv_norm, _, _ = self.mean_std_normalize(attack_cv, features_mean, features_std)
+        return real_train_norm, real_cv_norm, attack_train_norm, attack_cv_norm
+    #==========================================================================
+    def train_svm(self, training_features, n_samples = 10000,
+                  machine_type = 'C_SVC', kernel_type = 'RBF',
+                  trainer_grid_search_params = { 'cost': [2**p for p in range(-5, 16, 2)], 'gamma': [2**p for p in range(-15, 4, 2)]},
+                  mean_std_norm_flag = False):
+        """
+        First, this function tunes the hyper-parameters of the SVM classifier using
+        grid search on the sub-sets of training data. Train and cross-validation
+        subsets for both classes are formed from the available input training_features.
+        Once successfull parameters are determined the SVM is trained on the
+        whole training data set. The resulting machine is returned by the function.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``training_features`` : :py:class:`list`
+            A list containing two elements: [0] - a list of Frame Containers with
+            feature vectors fot the real class; [1] - a list of Frame Containers with
+            feature vectors fot the attack class.
+        ``n_samples`` : :py:class:`int`
+            Number of uniformly selected feature vectors per class defining the
+            sizes of sub-sets used in the hyper-parameter grid search.
+        ``machine_type`` : :py:class:`str`
+            A type of the SVM machine. Please check ``bob.learn.libsvm`` for
+            more details.
+        ``kernel_type`` : :py:class:`str`
+            A type of kerenel for the SVM machine. Please check ``bob.learn.libsvm``
+            for more details.
+        ``trainer_grid_search_params`` : :py:class:`dict`
+            Dictionary containing the hyper-parameters of the SVM to be tested
+            in the grid-search.
+        ``mean_std_norm_flag`` : :py:class:`bool`
+            Perform mean-std normalization of data if set to True. Default: False.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``machine`` : object
+            A trained SVM machine.
+        """
+        # get the data for the hyper-parameter grid-search:
+        real_train, real_cv, attack_train, attack_cv = self.prepare_data_for_hyper_param_grid_search(training_features, n_samples)
+        if mean_std_norm_flag:
+            # normalize the data:
+            real_train, real_cv, attack_train, attack_cv = self.norm_train_cv_data(real_train, real_cv, attack_train, attack_cv)
+        precisions_cv = [] # for saving the precision on the cross-validation set
+        precisions_train = []
+        trainer_grid_search_params_list = self.combinations(trainer_grid_search_params) # list containing all combinations of params
+        for trainer_grid_search_param in trainer_grid_search_params_list:
+            # initialize the SVM trainer:
+            trainer = bob.learn.libsvm.Trainer(machine_type = machine_type,
+                                               kernel_type = kernel_type,
+                                               probability = True)
+            for key in trainer_grid_search_param.keys():
+                setattr(trainer, key, trainer_grid_search_param[key]) # set the params of trainer
+            data  = [np.copy(real_train), np.copy(attack_train)] # data used for training the machine in the grid-search
+            machine = trainer.train(data) # train the machine
+            precision_cv = self.comp_prediction_precision(machine, np.copy(real_cv), np.copy(attack_cv))
+            precision_train = self.comp_prediction_precision(machine, np.copy(real_train), np.copy(attack_train))
+            precisions_cv.append(precision_cv)
+            precisions_train.append(precision_train)
+            del data
+            del machine
+            del trainer
+        selected_params = trainer_grid_search_params_list[np.argmax(precisions_cv)] # best SVM parameters according to CV set
+        trainer = bob.learn.libsvm.Trainer(machine_type = machine_type,
+                                           kernel_type = kernel_type,
+                                           probability = True)
+        for key in selected_params.keys():
+            setattr(trainer, key, selected_params[key]) # set the params of trainer
+        # training_features[0] - training features for the REAL class.
+        real = self.convert_list_of_frame_cont_to_array(training_features[0]) # output is array
+        # training_features[1] - training features for the ATTACK class.
+        attack = self.convert_list_of_frame_cont_to_array(training_features[1]) # output is array
+        if mean_std_norm_flag:
+            # Normalize the data:
+            features = np.vstack([real, attack])
+            features_norm, features_mean, features_std = self.mean_std_normalize(features)
+            real =   features_norm[0:real.shape[0], :] # The array is now normalized
+            attack = features_norm[real.shape[0]:, :] # The array is now normalized
+        data = [np.copy(real), np.copy(attack)] # data for final training
+        machine = trainer.train(data) # train the machine
+        if mean_std_norm_flag:
+            machine.input_subtract = features_mean # subtract the mean of train data
+            machine.input_divide   = features_std  # divide by std of train data
+        del data
+        return machine
+    #==========================================================================
+    def train_projector(self, training_features, projector_file):
+        """
+        Train SVM feature projector and save the trained SVM to a given file.
+        The ``requires_projector_training = True`` flag must be set to True to
+        enable this function.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``training_features`` : :py:class:`list`
+            A list containing two elements: [0] - a list of Frame Containers with
+            feature vectors fot the real class; [1] - a list of Frame Containers with
+            feature vectors fot the attack class.
+        ``projector_file`` : :py:class:`str`
+            The file to save the trained projector to.
+            This file should be readable with the :py:meth:`load_projector` function.
+        """
+        machine = self.train_svm(training_features = training_features,
+                                 n_samples = self.n_samples,
+                                 machine_type = self.machine_type,
+                                 kernel_type = self.kernel_type,
+                                 trainer_grid_search_params = self.trainer_grid_search_params,
+                                 mean_std_norm_flag = self.mean_std_norm_flag)
+    #==========================================================================
+    def load_projector(self, projector_file):
+        """
+        Load the pretrained projector/SVM from file to perform a feature projection.
+        This function usually is useful in combination with the
+        :py:meth:`train_projector` function.
+        Please register `performs_projection = True` in the constructor to
+        enable this function.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``projector_file`` : :py:class:`str`
+            The file to read the projector from.
+        """
+        self.machine = bob.learn.libsvm.Machine(projector_file)
+    #==========================================================================
+    def project(self, feature):
+        """
+        This function computes class probabilities for the input feature using pretrained SVM.
+        The feature in this case is a Frame Container with features for each frame.
+        The probabilities will be computed and returned for each frame.
+        Set ``performs_projection = True`` in the constructor to enable this function.
+        It is assured that the :py:meth:`load_projector` was called before the
+        ``project`` function is executed.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``feature`` : object
+            A Frame Container conteining the features of an individual,
+            see ````.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``probabilities`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            An array containing class probabilities for each frame.
+            First column contains probabilities for each frame being a real class.
+            Second column contains probabilities for each frame being an attack class.
+            Must be writable with the :py:meth:`write_feature` function and
+            readable with the :py:meth:`read_feature` function.
+        """
+        features_array = self.convert_frame_cont_to_array(feature)
+        probabilities = self.machine.predict_class_and_probabilities(features_array)[1]
+        return probabilities
+    #==========================================================================
+    def score(self, toscore):
+        """
+        Returns a probability of a sample being a real class.
+        **Parameters:**
+        ``toscore`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
+            An array containing class probabilities for each frame.
+            First column contains probabilities for each frame being a real class.
+            Second column contains probabilities for each frame being an attack class.
+        **Returns:**
+        ``score`` : :py:class:`float`
+            A score value for the object ``toscore``.
+            A probability of a sample being a real class.
+        """
+        score = np.mean(toscore, axis=0)[0]
+        return score
+    #==========================================================================
+    def score_for_multiple_projections(self, toscore):
+        """Returns the difference between log likelihoods of being real or attack"""
+#        import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
+        return [self.score(toscore)]
diff --git a/bob/pad/face/algorithm/ b/bob/pad/face/algorithm/
index e69de29b..77265bf4 100644
--- a/bob/pad/face/algorithm/
+++ b/bob/pad/face/algorithm/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from .VideoSvmPadAlgorithm import VideoSvmPadAlgorithm
+def __appropriate__(*args):
+    """Says object was actually declared here, and not in the import module.
+    Fixing sphinx warnings of not being able to find classes, when path is
+    shortened.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    *args
+        The objects that you want sphinx to beleive that are defined here.
+    Resolves `Sphinx referencing issues <https//
+    doc/sphinx/issues/3048>`
+    """
+    for obj in args:
+        obj.__module__ = __name__
+    VideoSvmPadAlgorithm,
+__all__ = [_ for _ in dir() if not _.startswith('_')]
diff --git a/bob/pad/face/config/algorithm/ b/bob/pad/face/config/algorithm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/bob/pad/face/config/algorithm/ b/bob/pad/face/config/algorithm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fe78da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/pad/face/config/algorithm/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from bob.pad.face.algorithm import VideoSvmPadAlgorithm
+# Define instances here:
+machine_type = 'C_SVC'
+kernel_type = 'RBF'
+n_samples = 10000
+trainer_grid_search_params = { 'cost': [2**p for p in range(-5, 16, 2)], 'gamma': [2**p for p in range(-15, 4, 2)]}
+# trainer_grid_search_params = { 'cost': [32768], 'gamma': [2] }
+mean_std_norm_flag = False
+video_svm_pad_algorithm_10k_grid = VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(machine_type = machine_type,
+                                               kernel_type = kernel_type,
+                                               n_samples = n_samples,
+                                               trainer_grid_search_params = trainer_grid_search_params,
+                                               mean_std_norm_flag = mean_std_norm_flag)
+mean_std_norm_flag = True
+video_svm_pad_algorithm_10k_grid_mean_std = VideoSvmPadAlgorithm(machine_type = machine_type,
+                                               kernel_type = kernel_type,
+                                               n_samples = n_samples,
+                                               trainer_grid_search_params = trainer_grid_search_params,
+                                               mean_std_norm_flag = mean_std_norm_flag)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bob/pad/face/config/extractor/ b/bob/pad/face/config/extractor/
index dbc51bbf..d9d3e96c 100644
--- a/bob/pad/face/config/extractor/
+++ b/bob/pad/face/config/extractor/
@@ -20,3 +20,11 @@ video_lbp_histogram_extractor_n8r3 = VideoLBPHistogram(lbptype=lbptype,
+video_lbp_histogram_extractor_n8r3_uniform = VideoLBPHistogram(lbptype=lbptype,
+                                                       elbptype=elbptype,
+                                                       rad=rad,
+                                                       neighbors=neighbors,
+                                                       circ=circ,
+                                                       dtype=dtype)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bob/pad/face/database/ b/bob/pad/face/database/
index a272479b..6a1a5336 100644
--- a/bob/pad/face/database/
+++ b/bob/pad/face/database/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ReplayPadFile(PadFile):
         # attack_type is a string and I decided to make it like this for this
         # particular database. You can do whatever you want for your own database.
-        super(ReplayPadFile, self).__init__(client_id=f.client, path=f.path,
+        super(ReplayPadFile, self).__init__(client_id=f.client_id, path=f.path,
diff --git a/ b/
index a9f9101c..53dab1e9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -106,6 +106,13 @@ setup(
         # registered preprocessors:
         'bob.pad.extractor': [
             'video-lbp-histogram-extractor-n8r3 = bob.pad.face.config.extractor.video_lbp_histogram:video_lbp_histogram_extractor_n8r3',
+            'video-lbp-histogram-extractor-n8r3-uniform = bob.pad.face.config.extractor.video_lbp_histogram:video_lbp_histogram_extractor_n8r3_uniform',
+            ],
+        # registered algorithms:
+        'bob.pad.algorithm': [
+            'video-svm-pad-algorithm-10k-grid = bob.pad.face.config.algorithm.video_svm_pad_algorithm:video_svm_pad_algorithm_10k_grid',
+            'video-svm-pad-algorithm-10k-grid-mean-std = bob.pad.face.config.algorithm.video_svm_pad_algorithm:video_svm_pad_algorithm_10k_grid_mean_std',
         # registered grid configurations: