From c65de96af7b9f700cb01ae9332ad56faef0159ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andre Anjos <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 11:00:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove obsolete file

 xbob/machine/ | 141 -------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 141 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 xbob/machine/

diff --git a/xbob/machine/ b/xbob/machine/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce35b98..0000000
--- a/xbob/machine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- * @file machine/python/
- * @date Thu Jul 7 16:49:35 2011 +0200
- * @author Andre Anjos <>
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
- */
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/function.hpp>
-#include <bob/python/ndarray.h>
-#include <bob/machine/Activation.h>
-#include <bob/machine/ActivationRegistry.h>
-using namespace boost::python;
-static bool activation_is_equal(boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation> a,
-    boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation> b) {
-  return a->str() == b->str();
- * Maps all elements of arr through function() into retval
- */
-static void apply(boost::function<double (double)> function, bob::python::const_ndarray arr, bob::python::ndarray retval) {
-  const bob::core::array::typeinfo& info = arr.type();
-  if (!info.is_compatible(retval.type())) {
-    PYTHON_ERROR(RuntimeError, "input and output arrays are incompatible - input = %s; output = %s", info.str().c_str(), retval.type().str().c_str());
-  }
-  if (info.nd == 1) {
-    blitz::Array<double,1> arr_ =<double,1>();
-    blitz::Array<double,1> retval_ =<double,1>();
-    for (int k=0; k<arr_.extent(0); ++k) 
-      retval_(k) = function(arr_(k));
-  } 
-  else if (info.nd == 2) {
-    blitz::Array<double,2> arr_ =<double,2>();
-    blitz::Array<double,2> retval_ =<double,2>();
-    for (int k=0; k<arr_.extent(0); ++k) 
-      for (int l=0; l<arr_.extent(1); ++l)
-        retval_(k,l) = function(arr_(k,l));
-  }
-  else if (info.nd == 3) {
-    blitz::Array<double,3> arr_ =<double,3>();
-    blitz::Array<double,3> retval_ =<double,3>();
-    for (int k=0; k<arr_.extent(0); ++k) 
-      for (int l=0; l<arr_.extent(1); ++l)
-        for (int m=0; m<arr_.extent(2); ++m)
-          retval_(k,l,m) = function(arr_(k,l,m));
-  }
-  else if (info.nd == 4) {
-    blitz::Array<double,4> arr_ =<double,4>();
-    blitz::Array<double,4> retval_ =<double,4>();
-    for (int k=0; k<arr_.extent(0); ++k) 
-      for (int l=0; l<arr_.extent(1); ++l)
-        for (int m=0; m<arr_.extent(2); ++m)
-          for (int n=0; n<arr_.extent(3); ++n)
-            retval_(k,l,m,n) = function(arr_(k,l,m,n));
-  }
-  else {
-    PYTHON_ERROR(RuntimeError, "function only accepts 1, 2, 3 or 4-dimensional double arrays (not %dD arrays)", (int)info.nd);
-  }
-static object activation_f_ndarray_1(boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation> a, bob::python::const_ndarray arr, bob::python::ndarray retval) {
-  apply(boost::bind(&bob::machine::Activation::f, a, _1), arr, retval);
-  return retval.self();
-static object activation_f_ndarray_2(boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation> a, bob::python::const_ndarray arr) {
-  bob::python::ndarray retval(arr.type());
-  return activation_f_ndarray_1(a, arr, retval);
-static object activation_f_prime_ndarray_1(boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation> a, bob::python::const_ndarray arr, bob::python::ndarray retval) {
-  apply(boost::bind(&bob::machine::Activation::f_prime, a, _1), arr, retval);
-  return retval.self();
-static object activation_f_prime_ndarray_2(boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation> a, bob::python::const_ndarray arr) {
-  bob::python::ndarray retval(arr.type());
-  return activation_f_prime_ndarray_1(a, arr, retval);
-static object activation_f_prime_from_f_ndarray_1(boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation> a, bob::python::const_ndarray arr, bob::python::ndarray retval) {
-  apply(boost::bind(&bob::machine::Activation::f_prime_from_f, a, _1), arr, retval);
-  return retval.self();
-static object activation_f_prime_from_f_ndarray_2(boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation> a, bob::python::const_ndarray arr) {
-  bob::python::ndarray retval(arr.type());
-  return activation_f_prime_from_f_ndarray_1(a, arr, retval);
-void bind_machine_activation() {
-  class_<bob::machine::Activation, boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::Activation>, boost::noncopyable>("Activation", 
-      "Base class for activation functions", no_init)
-    .def("f", &activation_f_ndarray_1, (arg("self"), arg("z"), arg("res")), "Computes the activated value, given an input array ``z``, placing results in ``res`` (and returning it)")
-    .def("f", &activation_f_ndarray_2, (arg("self"), arg("z")), "Computes the activated value, given an input array ``z``. Returns a newly allocated array with the answers")
-    .def("f", &bob::machine::Activation::f, (arg("self"), arg("z")), "Computes the activated value, given an input ``z``") 
-    .def("__call__", &activation_f_ndarray_1, (arg("self"), arg("z"), arg("res")), "Computes the activated value, given an input array ``z``, placing results in ``res`` (and returning it)")
-    .def("__call__", &activation_f_ndarray_2, (arg("self"), arg("z")), "Computes the activated value, given an input array ``z``. Returns a newly allocated array with the same size as ``z``")
-    .def("__call__", &bob::machine::Activation::f, (arg("self"), arg("z")), "Computes the activated value, given an input ``z``") 
-    .def("f_prime", &activation_f_prime_ndarray_1, (arg("self"), arg("z"), arg("res")), "Computes the derivative of the activated value, placing results in ``res`` (and returning it)")
-    .def("f_prime", &activation_f_prime_ndarray_2, (arg("self"), arg("z")), "Computes the derivative of the activated value, given an input array ``z``. Returns a newly allocated array with the same size as ``z``")
-    .def("f_prime", &bob::machine::Activation::f_prime, (arg("self"), arg("z")), "Computes the derivative of the activated value.")
-    .def("f_prime_from_f", &activation_f_prime_from_f_ndarray_1, (arg("self"), arg("a"), arg("res")), "Computes the derivative of the activated value, given **the activated value** ``a``, placing results in ``res`` (and returning it)")
-    .def("f_prime_from_f", &activation_f_prime_from_f_ndarray_2, (arg("self"), arg("z")), "Computes the derivative of the activated value, given **the activated value** ``a``. Returns a newly allocated array with the same size as ``a`` with the answer.")
-    .def("f_prime_from_f", &bob::machine::Activation::f_prime_from_f, (arg("self"), arg("a")), "Computes the derivative of the activation value, given **the activated value** ``a``.")
-    .def("save", &bob::machine::Activation::save, (arg("self"), arg("h5f")), 
-       "Saves itself to a :py:class:``")
-    .def("load", &bob::machine::Activation::load, (arg("self"), arg("h5f")), 
-       "Loads itself from a :py:class:``")
-    .def("unique_identifier", 
-        &bob::machine::Activation::unique_identifier, (arg("self")),
-        "Returns a unique identifier, used by this class in connection to the Activation registry.")
-    .def("__str__", &bob::machine::Activation::str)
-    .def("__eq__", &activation_is_equal)
-    ;
-  class_<bob::machine::IdentityActivation, boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::IdentityActivation>, bases<bob::machine::Activation> >("IdentityActivation", "Computes :math:`f(z) = z` as activation function", init<>((arg("self"))))
-    ;
-  class_<bob::machine::LinearActivation, boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::LinearActivation>, bases<bob::machine::Activation> >("LinearActivation", "Computes :math:`f(z) = C \\cdot z` as activation function", init<optional<double> >((arg("self"), arg("C")=1.), "Builds a new linear activation function with a given constant. Don't use this if you just want to set constant to the default value (1.0). In such a case, prefer to use the more efficient :py:class:`bob.machine.IdentityActivation`."))
-    .add_property("C", &bob::machine::LinearActivation::C, "The multiplication factor for the linear function")
-    ;
-  class_<bob::machine::HyperbolicTangentActivation, boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::HyperbolicTangentActivation>, bases<bob::machine::Activation> >("HyperbolicTangentActivation", "Computes :math:`f(z) = \\tanh(z)` as activation function", init<>((arg("self"))))
-    ;
-  class_<bob::machine::MultipliedHyperbolicTangentActivation, boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::MultipliedHyperbolicTangentActivation>, bases<bob::machine::Activation> >("MultipliedHyperbolicTangentActivation", "Computes :math:`f(z) = C \\cdot \\tanh(Mz)` as activation function", init<optional<double, double> >((arg("self"), arg("C")=1., arg("M")=1.), "Builds a new hyperbolic tangent activation fucntion with a given constant for the inner and outter products. Don't use this if you just want to set the constants to the default values (1.0). In such a case, prefer to use the more efficient :py:class:`bob.machine.HyperbolicTangentActivation`."))
-    .add_property("C", &bob::machine::MultipliedHyperbolicTangentActivation::C, "The outside multiplication factor for the hyperbolic tangent function")
-    .add_property("M", &bob::machine::MultipliedHyperbolicTangentActivation::M, "The inner multiplication factor for the argument")
-    ;
-  class_<bob::machine::LogisticActivation, boost::shared_ptr<bob::machine::LogisticActivation>, bases<bob::machine::Activation> >("LogisticActivation", "Computes :math:`f(z)=1/(1+ e^{-z})` as activation function", init<>((arg("self"))))
-    ;