diff --git a/bob/fusion/base/algorithm/MLP.py b/bob/fusion/base/algorithm/MLP.py
index e3898e88ebbb5453cadea42b14039e78e4be08aa..44bf87854664eabd4092c3b5804941445d584fa1 100644
--- a/bob/fusion/base/algorithm/MLP.py
+++ b/bob/fusion/base/algorithm/MLP.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class MLP(AlgorithmBob):
   def __init__(self,
-               hidden_layers=None,
+               hidden_layers=(3,),
@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ class MLP(AlgorithmBob):
     super(MLP, self).__init__(
         *args, **kwargs)
-    if hidden_layers is None:
-      hidden_layers = [3]
-    self.mlp_shape = [n_systems] + hidden_layers + [1]
+    self.mlp_shape = [n_systems] + list(hidden_layers) + [1]
     self.seed = seed
     self.machine = machine
     self.trainer = trainer
diff --git a/bob/fusion/base/script/bob_fuse.py b/bob/fusion/base/script/bob_fuse.py
index 435ce6844211955946612c6cf4b9798d8f7db170..8d50149a49555c8da0cd075f47608ce254aa7653 100755
--- a/bob/fusion/base/script/bob_fuse.py
+++ b/bob/fusion/base/script/bob_fuse.py
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@
 from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
 import os
-import numpy as np
 from bob.io.base import create_directories_safe
-from bob.measure.load import load_score, get_all_scores,\
-    get_negatives_positives_all, dump_score
+from bob.measure.load import load_score, dump_score
 from bob.bio.base import utils
-from ..tools import parse_arguments, write_info
+from ..tools import parse_arguments, write_info, get_gza_from_lines_list, \
+   check_consistency, get_scores, remove_nan
 import bob.core
 logger = bob.core.log.setup("bob.fusion.base")
@@ -25,35 +24,68 @@ def fuse(args, command_line_parameters):
   write_info(args, command_line_parameters)
   # load the scores
-  score_lines_list_dev = [load_score(path, ncolumns=args.score_type)
-                          for path in args.dev_files]
-  scores_dev = get_all_scores(score_lines_list_dev)
-  (neg, pos) = get_negatives_positives_all(score_lines_list_dev)
+  score_lines_list_train = [load_score(path, ncolumns=args.score_type)
+                            for path in args.train_files]
+  if args.dev_files:
+    score_lines_list_dev = [load_score(path, ncolumns=args.score_type)
+                            for path in args.dev_files]
   if args.eval_files:
     score_lines_list_eval = [load_score(path, ncolumns=args.score_type)
                              for path in args.eval_files]
-    scores_eval = get_all_scores(score_lines_list_eval)
+  # genuine, zero effort impostor, and attack list of
+  # train, development and evaluation data.
+  idx1, gen_lt, zei_lt, atk_lt = get_gza_from_lines_list(score_lines_list_train)
+  if args.dev_files:
+    _, gen_ld, zei_ld, atk_ld = get_gza_from_lines_list(score_lines_list_dev)
+  if args.eval_files:
+    _, gen_le, zei_le, atk_le = get_gza_from_lines_list(score_lines_list_eval)
   # check if score lines are consistent
   if not args.skip_check:
-    score_lines0 = score_lines_list_dev[0]
-    for score_lines in score_lines_list_dev[1:]:
-      assert(np.all(score_lines['claimed_id'] == score_lines0['claimed_id']))
-      assert(np.all(score_lines['real_id'] == score_lines0['real_id']))
+    check_consistency(gen_lt, zei_lt, atk_lt)
+    if args.dev_files:
+      check_consistency(gen_ld, zei_ld, atk_ld)
     if args.eval_files:
-      score_lines0 = score_lines_list_eval[0]
-      for score_lines in score_lines_list_eval[1:]:
-        assert(np.all(score_lines['claimed_id'] == score_lines0['claimed_id']))
-        assert(np.all(score_lines['real_id'] == score_lines0['real_id']))
+      check_consistency(gen_le, zei_le, atk_le)
+  scores_train = get_scores(gen_lt, zei_lt, atk_lt)
+  train_neg = get_scores(zei_lt, atk_lt)
+  train_pos = get_scores(gen_lt)
+  if args.dev_files:
+    scores_dev = get_scores(gen_ld, zei_ld, atk_ld)
+    dev_neg = get_scores(zei_ld, atk_ld)
+    dev_pos = get_scores(gen_ld)
+  else:
+    dev_neg, dev_pos = None, None
+  if args.eval_files:
+    scores_eval = get_scores(gen_le, zei_le, atk_le)
+  # check for nan values
+  found_nan = False
+  found_nan, _, scores_train = remove_nan(scores_train, found_nan)
+  found_nan, _, train_neg = remove_nan(train_neg, found_nan)
+  found_nan, _, train_pos = remove_nan(train_pos, found_nan)
+  if args.dev_files:
+    found_nan, nan_dev, scores_dev = remove_nan(scores_dev, found_nan)
+    found_nan, _, dev_neg = remove_nan(dev_neg, found_nan)
+    found_nan, _, dev_pos = remove_nan(dev_pos, found_nan)
+  if args.eval_files:
+    found_nan, nan_eval, scores_eval = remove_nan(scores_eval, found_nan)
+  if found_nan:
+    logger.warn('Some nan values were removed.')
   # train the preprocessors
-  algorithm.train_preprocessors(scores_dev)
+  algorithm.train_preprocessors(scores_train)
   # preprocess data
-  scores_dev = algorithm.preprocess(scores_dev)
+  train_neg, train_pos = algorithm.preprocess(train_neg), algorithm.preprocess(train_pos)
+  if args.dev_files:
+    scores_dev = algorithm.preprocess(scores_dev)
+    dev_neg, dev_pos = algorithm.preprocess(dev_neg), algorithm.preprocess(dev_pos)
   if args.eval_files:
     scores_eval = algorithm.preprocess(scores_eval)
-  neg, pos = algorithm.preprocess(neg), algorithm.preprocess(pos)
   # train the model
   if utils.check_file(args.model_file, args.force, 1000):
@@ -61,16 +93,16 @@ def fuse(args, command_line_parameters):
       "- Fusion: model '%s' already exists.", args.model_file)
     algorithm = algorithm.load(args.model_file)
-    algorithm.train(neg, pos)
+    algorithm.train(train_neg, train_pos, dev_neg, dev_pos)
   # fuse the scores (dev)
   if utils.check_file(args.fused_dev_file, args.force, 1000):
       "- Fusion: scores '%s' already exists.", args.fused_dev_file)
-  else:
+  elif args.dev_files:
     fused_scores_dev = algorithm.fuse(scores_dev)
-    score_lines = score_lines_list_dev[0]
+    score_lines = score_lines_list_dev[idx1][~nan_dev]
     score_lines['score'] = fused_scores_dev
     dump_score(args.fused_dev_file, score_lines)
@@ -82,7 +114,7 @@ def fuse(args, command_line_parameters):
         "- Fusion: scores '%s' already exists.", args.fused_eval_file)
       fused_scores_eval = algorithm.fuse(scores_eval)
-      score_lines = score_lines_list_eval[0]
+      score_lines = score_lines_list_eval[idx1][~nan_eval]
       score_lines['score'] = fused_scores_eval
       dump_score(args.fused_eval_file, score_lines)
diff --git a/bob/fusion/base/script/plot_fusion_decision_boundary.py b/bob/fusion/base/script/plot_fusion_decision_boundary.py
index 346d3c1e66cab46275813954853c9bbd0fe2470f..3e5c6aef3d5aedd9f89f6eae5e9325fe8cc5d458 100644
--- a/bob/fusion/base/script/plot_fusion_decision_boundary.py
+++ b/bob/fusion/base/script/plot_fusion_decision_boundary.py
@@ -1,39 +1,16 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-"""Plot decision boundraries of the fusion algorithm.
-  plot_fusion_decision_boundary.py SCORE_FILE SCORE_FILE MODEL_FILE
-    [-v... | --verbose...] [options]
-  plot_fusion_decision_boundary.py (-h | --help)
-  plot_fusion_decision_boundary.py (-V | --version)
-  -o, --output PLOT_FILE  The path to save the plot. [default: scatter.pdf]
-  --score-type {4,5}      The format the scores are provided. [default: 4]
-  -v, --verbose           Increase the verbosity level from 0 (only error
-                          messages) to 1 (warnings), 2 (log messages), 3 (debug
-                          information) by adding the --verbose option as often
-                          as desired (e.g. '-vvv' for debug). [default: 0]
-  -g, --group N           If given scores will be grouped into N samples.
-                          Give -1 for no grouping. [default: -1]
-  --grouping {random, kmeans}  The gouping algorithm used. [default: kmeans]
-  -h --help               Show this screen.
-  -V, --version           Show version.
-from docopt import docopt
+"""Plot decision boundraries of the fusion algorithm."""
+import argparse
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import numpy
+import numpy as np
 import bob.fusion.base
 import bob.core
-from bob.measure.load import load_score, get_negatives_positives,\
-    get_all_scores
-from bob.measure import eer_threshold
-from ..tools import grouping
+from bob.measure.load import load_score
+from ..tools import grouping, get_gza_from_lines_list, \
+   get_scores, remove_nan, check_consistency
 logger = bob.core.log.setup("bob.fusion.base")
@@ -53,14 +30,14 @@ def plot_boundary_decision(algorithm, scores, score_labels, threshold,
   Plots the boundary decision of the Algorithm
-  @param score_labels numpy.array A (scores.shape[0]) array containing
+  @param score_labels np.array A (scores.shape[0]) array containing
                                   the true labels of scores.
   @param threshold    float       threshold of the decision boundary
   if legends is None:
-    legends = ['Impostor', 'Genuine']
-  markers = ['x', 'o']
+    legends = ['Impostor', 'Attack', 'Genuine']
+  markers = ['x', 'o', 's']
   if scores.shape[1] > 2:
     raise NotImplementedError(
@@ -74,27 +51,25 @@ def plot_boundary_decision(algorithm, scores, score_labels, threshold,
   Y = score_labels
   x_min, x_max = X[:, i1].min() - x_pad, X[:, i1].max() + x_pad
   y_min, y_max = X[:, i2].min() - y_pad, X[:, i2].max() + y_pad
-  xx, yy = numpy.meshgrid(
-      numpy.linspace(x_min, x_max, resolution),
-      numpy.linspace(y_min, y_max, resolution))
-  temp = numpy.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]
+  xx, yy = np.meshgrid(
+      np.linspace(x_min, x_max, resolution),
+      np.linspace(y_min, y_max, resolution))
+  temp = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]
   temp = algorithm.preprocess(temp)
   Z = (algorithm.fuse(temp) > threshold).reshape(xx.shape)
-  contourf = plt.contour(xx, yy, Z, 1, alpha=1, cmap=plt.cm.viridis)
+  contourf = plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, 1, alpha=1, cmap=plt.cm.viridis)
   if do_grouping:
-    negatives, positives = X[numpy.logical_not(Y)], X[Y]
-    negatives, positives = grouping(negatives, positives, **kwargs)
-    X = numpy.concatenate((negatives, positives), axis=0)
-    Y = numpy.concatenate(
-        (numpy.zeros(negatives.shape[0], dtype=numpy.bool8),
-         numpy.ones(positives.shape[0], dtype=numpy.bool8)),
-        axis=0)
-  negatives, positives = X[numpy.logical_not(Y)], X[Y]
-  colors = plt.cm.viridis(numpy.linspace(0, 1, 2))
-  for i, X in enumerate((negatives, positives)):
+    gen = grouping(X[Y == 0, :], **kwargs)
+    zei = grouping(X[Y == 1, :], **kwargs)
+    atk = grouping(X[Y == 2, :], **kwargs)
+  else:
+    gen = X[Y == 0, :]
+    zei = X[Y == 1, :]
+    atk = X[Y == 2, :]
+  colors = plt.cm.viridis(np.linspace(0, 1, 3))
+  for i, X in enumerate((zei, atk, gen)):
         X[:, 0], X[:, 1], marker=markers[i], alpha=alpha,
         c=colors[i], label=legends[i])
@@ -112,38 +87,90 @@ def plot_boundary_decision(algorithm, scores, score_labels, threshold,
 def main(command_line_parameters=None):
-  args = docopt(__doc__, argv=command_line_parameters,
-                version=bob.fusion.base.get_config())
-  bob.core.log.set_verbosity_level(logger, args['--verbose'])
+  # setup command line parameters
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description=__doc__,
+    formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+  parser.add_argument('-e', '--eval-files', nargs='+', required=True,
+                      help='A list of score files to be plotted usually the '
+                           'evaluation set.')
+  parser.add_argument('-m', '--model-file', required=True,
+                      help='Path to Model.pkl of a saved bob.fusion.algorithm.')
+  parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=float, default=0, required=True,
+                      help='The threshold to classify scores after fusion.'
+                           'Usually calculated from fused development set.')
+  parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='scatter.pdf',
+                      help='The path to save the plot.')
+  parser.add_argument('-g', '--group', default=0, type=int,
+                      help='If given scores will be grouped into N samples.')
+  parser.add_argument('-G', '--grouping', choices=('random', 'kmeans'),
+                      default='kmeans',
+                      help='The gouping algorithm to be used.')
+  parser.add_argument('--skip-check', action='store_true',
+                      help='If provided, score files are not checked '
+                           'for consistency')
+  parser.add_argument('--score-type', choices=(4, 5), default=None,
+                      help='The format the scores are provided.')
+  bob.core.log.add_command_line_option(parser)
+  # parse command line options
+  args = parser.parse_args(command_line_parameters)
+  bob.core.log.set_verbosity_level(logger, args.verbose)
   # load the algorithm
   algorithm = bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Algorithm()
-  algorithm = algorithm.load(args['MODEL_FILE'])
+  algorithm = algorithm.load(args.model_file)
   # load the scores
-  score_lines_list = [
-      load_score(path, int(args['--score-type'])) for
-      path in args['SCORE_FILE']]
-  scores = get_all_scores(score_lines_list)
-  score_lines = numpy.array(score_lines_list[0])
-  score_lines['score'] = algorithm.fuse(algorithm.preprocess(scores))
-  threshold = eer_threshold(*get_negatives_positives(score_lines))
-  score_labels = score_lines['claimed_id'] == score_lines['real_id']
+  score_lines_list_eval = [load_score(path, ncolumns=args.score_type)
+                           for path in args.eval_files]
+  # genuine, zero effort impostor, and attack list
+  idx1, gen_le, zei_le, atk_le = get_gza_from_lines_list(score_lines_list_eval)
+  # check if score lines are consistent
+  if not args.skip_check:
+    check_consistency(gen_le, zei_le, atk_le)
+  # concatenate the scores and create the labels
+  scores = get_scores(gen_le, zei_le, atk_le)
+  score_labels = np.zeros((scores.shape[0],))
+  gensize = gen_le[0].shape[0]
+  zeisize = zei_le[0].shape[0]
+  score_labels[:gensize] = 0
+  score_labels[gensize: gensize + zeisize] = 1
+  score_labels[gensize + zeisize:] = 2
+  found_nan, nan_idx, scores = remove_nan(scores, False)
+  score_labels = score_labels[~nan_idx]
+  if found_nan:
+    logger.warn('{} nan values were removed.'.format(np.sum(nan_idx)))
   # plot the decision boundary
   do_grouping = True
-  if int(args['--group']) == -1:
+  if args.group < 1:
     do_grouping = False
-      algorithm, scores, score_labels, threshold,
+      algorithm, scores, score_labels, args.threshold,
-      npoints=int(args['--group']),
+      npoints=args.group,
-      gformat=args['--grouping']
+      gformat=args.grouping
-  plt.savefig(args['--output'])
+  plt.savefig(args.output)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/bob/fusion/base/test/test_scripts.py b/bob/fusion/base/test/test_scripts.py
index 9bfe632cea8b505f27e91742c4b6c9460fe5d286..ef143b831360b0a22cd4d91e359227ccbc3ab1ed 100644
--- a/bob/fusion/base/test/test_scripts.py
+++ b/bob/fusion/base/test/test_scripts.py
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ from bob.fusion.base.script.bob_fuse import main as bob_fuse
 from bob.fusion.base.script.plot_fusion_decision_boundary import main as plot_fusion_decision_boundary
 from bob.io.base.test_utils import datafile
-dev_files = [datafile("scores-dev-1", 'bob.fusion.base'),
-             datafile("scores-dev-2", 'bob.fusion.base')]
+train_files = [datafile("scores-dev-1", 'bob.fusion.base'),
+               datafile("scores-dev-2", 'bob.fusion.base')]
 eval_files = [datafile("scores-eval-1", 'bob.fusion.base'),
               datafile("scores-eval-2", 'bob.fusion.base')]
@@ -22,22 +22,22 @@ def test_scripts():
     fused_eval_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scores-eval')
     # test normally
-    cmd = ['-i'] + dev_files + ['-o', fused_dev_file, '-a', 'llr']
+    cmd = ['-s', tmpdir, '-t'] + train_files + ['-o', fused_dev_file, '-a', 'llr']
-    cmd = ['-i'] + dev_files + ['-I'] + eval_files + ['-o', fused_dev_file, '-O', fused_eval_file, '-a', 'llr']
+    cmd = ['-s', tmpdir, '-t'] + train_files + ['-e'] + eval_files + ['-o', fused_dev_file, '-O', fused_eval_file, '-a', 'llr']
     # make inconsistency
     wrong_dev2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scores-dev-2')
-    with open(wrong_dev2, 'w') as f1, open(dev_files[1]) as f2:
+    with open(wrong_dev2, 'w') as f1, open(train_files[1]) as f2:
       lines = f2.readlines()
       temp = lines[0].split()
       temp = (temp[0], 'temp1_id', temp[2], temp[3])
       lines[0] = ' '.join(temp) + '\n'
-    cmd = ['-i'] + dev_files[0:1] + [wrong_dev2] + ['-o', fused_dev_file, '-a', 'llr']
+    cmd = ['-s', tmpdir, '-t'] + train_files[0:1] + [wrong_dev2] + ['-o', fused_dev_file, '-a', 'llr']
     except AssertionError:
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ def test_scripts():
       raise Exception('An AssertionError should have been raised.')
     # this should not raise an error
-    cmd = ['-i'] + dev_files[0:1] + [wrong_dev2] + ['-o', fused_dev_file, '-a', 'llr', '--skip-check']
+    cmd = ['-s', tmpdir, '-t'] + train_files[0:1] + [wrong_dev2] + ['-o', fused_dev_file, '-a', 'llr', '--skip-check']
     # test plot
     model_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'Model.pkl')
     output = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'scatter.pdf')
-    cmd = dev_files + [model_file, '-o', output]
+    cmd = train_files + [model_file, '-o', output]
diff --git a/bob/fusion/base/tools/__init__.py b/bob/fusion/base/tools/__init__.py
index 133f547ba9ea1471b235b89117bd3d43504ed2be..3edd02fc055efd967ab96465479384743e620bce 100644
--- a/bob/fusion/base/tools/__init__.py
+++ b/bob/fusion/base/tools/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from common import *
 from command_line import *
 from plotting import *
diff --git a/bob/fusion/base/tools/command_line.py b/bob/fusion/base/tools/command_line.py
index f9662dfdc220e89ef266ade36b5eca6d656d0d43..edbdd5e99327fafc8b0d55ca5de0334a57cdfc09 100644
--- a/bob/fusion/base/tools/command_line.py
+++ b/bob/fusion/base/tools/command_line.py
@@ -36,25 +36,31 @@ def command_line_parser(description=__doc__, exclude_resources_from=[]):
-  parser.add_argument('-i', '--dev-files', required=True,
+  parser.add_argument('-t', '--train-files', required=True,
                       nargs='+', help="A list of score files of "
-                                      "the development set.")
-  parser.add_argument('-I', '--eval-files', nargs='+',
+                                      "the train set.")
+  parser.add_argument('-d', '--dev-files', nargs='+',
+                      help="A list of score files of the development set; "
+                           "if given it must be the same number of files "
+                           "as the --train-files.")
+  parser.add_argument('-e', '--eval-files', nargs='+',
                       help="A list of score files of the evaluation set; "
                            "if given it must be the same number of files "
-                           "as the --dev-files.")
-  parser.add_argument('-o', '--fused-dev-file',
-                      required=True, help='The fused development score file.')
-  parser.add_argument(
-    '-O', '--fused-eval-file', help='The fused evaluation score file.')
-  parser.add_argument('--score-type', choices=[4, 5], default=4,
-                      help='The format the scores are provided.')
+                           "as the --train-files.")
+  parser.add_argument('-o', '--fused-dev-file', default=None,
+                      help='The fused development score file. '
+                           'Default is "scores-dev" in the --save-directory')
+  parser.add_argument('-O', '--fused-eval-file', default=None,
+                      help='The fused evaluation score file. '
+                           'Default is "scores-eval" in the --save-directory')
+  parser.add_argument('--score-type', choices=[4, 5], default=None,
+                      help='The format the scores are provided. If not '
+                           'provided, the number of columns will be guessed.')
   parser.add_argument('--skip-check', action='store_true',
                       help='If provided, score files are not checked '
                            'for consistency')
   parser.add_argument('-s', '--save-directory', help='The directory to save '
-                      'the experiment artifacts. If not given, the directory'
-                      ' of fused-dev-file will be used.')
+                      'the experiment artifacts.', default='fusion_result')
   config_group = parser.add_argument_group(
     'Parameters defining the experiment', ' Most of these parameters can be a'
@@ -95,8 +101,10 @@ def initialize(parsers, command_line_parameters=None, skips=[]):
     args.algorithm, 'algorithm', imports=args.imports)
   # set base directories
-  if args.save_directory is None:
-    args.save_directory = os.path.dirname(args.fused_dev_file)
+  if args.fused_dev_file is None:
+    args.fused_dev_file = os.path.join(args.save_directory, 'scores-dev')
+  if args.fused_eval_file is None:
+    args.fused_eval_file = os.path.join(args.save_directory, 'scores-eval')
   # result files
   args.info_file = os.path.join(args.save_directory, 'Experiment.info')
diff --git a/bob/fusion/base/tools/common.py b/bob/fusion/base/tools/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09235ebb7296b3c43acefc35a34c57503f434a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/fusion/base/tools/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import numpy as np
+import bob.core
+logger = bob.core.log.setup("bob.fusion.base")
+def get_2negatives_1positive(score_lines):
+  gen_mask = score_lines['claimed_id'] == score_lines['real_id']
+  atk_mask = np.logical_or(np.char.count(score_lines['real_id'], 'spoof/') > 0,
+                           np.char.count(score_lines['real_id'], 'attack') > 0)
+  zei_mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(gen_mask), np.logical_not(atk_mask))
+  gen = score_lines[gen_mask]
+  zei = score_lines[zei_mask]
+  atk = score_lines[atk_mask]
+  return (gen, zei, atk, gen_mask, zei_mask, atk_mask)
+def check_consistency(gen_l, zei_l, atk_l):
+  if len(gen_l) < 2:
+    logger.error('Check failed since less than two system is available.')
+  for score_lines_list in (gen_l, zei_l, atk_l):
+    if not score_lines_list:
+      continue
+    score_lines0 = score_lines_list[0]
+    for score_lines in score_lines_list[1:]:
+      assert(np.all(score_lines['claimed_id'] == score_lines0['claimed_id']))
+      assert(np.all(score_lines['real_id'] == score_lines0['real_id']))
+def get_scores(*args):
+  scores = []
+  for temp in zip(*args):
+    scores.append(np.concatenate([a['score'] for a in temp], axis=0))
+  return np.vstack(scores).T
+def remove_nan(samples, found_nan):
+  ncls = samples.shape[1]
+  nans = np.isnan(samples[:, 0])
+  for i in range(1, ncls):
+    nans = np.logical_or(nans, np.isnan(samples[:, i]))
+  return np.any(nans) or found_nan, nans, samples[~nans, :]
+def get_gza_from_lines_list(score_lines_list):
+  gen_l, zei_l, atk_l = [], [], []
+  for score_lines in score_lines_list:
+    gen, zei, atk, _, _, _ = get_2negatives_1positive(score_lines)
+    gen_l.append(gen)
+    zei_l.append(zei)
+    atk_l.append(atk)
+  zei_lengths = []
+  for zei in zei_l:
+    zei_lengths.append(zei.size)
+  zei_lengths = np.array(zei_lengths)
+  idx1 = 0  # used later if it does not enter the if.
+  if not (np.all(zei_lengths == 0) or np.all(zei_lengths > 0)):
+    # generate the missing ones
+    # find one that has zei
+    idx1 = zei_lengths.nonzero()[0][0]
+    zei_full = zei_l[idx1]
+    for idx2 in np.where(zei_lengths == 0)[0]:
+      if zei_l[idx2] is None:
+        continue
+      temp = np.array(zei_full)
+      # make sure we replace all scores.
+      temp['score'] = np.nan
+      # get the list of ids
+      real_ids = np.unique(temp['real_id'])
+      # find pad score of that id and replace the score
+      for real_id in real_ids:
+        # get the list of test_labels
+        test_labels = np.unique(temp['test_label'][temp['real_id'] == real_id])
+        for test_label in test_labels:
+          idx3 = np.logical_and(temp['real_id'] == real_id,
+                                temp['test_label'] == test_label)
+          idx4 = np.logical_and(gen_l[idx2]['real_id'] == real_id,
+                                gen_l[idx2]['test_label'] == test_label)
+          temp['score'][idx3] = gen_l[idx2]['score'][idx4]
+      zei_l[idx2] = temp
+  return idx1, gen_l, zei_l, atk_l
diff --git a/bob/fusion/base/tools/plotting.py b/bob/fusion/base/tools/plotting.py
index 4459912c020efa9f3fa47020ccfdab7c14bbf79b..06ef61b5737835ac53f253af31699d16ce52c803 100644
--- a/bob/fusion/base/tools/plotting.py
+++ b/bob/fusion/base/tools/plotting.py
@@ -4,38 +4,24 @@ import numpy
 import bob.learn.em
-def grouping(negatives, positives,
-             gformat='random', npoints=500, seed=None, **kwargs):
+def grouping(scores, gformat='random', npoints=500, seed=None, **kwargs):
-  negatives = numpy.asarray(negatives)
-  positives = numpy.asarray(positives)
+  scores = numpy.asarray(scores)
   if(gformat == "kmeans"):
-    kmeans_negatives = bob.learn.em.KMeansMachine(npoints, 2)
-    kmeans_positives = bob.learn.em.KMeansMachine(npoints, 2)
-    kmeansTrainer = bob.learn.em.KMeansTrainer()
+    kmeans_machine = bob.learn.em.KMeansMachine(npoints, 2)
+    kmeans_trainer = bob.learn.em.KMeansTrainer()
-      kmeansTrainer, kmeans_negatives, negatives, max_iterations=500,
+      kmeans_trainer, kmeans_machine, scores, max_iterations=500,
-    bob.learn.em.train(
-      kmeansTrainer, kmeans_positives, positives, max_iterations=500,
-      convergence_threshold=0.1)
-    negatives = kmeans_negatives.means
-    positives = kmeans_positives.means
+    scores = kmeans_machine.means
   elif(gformat == "random"):
     if seed is not None:
-    negatives_indexes = numpy.array(
-      numpy.random.rand(npoints) * negatives.shape[0], dtype=int)
-    positives_indexes = numpy.array(
-      numpy.random.rand(npoints) * positives.shape[0], dtype=int)
+    scores_indexes = numpy.array(
+      numpy.random.rand(npoints) * scores.shape[0], dtype=int)
-    negatives = negatives[negatives_indexes]
-    positives = positives[positives_indexes]
+    scores = scores[scores_indexes]
-  return negatives, positives
+  return scores