diff --git a/bob/devtools/ci.py b/bob/devtools/ci.py
index 3fd21a867023b8a311aa81b334259ecd4c53e797..46b0200739e54a41e473eae40dec471fc1f46a85 100644
--- a/bob/devtools/ci.py
+++ b/bob/devtools/ci.py
@@ -119,3 +119,79 @@ def uniq(seq, idfun=None):
       seen[marker] = 1
   return result
+def select_build_file(basename, paths, branch):
+  '''Selects the file to use for a build
+  This method will return the name of the most adequate build-accessory file
+  (conda_build_config.yaml, recipe_append.yaml) for a given build, in this
+  order of priority:
+  1. The first file found is returned
+  2. We first search for a *specific* file if ``branch`` is set
+  3. If that file does not exist, returns the unbranded filename if that exists
+     in one of the paths
+  4. If no candidates exists, returns ``None``
+  The candidate filename is built using
+  ``os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(basename))[0]``.
+  Args:
+    basename: Name of the file to use for the search
+    paths (list): A list of paths leading to the location of the variants file
+      to use.  Priority is given to paths that come first
+    branch (str): Optional key to be set when searching for the variants file
+      to use.  This is typically the git-branch name of the current branch of
+      the repo being built.
+  Returns:
+    str: A string containing the full, resolved path of the file to use.
+    Returns ``None``, if no candidate is found
+  '''
+  import os
+  basename, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(basename))
+  if branch:
+    specific_basename = '%s-%s' % (basename, branch)
+    for path in paths:
+      path = os.path.realpath(path)
+      candidate = os.path.join(path, '%s%s' % (specific_basename, extension))
+      if os.path.exists(candidate):
+        return candidate
+  for path in paths:
+    path = os.path.realpath(path)
+    candidate = os.path.join(path, '%s%s' % (basename, extension))
+    if os.path.exists(candidate):
+      return candidate
+def select_conda_build_config(paths, branch):
+  '''Selects the default conda_build_config.yaml.
+  See :py:func:`select_build_file` for implementation details.  If no build
+  config file is found by :py:func:`select_build_file`, then returns the
+  default ``conda_build_config.yaml`` shipped with this package.
+  '''
+  from .constants import CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG as default
+  return select_build_file(default, paths, branch) or default
+def select_conda_recipe_append(paths, branch):
+  '''Selects the default recipe_append.yaml.
+  See :py:func:`select_build_file` for implementation details.  If no recipe
+  append file is found by :py:func:`select_build_file`, then returns the
+  default ``recipe_append.yaml`` shipped with this package.
+  '''
+  from .constants import CONDA_RECIPE_APPEND as default
+  return select_build_file(default, paths, branch) or default
diff --git a/bob/devtools/scripts/ci.py b/bob/devtools/scripts/ci.py
index a4888e337f3d2cc57ffcc671bc46987dade4d7fa..88dd09c799210e42aa3d7ea7765f41f78338fd4e 100644
--- a/bob/devtools/scripts/ci.py
+++ b/bob/devtools/scripts/ci.py
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import pkg_resources
 from click_plugins import with_plugins
 from . import bdt
+from ..constants import SERVER, WEBDAV_PATHS, BASE_CONDARC
 from ..deploy import deploy_conda_package, deploy_documentation
-from ..ci import read_packages, comment_cleanup, uniq
+from ..ci import read_packages, comment_cleanup, uniq, \
+    select_conda_build_config, select_conda_recipe_append
 from ..log import verbosity_option, get_logger, echo_normal
 logger = get_logger(__name__)
@@ -329,14 +329,9 @@ def base_build(order, group, python, dry_run):
       logger.info('Ignoring directory "%s" - no meta.yaml found' % recipe)
-    # Use custom variants file if available on recipe-dir
-    variants_file = CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG
-    _candidate = os.path.join(recipe, 'conda_build_config.yaml')
-    if os.path.exists(_candidate):
-      variants_file = _candidate
-      logger.warn('Using local conda_build_config.yaml from recipe-dir (%s)' \
-          'instead of default variants file (%s)', variants_file,
+    variants_file = select_conda_build_config(paths=[recipe, os.curdir],
+        branch=os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'))
+    logger.info('Conda build configuration file: %s', variants_file)
@@ -380,21 +375,13 @@ def test(ctx, dry_run):
   # Use custom variants and append files if available on recipe-dir
   recipe_dir = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(os.curdir), 'conda')
-  variants_file = CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG
-  _candidate = os.path.join(recipe_dir, 'conda_build_config.yaml')
-  if os.path.exists(_candidate):
-    variants_file = _candidate
-    logger.warn('Using local conda_build_config.yaml from recipe-dir (%s)' \
-        'instead of default variants file (%s)', variants_file,
-  append_file = CONDA_RECIPE_APPEND
-  _candidate = os.path.join(recipe_dir, 'append_file.yaml')
-  if os.path.exists(_candidate):
-    append_file = _candidate
-    logger.warn('Using local recipe_append.yaml from recipe-dir (%s)' \
-        'instead of default append file (%s)', append_file,
+  variants_file = select_conda_build_config(paths=[recipe_dir, os.curdir],
+      branch=os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'))
+  logger.info('Conda build configuration file: %s', variants_file)
+  append_file = select_conda_recipe_append(paths=[recipe_dir, os.curdir],
+      branch=os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'))
+  logger.info('Conda build recipe-append file: %s', append_file)
   from .test import test
@@ -442,21 +429,13 @@ def build(ctx, dry_run):
   # Use custom variants and append files if available on recipe-dir
   recipe_dir = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(os.curdir), 'conda')
-  variants_file = CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG
-  _candidate = os.path.join(recipe_dir, 'conda_build_config.yaml')
-  if os.path.exists(_candidate):
-    variants_file = _candidate
-    logger.warn('Using local conda_build_config.yaml from recipe-dir (%s)' \
-        'instead of default variants file (%s)', variants_file,
-  append_file = CONDA_RECIPE_APPEND
-  _candidate = os.path.join(recipe_dir, 'append_file.yaml')
-  if os.path.exists(_candidate):
-    append_file = _candidate
-    logger.warn('Using local recipe_append.yaml from recipe-dir (%s)' \
-        'instead of default append file (%s)', append_file,
+  variants_file = select_conda_build_config(paths=[recipe_dir, os.curdir],
+      branch=os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'))
+  logger.info('Conda build configuration file: %s', variants_file)
+  append_file = select_conda_recipe_append(paths=[recipe_dir, os.curdir],
+      branch=os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'))
+  logger.info('Conda build recipe-append file: %s', append_file)
   from .build import build
@@ -573,21 +552,13 @@ def nightlies(ctx, order, dry_run):
     # Use custom variants and append files if available on recipe-dir
     recipe_dir = os.path.join(clone_to, 'conda')
-    variants_file = CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG
-    _candidate = os.path.join(recipe_dir, 'conda_build_config.yaml')
-    if os.path.exists(_candidate):
-      variants_file = _candidate
-      logger.warn('Using local conda_build_config.yaml from recipe-dir (%s)' \
-          'instead of default variants file (%s)', variants_file,
-    append_file = CONDA_RECIPE_APPEND
-    _candidate = os.path.join(recipe_dir, 'append_file.yaml')
-    if os.path.exists(_candidate):
-      append_file = _candidate
-      logger.warn('Using local recipe_append.yaml from recipe-dir (%s)' \
-          'instead of default append file (%s)', append_file,
+    variants_file = select_conda_build_config(paths=[recipe_dir, os.curdir],
+        branch=os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'))
+    logger.info('Conda build configuration file: %s', variants_file)
+    append_file = select_conda_recipe_append(paths=[recipe_dir, os.curdir],
+        branch=os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME'))
+    logger.info('Conda build recipe-append file: %s', append_file)