From 594e4d0ae77a2a62b27d3f186e203c8da4e90857 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Flavio Tarsetti <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 15:54:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [conda] update compiler version to match conda-forge build
 config recipe

Fixes #101
 bob/devtools/data/conda_build_config.yaml | 57 +++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bob/devtools/data/conda_build_config.yaml b/bob/devtools/data/conda_build_config.yaml
index 9839ae26..25736e1a 100644
--- a/bob/devtools/data/conda_build_config.yaml
+++ b/bob/devtools/data/conda_build_config.yaml
@@ -5,53 +5,62 @@
 #    will target, not what subdir the compiler package will be itself.
 #    For example, we need a win-64 vs2008_win-32 package, so that we compile win-32
 #    code on win-64 miniconda.
-cross_compiler_target_platform:  # [win]
-  - win-64                     # [win]
   - gcc                        # [linux]
   - clang                      # [osx]
-  - vs2017                     # [win]
 c_compiler_version:            # [unix]
-  - 11                         # [osx]
-  - 9                          # [linux]
+  - 10                         # [linux]
+  - 13                         # [osx]
+  - 7                          # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 9                          # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 10                         # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 10                         # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
   - gxx                        # [linux]
   - clangxx                    # [osx]
-  - vs2017                     # [win]
 cxx_compiler_version:          # [unix]
-  - 11                         # [osx]
-  - 9                          # [linux]
+  - 10                         # [linux]
+  - 13                         # [osx]
+  - 7                          # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 9                          # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 10                         # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 10                         # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
 llvm_openmp:                   # [osx]
-  - 11                         # [osx]
+  - 13                         # [osx]
 fortran_compiler:              # [unix or win64]
   - gfortran                   # [linux64 or (osx and x86_64)]
   - gfortran                   # [aarch64 or ppc64le or armv7l or s390x]
-  - flang                      # [win64]
 fortran_compiler_version:      # [unix or win64]
+  - 10                         # [linux]
   - 11                         # [osx and arm64]
   - 9                          # [osx and x86_64]
-  - 9                          # [linux]
-  - 5                          # [win64]
-m2w64_c_compiler:              # [win]
-  - m2w64-toolchain            # [win]
-m2w64_cxx_compiler:            # [win]
-  - m2w64-toolchain            # [win]
-m2w64_fortran_compiler:        # [win]
-  - m2w64-toolchain            # [win]
-CMAKE_GENERATOR:               # [win]
-  - NMake Makefiles            # [win]
+  - 7                          # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 9                          # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 10                         # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
+  - 10                         # [os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True" and linux64]
-cuda_compiler:                 # [linux64]
-  - nvcc                       # [linux64]
+cuda_compiler:                 # [linux or win]
+  - nvcc                       # [linux or win]
   - None
-  - 10.2                       # [linux64]
+  - 10.2                       # [(linux64 or win) and os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True"]
+  - 11.0                       # [(linux64 or win) and os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True"]
+  - 11.1                       # [(linux64 or win) and os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True"]
+  - 11.2                       # [(linux64 or win) and os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True"]
+  - None                       # [osx]
+  - 10.2                       # [linux64 or win]
+  - 11.2                       # [linux and (ppc64le or aarch64)]
   - undefined
-  - 7                          # [linux64]
+  - 7                          # [(linux64 or win) and os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True"]
+  - 8                          # [(linux64 or win) and os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True"]
+  - 8                          # [(linux64 or win) and os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True"]
+  - 8                          # [(linux64 or win) and os.environ.get("CF_CUDA_ENABLED", "False") == "True"]
   - 0.1 conda_forge
 # Go Compiler Options