diff --git a/bob/devtools/data/gitlab-ci/single-package.yaml b/bob/devtools/data/gitlab-ci/single-package.yaml
index f1cb7a09a2fce60587f134ceb6123468049f8be0..d9e7a18d3da60a7202d319bc9a1eaeb7e5078d82 100644
--- a/bob/devtools/data/gitlab-ci/single-package.yaml
+++ b/bob/devtools/data/gitlab-ci/single-package.yaml
@@ -86,6 +86,42 @@ build_macosx_36:
     PYTHON_VERSION: "3.6"
+# Test targets (not normally used)
+.test_template: &test_job
+  stage: test
+  script:
+    - curl --silent "${BOOTSTRAP}" --output "bootstrap.py"
+    - python3 bootstrap.py -vv channel base
+    - source ${CONDA_ROOT}/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
+    - conda activate base
+    - bdt ci test -vv
+    - bdt ci clean -vv
+  cache: &test_caches
+    paths:
+      - miniconda.sh
+      - ${CONDA_ROOT}/pkgs/*.tar.bz2
+      - ${CONDA_ROOT}/pkgs/urls.txt
+.test_linux_template: &linux_test_job
+  <<: *test_job
+  tags:
+    - docker
+  image: continuumio/conda-concourse-ci
+  cache:
+    <<: *test_caches
+    key: "linux-cache"
+.test_macosx_template: &macosx_test_job
+  <<: *test_job
+  tags:
+    - macosx
+  cache:
+    <<: *test_caches
+    key: "macosx-cache"
 # Deploy targets
 .deploy_template: &deploy_job
   stage: deploy
diff --git a/bob/devtools/scripts/build.py b/bob/devtools/scripts/build.py
index 52d4841169271d6d647e398dbef2c04e5e29d138..72924f7650391767a922c27db8d652d566e1d469 100644
--- a/bob/devtools/scripts/build.py
+++ b/bob/devtools/scripts/build.py
@@ -80,9 +80,6 @@ def build(recipe_dir, python, condarc, config, no_test, append_file,
   This command wraps the execution of conda-build so that you use the same
   conda configuration we use for our CI.  It always set
-  Note that both files are embedded within bob.devtools - you may need to
-  update your environment before trying this.
   # if we are in a dry-run mode, let's let it be known
diff --git a/bob/devtools/scripts/ci.py b/bob/devtools/scripts/ci.py
index 3ad13b14ce5cfcb22e5735cb7b8364ba43b29ab2..7e08d42eff8d8bc4867a7999c672564de07f807a 100644
--- a/bob/devtools/scripts/ci.py
+++ b/bob/devtools/scripts/ci.py
@@ -375,6 +375,45 @@ def base_build(order, python, dry_run):
+  1. Tests the current package
+     $ bdt ci test -vv
+@click.option('-d', '--dry-run/--no-dry-run', default=False,
+    help='Only goes through the actions, but does not execute them ' \
+        '(combine with the verbosity flags - e.g. ``-vvv``) to enable ' \
+        'printing to help you understand what will be done')
+def test(ctx, dry_run):
+  """Tests packages
+  This command tests packages in the CI infrastructure.  It is **not** meant
+  to be used outside this context.
+  """
+  from ..constants import CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG, CONDA_RECIPE_APPEND
+  from .test import test
+  ctx.invoke(test,
+      package = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.environ['CONDA_ROOT'], 'conda-bld',
+        arch, name + '*.tar.bz2')),
+      condarc=None,  #custom build configuration
+      config=CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG,
+      append_file=CONDA_RECIPE_APPEND,
+      server=SERVER,
+      private=(os.environ['CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY'] != 'public'),
+      stable='CI_COMMIT_TAG' in os.environ,
+      dry_run=dry_run,
+      ci=True,
+      )
diff --git a/bob/devtools/scripts/test.py b/bob/devtools/scripts/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1630e8eb777e4c22bc04c3f75cec4f0b8671dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/devtools/scripts/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import yaml
+import click
+import pkg_resources
+import conda_build.api
+from . import bdt
+from ..build import conda_arch, make_conda_config, get_docserver_setup, \
+    get_env_directory
+from ..constants import CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG, CONDA_RECIPE_APPEND, \
+from ..bootstrap import set_environment, get_channels
+from ..log import verbosity_option, get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+  1. Builds recipe from one of our build dependencies (inside bob.conda):
+     $ cd bob.conda
+     $ bdt build -vv conda/libblitz
+  2. Builds recipe from one of our packages, for Python 3.6 (if that is not already the default for you):
+     $ bdt build --python=3.6 -vv path/to/conda/dir
+  3. To build multiple recipes, just pass the paths to them:
+     $ bdt build --python=3.6 -vv path/to/recipe-dir1 path/to/recipe-dir2
+@click.argument('package', required=True, type=click.Path(file_okay=True,
+  dir_okay=False, exists=True), nargs=-1)
+@click.option('-r', '--condarc',
+    help='Use custom conda configuration file instead of our own',)
+@click.option('-m', '--config', '--variant-config-files', show_default=True,
+    default=CONDA_BUILD_CONFIG, help='overwrites the path leading to ' \
+        'variant configuration file to use')
+@click.option('-a', '--append-file', show_default=True,
+    default=CONDA_RECIPE_APPEND, help='overwrites the path leading to ' \
+        'appended configuration file to use')
+@click.option('-S', '--server', show_default=True,
+    default='https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob', help='Server used for ' \
+    'downloading conda packages and documentation indexes of required packages')
+@click.option('-P', '--private/--no-private', default=False,
+    help='Set this to **include** private channels on your build - ' \
+        'you **must** be at Idiap to execute this build in this case - ' \
+        'you **must** also use the correct server name through --server - ' \
+        'notice this option has no effect if you also pass --condarc')
+@click.option('-X', '--stable/--no-stable', default=False,
+    help='Set this to **exclude** beta channels from your build - ' \
+        'notice this option has no effect if you also pass --condarc')
+@click.option('-d', '--dry-run/--no-dry-run', default=False,
+    help='Only goes through the actions, but does not execute them ' \
+        '(combine with the verbosity flags - e.g. ``-vvv``) to enable ' \
+        'printing to help you understand what will be done')
+@click.option('-C', '--ci/--no-ci', default=False, hidden=True,
+    help='Use this flag to indicate the build will be running on the CI')
+def test(package, condarc, config, append_file, server, private, stable,
+    dry_run, ci):
+  """Tests (pre-built_ package through conda-build with stock configuration
+  This command wraps the execution of conda-build so that you use the same
+  conda configuration we use for our CI.  It always set
+  ``--no-anaconda-upload``.
+  """
+  # if we are in a dry-run mode, let's let it be known
+  if dry_run:
+      logger.warn('!!!! DRY RUN MODE !!!!')
+      logger.warn('Nothing will be really built')
+  # get potential channel upload and other auxiliary channels
+  channels = get_channels(public=(not private), stable=stable, server=server,
+      intranet=ci)
+  if condarc is not None:
+    logger.info('Loading CONDARC file from %s...', condarc)
+    with open(condarc, 'rb') as f:
+      condarc_options = yaml.load(f)
+  else:
+    # use default and add channels
+    condarc_options = yaml.load(BASE_CONDARC)  #n.b.: no channels
+    logger.info('Using the following channels during build:\n  - %s',
+        '\n  - '.join(channels + ['defaults']))
+    condarc_options['channels'] = channels + ['defaults']
+  # dump packages at base environment
+  prefix = get_env_directory(os.environ['CONDA_EXE'], 'base')
+  condarc_options['croot'] = os.path.join(prefix, 'conda-bld')
+  conda_config = make_conda_config(config, None, append_file,
+      condarc_options)
+  # setup BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER environment variable (used for bob.extension
+  # and derived documentation building via Sphinx)
+  set_environment('DOCSERVER', server)
+  doc_urls = get_docserver_setup(public=(not private), stable=stable,
+      server=server, intranet=ci)
+  set_environment('BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER', doc_urls)
+  arch = conda_arch()
+  for p in package:
+    logger.info('Testing %s at %s', p, arch)
+    if not dry_run:
+      conda_build.api.test(p, config=conda_config)
diff --git a/conda/meta.yaml b/conda/meta.yaml
index 79ea741739dbc75fcdf601896bc692ce35778892..ca2dec9539e6b0d69f62b153f87de07f033e50d8 100644
--- a/conda/meta.yaml
+++ b/conda/meta.yaml
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ test:
     - bdt dumpsphinx https://docs.python.org/3/objects.inv > /dev/null
     - bdt create --help
     - bdt build --help
+    - bdt test --help
     - bdt getpath --help
       #- bdt getpath -vv bob/bob.devtools .gitignore
     - bdt caupdate --help
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index b37d09221538026d9bbe7e06e68b6741d84730c8..f9ab5ce5dd851e553fa867d900705baed98ec23f 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ setup(
           'dumpsphinx = bob.devtools.scripts.dumpsphinx:dumpsphinx',
           'create = bob.devtools.scripts.create:create',
           'build = bob.devtools.scripts.build:build',
+          'test = bob.devtools.scripts.test:test',
           'getpath = bob.devtools.scripts.getpath:getpath',
           'caupdate = bob.devtools.scripts.caupdate:caupdate',
           'ci = bob.devtools.scripts.ci:ci',
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ setup(
         'bdt.ci.cli': [
           'base-build = bob.devtools.scripts.ci:base_build',
           'build = bob.devtools.scripts.ci:build',
+          'test = bob.devtools.scripts.ci:test',
           'clean = bob.devtools.scripts.ci:clean',
           'base-deploy = bob.devtools.scripts.ci:base_deploy',
           'deploy = bob.devtools.scripts.ci:deploy',