#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # Andre Anjos <andre.dos.anjos@gmail.com> # Thu 12 May 14:02:28 2011 """Dumps lists of files. """ import os import sys # Driver API # ========== def dumplist(args): """Dumps lists of files based on your criteria""" from .query import Database db = Database() r = db.objects( protocol=args.protocol, support=args.support, groups=args.group, cls=args.cls, light=args.light, clients=args.client, ) output = sys.stdout if args.selftest: from bob.db.utils import null output = null() for f in r: output.write('%s\n' % (f.make_path(args.directory, args.extension),)) return 0 def add_command(subparsers): """Add specific subcommands that the action "dumplist" can use""" from argparse import SUPPRESS parser = subparsers.add_parser('dumplist', help=dumplist.__doc__) from .query import Database db = Database() if not db.is_valid(): protocols = ('waiting','for','database','creation') clients = tuple() else: protocols = [k.name for k in db.protos()] clients = [k.id for k in db.clients()] parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', dest="directory", default='', help="if given, this path will be prepended to every entry returned (defaults to '%(default)s')") parser.add_argument('-e', '--extension', dest="extension", default='', help="if given, this extension will be appended to every entry returned (defaults to '%(default)s')") parser.add_argument('-c', '--class', dest="cls", default='', help="if given, limits the dump to a particular subset of the data that corresponds to the given class (defaults to '%(default)s')", choices=('real', 'attack', 'enroll')) parser.add_argument('-g', '--group', dest="group", default='', help="if given, this value will limit the output files to those belonging to a particular protocolar group. (defaults to '%(default)s')", choices=db.groups()) parser.add_argument('-s', '--support', dest="support", default='', help="if given, this value will limit the output files to those using this type of attack support. (defaults to '%(default)s')", choices=db.attack_supports()) parser.add_argument('-x', '--protocol', dest="protocol", default='', help="if given, this value will limit the output files to those for a given protocol. (defaults to '%(default)s')", choices=protocols) parser.add_argument('-l', '--light', dest="light", default='', help="if given, this value will limit the output files to those shot under a given lighting. (defaults to '%(default)s')", choices=db.lights()) parser.add_argument('-C', '--client', dest="client", default=None, type=int, help="if given, limits the dump to a particular client (defaults to '%(default)s')", choices=clients) parser.add_argument('--self-test', dest="selftest", default=False, action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.set_defaults(func=dumplist) #action