diff --git a/buildout.cfg b/buildout.cfg
index 56113da5870e23d53aa0c8dc2aab51dbe00f6dcd..a1718997a3477736cead1606ffe2b4c000269288 100644
--- a/buildout.cfg
+++ b/buildout.cfg
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ newest = false
 develop = .
 eggs = bob
-;bob = /idiap/group/torch5spro/nightlies/last/install/linux-x86_64-release
-bob = /Users/andre/work/bob/b/release/i
+bob = /idiap/group/torch5spro/nightlies/last/install/linux-x86_64-release
+extensions = mr.developer
+antispoofing.utils = fs antispoofing.utils
 recipe = xbob.buildout:external
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 8fb3ef9da1640dcde2e738731ce540688f59beaf..afb9b46e9cceae9ee8722ce4ca6561f71b7dda8d 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ setup(
       'bob.test': [
         'replay = xbob.db.replay.test:ReplayDatabaseTest',
+      # antispoofing database declaration
+      'antispoofing.utils.db': [
+        'replay     = xbob.db.replay.antispoofing:Database',
+        ],
     classifiers = [
diff --git a/xbob/db/replay/antispoofing.py b/xbob/db/replay/antispoofing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38a337f8aaf99da2ea588c0bb30fa4fc2675d39e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xbob/db/replay/antispoofing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+# Tiago de Freitas Pereira <tiagofrepereira@gmail.com>
+# Tue 01 Oct 2012 16:48:44 CEST 
+"""Replay attack database implementation as antispoofing.utils.db.Database"""
+from . import __doc__ as long_description
+from . import Database as ReplayDatabase
+from antispoofing.utils import File as FileBase
+from antispoofing.utils import Database as DatabaseBase
+class File(FileBase):
+  def __init__(self, f):
+    """Initializes this File object with our own File equivalent"""
+    self.__f = f
+  def videofile(self, directory=None):
+    return self.__f.videofile(directory=directory)
+  videofile.__doc__ = FileBase.videofile.__doc__
+  def facefile(self, directory=None):
+    return self.__f.facefile(directory=directory)
+  facefile.__doc__ = FileBase.facefile.__doc__
+  def bbx(self, directory=None):
+    return self.__f.bbx(directory=directory)
+  bbx.__doc__ = FileBase.bbx.__doc__
+  def load(self, directory=None, extension='.hdf5'):
+    return self.__f.load(directory=directory, extension=extension)
+  load.__doc__ = FileBase.bbx.__doc__
+  def save(self, data, directory=None, extension='.hdf5'):
+    return self.__f.save(data, directory=directory, extension=extension)
+  save.__doc__ = FileBase.save.__doc__
+  def make_path(self, directory=None, extension=None):
+    return self.__f.make_path(directory=directory, extension=extension)
+  make_path.__doc__ = FileBase.make_path.__doc__
+class Database(DatabaseBase):
+  __doc__ = long_description
+  def __init__ (self, args=None):
+    self.__db = ReplayDatabase()
+    self.__kwargs = {}
+    if args is not None:
+      self.__kwargs = {
+        'protocol': args.replay_protocol,
+        'support' : args.replay_support,
+        'light'   : args.replay_light,
+       }
+  __init__.__doc__ = DatabaseBase.__init__.__doc__
+  def create_subparser(self, subparser, entry_point_name):
+    p = subparser.add_parser(entry_point_name, help=self.long_description())
+    protocols = [p.name for p in self.__db.protocols()]
+    p.add_argument('--protocol', type=str, dest="replay_protocol", default='grandtest', help='The REPLAY-ATTACK protocol type may be specified   instead of the id switch to subselect a smaller number of files to operate on', choices=protocols)
+    p.add_argument('--support', type=str, choices=('fixed', 'hand'), default='', dest='replay_support', help='One of the valid supported attacks (fixed, hand) (defaults to "%(default)s")')
+    p.add_argument('--light', type=str, choices=('controlled', 'adverse'), default='', dest='replay_light', help='Types of illumination conditions (controlled,adverse) (defaults to "%(default)s")')
+    p.set_defaults(name=entry_point_name)
+    p.set_defaults(cls=Database)
+    return
+  create_subparser.__doc__ = DatabaseBase.create_subparser.__doc__
+  def short_description(self):
+    return "Anti-Spoofing database with 1300 videos produced at Idiap, Switzerland"
+  short_description.__doc__ = DatabaseBase.short_description.__doc__
+  def long_description(self):
+    return Database.__doc__
+  long_description.__doc__ = DatabaseBase.long_description.__doc__
+  def implements_any_of(self, propname):
+    if isinstance(propname, (tuple,list)):
+      return 'video' in propname
+    elif propname is None:
+      return True
+    elif isinstance(propname, (str,unicode)):
+      return 'video' == propname
+    # does not implement the given access protocol
+    return False
+  def get_data(self, group):
+    """Returns either all objects or objects for a specific group"""
+    real = dict(self__kwargs)
+    real.update({'groups': group, 'cls': 'real'})
+    attack = dict(self__kwargs)
+    attack.update({'groups': group, 'cls': 'attack'})
+    return [File(k) for k in self.__db.objects(**real)], \
+        [File(k) for k in self.__db.objects(**attack)]
+  def get_train_data(self):
+    return get_data('train')
+  get_train_data.__doc__ = DatabaseBase.get_train_data.__doc__
+  def get_devel_data(self):
+    return get_data('devel')
+  get_devel_data.__doc__ = DatabaseBase.get_devel_data.__doc__
+  def get_test_data(self):
+    return get_data('test')
+  get_test_data.__doc__ = DatabaseBase.get_test_data.__doc__
+  def get_all_data(self):
+    return get_data(None)
+  get_all_data.__doc__ = DatabaseBase.get_all_data.__doc__