# This build file uses template features from YAML so it is generic enough for # any Bob project. Don't modify it unless you know what you're doing. # Definition of global variables (all stages) variables: CONDA_ROOT: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/miniconda" # Definition of our build pipeline order stages: - build - deploy - pypi # Build targets .build_template: &build_job stage: build before_script: - mkdir _ci - curl --silent "https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.admin/raw/condapackage/gitlab/install.sh" > _ci/install.sh - chmod 755 _ci/install.sh - ./_ci/install.sh _ci condapackage #installs ci support scripts - ./_ci/before_build.sh script: - ./_ci/build.sh cache: &build_caches paths: - miniconda.sh - ${CONDA_ROOT}/pkgs/*.tar.bz2 - ${CONDA_ROOT}/pkgs/urls.txt .build_linux_template: &linux_build_job <<: *build_job tags: - docker image: continuumio/conda-concourse-ci artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - _ci/ - ${CONDA_ROOT}/conda-bld/linux-64/*.tar.bz2 cache: <<: *build_caches key: "linux-cache" .build_macosx_template: &macosx_build_job <<: *build_job tags: - macosx artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - _ci/ - ${CONDA_ROOT}/conda-bld/osx-64/*.tar.bz2 cache: <<: *build_caches key: "macosx-cache" build_linux_27: <<: *linux_build_job variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "2.7" build_linux_36: <<: *linux_build_job variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "3.6" BUILD_EGG: "true" artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - _ci/ - dist/*.zip - sphinx - ${CONDA_ROOT}/conda-bld/linux-64/*.tar.bz2 build_macosx_27: <<: *macosx_build_job variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "2.7" build_macosx_36: <<: *macosx_build_job variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "3.6" # Deploy targets .deploy_template: &deploy_job stage: deploy before_script: - ./_ci/install.sh _ci condapackage #updates ci support scripts script: - ./_ci/deploy.sh dependencies: - build_linux_27 - build_linux_36 - build_macosx_27 - build_macosx_36 tags: - deployer deploy_beta: <<: *deploy_job environment: beta only: - master - condapackage deploy_stable: <<: *deploy_job environment: stable only: - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+([abc]\d*)?$/ # PEP-440 compliant version (tags) except: - branches pypi: stage: pypi environment: pypi only: - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+([abc]\d*)?$/ # PEP-440 compliant version (tags) except: - branches before_script: - ./_ci/install.sh _ci condapackage #updates ci support scripts script: - ./_ci/pypi.sh dependencies: - build_linux_36 tags: - deployer