.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. author: Manuel Günther <manuel.guenther@idiap.ch> .. date: Thu Sep 20 11:58:57 CEST 2012 .. _bob.bio.face.baselines: ============================= Executing Baseline Algorithms ============================= In this section we introduce the baselines available in this pakcage. To execute one of then in the databases available just run the following command:: $ bob bio pipelines vanilla-biometrics [DATABASE_NAME] [BASELINE] .. note:: Both, `[DATABASE_NAME]` and `[BASELINE]` can be either python resources or python files. Please, refer to :ref:`bob.bio.base <bob.bio.base>` for more information. Baselines available ------------------- The algorithms below constains all the face recognition baselines available. It is split in two groups, before and after deep learning era. Before Deep learning era ======================== * ``eigenface``: The eigenface algorithm as proposed by [TP91]_. It uses the pixels as raw data, and applies a *Principal Component Analysis* (PCA) on it. * ``lda``: The LDA algorithm applies a *Linear Discriminant Analysis* (LDA), here we use the combined PCA+LDA approach [ZKC98]_ * ``gabor_graph``: This method extract grid graphs of Gabor jets from the images, and computes a Gabor phase based similarity [GHW12]_. * ``lgbphs``: Local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequence (LGBPHS) implemented in [ZSG05]_ Deep learning baselines ======================= * ``facenet-sanderberg``: FaceNet trained by `David Sanderberg <https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet>`_ * ``inception-resnetv2-msceleb``: Inception Resnet v2 model trained using the MSCeleb dataset in the context of the work published by [TFP18]_ * ``inception-resnetv1-msceleb``: Inception Resnet v1 model trained using the MSCeleb dataset in the context of the work published by [TFP18]_ * ``inception-resnetv2-casiawebface``: Inception Resnet v2 model trained using the Casia Web dataset in the context of the work published by [TFP18]_ * ``inception-resnetv1-casiawebface``: Inception Resnet v1 model trained using the Casia Web dataset in the context of the work published by [TFP18]_ * ``arcface-insightface``: Arcface model (Resnet100 backbone) from `Insightface <https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface>`_ * ``resnet50-msceleb-arcface-2021``: Resnet Arcface model trained with MSCeleb dataset (dataset partially prunned) * ``resnet50-msceleb-arcface-20210521``: Arcface model trained with MSCeleb dataset (dataset prunned) * ``resnet50-vgg2-arcface-2021``: Arcface model trained with VGG2 dataset * ``iresnet34``: Arcface model (Resnet 34 backbone) from `Pytorch InsightFace <https://github.com/nizhib/pytorch-insightface>`_ * ``iresnet50``: Arcface model (Resnet 50 backbone) from `Pytorch InsightFace <https://github.com/nizhib/pytorch-insightface>`_ * ``iresnet100``: Arcface model (Resnet 100 backbone) from `Pytorch InsightFace <https://github.com/nizhib/pytorch-insightface>`_ * ``vgg16-oxford``: VGG16 Face model from `Oxford <https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/publications/2015/Parkhi15/>`_ * ``afffe``: Pytorch network that extracts 1000-dimensional features, trained by Manuel Gunther, as described in [LGB18]_