diff --git a/bob/bio/face/script/ijba_collect_results.py b/bob/bio/face/script/ijba_collect_results.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0735516cb1978c4fe8eb9f89a0ec4b5b8cf53392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/bio/face/script/ijba_collect_results.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+# Tiago de Freitas Pereira <tiago.pereira@idiap.ch>
+This script parses through the given directory, collects all results of 
+experiments using bob.db.ijba and dumps a nice copy/paste ReStructuredText (RST).
+It supports comparison (--report-type comparison) and search  (--report-type search) experiments
+For comparison, the following command dumps:
+./bin/bob_ijba_collect_results.py <comparison-path> -r comparison
+|    RR           | TPIR% (FAR=0.1) | TPIR% (FAR=0.01)|TPIR% (FAR=0.001)| split                    |
+|   00000         |0000000          |00000000         |00000            |split 0                   |
+|                                                                                                  |
+For search, the following command dumps:
+./bin/bob_ijba_collect_results.py <search-path> -r search
+| DIR% (rank=1, FAR=0.1)  | DIR% (rank=1, FAR=0.01) | split                    |
+|   00000                 |000000                   |00000000                  |
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys, os,  glob
+import argparse
+import numpy
+import bob.measure
+import bob.core
+from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
+from bob.bio.base.script.collect_results import Result, recurse, add_results
+far_thresholds = [0.1, 0.01, 0.001]
+logger = bob.core.log.setup("bob.bio.base")
+def command_line_arguments(command_line_parameters):
+  """Parse the program options"""
+  # set up command line parser
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
+      formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
+  parser.add_argument('directory', default=".", help = "The directory where the results should be collected from.")
+  parser.add_argument('-r', '--report-type', default="comparison", choices=("comparison", "search"), help = "Type of the report. For `comparison`, RR and TPIR (FAR=[0.1, 0.01 and 0.001] ) will be reported. For the search DIR (rank=1, under FAR=[0.1, 0.01]) is reported")
+  bob.core.log.add_command_line_option(parser)
+  # parse arguments
+  args = parser.parse_args(command_line_parameters)
+  bob.core.log.set_verbosity_level(logger, args.verbose)
+  return args
+def search_results(args, directories):
+  """
+  Navigates throught the directories collection evaluation results
+  """
+  results = []
+  for directory in directories:
+    r = recurse(args, directory)
+    if r is not None:
+      results += r
+  return results
+def compute_mean_std(results):
+    return numpy.mean([r.nonorm_dev for r in results]), numpy.std([r.nonorm_dev for r in results])
+def compute_comparison(args, directories):
+  """
+  Plot evaluation table for the comparison protocol
+  """
+  def plot_comparison_table(cmc_r1, fnmr):
+    grid =  "+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------------+\n"
+    grid += "|        RR       | TPIR% (FAR=0.1) | TPIR% (FAR=0.01)|TPIR% (FAR=0.001)| split                    |\n"
+    grid += "+=================+=================+=================+=================+==========================+\n"
+    for cmc, fnmr_0, fnmr_1, fnmr_2, split in zip(cmc_r1, fnmr[0], fnmr[1], fnmr[2], range(len(cmc_r1))):
+      grid += "|{:17s}|{:17s}|{:17s}|{:17s}|{:26s}|\n".format(str(round(cmc.nonorm_dev,5)*100),
+                                                             str(round(fnmr_0.nonorm_dev,5)*100),
+                                                             str(round(fnmr_1.nonorm_dev,5)*100),
+                                                             str(round(fnmr_2.nonorm_dev,5)*100),
+                                                             "split {0}".format(split))
+      grid +=  "+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------------+\n"
+    cmc = compute_mean_std(cmc_r1)
+    fnmr_0 = compute_mean_std(fnmr[0])
+    fnmr_1 = compute_mean_std(fnmr[1])
+    fnmr_2 = compute_mean_std(fnmr[2])   
+    grid += "|**{:6s}({:5s})**|**{:6s}({:5s})**|**{:6s}({:5s})**|**{:6s}({:5s})**|{:26s}|\n".format(
+                                                           str(round(cmc[0],4)*100),str(round(cmc[1],4)*100),
+                                                           str(round(fnmr_0[0],4)*100),str(round(fnmr_0[1],4)*100),
+                                                           str(round(fnmr_1[0],4)*100),str(round(fnmr_1[1],4)*100),
+                                                           str(round(fnmr_2[0],4)*100),str(round(fnmr_2[1],4)*100),
+                                                           "mean(std)")
+    grid +=  "+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------------+\n"    
+    return grid
+  def compute_fnmr(args, directories):
+    fnmr = []  
+    for f in far_thresholds:
+      args.criterion = "FAR"
+      args.far_threshold = f
+      # Computing TPIR
+      frr = search_results(args, directories)
+      for rr in frr:
+        rr.nonorm_dev = 1.-rr.nonorm_dev
+      fnmr.append(frr)
+    return fnmr
+  args = args
+  args.rank = 1
+  args.criterion = "RR"
+  cmc_r1 = search_results(args, directories)
+  fnmr = compute_fnmr(args, directories)
+  return plot_comparison_table(cmc_r1, fnmr)
+def compute_search(args, directories):
+  """
+  Plot evaluation table for the search protocol
+  """
+  def plot_search_table(dira):
+    grid =  "+----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+\n"
+    grid += "| DIR% (R=1, FAR=0.1)  | DIR% (R=1, FAR=0.01) | split                    |\n"
+    grid += "+======================+======================+==========================+\n"
+    n_splits = len(dira[0])
+    for dira_0, dira_1, split in zip(dira[0], dira[1], range(n_splits)):
+      grid += "|{:22s}|{:22s}|{:26s}|\n".format(str(round(dira_0.nonorm_dev,5)*100),
+                                                str(round(dira_1.nonorm_dev,5)*100),
+                                                "split {0}".format(split))
+      grid += "+----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+\n"
+    dira_0 = compute_mean_std(dira[0])
+    dira_1 = compute_mean_std(dira[1])
+    grid += "|**{:6s}({:6s})**    |**{:6s}({:6s})**    |{:26s}|\n".format(
+                                                                      str(round(dira_0[0],4)*100),str(round(dira_0[1],4)*100),
+                                                                      str(round(dira_1[0],4)*100),str(round(dira_1[1],4)*100),
+                                                                      "mean(std)")
+    grid += "+----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+\n"
+    return grid
+  def compute_dir(args, directories):
+    dira = []  
+    for f in far_thresholds[0:2]:
+      args.criterion = "DIR"
+      args.far_threshold = f      
+      dira.append(search_results(args, directories))
+    return dira
+  args = args
+  args.rank = 1
+  args.criterion = "DIR"
+  dira = compute_dir(args, directories)
+  return plot_search_table(dira)
+def main(command_line_parameters = None):
+  """Iterates through the desired directory and collects all result files."""
+  args = command_line_arguments(command_line_parameters)
+  # collect results
+  if not os.path.exists(args.directory):
+    raise ValueError("The directory `%s` does not exists"%args.directory)
+  # Injecting some variables
+  args.dev = "scores-dev"
+  args.eval = "scores-eval"  
+  args.nonorm = "nonorm"
+  args.ztnorm = "ztnorm"
+  if args.report_type == "comparison":
+    print(compute_comparison(args, [args.directory]))
+  else:
+    print(compute_search(args, [args.directory]))
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index efa163beab83bc71120d469b61c47c366bcfdfcc..18a9859f1fe906caf03108a13227470ad9d069a3 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ setup(
         # scripts should be declared using this entry:
         'console_scripts': [
             'baselines.py      = bob.bio.face.script.baselines:main',
-            'display_face_annotations.py = bob.bio.face.script.display_face_annotations:main'
+            'display_face_annotations.py = bob.bio.face.script.display_face_annotations:main',
+            'bob_ijba_collect_results.py = bob.bio.face.script.ijba_collect_results:main',
         'bob.bio.database': [