diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 4953eea235e76c106a8a197c981349960010821e..a069354015bc8429cbcbcf14af891e33ececf0d2 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
  Run face recognition algorithms
+This package is part of the ``bob.bio`` packages, which allow to run comparable and reproducible biometric recognition experiments on publicly available databases.
 This package contains functionality to run face recognition experiments.
 It is an extension to the `bob.bio.base <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bob.bio.base>`_ package, which provides the basic scripts.
 In this package, utilities that are specific for face recognition are contained, such as:
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/algorithm/LGBPHS.py b/bob/bio/face/algorithm/Histogram.py
similarity index 99%
rename from bob/bio/face/algorithm/LGBPHS.py
rename to bob/bio/face/algorithm/Histogram.py
index 9d060987bc59e15ed50aa6b2c3598bc9817e1874..01399c552a70c97ae4ae9f705ee4576445cdbe01 100644
--- a/bob/bio/face/algorithm/LGBPHS.py
+++ b/bob/bio/face/algorithm/Histogram.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import numpy
 from bob.bio.base.algorithm import Algorithm
-class LGBPHS (Algorithm):
+class Histogram (Algorithm):
   """Tool chain for computing local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequences"""
   def __init__(
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/algorithm/__init__.py b/bob/bio/face/algorithm/__init__.py
index ae17f3c05fd46ab2d70b5ced7560ec967704b9a7..6f36b2ed5ba29005db230d148343ea359b0b7511 100644
--- a/bob/bio/face/algorithm/__init__.py
+++ b/bob/bio/face/algorithm/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from .GaborJet import GaborJet
-from .LGBPHS import LGBPHS
+from .Histogram import Histogram
 # gets sphinx autodoc done right - don't remove it
 __all__ = [_ for _ in dir() if not _.startswith('_')]
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/config/algorithm/lgbphs.py b/bob/bio/face/config/algorithm/histogram.py
similarity index 76%
rename from bob/bio/face/config/algorithm/lgbphs.py
rename to bob/bio/face/config/algorithm/histogram.py
index 635647ac09c0c3968d624e6ab8dad3c7ee2b9c34..ef961bd5055b06e5e76fc2f7fddfe4aa6c70ef33 100644
--- a/bob/bio/face/config/algorithm/lgbphs.py
+++ b/bob/bio/face/config/algorithm/histogram.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import bob.bio.face
 import bob.math
-algorithm = bob.bio.face.algorithm.LGBPHS(
+algorithm = bob.bio.face.algorithm.Histogram(
     distance_function = bob.math.histogram_intersection,
     is_distance_function = False
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/config/extractor/lgbphs.py b/bob/bio/face/config/extractor/lgbphs.py
index f4f6e9f2595d951dd86807a779463b90d96483c8..c6d5108142d9e3c8373957d3085b617de7a4497c 100644
--- a/bob/bio/face/config/extractor/lgbphs.py
+++ b/bob/bio/face/config/extractor/lgbphs.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import math
 # feature extraction
 extractor = bob.bio.face.extractor.LGBPHS(
     # block setup
-    block_size = 10,
-    block_overlap = 4,
+    block_size = 8,
+    block_overlap = 0,
     # Gabor parameters
     gabor_sigma = math.sqrt(2.) * math.pi,
     # LBP setup (we use the defaults)
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/script/baselines.py b/bob/bio/face/script/baselines.py
index 0358684e47700b9d353bb617bc6ca0f249cb41b7..a112252e0b9511b3fed715c1ff7d82e7eb5d0693 100755
--- a/bob/bio/face/script/baselines.py
+++ b/bob/bio/face/script/baselines.py
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ CONFIGURATIONS = {
   'lgbphs': dict(
     preprocessor = ('tan-triggs-crop', 'tan-triggs'),
     extractor    = 'lgbphs',
-    algorithm    = 'lgbphs',
+    algorithm    = 'histogram',
   'bic': dict(
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/test/test_algorithms.py b/bob/bio/face/test/test_algorithms.py
index 180315f69705b9918b7d252e413fc7f23e185a9a..5874af5d63b4684371fb6559e6c21b83537032fe 100644
--- a/bob/bio/face/test/test_algorithms.py
+++ b/bob/bio/face/test/test_algorithms.py
@@ -77,37 +77,37 @@ def test_gabor_jet():
   assert abs(jets.score_for_multiple_probes(model, [feature, feature]) - 1.) < 1e-8
-def test_lgbphs():
-  lgbphs = bob.bio.base.load_resource("lgbphs", "algorithm")
-  assert isinstance(lgbphs, bob.bio.face.algorithm.LGBPHS)
-  assert isinstance(lgbphs, bob.bio.base.algorithm.Algorithm)
-  assert not lgbphs.performs_projection
-  assert not lgbphs.requires_projector_training
-  assert not lgbphs.use_projected_features_for_enrollment
-  assert not lgbphs.split_training_features_by_client
-  assert not lgbphs.requires_enroller_training
+def test_histogram():
+  histogram = bob.bio.base.load_resource("histogram", "algorithm")
+  assert isinstance(histogram, bob.bio.face.algorithm.Histogram)
+  assert isinstance(histogram, bob.bio.base.algorithm.Algorithm)
+  assert not histogram.performs_projection
+  assert not histogram.requires_projector_training
+  assert not histogram.use_projected_features_for_enrollment
+  assert not histogram.split_training_features_by_client
+  assert not histogram.requires_enroller_training
   # read input
   feature1 = bob.bio.base.load(pkg_resources.resource_filename('bob.bio.face.test', 'data/lgbphs_sparse.hdf5'))
   feature2 = bob.bio.base.load(pkg_resources.resource_filename('bob.bio.face.test', 'data/lgbphs_with_phase.hdf5'))
   # enroll model from sparse features
-  model1 = lgbphs.enroll([feature1, feature1])
+  model1 = histogram.enroll([feature1, feature1])
   assert model1.shape == feature1.shape
   assert numpy.allclose(model1, feature1)
   # enroll from non-sparse features
-  model2 = lgbphs.enroll([feature2, feature2])
+  model2 = histogram.enroll([feature2, feature2])
   assert model2.shape == feature2.shape
   assert numpy.allclose(model2, feature2)
   # score without phase and sparse
   reference = 40960.
-  assert abs(lgbphs.score(model1, feature1) - reference) < 1e-5
-  assert abs(lgbphs.score_for_multiple_probes(model1, [feature1, feature1]) - reference) < 1e-5
+  assert abs(histogram.score(model1, feature1) - reference) < 1e-5
+  assert abs(histogram.score_for_multiple_probes(model1, [feature1, feature1]) - reference) < 1e-5
   # score with phase, but non-sparse
   # reference doubles since we have two times more features
   reference *= 2.
-  assert abs(lgbphs.score(model2, feature2) - reference) < 1e-5
-  assert abs(lgbphs.score_for_multiple_probes(model2, [feature2, feature2]) - reference) < 1e-5
+  assert abs(histogram.score(model2, feature2) - reference) < 1e-5
+  assert abs(histogram.score_for_multiple_probes(model2, [feature2, feature2]) - reference) < 1e-5
diff --git a/doc/baselines.rst b/doc/baselines.rst
index 97fc3a83f611b7119ed30f0452f50204503f16db..a40d06b527fb650b9e46193f44ddd1996501fbb0 100644
--- a/doc/baselines.rst
+++ b/doc/baselines.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 .. author: Manuel Günther <manuel.guenther@idiap.ch>
 .. date: Thu Sep 20 11:58:57 CEST 2012
-.. _baselines:
+.. _bob.bio.face.baselines:
 Executing Baseline Algorithms
@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ Additionally, the following algorithms can be executed, when the :ref:`bob.bio.c
   - feature : :py:class:`bob.bio.csu.extractor.LRPCA`
   - algorithm : :py:class:`bob.bio.csu.algorithm.LRPCA`
-* ``lda_ir``: The LDA-IR (a.k.a. CohortLDA [LBP+12]_) extracts color information from images after, and computes a PCA+LDA projection on two color layers.
+* ``lda-ir``: The LDA-IR (a.k.a. CohortLDA [LBP+12]_) extracts color information from images after, and computes a PCA+LDA projection on two color layers.
   - preprocessor : :py:class:`bob.bio.csu.preprocessor.LDAIR`
   - feature : :py:class:`bob.bio.csu.extractor.LDAIR`
   - algorithm : :py:class:`bob.bio.csu.algorithm.LDAIR`
 .. note::
-   The ``lrpca`` and ``ldair`` algorithms require hand-labeled eye locations.
+   The ``lrpca`` and ``lda-ir`` algorithms require hand-labeled eye locations.
    Therefore, they can not be run on the default ``atnt`` database.
-.. _baseline_results:
+.. _bob.bio.base.baseline_results:
 Baseline Results
@@ -183,12 +183,15 @@ For the `AT&T database`_ the results should be as follows:
   |  eigenface  |     lda     |  gaborgraph |    lgbphs   |     gmm     |     isv     |    plda     |     bic     |
-  |   8.368%    |    9.763%   |   4.579%    |    8.500%   |    1.237%   |    0.053%   |    7.921%   |    3.526%   |
+  |   8.368%    |    9.763%   |   4.579%    |    8.500%   |    0.684%   |    0.421%   |    7.921%   |    3.526%   |
+.. note::
+   The results for ``gmm`` and ``isv`` were run with the parallelized scripts.
+   Though the results obtained with the sequential script should be similar, it might be that they are not identical.
 .. note::
-  The ``lrpca`` and ``lda_ir`` algorithms require hand-labeled eye positions to run.
+  The ``lrpca`` and ``lda-ir`` algorithms require hand-labeled eye positions to run.
   Since the AT&T database does not provide eye positions, it is not possible to provide baseline results on AT&T for these two algorithms.
 .. include:: links.rst
diff --git a/doc/conf.py b/doc/conf.py
index 87fe2b217d1e905d4c76ac5b7c9aec5ae375d5ad..8e77047f112e0b780f2050050e2867a8b742f283 100644
--- a/doc/conf.py
+++ b/doc/conf.py
@@ -246,8 +246,14 @@ autodoc_default_flags = ['members', 'undoc-members', 'inherited-members', 'show-
 # For inter-documentation mapping:
 from bob.extension.utils import link_documentation
-intersphinx_mapping = link_documentation(['python', 'numpy', 'bob.bio.gmm', 'bob.bio.csu'])
+intersphinx_mapping = link_documentation(['python', 'numpy', 'bob.bio.gmm', 'bob.bio.csu', 'bob.db.lfw'])
+def skip(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
+  # Do not skip the __call__ function as we have special implementations for them.
+  if name in ("__call__"):
+    return False
+  return skip
 def setup(app):
-  pass
+  app.connect("autodoc-skip-member", skip)
diff --git a/doc/img/CMC.png b/doc/img/CMC.png
index 4adf6a233298de74b96cfeaa2c17d88ae49de7e7..040e374242919317a45daa1994f359acdf48dcff 100644
Binary files a/doc/img/CMC.png and b/doc/img/CMC.png differ
diff --git a/doc/img/DET.png b/doc/img/DET.png
index f8ef499c16c3c13b8f44073aae17727776b41371..e0732263822c3b480b6c35f32a002a1c42e7cf6a 100644
Binary files a/doc/img/DET.png and b/doc/img/DET.png differ
diff --git a/doc/img/ROC.png b/doc/img/ROC.png
index 10825c3117f34bc8b78b174f28701e8b691ae902..fbb17b175ad6cc730a75fa895d9d036ce9cc0aac 100644
Binary files a/doc/img/ROC.png and b/doc/img/ROC.png differ
diff --git a/doc/implementation.rst b/doc/implementation.rst
index 76d9d4b74bd14353689f6ca6f70eb1f094ee0e8a..aad0c60f97c1a9b555a28b6029ad477d30db72f5 100644
--- a/doc/implementation.rst
+++ b/doc/implementation.rst
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Here is the list of files and replacement strings for all databases that are reg
   - Images (taken from MBGC-V1): ``[YOUR_MBGC-V1_DIRECTORY]``
-* Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW): ``'lfw-restricted'``, `'lfw-unrestricted'``
+* Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW): ``'lfw-restricted'``, ``'lfw-unrestricted'``
   - Images (aligned with funneling): ``[YOUR_LFW_FUNNELED_DIRECTORY]``
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Preprocessors
 Photometric enhancement algorithms are -- by default -- registered without face cropping, as ``'base'`` (no enhancement), ``'histogram'`` (histogram equalization), ``'tan-triggs'``, ``'self-quotient'`` (self quotient image) and ``'inorm-lbp'``.
-These resources should only be used, when original images are already cropped (such as in the `AT&T database`_.
+These resources should only be used, when original images are already cropped (such as in the `AT&T database`_).
 The default face cropping is performed by aligning the eye locations such that the eyes (in subject perspective) are located at: right eye: ``(16, 15)``, left eye: ``(16, 48)``, and the image is cropped to resolution ``(80, 64)`` pixels.
 This cropper is registered under the resource key ``'face-crop-eyes'``.
@@ -192,6 +192,19 @@ Only four types of features are registered as resources here:
 * ``'dct-blocks'``: DCT blocks with 12 pixels and full overlap, extracting 35 DCT features per block
 * ``'eigenface'``: Pixel vectors projected to face space keeping 95 % variance
-* ``'grid-graph'``: Gabor jets in grid graphs, with 4 pixels distance between nodes
+* ``'grid-graph'``: Gabor jets in grid graphs, with 8 pixels distance between nodes
+* ``'lgbphs'``: Local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequences with block-size of 8 and no overlap
+.. _bob.bio.face.algorithms:
+Face Recognition Algorithms
+* ``'gabor-jet'``: Compares graphs of Gabor jets with using a dedicated Gabor jet similarity function [GHW12]_
+* ``'histogram'``: Compares histograms using histogram comparison functions
+* ``'bic-jet'``: Uses the :py:class:`bob.bio.base.algorithm.BIC` with vectors of Gabor jet similarities
+  .. note:: One particularity of this resource is that the function to compute the feature vectors to be classified in the BIC algorithm is actually implemented *in the configuration file*.
 .. include:: links.rst
diff --git a/doc/implemented.rst b/doc/implemented.rst
index 5ac328e000bcbc90d6e5ce3d26fd98d6163ac5dc..b56a7c48f8a16b227eda6b89f61afe9764f867f4 100644
--- a/doc/implemented.rst
+++ b/doc/implemented.rst
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Face Recognition Algorithms
 .. autosummary::
-   bob.bio.face.algorithm.LGBPHS
+   bob.bio.face.algorithm.Histogram
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index 1ab1626863ae62c0181e14aee2ba7ee88453cea7..1682a3600eb8b993bc1ef035a80f6f73076a87a4 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -45,15 +45,8 @@ Reference Manual
    :maxdepth: 2
-   py_api
 .. include:: references.rst
-This documentation is still under development.
-Here is a list of things that needs to be done:
 .. todolist::
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 499ac975b721fc99e36fad30889625422cd7cfce..ee4592c50f3eeb85072f8b833bcadd971a4b1f59 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ setup(
       'bob.bio.algorithm': [
         'gabor-jet         = bob.bio.face.config.algorithm.gabor_jet:algorithm', # Gabor jet comparison
-        'lgbphs            = bob.bio.face.config.algorithm.lgbphs:algorithm', # LGBPHS histograms
+        'histogram         = bob.bio.face.config.algorithm.histogram:algorithm', # LGBPHS histograms
         'bic-jets          = bob.bio.face.config.algorithm.bic_jets:algorithm', # BIC on gabor jets