diff --git a/bob/bio/face/config/database/cbsr_nir_vis_2.py b/bob/bio/face/config/database/cbsr_nir_vis_2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3476a70db07792dd0984864874f94bdd4c78fdc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/bio/face/config/database/cbsr_nir_vis_2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from bob.bio.face.database import CBSRNirVis2Database
+# In case protocol is comming from chain loading
+# https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/docs/bob/bob.extension/stable/py_api.html#bob.extension.config.load
+if "protocol" not in locals():
+    protocol = "view2_1"
+database = CBSRNirVis2Database(protocol=protocol)
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/config/database/pola_thermal.py b/bob/bio/face/config/database/pola_thermal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fa6d5599bd3c543eabb6deebca5dbb3c662faf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/bio/face/config/database/pola_thermal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from bob.bio.face.database import PolaThermalDatabase
+# In case protocol is comming from chain loading
+# https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/docs/bob/bob.extension/stable/py_api.html#bob.extension.config.load
+if "protocol" not in locals():
+    protocol = "VIS-thermal-overall-split1""
+database = PolaThermalDatabase(protocol=protocol)
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/database/__init__.py b/bob/bio/face/database/__init__.py
index b4576b238c19f5046ce66b93a47fa240490e91b6..d0bb0931ddf935fe20b322d32b1bbf0d7ff1c795 100644
--- a/bob/bio/face/database/__init__.py
+++ b/bob/bio/face/database/__init__.py
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ from .fargo import FargoBioDatabase
 from .meds import MEDSDatabase
 from .morph import MorphDatabase
 from .casia_africa import CasiaAfricaDatabase
+from .pola_thermal import PolaThermalDatabase
+from .cbsr_nir_vis_2 import CBSRNirVis2Database
 # gets sphinx autodoc done right - don't remove it
@@ -43,11 +45,12 @@ __appropriate__(
-    IJBCBioDatabase,
+    PolaThermalDatabase,
+    CBSRNirVis2Database,
 __all__ = [_ for _ in dir() if not _.startswith("_")]
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/database/cbsr_nir_vis_2.py b/bob/bio/face/database/cbsr_nir_vis_2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d34dc372aa8a4bd65bf7ae47adc793594b634a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/bio/face/database/cbsr_nir_vis_2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+# Tiago de Freitas Pereira <tiago.pereira@idiap.ch>
+  CBSRNirVis2Database database: database implementation 
+from bob.bio.base.database import CSVDataset
+from bob.bio.base.database import CSVToSampleLoaderBiometrics
+from bob.bio.face.database.sample_loaders import EyesAnnotations
+from bob.extension import rc
+from bob.extension.download import get_file
+import bob.io.base
+from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
+import os
+class CBSRNirVis2Database(CSVDataset):
+    """
+    This package contains the access API and descriptions for the `CASIA NIR-VIS 2.0 Database <http://www.cbsr.ia.ac.cn/english/NIR-VIS-2.0-Database.html>`. 
+    The actual raw data for the database should be downloaded from the original URL. 
+    This package only contains the Bob accessor methods to use the DB directly from python, with the original protocol of the database.
+    CASIA NIR-VIS 2.0 database offers pairs of mugshot images and their correspondent NIR photos.
+    The images of this database were collected in four recording sessions: 2007 spring, 2009 summer, 2009 fall and 2010 summer,
+    in which the first session is identical to the CASIA HFB database. It consists of 725 subjects in total.
+    There are [1-22] VIS and [5-50] NIR face images per subject. The eyes positions are also distributed with the images.
+    .. code-block:: latex
+        @inproceedings{li2013casia,
+        title={The casia nir-vis 2.0 face database},
+        author={Li, Stan Z and Yi, Dong and Lei, Zhen and Liao, Shengcai},
+        booktitle={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2013 IEEE Conference on},
+        pages={348--353},
+        year={2013},
+        organization={IEEE}     
+        }
+    .. warning::
+        Use the command below to set the path of the real data::
+            $ bob config set bob.db.cbsr-nir-vis-2.directory [PATH-TO-CBSR-DATA]
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    protocol: str
+        One of the database protocols.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, protocol):
+        # Downloading model if not exists
+        urls = CBSRNirVis2Database.urls()
+        filename = get_file(
+            "cbsr_nir_vis_2.tar.gz", urls, file_hash="116da4537c1099915cdc0f08feb651bd",
+        )
+        self.annotation_type = "eyes-center"
+        self.fixed_positions = None
+        directory = (
+            rc["bob.db.cbsr-nir-vis-2.directory"]
+            if rc["bob.db.cbsr-nir-vis-2.directory"]
+            else ""
+        )
+        def load(filename):
+            extensions = [".jpg", ".bmp"]
+            for e in extensions:
+                f = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+                new_filename = f + e
+                if os.path.exists(new_filename):
+                    return bob.io.base.load(new_filename)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("File `{0}` not found".format(str(new_filename)))
+        super().__init__(
+            filename,
+            protocol,
+            csv_to_sample_loader=make_pipeline(
+                CSVToSampleLoaderBiometrics(
+                    data_loader=load,
+                    dataset_original_directory=directory,
+                    extension=".jpg",
+                ),
+                EyesAnnotations(),
+            ),
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def protocols():
+        # TODO: Until we have (if we have) a function that dumps the protocols, let's use this one.
+        return [
+            "view2_1",
+            "view2_2",
+            "view2_3",
+            "view2_4",
+            "view2_5",
+            "view2_6",
+            "view2_7",
+            "view2_8",
+            "view2_9",
+            "view2_10",
+        ]
+    @staticmethod
+    def urls():
+        return [
+            "https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/databases/latest/cbsr_nir_vis_2.tar.gz",
+            "http://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/databases/latest/cbsr_nir_vis_2.tar.gz",
+        ]
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/database/pola_thermal.py b/bob/bio/face/database/pola_thermal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a2e6d5c489fb81b20d7afd3d788bf51966ec011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/bio/face/database/pola_thermal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+# Tiago de Freitas Pereira <tiago.pereira@idiap.ch>
+  PolaThermal database: database implementation 
+from bob.bio.base.database import CSVDataset
+from bob.bio.base.database import CSVToSampleLoaderBiometrics
+from bob.bio.face.database.sample_loaders import EyesAnnotations
+from bob.extension import rc
+from bob.extension.download import get_file
+import bob.io.base
+from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
+class PolaThermalDatabase(CSVDataset):
+    """
+    Collected by USA Army, the Polarimetric Thermal Database contains basically VIS and Thermal face images.
+    Follow bellow the description of the imager used to capture this device.
+    The **polarimetric** LWIR imager used to collect this database was developed by Polaris Sensor Technologies.
+    The imager is based on the division-of-time spinning achromatic retarder (SAR) design that uses a spinning phase-retarder mounted in series with a linear wire-grid polarizer.
+    This system, also referred to as a polarimeter, has a spectral response range of 7.5-11.1, using a Stirling-cooled mercury telluride focal plane array with pixel array dimensions of 640×480. 
+    A Fourier modulation technique is applied to the pixel readout, followed by a series expansion and inversion to compute the Stokes images.
+    Data were recorded at 60 frames per second (fps) for this database, using a wide FOV of 10.6°×7.9°. Prior to collecting data for each subject, a two-point non-uniformity correction (NUC) was performed using a Mikron blackbody at 20°C and 40°C, which covers the range of typical facial temperatures (30°C-35°C). 
+    Data was recorded on a laptop using custom vendor software. 
+    An array of four Basler Scout series cameras was used to collect the corresponding **visible spectrum imagery**. 
+    Two of the cameras are monochrome (model # scA640-70gm), with pixel array dimensions of 659×494.
+    The other two cameras are color (model # scA640-70gc), with pixel array dimensions of 658×494.
+    The dataset contains 60 subjects in total.
+    For **VIS** images (considered only the 87 pixels interpupil distance) there are 4 samples per subject with neutral expression (called baseline condition **B**) and 12 samples per subject varying the facial expression (called expression **E**).
+    Such variability was introduced by asking the subject to count orally.
+    In total there are 960 images for this modality.
+    For the **thermal** images there are 4 types of thermal imagery based on the Stokes parameters (:math:`S_0`, :math:`S_1`, :math:`S_2` and :math:`S_3`) commonly used to represent the polarization state.
+    The thermal imagery is the following:
+    - :math:`S_0`: The conventional thermal image 
+    - :math:`S_1`
+    - :math:`S_2`
+    - DoLP: The degree-of-linear-polarization (DoLP) describes the portion of an electromagnetic wave that is linearly polarized, as defined :math:`\\frac{sqrt(S_{1}^{2} + S_{2}^{2})}{S_0}`.
+    Since :math:`S_3` is very small and usually taken to be zero, the authors of the database decided not to provide this part of the data.
+    The same facial expression variability introduced in **VIS** is introduced for **Thermal** images.
+    The distance between the subject and the camera is  the last source of variability introduced in the thermal images.
+    There are 3 ranges: R1 (2.5m), R2 (5m) and R3 (7.5m).
+    In total there are 11,520 images for this modality and for each subject they are split as the following:
+    +----------------+----------+----------+----------+
+    | Imagery/Range  | R1 (B/E) | R2 (B/E) | R3 (B/E) |
+    +================+==========+==========+==========+
+    | :math:`S_0`    | 16 (8/8) | 16 (8/8) | 16 (8/8) |
+    +----------------+----------+----------+----------+
+    | :math:`S_1`    | 16 (8/8) | 16 (8/8) | 16 (8/8) |
+    +----------------+----------+----------+----------+
+    | :math:`S_2`    | 16 (8/8) | 16 (8/8) | 16 (8/8) |
+    +----------------+----------+----------+----------+
+    | DoLP           | 16 (8/8) | 16 (8/8) | 16 (8/8) |
+    +----------------+----------+----------+----------+
+    .. warning::
+        Use the command below to set the path of the real data::
+            $ bob config set bob.db.pola-thermal.directory [PATH-TO-MEDS-DATA]
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    protocol: str
+        One of the database protocols.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, protocol):
+        # Downloading model if not exists
+        urls = PolaThermalDatabase.urls()
+        filename = get_file(
+            "pola_thermal.tar.gz", urls, file_hash="cfbd7362773c6d49292fe1998e3c3825",
+        )
+        self.annotation_type = "eyes-center"
+        self.fixed_positions = None
+        directory = (
+            rc["bob.db.pola-thermal.directory"]
+            if rc["bob.db.pola-thermal.directory"]
+            else ""
+        )
+        def load(path):
+            """
+            Images in this dataset are stored as 16-bit PNG 
+            """
+            return bob.io.base.load(path) / 255
+        super().__init__(
+            filename,
+            protocol,
+            csv_to_sample_loader=make_pipeline(
+                CSVToSampleLoaderBiometrics(
+                    data_loader=load,
+                    dataset_original_directory=directory,
+                    extension=".png",
+                ),
+                EyesAnnotations(),
+            ),
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def protocols():
+        # TODO: Until we have (if we have) a function that dumps the protocols, let's use this one.
+        return [
+            "VIS-VIS-split1",
+            "VIS-VIS-split2",
+            "VIS-VIS-split3",
+            "VIS-VIS-split4",
+            "VIS-VIS-split5",
+            "VIS-thermal-overall-split1",
+            "VIS-thermal-overall-split2",
+            "VIS-thermal-overall-split3",
+            "VIS-thermal-overall-split4",
+            "VIS-thermal-overall-split5",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-overall-split1",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-overall-split2",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-overall-split3",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-overall-split4",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-overall-split5",
+            "VIS-thermal-expression-split1",
+            "VIS-thermal-expression-split2",
+            "VIS-thermal-expression-split3",
+            "VIS-thermal-expression-split4",
+            "VIS-thermal-expression-split5",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-expression-split1",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-expression-split2",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-expression-split3",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-expression-split4",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-expression-split5",
+            "VIS-thermal-R1-split1",
+            "VIS-thermal-R1-split2",
+            "VIS-thermal-R1-split3",
+            "VIS-thermal-R1-split4",
+            "VIS-thermal-R1-split5",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R1-split1",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R1-split2",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R1-split3",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R1-split4",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R1-split5",
+            "VIS-thermal-R2-split1",
+            "VIS-thermal-R2-split2",
+            "VIS-thermal-R2-split3",
+            "VIS-thermal-R2-split4",
+            "VIS-thermal-R2-split5",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R2-split1",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R2-split2",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R2-split3",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R2-split4",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R2-split5",
+            "VIS-thermal-R3-split1",
+            "VIS-thermal-R3-split2",
+            "VIS-thermal-R3-split3",
+            "VIS-thermal-R3-split4",
+            "VIS-thermal-R3-split5",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R3-split1",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R3-split2",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R3-split3",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R3-split4",
+            "VIS-polarimetric-R3-split5",
+        ]
+    @staticmethod
+    def urls():
+        return [
+            "https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/databases/latest/pola_thermal.tar.gz",
+            "http://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/databases/latest/pola_thermal.tar.gz",
+        ]
diff --git a/bob/bio/face/test/test_databases.py b/bob/bio/face/test/test_databases.py
index c3fb8dca5a85fbb9b8f709e30efe1f8e1a35ee39..3342e11e361060290550ee1b84ca0b435e364a0d 100644
--- a/bob/bio/face/test/test_databases.py
+++ b/bob/bio/face/test/test_databases.py
@@ -404,3 +404,22 @@ def test_casia_africa():
     assert len(database.references()) == 2455
     assert len(database.probes()) == 2426
+def test_polathermal():
+    from bob.bio.face.database import PolaThermalDatabase
+    database = PolaThermalDatabase("VIS-thermal-overall-split1")
+    assert len(database.references()) == 35
+    assert len(database.probes()) == 1680
+def test_cbsr_nir_vis_2():
+    from bob.bio.face.database import CBSRNirVis2Database
+    database = CBSRNirVis2Database("view2_1")
+    assert len(database.references()) == 358
+    assert len(database.probes()) == 6123
diff --git a/doc/implemented.rst b/doc/implemented.rst
index 0891df4824563aeb61aea5a9794cc42bd71ec883..cf5801e365f162175a8f6e88c49ca06d934ff18f 100644
--- a/doc/implemented.rst
+++ b/doc/implemented.rst
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ Databases
+   bob.bio.face.database.PolaThermalDatabase
+   bob.bio.face.database.CBSRNirVis2Database
 Face Image Annotators
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index a62ca7be8698f1a50cd69d6f2fc6c4f3ea50b0d1..ded13e23b4f4326f28c48532700311235313affa 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ setup(
             "meds = bob.bio.face.config.database.meds:database",
             "morph = bob.bio.face.config.database.morph:database",
             "casia-africa = bob.bio.face.config.database.casia_africa:database",
+            "pola-thermal = bob.bio.face.config.database.pola_thermal:database",
+            "cbsr-nir-vis-2 = bob.bio.face.config.database.cbsr_nir_vis_2:database",
         "bob.bio.annotator": [
             "facedetect               = bob.bio.face.config.annotator.facedetect:annotator",
@@ -179,6 +181,8 @@ setup(
             "meds = bob.bio.face.config.database.meds",
             "morph = bob.bio.face.config.database.morph",
             "casia-africa = bob.bio.face.config.database.casia_africa",
+            "pola-thermal = bob.bio.face.config.database.pola_thermal",
+            "cbsr-nir-vis-2 = bob.bio.face.config.database.cbsr_nir_vis_2",
             "resnet50-msceleb-arcface-2021 = bob.bio.face.config.baseline.resnet50_msceleb_arcface_2021",
             "resnet50-vgg2-arcface-2021 = bob.bio.face.config.baseline.resnet50_vgg2_arcface_2021",
             "mobilenetv2-msceleb-arcface-2021 = bob.bio.face.config.baseline.mobilenetv2_msceleb_arcface_2021",