From dcc722963921743aad33e73449211ab3ef9afef1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Theophile GENTILHOMME <>
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2018 12:06:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add evaluate command

 bob/bio/base/script/    | 180 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 bob/bio/base/test/ |  64 ++++++++++                           |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bob/bio/base/script/ b/bob/bio/base/script/
index 6a205222..f97833e3 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/script/
+++ b/bob/bio/base/script/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ FUNC_CMC = lambda x: load.load_files(x, load.cmc)
-def metrics(ctx, scores, criter, test, **kargs):
+def metrics(ctx, scores, test, **kargs):
     """Prints a single output line that contains all info for a given
     criterion (eer or hter).
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def metrics(ctx, scores, criter, test, **kargs):
         $ bob bio metrics --test {dev,test}-scores1 {dev,test}-scores2
-    if criter == 'rr':
+    if 'criter' in ctx.meta and ctx.meta['criter'] == 'rr':
         process = bio_figure.Metrics(ctx, scores, test, FUNC_CMC)
         process = bio_figure.Metrics(ctx, scores, test, FUNC_SPLIT)
@@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ def hist(ctx, scores, test, **kwargs):
 def cmc(ctx, scores, test, **kargs):
@@ -263,3 +262,178 @@ def dic(ctx, scores, test, **kargs):
     process = bio_figure.Dic(ctx, scores, test, FUNC_CMC)
+def hist(ctx, scores, test, **kwargs):
+    """ Plots histograms of positive and negatives along with threshold
+    criterion.
+    You need provide one or more development score file(s) for each experiment.
+    You can also provide test files along with dev files but the flag `--test`
+    is required in that case.
+    Examples:
+        $ bob bio hist dev-scores
+        $ bob bio hist --test dev-scores1 test-scores1 dev-scores2
+        test-scores2
+        $ bob bio hist --test --criter hter dev-scores1 test-scores1
+    """
+    process = measure_figure.Hist(ctx, scores, test, FUNC_SPLIT)
+    'metrics', 'M', 'If set, computes table of threshold with EER, HTER (and '
+    'FAR, if ``--far-value`` provided.)'
+    'cllr', 'x', 'If given, Cllr and minCllr will be computed.'
+    'mindcf', 'm', 'If given, minDCF will be computed.'
+    'rr', 'r', 'If given, the Recognition Rate will be computed.'
+    'hist', 'H', 'If given, score histograms will be generated.'
+    'roc', 'R', 'If given, ROC will be generated.'
+    'det', 'D', 'If given, DET will be generated.'
+    'epc', 'E', 'If given, EPC will be generated.'
+    'dic', 'O', 'If given, DIC will be generated.'
+def evaluate(ctx, scores, test, **kwargs):
+    '''Evalutes score file, runs error analysis on score sets and plot curves.
+    \b
+    1. Computes the threshold using either EER, min. HTER or FAR value
+       criteria on development set scores
+    2. Applies the above threshold on test set scores to compute the HTER, if a
+       test-score set is provided
+    3. Computes Cllr and minCllr, minDCF, and recognition rate (if cmc scores
+       provided)
+    3. Reports error metrics in the console or in a log file
+    4. Plots ROC, EPC, DET, score distributions, CMC (if cmc) and DIC (if cmc)
+       curves to a multi-page PDF file
+    You need to provide 2 score files for each biometric system in this order:
+    \b
+    * development scores
+    * evaluation scores
+    Examples:
+        $ bob bio evaluate dev-scores
+        $ bob bio evaluate -t -l metrics.txt -o my_plots.pdf dev-scores test-scores
+    '''
+    log_str=''
+    if 'log' in ctx.meta and ctx.meta['log'] is not None:
+        log_str = ' %s' % ctx.meta['log']
+    if ctx.meta['metrics']:
+        # first time erase if existing file
+        ctx.meta['open_mode'] = 'w'
+        click.echo("Computing metrics with EER%s..." % log_str)
+        ctx.meta['criter'] = 'eer'  # no criterion passed to evaluate
+        ctx.invoke(metrics, scores=scores, test=test)
+        # other times, appends the content
+        ctx.meta['open_mode'] = 'a'
+        click.echo("Computing metrics with HTER%s..." % log_str)
+        ctx.meta['criter'] = 'hter'  # no criterion passed in evaluate
+        ctx.invoke(metrics, scores=scores, test=test)
+        if 'far_value' in ctx.meta and ctx.meta['far_value'] is not None:
+            click.echo("Computing metrics with FAR=%f%s..." %\
+                       (ctx.meta['far_value'], log_str))
+            ctx.meta['criter'] = 'far'  # no criterio % n passed in evaluate
+            ctx.invoke(metrics, scores=scores, test=test)
+    if ctx.meta['mindcf']:
+        click.echo("Computing minDCF%s..." % log_str)
+        ctx.meta['criter'] = 'mindcf'  # no criterion passed in evaluate
+        ctx.invoke(metrics, scores=scores, test=test)
+    if ctx.meta['cllr']:
+        click.echo("Computing  Cllr and minCllr%s..." % log_str)
+        ctx.meta['criter'] = 'cllr'  # no criterion passed in evaluate
+        ctx.invoke(metrics, scores=scores, test=test)
+    if ctx.meta['rr']:
+        click.echo("Computing  recognition rate%s..." % log_str)
+        ctx.meta['criter'] = 'rr'  # no criterion passed in evaluate
+        ctx.invoke(metrics, scores=scores, test=test)
+    # avoid closing pdf file before all figures are plotted
+    ctx.meta['closef'] = False
+    if test:
+        click.echo("Starting evaluate with dev and test scores...")
+    else:
+        click.echo("Starting evaluate with dev scores only...")
+    if ctx.meta['roc']:
+        click.echo("Generating ROC in %s..." % ctx.meta['output'])
+        ctx.forward(roc) # use class defaults plot settings
+    if ctx.meta['det']:
+        click.echo("Generating DET in %s..." % ctx.meta['output'])
+        ctx.forward(det) # use class defaults plot settings
+    if test and ctx.meta['epc']:
+        click.echo("Generating EPC in %s..." % ctx.meta['output'])
+        ctx.forward(epc) # use class defaults plot settings
+    if ctx.meta['cmc']:
+        click.echo("Generating CMC in %s..." % ctx.meta['output'])
+        ctx.forward(cmc) # use class defaults plot settings
+    if ctx.meta['dic']:
+        click.echo("Generating DIC in %s..." % ctx.meta['output'])
+        ctx.forward(dic) # use class defaults plot settings
+    # the last one closes the file
+    if ctx.meta['hist']:
+        click.echo("Generating score histograms in %s..." % ctx.meta['output'])
+        ctx.meta['criter'] = 'hter'  # no criterion passed in evaluate
+        ctx.forward(hist)
+    ctx.meta['closef'] = True
+    #just to make sure pdf is closed
+    if 'PdfPages' in ctx.meta:
+        ctx.meta['PdfPages'].close()
+    click.echo("Evaluate successfully completed!")
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/test/ b/bob/bio/base/test/
index 70d4c32f..5eb237bd 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/test/
+++ b/bob/bio/base/test/
@@ -238,3 +238,67 @@ def test_dic():
         if result.output:
         assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_evaluate():
+    dev1 = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
+                                           'data/dev-4col.txt')
+    dev2 = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
+                                           'data/dev-5col.txt')
+    test1 = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
+                                            'data/test-4col.txt')
+    test2 = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
+                                            'data/test-5col.txt')
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-l', 'tmp', '-f', 0.03, '-M',
+                                                   '-x', '-m', dev1, dev2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-f', 0.02, '-M',
+                                                   '-x', '-m', dev1, dev2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-l', 'tmp', '-f', 0.04, '-M',
+                                                   '-x', '-m', '-t', dev1, test1,
+                                                   dev2, test2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-f', 0.01, '-M', '-t',
+                                                   '-x', '-m', dev1, test1, dev2,
+                                                   test2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, [dev1, dev2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-R', '-D', '-H', '-E',
+                                                   '-o', 'PLOTS.pdf', dev1, dev2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-t', '-R', '-D', '-H', '-E',
+                                                   '-o', 'PLOTS.pdf',
+                                                   test1, dev1, test2, dev2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+    cmc = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
+                                          'data/scores-cmc-4col.txt')
+    cmc2 = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
+                                           'data/scores-cmc-5col.txt')
+    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-r', cmc])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-r', '-t', cmc, cmc2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-C', '-t', cmc, cmc2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-C', cmc, cmc2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+    cmc = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
+                                          'data/scores-cmc-4col-open-set.txt')
+    cmc2 = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
+                                          'data/scores-nonorm-openset-dev')
+    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-O', cmc])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
+        result = runner.invoke(commands.evaluate, ['-O', '-t', cmc, cmc2])
+        assert result.exit_code == 0
diff --git a/ b/
index 3ce128af..c27e5ab2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ setup(
       # bob bio scripts
       '': [
         'annotate          =',
-        'evaluate          =',
         'metrics           =',
         'roc               =',
         'det               =',
         'epc               =',
-        'hist               =',
+        'hist              =',
         'cmc               =',
         'dic               =',
+        'evaluate          =',
       # annotators