diff --git a/bob/bio/base/tools/command_line.py b/bob/bio/base/tools/command_line.py
index 2b282ee079bad3fe0200ab250b048ba3d992bc03..e766070605b3e5b60593e8d9ba3ae22047331f91 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/tools/command_line.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/tools/command_line.py
@@ -241,7 +241,6 @@ def take_from_config_or_command_line(args, config, keyword, default, required=Tr
     elif config is not None and hasattr(config, keyword):
         val = getattr(config, keyword)
         if isinstance(val, str) and is_resource:
             val = utils.load_resource(val, keyword, imports=args.imports, package_prefix=args.package_prefix,
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/utils/resources.py b/bob/bio/base/utils/resources.py
index 1b4264d25cca02256b3eab8691e017efb3de1c14..e2c5816d326830619c5978b33ccb47f7528bf3ec 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/utils/resources.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/utils/resources.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 import imp
 import os
 import pkg_resources
+import bob.extension.config
 import sys
 if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
   from string import letters as ascii_letters
@@ -45,45 +45,7 @@ def _collect_config(paths):
-  def _attach_resources(src, dst):
-    for k in dir(src):
-      setattr(dst, k, getattr(src, k))
-  import random
-  name = "".join(random.sample(ascii_letters, 10))
-  retval = imp.new_module(name)
-  for path in paths:
-    # execute the module code on the context of previously import modules
-    for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('bob.bio.config'):
-      if ep.name == path:
-        tmp = ep.load() # loads the pointed module
-        _attach_resources(tmp, retval)
-        break
-    else:
-      # if you get to this point, then it is not a resource, maybe it is a module?
-      try:
-        tmp = __import__(path, retval.__dict__, retval.__dict__, ['*'])
-        _attach_resources(tmp, retval)
-        continue
-      except ImportError:
-        # module does not exist, ignore it
-        pass
-      except Exception as e:
-        raise IOError("The configuration module '%s' could not be loaded: %s" % (path, e))
-      # if you get to this point, then its not a resource nor a loadable module, is
-      # it on the file system?
-      if not os.path.exists(path):
-        raise IOError("The configuration file, resource or module '%s' could not be found, loaded or imported" % path)
-      name = "".join(random.sample(ascii_letters, 10))
-      tmp = imp.load_source(name, path)
-      _attach_resources(tmp, retval)
-  return retval
+  return bob.extension.config.load(paths, entry_point_group="bob.bio.config")
 def read_config_file(filenames, keyword = None):
diff --git a/doc/experiments.rst b/doc/experiments.rst
index 1bf5059624c11b33b765d0aff6774f1b9085bcd0..701a1b67dedacb2085a7f1c90bf2cfad22b1c2b8 100644
--- a/doc/experiments.rst
+++ b/doc/experiments.rst
@@ -94,6 +94,18 @@ Running the experiment is then as simple as:
 .. note::
    To be able to run exactly the command line from above, it requires to have :ref:`bob.bio.face <bob.bio.face>` installed.
+.. note::
+   Chain loading is possible through configuration files, i.e., variables of each
+   config is available during evaluation of the preceding config file.
+   This allows us to spread our experiment setup in several configuration files and have a call similar to this::
+   $ verify.py config_1.py config_2.py config_n.py
+   For more information see *Chain Loading* in :ref:`bob.extension.config`.
 Before running an experiment, it is recommended to add set the variable ``dry_run = True``, so that it will only print, which steps would be executed, without actually executing them, and make sure that everything works as expected.
 The final result of the experiment will be one (or more) score file(s).
@@ -102,7 +114,7 @@ By default, you can find them in a sub-directory the ``result`` directory, but y
 .. note::
    At Idiap_, the default result directory differs, see ``verify.py --help`` for your directory.
 .. _bob.bio.base.command_line: