diff --git a/bob/bio/base/algorithm/BIC.py b/bob/bio/base/algorithm/BIC.py
index ff05283400b56f7f9d90a62864f9664bbd708052..33c0e03b40aa1766cea3e23e054f444bb7dc588a 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/algorithm/BIC.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/algorithm/BIC.py
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class BIC (Algorithm):
   def read_probe(self, probe_file):
     """Loads the probe feature from file, using the ``load_function`` specified in the constructor."""
-    return self.load_function(bob.io.base.HDF5File(probe_file))
+    return self.read_function(bob.io.base.HDF5File(probe_file))
   def score(self, model, probe):
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/script/grid_search.py b/bob/bio/base/script/grid_search.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2216eed3d3ab829e1834cc85e71b55f9331a40c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/bio/base/script/grid_search.py
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+# Manuel Guenther <Manuel.Guenther@idiap.ch>
+from __future__ import print_function
+from . import verify
+import argparse, os, sys
+import copy # for deep copies of dictionaries
+from .. import utils
+import bob.core
+logger = bob.core.log.setup("bob.bio.base")
+# the configuration read from config file
+global configuration
+# the place holder key given on command line
+global place_holder_key
+# the extracted command line arguments
+global args
+# the job ids as returned by the call to the faceverify function
+global job_ids
+# first fake job id (useful for the --dry-run option)
+global fake_job_id
+fake_job_id = 0
+# the number of grid jobs that are executed
+global job_count
+# the total number of experiments run
+global task_count
+# the directories, where score files will be generated
+global score_directories
+# The different steps of the processing chain.
+# Use these keywords to change parameters of the specific part
+steps = ['preprocess', 'extract', 'project', 'enroll', 'score']
+def command_line_options(command_line_parameters):
+  # set up command line parser
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+  parser.add_argument('-c', '--configuration-file', required = True,
+      help = 'The file containing the information what parameters you want to have tested.')
+  parser.add_argument('-k', '--place-holder-key', default = '#',
+      help = 'The place holder key that starts the place holders which will be replaced.')
+  parser.add_argument('-d', '--database', required = True,
+      help = 'The database that you want to execute the experiments on.')
+  parser.add_argument('-P', '--protocol',
+      help = 'The protocol that you want to use (if not specified, the default protocol for the database is used).')
+  parser.add_argument('-s', '--sub-directory', required = True,
+      help = 'The sub-directory where the files of the current experiment should be stored. Please specify a directory name with a name describing your experiment.')
+  parser.add_argument('-p', '--preprocessor',
+      help = "The preprocessing to be used (will overwrite the 'preprocessor' in the configuration file)")
+  parser.add_argument('-e', '--extractor',
+      help = "The features to be extracted (will overwrite the 'extractor' in the configuration file)")
+  parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithm',
+      help = "The recognition algorithms to be employed (will overwrite the 'algorithm' in the configuration file)")
+  parser.add_argument('-g', '--grid',
+      help = 'The SGE grid configuration')
+  parser.add_argument('-l', '--parallel', type=int,
+      help = 'Run the algorithms in parallel on the local machine, using the given number of parallel threads')
+  parser.add_argument('-L', '--gridtk-database-split-level', type=int, default=-1,
+      help = 'Split the gridtk databases after the following level -1 - never split; 0 - preprocess; 1 - extract; 2 -- project; 3 -- enroll; 4 -- score;')
+  parser.add_argument('-x', '--executable',
+      help = '(optional) The executable to be executed instead of facereclib/script/faceverify.py (taken *always* from the facereclib, not from the bin directory)')
+  parser.add_argument('-R', '--result-directory', default = os.path.join("/idiap/user", os.environ["USER"]),
+      help = 'The directory where to write the resulting score files to.')
+  parser.add_argument('-T', '--temp-directory', default = os.path.join("/idiap/temp", os.environ["USER"]),
+      help = 'The directory where to write temporary files into.')
+  parser.add_argument('-i', '--preprocessed-directory',
+      help = '(optional) The directory where to read the already preprocessed data from (no preprocessing is performed in this case).')
+  parser.add_argument('-G', '--gridtk-database-directory', default = 'grid_db',
+      help = 'Directory where the submitted.sql3 files should be written into (will create sub-directories on need)')
+  parser.add_argument('-w', '--write-commands',
+      help = '(optional) The file name where to write the calls into (will not write the dependencies, though)')
+  parser.add_argument('-q', '--dry-run', action='store_true',
+      help = 'Just write the commands to console and mimic dependencies, but do not execute the commands')
+  parser.add_argument('-j', '--skip-when-existent', action='store_true',
+      help = 'Skip the submission/execution of jobs when the result directory already exists')
+  parser.add_argument('-N', '--replace-variable',
+      help = 'Use the given variable instead of the "replace" keyword in the configuration file')
+  parser.add_argument('parameters', nargs = argparse.REMAINDER,
+      help = "Parameters directly passed to the face verify script. Use -- to separate this parameters from the parameters of this script. See 'bin/verify.py --help' for a complete list of options.")
+  bob.core.log.add_command_line_option(parser)
+  global args
+  args = parser.parse_args(command_line_parameters)
+  bob.core.log.set_verbosity_level(logger, args.verbose)
+  if args.executable:
+    global verify
+    verify = __import__('importlib').import_module(args.executable)
+def extract_values(replacements, indices):
+  """Extracts the value dictionary from the given dictionary of replacements"""
+  extracted_values = {}
+  for place_holder in replacements.keys():
+    # get all occurrences of the place holder key
+    parts = place_holder.split(place_holder_key)
+    # only one part -> no place holder key found -> no strings to be extracted
+    if len(parts) == 1:
+      continue
+    keys = [part[:1] for part in parts[1:]]
+    value_index = indices[place_holder]
+    entries = replacements[place_holder]
+    entry_key = sorted(entries.keys())[value_index]
+    # check that the keys are unique
+    for key in keys:
+      if key in extracted_values:
+        raise ValueError("The replacement key '%s' was defined multiple times. Please use each key only once."%key)
+    # extract values
+    if len(keys) == 1:
+      extracted_values[keys[0]] = entries[entry_key]
+    else:
+      for i in range(len(keys)):
+        extracted_values[keys[i]] = entries[entry_key][i]
+  return extracted_values
+def replace(string, replacements):
+  """Replaces the place holders in the given string with the according values from the values dictionary."""
+  # get all occurrences of the place holder key
+  parts = string.split(place_holder_key)
+  # only one part -> no place holder key found -> return the whole string
+  if len(parts) == 1:
+    return string
+  keys = [part[:1] for part in parts[1:]]
+  retval = parts[0]
+  for i in range(0, len(keys)):
+    # replace the place holder by the desired string and add the remaining of the command
+    retval += str(replacements[keys[i]]) + str(parts[i+1][1:])
+  return retval
+def create_command_line(replacements):
+  """Creates the parameters for the function call that will be given to the faceverify script."""
+  # get the values to be replaced with
+  values = {}
+  for key in configuration.replace:
+    values.update(extract_values(configuration.replace[key], replacements))
+  # replace the place holders with the values
+  call = [sys.argv[0], '--database', args.database]
+  if args.protocol:
+    call += ['--protocol', args.protocol]
+  call += ['--temp-directory', args.temp_directory, '--result-directory', args.result_directory]
+  return call + [
+      '--preprocessor', replace(configuration.preprocessor, values),
+      '--extractor', replace(configuration.extractor, values),
+      '--algorithm', replace(configuration.algorithm, values),
+      '--imports'
+  ] + configuration.imports
+# Parts that could be skipped when the dependecies are on the indexed level
+skips = [[''],
+         ['--skip-preprocessing'],
+         ['--skip-extractor-training', '--skip-extraction'],
+         ['--skip-projector-training', '--skip-projection'],
+         ['--skip-enroller-training', '--skip-enrollment']
+        ]
+# The keywords to parse the job ids to get the according dependencies right
+dependency_keys  = ['DUMMY', 'preprocess', 'extract', 'project', 'enroll']
+def directory_parameters(directories):
+  """This function generates the faceverify parameters that define the directories, where the data is stored.
+  The directories are set such that data is reused whenever possible, but disjoint if needed."""
+  def _join_dirs(index, subdir):
+    # collect sub-directories
+    dirs = []
+    for i in range(index+1):
+      dirs += directories[steps[i]]
+    if not dirs:
+      return subdir
+    else:
+      dir = dirs[0]
+      for d in dirs[1:]:
+        dir = os.path.join(dir, d)
+      return os.path.join(dir, subdir)
+  global args
+  parameters = []
+  # add directory parameters
+  # - preprocessing
+  if args.preprocessed_directory:
+    parameters += ['--preprocessed-directory', os.path.join(args.preprocessed_directory, _join_dirs(0, 'preprocessed'))] + skips[1]
+  else:
+    parameters += ['--preprocessed-directory', _join_dirs(0, 'preprocessed')]
+  # - feature extraction
+  parameters += ['--extracted-directory', _join_dirs(1, 'extracted'), '--extractor-file', _join_dirs(1, 'Extractor.hdf5')]
+  # - feature projection
+  parameters += ['--projected-directory', _join_dirs(2, 'projected'), '--projector-file', _join_dirs(2, 'Projector.hdf5')]
+  # - model enrollment
+  parameters += ['--model-directories', _join_dirs(3, 'N-Models'), _join_dirs(3, 'T-Models'), '--enroller-file', _join_dirs(3, 'Enroller.hdf5')]
+  # the sub-dorectory, given on command line
+  parameters += ['--sub-directory', args.sub_directory]
+  global score_directories
+  score_directories.append(_join_dirs(4, '.'))
+  # grid database
+  if args.grid is not None or args.parallel is not None:
+    # we get one database per preprocessing job (all others might have job inter-dependencies)
+    parameters += ['--gridtk-database-file', os.path.join(args.gridtk_database_directory, _join_dirs(args.gridtk_database_split_level, 'submitted.sql3'))]
+  return parameters
+def check_requirements(replacements):
+  # check if the requirement are met
+  global configuration
+  values = {}
+  for key in configuration.replace:
+    values.update(extract_values(configuration.replace[key], replacements))
+  for requirement in configuration.requirements:
+    test = replace(requirement, values)
+    while not isinstance(test, bool):
+      test = eval(test)
+    if not test:
+      return False
+  return True
+def execute_dependent_task(command_line, directories, dependency_level):
+  # add other command line arguments
+  if args.grid:
+    command_line += ['--grid', args.grid, '--stop-on-failure']
+  if args.parallel:
+    command_line += ['--grid', 'bob.bio.base.grid.Grid("local", number_of_parallel_processes=%d)' % args.parallel, '--run-local-scheduler', '--stop-on-failure']
+  if args.verbose:
+    command_line += ['-' + 'v'*args.verbose]
+  # create directory parameters
+  command_line += directory_parameters(directories)
+  # add skip parameters according to the dependency level
+  for i in range(1, dependency_level+1):
+    command_line += skips[i]
+  if args.parameters is not None:
+    command_line += args.parameters[1:]
+  # write the command to file?
+  if args.write_commands:
+    index = command_line.index('--gridtk-database-file')
+    command_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(command_line[index+1]), args.write_commands)
+    bob.io.base.create_directories_safe(os.path.dirname(command_file))
+    with open(command_file, 'w') as f:
+      f.write('bin/verify.py ')
+      for p in command_line[1:]:
+        f.write(p + ' ')
+      f.close()
+    logger.info("Wrote command line into file '%s'", command_file)
+  # extract dependencies
+  global job_ids
+  dependencies = []
+  for k in sorted(job_ids.keys()):
+    for i in range(1, dependency_level+1):
+      if k.find(dependency_keys[i]) != -1:
+        dependencies.append(job_ids[k])
+  # add dependencies
+  if dependencies:
+    command_line += ['--external-dependencies'] + [str(d) for d in dependencies]
+  # execute the command
+  new_job_ids = {}
+  try:
+    verif_args = verify.parse_arguments(command_line[1:])
+    result_dir = os.path.join(verif_args.result_directory, verif_args.sub_directory)
+    if not args.skip_when_existent or not os.path.exists(result_dir):
+      # get the command line parameter for the result directory
+      if args.dry_run:
+        if args.verbose:
+          print ("Would have executed job", utils.command_line(command_line))
+      else:
+        # execute the face verification experiment
+        global fake_job_id
+        new_job_ids = verify.verify(verif_args, command_line, external_fake_job_id = fake_job_id)
+    else:
+      logger.info("Skipping execution of %s since result directory '%s' already exists", utils.command_line(command_line), result_dir)
+  except Exception as e:
+    logger.error("The execution of job was rejected!\n%s\n Reason:\n%s", " ".join(command_line), e)
+  # some statistics
+  global job_count, task_count
+  job_count += len(new_job_ids)
+  task_count += 1
+  fake_job_id += 100
+  job_ids.update(new_job_ids)
+def create_recursive(replace_dict, step_index, directories, dependency_level, keys=[]):
+  """Iterates through all the keywords and replaces all place holders with all keywords in a defined order."""
+  # check if we are at the lowest level
+  if step_index == len(steps):
+    # create a call and execute it
+    if check_requirements(replace_dict):
+      execute_dependent_task(create_command_line(replace_dict), directories, dependency_level)
+  else:
+    if steps[step_index] not in directories:
+      directories[steps[step_index]] = []
+    # we are at another level
+    if steps[step_index] not in configuration.replace.keys():
+      # nothing to be replaced here, so just go to the next level
+      create_recursive(replace_dict, step_index+1, directories, dependency_level)
+    else:
+      # iterate through the keys
+      if keys == []:
+        # call this function recursively by defining the set of keys that we need
+        create_recursive(replace_dict, step_index, directories, dependency_level, keys = sorted(configuration.replace[steps[step_index]].keys()))
+      else:
+        # create a deep copy of the replacement dict to be able to modify it
+        replace_dict_copy = copy.deepcopy(replace_dict)
+        directories_copy = copy.deepcopy(directories)
+        # iterate over all replacements for the first of the keys
+        key = keys[0]
+        replacement_directories = sorted(configuration.replace[steps[step_index]][key])
+        directories_copy[steps[step_index]].append("")
+        new_dependency_level = dependency_level
+        for replacement_index in range(len(replacement_directories)):
+          # increase the counter of the current replacement
+          replace_dict_copy[key] = replacement_index
+          directories_copy[steps[step_index]][-1] = replacement_directories[replacement_index]
+          # call the function recursively
+          if len(keys) == 1:
+            # we have to go to the next level
+            create_recursive(replace_dict_copy, step_index+1, directories_copy, new_dependency_level)
+          else:
+            # we have to subtract the keys
+            create_recursive(replace_dict_copy, step_index, directories_copy, new_dependency_level, keys = keys[1:])
+          new_dependency_level = step_index
+def main(command_line_parameters = sys.argv):
+  """Main entry point for the parameter test. Try --help to see the parameters that can be specified."""
+  global task_count, job_count, job_ids, score_directories
+  job_count = 0
+  task_count = 0
+  job_ids = {}
+  score_directories = []
+  command_line_options(command_line_parameters[1:])
+  global configuration, place_holder_key
+  configuration = utils.read_config_file(args.configuration_file)
+  place_holder_key = args.place_holder_key
+  if args.preprocessor:
+    configuration.preprocessor = args.preprocessor
+  if args.extractor:
+    configuration.extractor = args.extractor
+  if args.algorithm:
+    configuration.algorithm = args.algorithm
+  if args.replace_variable is not None:
+    exec("configuration.replace = configuration.%s" % args.replace_variable)
+  for attribute in ('preprocessor', 'extractor', 'algorithm'):
+    if not hasattr(configuration, attribute):
+      raise ValueError("The given configuration file '%s' does not contain the required attribute '%s', and it was not given on command line either" %(args.configuration_file, attribute))
+  # extract the dictionary of replacements from the configuration
+  if not hasattr(configuration, 'replace'):
+    raise ValueError("Please define a set of replacements using the 'replace' keyword.")
+  if not hasattr(configuration, 'imports'):
+    configuration.imports = ['bob.bio.base']
+    logger.info("No 'imports' specified in configuration file '%s' -> using default %s", args.configuration_file, configuration.imports)
+  if not hasattr(configuration, 'requirements'):
+    configuration.requirements = []
+  replace_dict = {}
+  for step, replacements in configuration.replace.items():
+    for key in replacements.keys():
+      if key in replace_dict:
+        raise ValueError("The replacement key '%s' was defined multiple times. Please use each key only once.")
+      # we always start with index 0.
+      replace_dict[key] = 0
+  # now, iterate through the list of replacements and create the according calls
+  create_recursive(replace_dict, step_index = 0, directories = {}, dependency_level = 0)
+  # finally, write some information about the
+  logger.info("The number of executed tasks is: %d, which are split up into %d jobs that are executed in the grid" %(task_count, job_count))
+  return score_directories
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/script/verify.py b/bob/bio/base/script/verify.py
index 41f90e4002bfb7abc443c58cce632e559f6c3b77..a699f13d685605790f478aede29354f8c6c2594d 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/script/verify.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/script/verify.py
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ def verify(args, command_line_parameters, external_fake_job_id = 0):
     return {}
     # add jobs
-    submitter = tools.GridSubmission(args, command_line_parameters, first_fake_job_id = 0) if args.grid else None
+    submitter = tools.GridSubmission(args, command_line_parameters, first_fake_job_id = external_fake_job_id) if args.grid else None
     retval = add_jobs(args, submitter)
     tools.write_info(args, command_line_parameters)
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/algorithm.py b/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/algorithm.py
index 61c874b25a626112706eef9051abfcdb6f3a45b2..d1d25d487ea756a2ead758fabd266cb64853cd0a 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/algorithm.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/algorithm.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ _data = [5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]
 class DummyAlgorithm (Algorithm):
   """This class is used to test all the possible functions of the tool chain, but it does basically nothing."""
-  def __init__(self):
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     """Generates a test value that is read and written"""
     # call base class constructor registering that this tool performs everything.
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/extractor.py b/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/extractor.py
index 0b95e046717a087fa4bb897b161340a1dff42541..a3aaf6f7ea04347393db8cbc8efd1dac95e98000 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/extractor.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/extractor.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from bob.bio.base.extractor import Extractor
 _data = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]
 class DummyExtractor (Extractor):
-  def __init__(self):
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     Extractor.__init__(self, requires_training=True)
     self.model = False
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/grid_search.py b/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/grid_search.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76f8e9a2eb5fddf6473e369bb6b658f06a5517f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/grid_search.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# This file describes an exemplary configuration file that can be used in combination with the bin/parameter_test.py script.
+# The preprocessor uses two fake parameters, which are called #1 and #4
+preprocessor = "bob.bio.base.test.dummy.preprocessor.DummyPreprocessor(fake_parameter=#1, other_parameters=#4)"
+# The extractor uses the **default** 'dummy' option, which is registered as a resource
+extractor = "dummy"
+# The algorithm uses two fake parameters, which are called #2 and #3
+algorithm = "bob.bio.base.test.dummy.algorithm.DummyAlgorithm(fake_distance_function=#2, is_distance_function=#3)"
+# Here, we define, which placeholder keys (#.) should be replaces by which values in which stage of the processing toolchain
+replace = {
+    # For preprocessing, select two independent dummy parameters
+    'preprocess' : {
+        # Fake parameter to be selected for placeholder #1
+        "#1" : {
+            'P1' : 10,
+            'P2' : 20,
+        },
+        # fake parameter to be selected for placeholder #4
+        "#4" : {
+            'F1' : 15,
+            'F2' : 30
+        }
+    },
+    # For scoring, select two dependent dummy parameters
+    'score' : {
+        # Replace placeholders #2 and #3 **at the same time**
+        "(#2, #3)" : {
+            # For distance_function = 'bob.math.histogram_intersection' and is_distance_function = False, place result in sub-directory 'D1'
+            'S1' : ('bob.math.histogram_intersection', 'False'),
+            # For distance_function = 'bob.math.chi_square' and is_distance_function = True, place result in sub-directory 'D2'
+            'S2' : ('bob.math.chi_square', 'True')
+        }
+    }
+# An optional list of requirements
+# If these requirements are not fulfilled for the current values of #1 and #4, these experiments will not be executed.
+requirements = ["2*#1 > #4"]
+# A list of imports that are required to use the defined preprocessor, extractor and algorithm from above
+imports = ['bob.math', 'bob.bio.base.test.dummy']
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/preprocessor.py b/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/preprocessor.py
index 2770e2fe37fcb66053da2eba02cca3bc1ad71b27..9584d9fd34562decdb63e9d058105200a8dee1f5 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/preprocessor.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/test/dummy/preprocessor.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from bob.bio.base.preprocessor import Preprocessor
 class DummyPreprocessor (Preprocessor):
-  def __init__(self):
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
   def __call__(self, data, annotation):
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/test/test_scripts.py b/bob/bio/base/test/test_scripts.py
index 05d8feb23ade7c136eb60766eb907480a2d2cbf7..cb5acba33fba78da2fa690aa5e1bd297db0952b5 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/test/test_scripts.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/test/test_scripts.py
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def test_verify_parallel():
       '-s', 'test_parallel',
       '--temp-directory', test_dir,
       '--result-directory', test_dir,
-      '-g', 'bob.bio.base.grid.Grid(grid = "local", number_of_parallel_processes = 2, scheduler_sleep_time = 0.1)', '-G', test_database, '--run-local-scheduler', '-R',
+      '-g', 'bob.bio.base.grid.Grid(grid = "local", number_of_parallel_processes = 2, scheduler_sleep_time = 0.1)', '-G', test_database, '--run-local-scheduler', '--stop-on-failure',
       '--import', 'bob.io.image'
@@ -279,31 +279,10 @@ def test_evaluate():
-def test11_baselines_api(self):
-  self.grid_available()
-  # test that all of the baselines would execute
-  from facereclib.script.baselines import available_databases, all_algorithms, main
-  for database in available_databases:
-    parameters = [sys.argv[0], '-d', database, '--dry-run']
-    main(parameters)
-    parameters.append('-g')
-    main(parameters)
-    parameters.extend(['-e', 'HTER'])
-    main(parameters)
-  for algorithm in all_algorithms:
-    parameters = [sys.argv[0], '-a', algorithm, '--dry-run']
-    main(parameters)
-    parameters.append('-g')
-    main(parameters)
-    parameters.extend(['-e', 'HTER'])
-    main(parameters)
 def test16_collect_results(self):
   # simply test that the collect_results script works
   test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='bobtest_')
@@ -311,52 +290,75 @@ def test16_collect_results(self):
   main(['--directory', test_dir, '--sort', '--sort-key', 'dir', '--criterion', 'FAR', '--self-test'])
-def test21_parameter_script(self):
-  self.grid_available()
+def test_grid_search():
   test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='bobtest_')
   # tests that the parameter_test.py script works properly
-  # first test without grid option
-  parameters = [
-      sys.argv[0],
-      '-c', os.path.join(base_dir, 'scripts', 'parameter_Test.py'),
-      '-d', os.path.join(base_dir, 'scripts', 'atnt_Test.py'),
-      '-f', 'lgbphs',
-      '-b', 'test_p',
-      '-s', '.',
-      '-T', test_dir,
-      '-R', test_dir,
-      '--', '--dry-run',
-  ]
-  from facereclib.script.parameter_test import main
-  main(parameters)
+  try:
+    # first test without grid option
+    parameters = [
+        sys.argv[0],
+        '-c', os.path.join(dummy_dir, 'grid_search.py'),
+        '-d', 'dummy',
+        '-e', 'dummy',
+        '-s', 'test_grid_search',
+        '-T', test_dir,
+        '-R', test_dir,
+        '--', '--dry-run',
+    ]
+    from bob.bio.base.script.grid_search import main
+    main(parameters)
-  # number of jobs should be 12
-  self.assertEqual(facereclib.script.parameter_test.task_count, 12)
-  # but no job in the grid
-  self.assertEqual(facereclib.script.parameter_test.job_count, 0)
+    # number of jobs should be 12
+    assert bob.bio.base.script.grid_search.task_count == 6
+    # but no job in the grid
+    assert bob.bio.base.script.grid_search.job_count == 0
+    # now, in the grid...
+    parameters = [
+        sys.argv[0],
+        '-c', os.path.join(dummy_dir, 'grid_search.py'),
+        '-d', 'dummy',
+        '-s', 'test_grid_search',
+        '-i', '.',
+        '-G', test_dir,
+        '-T', test_dir,
+        '-R', test_dir,
+        '-w', 'Job.txt',
+        '-g', 'grid',
+        '--', '--dry-run',
+    ]
+    main(parameters)
-  # now, in the grid...
-  parameters = [
-      sys.argv[0],
-      '-c', os.path.join(base_dir, 'scripts', 'parameter_Test.py'),
-      '-d', os.path.join(base_dir, 'scripts', 'atnt_Test.py'),
-      '-f', 'lgbphs',
-      '-b', 'test_p',
-      '-i', '.',
-      '-s', '.',
-      '-T', test_dir,
-      '-R', test_dir,
-      '-g', 'grid',
-      '--', '--dry-run',
-  ]
-  main(parameters)
+    # number of jobs should be 12
+    assert bob.bio.base.script.grid_search.task_count == 6
+    # number of jobs in the grid: 36 (including best possible re-use of files; minus preprocessing)
+    assert bob.bio.base.script.grid_search.job_count == 30
+    # and now, finally run locally
+    parameters = [
+        sys.argv[0],
+        '-c', os.path.join(dummy_dir, 'grid_search.py'),
+        '-d', 'dummy',
+        '-s', 'test_grid_search',
+        '-G', test_dir,
+        '-T', test_dir,
+        '-R', test_dir,
+        '-w', 'Job.txt',
+        '-l', '4', '-L', '-1', '-vv',
+        '--', '--imports', 'bob.io.image',
+        '--dry-run'
+    ]
+    main(parameters)
-  # number of jobs should be 12
-  self.assertEqual(facereclib.script.parameter_test.task_count, 12)
-  # number of jobs in the grid: 36 (including best possible re-use of files; minus preprocessing)
-  self.assertEqual(facereclib.script.parameter_test.job_count, 36)
+    # number of jobs should be 12
+    assert bob.bio.base.script.grid_search.task_count == 6
+    # number of jobs in the grid: 36 (including best possible re-use of files; minus preprocessing)
+    assert bob.bio.base.script.grid_search.job_count == 0
-  shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
+  finally:
+    shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/tools/command_line.py b/bob/bio/base/tools/command_line.py
index d39d91d0a89530af5a50b494e695806f3871bd66..b2da327edcea91e476037c8f16df50936aece3f1 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/tools/command_line.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/tools/command_line.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def command_line_parser(description=__doc__, exclude_resources_from=[]):
   dir_group = parser.add_argument_group('\nDirectories that can be changed according to your requirements')
   dir_group.add_argument('-T', '--temp-directory', metavar = 'DIR',
       help = 'The directory for temporary files, default is: %s.' % temp)
-  dir_group.add_argument('-U', '--result-directory', metavar = 'DIR',
+  dir_group.add_argument('-R', '--result-directory', metavar = 'DIR',
       help = 'The directory for resulting score files, default is: %s.' % results)
   file_group = parser.add_argument_group('\nName (maybe including a path relative to the --temp-directory, if not specified otherwise) of files that will be generated. Note that not all files will be used by all algorithms')
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def command_line_parser(description=__doc__, exclude_resources_from=[]):
       help = 'Name of the file to write the feature projector into.')
   file_group.add_argument('--enroller-file' , metavar = 'FILE', default = 'Enroller.hdf5',
       help = 'Name of the file to write the model enroller into.')
-  file_group.add_argument('-G', '--gridtk-db-file', metavar = 'FILE', default = 'submitted.sql3',
+  file_group.add_argument('-G', '--gridtk-database-file', metavar = 'FILE', default = 'submitted.sql3',
       help = 'The database file in which the submitted jobs will be written; relative to the current directory (only valid with the --grid option).')
   file_group.add_argument('--experiment-info-file', metavar = 'FILE', default = 'Experiment.info',
       help = 'The file where the configuration of all parts of the experiments are written; relative to te --result-directory.')
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def command_line_parser(description=__doc__, exclude_resources_from=[]):
       help = 'Name of the directory (relative to --result-directory) where to write the results to')
   sub_dir_group.add_argument('--zt-directories', metavar = 'DIR', nargs = 5, default = ['zt_norm_A', 'zt_norm_B', 'zt_norm_C', 'zt_norm_D', 'zt_norm_D_sameValue'],
       help = 'Name of the directories (of --temp-directory) where to write the ZT-norm values; only used with --zt-norm')
-  sub_dir_group.add_argument('--grid-log-directory', metavar = 'DIR', default = 'grid_tk_logs',
+  sub_dir_group.add_argument('--grid-log-directory', metavar = 'DIR', default = 'gridtk_logs',
       help = 'Name of the directory (relative to --temp-directory) where to log files are written; only used with --grid')
   flag_group = parser.add_argument_group('\nFlags that change the behavior of the experiment')
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ def command_line_parser(description=__doc__, exclude_resources_from=[]):
       help = 'Force to erase former data if already exist')
   flag_group.add_argument('-Z', '--write-compressed-score-files', action='store_true',
       help = 'Writes score files which are compressed with tar.bz2.')
-  flag_group.add_argument('-R', '--delete-dependent-jobs-on-failure', action='store_true',
-      help = 'Try to recursively delete the dependent jobs from the SGE grid queue, when a job failed')
+  flag_group.add_argument('-S', '--stop-on-failure', action='store_true',
+      help = 'Try to recursively stop the dependent jobs from the SGE grid queue, when a job failed')
   flag_group.add_argument('-X', '--external-dependencies', type=int, default = [], nargs='+',
       help = 'The jobs submitted to the grid have dependencies on the given job ids.')
   flag_group.add_argument('-D', '--timer', choices=('real', 'system', 'user'), nargs = '*',
@@ -182,6 +182,45 @@ def initialize(parsers, command_line_parameters = None, skips = []):
   enroller_sub_dir = protocol if args.database.training_depends_on_protocol and args.algorithm.requires_enroller_training else projector_sub_dir
   model_sub_dir = protocol if args.database.models_depend_on_protocol else enroller_sub_dir
+  # IDIAP-Private directories, which should be automatically replaced
+  if is_idiap:
+    images = {
+      'ARFACE'      : "/idiap/resource/database/AR_Face/images",
+      'ATNT'        : "/idiap/group/biometric/databases/orl",
+      'BANCA'       : "/idiap/group/biometric/databases/banca/english/images/images",
+      'CAS-PEAL'    : "/idiap/resource/database/CAS-PEAL",
+      'FRGC'        : "/idiap/resource/database/frgc/FRGC-2.0-dist",
+      'MBGC-V1'     : "/idiap/resource/database/MBGC-V1",
+      'LFW'         : "/idiap/resource/database/lfw/all_images_aligned_with_funneling",
+      'MOBIO_IMAGE' : "/idiap/resource/database/mobio/IMAGES_PNG",
+      'MULTI-PIE_IMAGE' : "/idiap/resource/database/Multi-Pie/data",
+      'SC_FACE'     : "/idiap/group/biometric/databases/scface/images",
+      'XM2VTS'      : "/idiap/resource/database/xm2vtsdb/images",
+    }
+    annotations = {
+      'MOBIO_ANNOTATION'     : "/idiap/resource/database/mobio/IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS",
+      'MULTI-PIE_ANNOTATION' : "/idiap/group/biometric/annotations/multipie",
+    }
+    try:
+      for d in images:
+        if args.database.original_directory == "[YOUR_%s_DIRECTORY]" % d:
+          args.database.original_directory = images[d]
+          args.database.database.original_directory = images[d]
+    except AttributeError:
+      pass
+    try:
+      for d in annotations:
+        if args.database.annotation_directory == "[YOUR_%s_DIRECTORY]" % d:
+          args.database.annotation_directory = annotations[d]
+          args.database.database.annotation_directory = annotations[d]
+    except AttributeError:
+      pass
   # initialize the file selector
     database = args.database,
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/tools/grid.py b/bob/bio/base/tools/grid.py
index 8a803378977fb6c0048746f18bee323bf78fac25..2eaf27ca598bfd790e3bb4060e3503d88f14894c 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/tools/grid.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/tools/grid.py
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class GridSubmission:
     # setup logger
     bob.core.log.set_verbosity_level(bob.core.log.setup("gridtk"), args.verbose)
     Manager = gridtk.local.JobManagerLocal if args.grid.is_local() else gridtk.sge.JobManagerSGE
-    self.job_manager = Manager(database = args.gridtk_db_file, wrapper_script=jman)
+    self.job_manager = Manager(database = args.gridtk_database_file, wrapper_script=jman)
     self.submitted_job_ids = []
   def submit(self, command, number_of_parallel_jobs = 1, dependencies=[], name = None, **kwargs):
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class GridSubmission:
           array = array,
           dependencies = dependencies,
           log_dir = log_dir,
-          stop_on_failure = self.args.delete_dependent_jobs_on_failure,
+          stop_on_failure = self.args.stop_on_failure,
       logger.info("submitted: job '%s' with id '%d' and dependencies '%s'" % (name, job_id, dependencies))
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/tools/scoring.py b/bob/bio/base/tools/scoring.py
index d14cb4fecf5db794eefb20b51875d7e5b5a6b762..06aecdbd136275da31a78c6240a48c61e368c5a1 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/tools/scoring.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/tools/scoring.py
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def _scores_a(algorithm, model_ids, group, compute_zt_norm, force, write_compres
       current_probe_objects = fs.probe_objects_for_model(model_id, group)
       model = algorithm.read_model(fs.model_file(model_id, group))
       # get the probe files
-      current_probe_files = fs.get_paths(current_probe_objects, 'projected' if algorithm.performs_projection else 'features')
+      current_probe_files = fs.get_paths(current_probe_objects, 'projected' if algorithm.performs_projection else 'extracted')
       # compute scores
       a = _scores(algorithm, model, current_probe_files)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ def _scores_b(algorithm, model_ids, group, force):
   # probe files:
   z_probe_objects = fs.z_probe_objects(group)
-  z_probe_files = fs.get_paths(z_probe_objects, 'projected' if algorithm.performs_projection else 'features')
+  z_probe_files = fs.get_paths(z_probe_objects, 'projected' if algorithm.performs_projection else 'extracted')
   logger.info("- Scoring: computing score matrix B for group '%s'", group)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index b133a06913a4d7c4aa9a495eaa8aca30369349db..95a244d32826b17b629ace4736f8e5b0138a6635 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ setup(
         'verify.py         = bob.bio.base.script.verify:main',
         'resources.py      = bob.bio.base.script.resources:main',
         'evaluate.py       = bob.bio.base.script.evaluate:main',
+        'grid_search.py    = bob.bio.base.script.grid_search:main',
       'bob.bio.database': [